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Realistic or Modern 24 Hours [OOC]

spookie spookie , perhaps you can meet up with JustAlexandra JustAlexandra or BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 or Funeral Funeral depending where you're thinking of placing your character?
I believe they're still open, or you can post anywhere with others too!

Kipsy Kipsy , hi hi, just tagging to see if you're still in? just haven't heard from you, is all !
Currently, my Girls are at a Storage Unit getting their car so they can go find a safe place to stay after locking down their house.
My Girls are open for interaction. If anyone is going to flag down their SUV, you are more then welcome to and I will work things out in my next post ;)
Haven't had any posts for a few days!

MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
I did see your post above about posting today. Thanks!

Kipsy Kipsy Valkyriesm Valkyriesm
I see that yall have only posted once; and I think you had scene with deer deer planned out? Are yall waiting on something, or still interested?

Saturnah Saturnah
I believe spookie spookie is waiting on you to post! And I think you are waiting for taliaangeni taliaangeni to post. (Which means TALI YOU NEED TO POST)

JustAlexandra JustAlexandra
You're waiting on BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 , right?

SexyStonerRoleplaygal SexyStonerRoleplaygal Funeral Funeral
Just doing an interest check, since you two posted once and aren't interacting with anyone. If you need help or someone to interact with, just ask!
Like deer deer , I’m still in, just waiting for Valkyriesm Valkyriesm to post not only due to the fact that I’ve had a block lately but because I’d like to have a bit more material to work with. If you’d like, though, I can probably force myself to pump out a reply. Have we heard anything from Valkyriesm?
Like deer deer , I’m still in, just waiting for Valkyriesm Valkyriesm to post not only due to the fact that I’ve had a block lately but because I’d like to have a bit more material to work with. If you’d like, though, I can probably force myself to pump out a reply. Have we heard anything from Valkyriesm?
I haven't heard from them since the 15th.
But, I made the scene where your character can probably see our characters if he's leaving the apartment since I believe Valkyriesm Valkyriesm noted that they live on the same floor of the apartment? And since there's a lot of blood coming from one of the girls both your character and NPC could probably help them get to the safe-haven area instead of this apartment?

I'm not sure if Valkyriesm Valkyriesm and I would have much to work with if the plan was to just get them through her character's apartment since in your post it made it seem like your character's leaving? And I think they told me your character was going to be involved so I'm not really sure.

I did PM them to tell them to go ahead and post though, but yee.
I'm gonna post now! I was just waiting to see if BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 was going to acknowledge my character (it was optional, as far as I was concerned) Sorry it took me so long to get back to it! I was a little busy this week :)
Valkyriesm Valkyriesm , Kipsy Kipsy
-- hey there ! i thought i'd give you guys a heads up and i'm going to probably go ahead and move Lars soon
most likely going to hand Evie her sister back and have Lars go ahead and head to the safe-haven somewhere or so.

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