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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

There we are!

Yes it has been a long time! But Adept hired me help run the game! So I blew the Avengers Assemble whistle.
Yeah, Joe told me to give it a shot. I promised you guys I would. The game's still young. But I'm hoping you guys like my character. To be honest, I didn't think about fleshing him out with his backstory but I was told I could eventually. Dunno what I'll even do. I just wrote some interesting spiel.
Yeah, Joe told me to give it a shot. I promised you guys I would. The game's still young. But I'm hoping you guys like my character. To be honest, I didn't think about fleshing him out with his backstory but I was told I could eventually. Dunno what I'll even do. I just wrote some interesting spiel.

Well, we are glad to have you! Rhyss to of course. I like your character. I like all the characters so far. It's quite the interesting crew. And don't worry. If the game continues you'll have time. Other then that I hope you've been well.
I've been well. Busy with pharmacy working but I hope that you've been good as well! You and the rest of the gang!
I've been well. Busy with pharmacy working but I hope that you've been good as well! You and the rest of the gang!

OOooh a pharmacy is fancy! And yeah, I've been good. Mostly just working, writing, and deciding what to do next. For a side project, I'm fairly surprised at the turnout the game got. Very pleasing!
Also, I promise I'm not an extremely violent person in real life. And Kotsu is usually calm, but when he's in battle, his instincts take over. It's due to him having to compensate for not really have someone to teach him how to be a vampire at his level of power. Like a young Kratos, he's just full of rage and violence. Lol

Exzalia Exzalia Kinggunlucky Kinggunlucky
Also, I promise I'm not an extremely violent person in real life. And Kotsu is usually calm, but when he's in battle, his instincts take over. It's due to him having to compensate for not really have someone to teach him how to be a vampire at his level of power. Like a young Kratos, he's just full of rage and violence. Lol

Exzalia Exzalia Kinggunlucky Kinggunlucky
I don't know how u guys do it, but when I used to rp with king we just shit post each other all the time. XD don't take it seriously I'm not actually critiquing your posts.

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