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Realistic or Modern 24 Hours [OOC]

I've finished mine as well. It's very cringe. 😂 I promise I roleplay better than my bio probably implies. I love being dramatic.
Thanks! I'll try and get an intro up either tonight or tomorrow. Also, apologies for the coding, it still seems a bit wacky so I will probably replace or remove it eventually. Can't figure coding on this site out for nothing.
I'm also down to plan relationships! Or we can just play it by ear, I'm fine with that too XD

So, I've been doing some thinking!

Saturnah Saturnah
taliaangeni taliaangeni
deer deer
Kipsy Kipsy
Valkyriesm Valkyriesm
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Vespertine Vespertine

Nothing big, honestly, just trying to think of a way to get our characters together. Which, speaking of, if you're having trouble thinking of a way to start just let me know and we can try to come up with something! I know as of right now, my Lucy is open for interaction.

So, an idea I had:

-Basically our characters get forced to work together to stay alive/survive.

Sounds kinda cliche, sorry about that! But they could be running from someone bigger than themselves (a killer, robber, mugger, etc.) and there is safety in numbers. We could even have a criminal of sorts in our group, maybe someone who plans on betraying the others. What do yall think?

I'm super open to other ideas as well, including a big storyline or little ones, I don't care! Share away!
i think that’s a splendid idea !
for Lars, i was already thinking that whole bar fight scenario that got him locked into jail — well there was more to it ! he was practically framed and since he comes from old money and a wealthy family, there was a competitor in his world that wanted him out of their way — shady business folks, black market, etc etc

i believe Valk and i spoke about how her chara’s uncle became involved in the bar fight and he was part of the crossfire in which he was accidentally killed as well though Lars was blamed for the whole thing. plot twist is that the uncle is also a known businessman as well —

i think all of our characters have something special about them that could have them be targeted as well? and safety is definitely in numbers !

it’ll be cool if there was someone who did betray them but it was someone unexpected hmmmm,, but i’m down for that ! there could be a low key meet up spot that they all heard rumors about that could be a hide out and somehow all of them had the idea to go there?
side note: maybe it’s because i was in a rp with a few friends of mine and since she’s a gm and she brings in a lot of plot twist ....

but ,, i can never trust anything cute and innocent in rps like this anymore because that’s what got us killed and in danger even more during the story, omg.

that being said : Kipsy Kipsy , i don’t trust that kid 😂😂👀👀
i think all of our characters have something special about them that could have them be targeted as well?

ooh, that's a good idea. id have to think on what would make lucy special, though the first thing that comes to mind is something to do with her baby daddy. *cough* taliaangeni taliaangeni *cough* but idk yet!

there could be a low key meet up spot that they all heard rumors about that could be a hide out and somehow all of them had the idea to go there?

i was thinking there could def be a bunker or something they all heard of maybe, and tried to go there!
ooh, that's a good idea. id have to think on what would make lucy special, though the first thing that comes to mind is something to do with her baby daddy. *cough* taliaangeni taliaangeni *cough* but idk yet!

i was thinking there could def be a bunker or something they all heard of maybe, and tried to go there!
I'm down with that idea! Since Mac's whole thing is to murder the people that killed her family, maybe the person trying to kill everyone is one of those people? Therefore the only reason she bands together with everyone is because her secret goal is to get closer to that person and kill him?
sounds like a good plan to me !
maybe said person they're trying to find is in the same organization / same person somehow because person pulling string has more power maybe even more so than government? dun dun dun
sounds like a good plan to me !
maybe said person they're trying to find is in the same organization / same person somehow because person pulling string has more power maybe even more so than government? dun dun dun
Oooh yeah, that would be drama :D
Apologies for the late response, was under the weather yesterday and didn't get around to signing on. I'm open to anything! Was having trouble deciding where to start so this sounds like a neat way to get everyone together. I'm not entirely sure what would make Greg special in this scenario, so perhaps he's just the unlucky person who gets caught up in things despite not having much to do with it. :')
So someone in our group of people has more power than the government, and the government is trying to kill them? Or silence them at the very least? That person could totally be a NPC, or someones character, I don't mind either way!

Still need posts from the following people:
taliaangeni taliaangeni
deer deer
Saturnah Saturnah
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Vespertine Vespertine

No rush, just a gentle reminder!
So someone in our group of people has more power than the government, and the government is trying to kill them? Or silence them at the very least? That person could totally be a NPC, or someones character, I don't mind either way!

Still need posts from the following people:
taliaangeni taliaangeni
deer deer
Saturnah Saturnah
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Vespertine Vespertine

No rush, just a gentle reminder!
thank you for reminding lovely !
i'll try and get a post out asap ! < 3
I'll do my best to get an intro out tonight! I'm kind of stumped on how to start off so if anyone in particular is open to me tossing my boy your way lmk!
Vespertine Vespertine , i think currently the person who's open and about right now is apolla apolla 's character Lucy ?

Kipsy Kipsy 's chara is either just heading out their apartment or still inside ?

and Valkyriesm Valkyriesm 's charas is in the alleyway where there's going to be a misunderstanding between mine and her charas which includes her chart's npc

-- so either areas could work perhaps?
by the way, deer deer , Im not sure if i told you this but Kipsy Kipsy and i had planned to be neighbours and their apartments are on the same floor. So Song and that little girl might bump into us along the stairs later on.
Alrighty, I'll do my best to squeeze in somewhere. Some things came up tonight and I don't think I have it in me to write a post, but I'll get on it tomorrow God willing.
Greatest apologies, but I'm not going to be able to participate after all. I swear this happens every single time I try to join a roleplay and it's annoying as hell, but some stuff has come up recently and I'm just not in a great place emotionally so I don't think I can dedicate myself to this in good conscious. I've removed my bio so you don't have an inactive character clogging up space and I wish you all well. I hope to have the opportunity to roleplay with y'all at a better time. Take care!

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