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Fantasy Highland Academy OOC

Maybe it's like one of those specialized schools where they send pyromaniacs and budding psychopaths where it's more like a daycare that fulfills legal education requirements
Speaking of which do we still have standardized testing and junk in the year 23XX
So we really are just Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in every regard?
I mean isn't the Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants an accepted thing in this society going by the backstory
I guess they had better PR in this timeline since Magneto was pretty balls at it and maybe didn't call themselves evil
Bit odd if so. Zerohex Zerohex 's guy looks pretty cool. He has the blazing heart of a true hot-blooded warrior, AND repping PRIDE. Seems like fairly standard stuff?

Anywhoo I'mma mulling over potential ways to go about with Snakelass.
Really? What was the issue anyway his sheet looked comparatively pretty tame
If I recall we couldn't get a handle on him because all he wanted to do was martial arts, his power was unquantifiable cuz in theory it had no limits cuz it was fueled by passion or something and some other stuff. Idk I'm just the S-tier Assistant

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