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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

I don't know how u guys do it, but when I used to rp with king we just shit post each other all the time. XD don't take it seriously I'm not actually critiquing your posts.

It's all good, dude. I just wanted to get that outta the way before someone says I need therapy. LOL
Look, Kotsu's fine. I mean he's a raging madman and wiling big, but what about Camille? Like the worst nightmare ever for any man. Elitist personality. Full of murder lust. Constantly on the rag.

Daria and Quentin, however, are saints. The precious cinnabuns.

AbatedBigfoot AbatedBigfoot Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Like I said, I'm hoping Kotsu grows on her. Teaches her how to not be so much of a bitch all the time. Lol. Maybe even appreciate humans to some degree. After all, it seems she thinks that Kotsu takes being undead for granted when that's not further from the truth.
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Damn I'm bad with names. I better study the character sheet list for a minute

Leaders - Denton, Morgan
Humans or enhanced humans - John Morgan, Edison, Vivian, Samantha, Brick (although haven't posted yet,)
Mages - Owl, Quentin, Amatsa,
Vampires - Aria, Kotsu, and Camille

I may have missed some. Big group.
Well, sadly, Kotsu lost everything and has nothing left to lose. He doesn't have any limits because of that. He's reckless and dumb. But has fun doin' it. LOL
Well, sadly, Kotsu lost everything and has nothing left to lose. He doesn't have any limits because of that. He's reckless and dumb. But has fun doin' it. LOL
Owl "So he doesn't have any secrets then? We shall see about that."
Well, the only secrets he has is that he misses his family and is severely depressed. Kotsu's only secret is that he's trailing his backstory interest in his spare time when he's not drinking poisons to go to sleep. LOL
kinda want to wait for sam to do something before I post again but I don't think florida man is going to be on for a while

We should get this out of the way now. Ya know? It'll come up eventually. We should all focus on character and character development, BUT...who's the baddest mother on the team? The meanest right hook? The toughest?

Okay? One vote for Camille.

Next one! It's one I'm sure that will be asked and is a high concern for everyone. Who's getting the most boo-tay?

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