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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(So what, how did it get the info about his existence and weaknesses?)
( okay the infinity tree is like a tree like time...there is outcomes which events can split from the main tree causing a different root or outcome, the reason they have this info is because dru has caused major ruckus in that past that effected route of the outcome so...Saniya reflections noted all a lot of info from dru...as well a few others while they don't put too much info down on people like dana cause she hasn't cause any serious change route in the outcome...In the end Saniya is extremely dangerous due to the infinity forest...but she has the same thing as chuck if you ally her you are going to have a powerful ally. uh... I might need help on a shorter summary if dru doesn't understand this.))
(It's more like a pool of water and the body is a bottle. You're thinking more so of Chakara and Chi) He took each strike with a grin. Y shook his head "You're going to regret this Dru... you're going to regret it." he said.
(so what happens if the body breaks or you put a cork in the neck of the bottle?)
"We shall see." Dru said as he backed away slowly keeping sure to avoid the attacks.
(so what happens if the body breaks or you put a cork in the neck of the bottle?)
"We shall see." Dru said as he backed away slowly keeping sure to avoid the attacks.
(There isn't a cork and you can't really make the bottle leak as spirit energy doesn't exist on the same plane of existence. It's transferred to the physical world and has the energy converted.) Joey then shot out some energy blasts at Dru. Hot as the sun.
( okay the infinity tree is like a tree like time...there is outcomes which events can split from the main tree causing a different root or outcome, the reason they have this info is because dru has caused major ruckus in that past that effected route of the outcome so...Saniya reflections noted all a lot of info from dru...as well a few others while they don't put too much info down on people like dana cause she hasn't cause any serious change route in the outcome...In the end Saniya is extremely dangerous due to the infinity forest...but she has the same thing as chuck if you ally her you are going to have a powerful ally. uh... I might need help on a shorter summary if dru doesn't understand this.))
(So you're saying that she has a forest that has a tree that noted Dru because he somehow changed time? And she has the same power as Chuck? There is a lot of holes her)
"yes." She said. "how do you know that?"
"My reflections explore a realm called the infinity forest which simulates the past, present, and future and we been keeping a eye on people like dru and few others. I saw you in a simulation of the present err... past? and I well I learned about your name and more." she said.
(So you're saying that she has a forest that has a tree that noted Dru because he somehow changed time? And she has the same power as Chuck? There is a lot of holes her)
(what no....she doesn't have the same power as chuck...I mean she can be a powerful ally... anyway the infinity forest is kinda ironic as there is literally no trees but it has to do with this quote- "An infinity of possible worlds, so perfectly simulated as to be indistinguishable from the experiences I once called “reality.” I can touch them, taste them, pass lifetimes in them! They grow within this machine like fruit upon a tree — no, a forest of trees, its fractal expansion nigh unmeasurable. (...) What an awful, destructive machine this is. I must know everything about it."))
(There isn't a cork and you can't really make the bottle leak as spirit energy doesn't exist on the same plane of existence. It's transferred to the physical world and has the energy converted.) Joey then shot out some energy blasts at Dru. Hot as the sun.
(ok but what about his body if it doesn't get out you know air?)
The beams began behaving oddly as soon as they left his body and Dru slapped both away with energy covered hands. Although he waved his singed hands after. He kept inhaling deeply thinning the air even further.
(ok but what about his body if it doesn't get out you know air?)
The beams began behaving oddly as soon as they left his body and Dru slapped both away with energy covered hands. Although he waved his singed hands after. He kept inhaling deeply thinning the air even further.
Joey kept laughing and eventually he collapsed to the floor. Y sighed and turned his back to Dru. Moments later, Joey's breathing had stopped.
(what no....she doesn't have the same power as chuck...I mean she can be a powerful ally... anyway the infinity forest is kinda ironic as there is literally no trees but it has to do with this quote- "An infinity of possible worlds, so perfectly simulated as to be indistinguishable from the experiences I once called “reality.” I can touch them, taste them, pass lifetimes in them! They grow within this machine like fruit upon a tree — no, a forest of trees, its fractal expansion nigh unmeasurable. (...) What an awful, destructive machine this is. I must know everything about it."))
(Where did you get that quote from? And how did Dru change whatever it is you said he did?)
Joey kept laughing and eventually he collapsed to the floor. Y sighed and turned his back to Dru. Moments later, Joey's breathing had stopped.
Dru looked at Y "does that mean I win?" He asked with curiosity a slight smile coming to his face.
Dru looked at Y "does that mean I win?" He asked with curiosity a slight smile coming to his face.
"No... I'm afraid you have lost." Suddenly, multiple spikes of AZ impaled Dru's soul in an instant. He sensed Joey's powerful soul from behind him on the astral plane. Y spoke "You should've known better Dru... Spirit energy users unlock their full power when they die." The pain was beyond unbearable.
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"No... I'm afraid you have lost." Suddenly, multiple spikes of AZ impaled Dru's soul in an instant. He sensed Joey's powerful soul from behind him on the astral plane. Y spoke "You should've known better Dru... Spirit energy users unlock their full power when they die."
"I'm pretty sure death is grounds for loss in this tournament is it not?" Dru asked as color faded from his body and a red orb of energy floated around. The orb was cut and scratched but seemed none the worse for wear. The body collapsed into a pile of sand.
"I'm pretty sure death is grounds for loss in this tournament is it not?" Dru asked as color faded from his body and a red orb of energy floated around. The orb was cut and scratched but seemed none the worse for wear. The body collapsed into a pile of sand.
Joey then grabbed the orb and began to crush it in his hands some more, enough to crack it more but not enough to completely destroy.
Joey then grabbed the orb and began to crush it in his hands some more, enough to crack it more but not enough to completely destroy.
The red began to bleed into Joey and he could hear Dru's thoughts invading his mind " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU JACK ASS! THIS WASNT SUPPOSED RO HAPPEN WITH YOU! CUT IT OUT!" Dru's soul was merging with Joey's and there was only one person who could stop it now. Joey could feel new memories invading his mind as a sea of Dru's experiences began to brush and meld with his own.
The red began to bleed into Joey and he could hear Dru's thoughts invading his mind " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU JACK ASS! THIS WASNT SUPPOSED RO HAPPEN WITH YOU! CUT IT OUT!" Dru's soul was merging with Joey's and there was only one person who could stop it now. Joey could feel new memories invading his mind as a sea of Dru's experiences began to brush and meld with his own.
Joey relaxed his grasp but held on to the orb. "This should shut you up." He then took out one of Dreema's nightmare masks and put it on the orb. The mask attached itself to the orb and forced Dru to relive his most horrible memories. Joey was still holding the orb as he walked to his body and began pumping his own heart. After a few pumps, his soul was slowly absorbed back into his body. Y smiled and applauded "Congratulations. Now, let's go find the others and defeat Chuck.

(Did... Did I just beat Dru?)
Joey relaxed his grasp but held on to the orb. "This should shut you up." He then took out one of Dreema's nightmare masks and put it on the orb. The mask attached itself to the orb and forced Dru to relive his most horrible memories. Joey was still holding the orb as he walked to his body and began pumping his own heart. After a few pumps, his soul was slowly absorbed back into his body. Y smiled and applauded "Congratulations. Now, let's go find the others and defeat Chuck.

(Did... Did I just beat Dru?)
(Nope) the mask fell off the orb as the orb shrank and red glowed in Joey's body. In the dreamworld when one of Dru's kind found their match they merged into one essence and that's what was happening with Joey and Dru.
(Nope) the mask fell off the orb as the orb shrank and red glowed in Joey's body. In the dreamworld when one of Dru's kind found their match they merged into one essence and that's what was happening with Joey and Dru.
"What... What the hell? Get off of me!" Joey tried to wipe the red energy off "No... NO! I already have two souls in this body and that's MORE THAN ENOUGH!" He quickly rushed over to his body and began pumping the heart, slowly his body absorbed his soul, bringing him back to life. Still, there was the red energy problem "GET OUT OF ME!"
(When did my character ever do that? I don't remember doing anything like that. As for that why do you keep using things from games?)
(he did, if I remember you did kill clair...which was given another chance by death....as for game thing, the infinite forest is a actually interesting thing on how it basically a virtual simulation of the whole universe that can show simulations of the past, present, and future.))
"What... What the hell? Get off of me!" Joey tried to wipe the red energy off "No... NO! I already have two souls in this body and that's MORE THAN ENOUGH!" He quickly rushed over to his body and began pumping the heart, slowly his body absorbed his soul, bringing him back to life. Still, there was the red energy problem "GET OUT OF ME!"
"So we gotta find Allyson?" Y asked as he opened up a portal next to Allyson "Goddess of suffering first!" He said with a smile as Joey rushed in his body with all three aboard towards Allyson Musicnotes Musicnotes
(he did, if I remember you did kill clair...which was given another chance by death....as for game thing, the infinite forest is a actually interesting thing on how it basically a virtual simulation of the whole universe that can show simulations of the past, present, and future.))
(Dru never killed Clair and I'm almost positive that he never split into two, Allyson did that for a bit but I don't think Dru ever did. Anyways I'm not going to pester you about the forest because it won't get me anywhere)

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