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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"I seen Kala when she becomes evil, I get it" she said. "Are you sure your in good condition to fight?"
Zadcok sighed and stretched "I don't know but I do know that I have to try. We need to work together as long as possible."
Joey took hit after hit, screaming in pain. Y just watched.
"Give in Joey let me win and I'll come home with you just like you want." Dru said with a smile he was in able to lie here but he didn't know if Joey knew that.
Zadcok sighed and stretched "I don't know but I do know that I have to try. We need to work together as long as possible."
Dana nods. " yeah, I know. Do you have any idea how we can stop her? I don't think the ways we use to do it will work."
"Hehehe... hehehehe.... hehehehehehe...." Joey began to laugh with each strike.
Dru had a few of them stab him in non vital areas as he sighed rolling his eyes. He began to have the tendrils drain his energy.
Dana nods. " yeah, I know. Do you have any idea how we can stop her? I don't think the ways we use to do it will work."
Zadcok shook his head "no clue but I'm sure we will figure something out. Although Dru would be our best bet on that front."
Dru had a few of them stab him in non vital areas as he sighed rolling his eyes. He began to have the tendrils drain his energy.
He cut the whips and stood up "Naughty naughty Dru..." Suddenly his wounds healed in an instant, his muscles grew to extreme size and his hair began to glow orange and grow upwards. "Been a while since I had to use this form... Now then... shall we begin Dru?"
Zadcok shook his head "no clue but I'm sure we will figure something out. Although Dru would be our best bet on that front."
" yeah plus we have no idea if Chuck powered her up or anything. We use to use her shadow to keep her under control." Dana said
" yeah plus we have no idea if Chuck powered her up or anything. We use to use her shadow to keep her under control." Dana said
Saniya walked up behind Dana "Hey what's going on here...?" she said as her reflections were besides her and probably leaded her here.
He cut the whips and stood up "Naughty naughty Dru..." Suddenly his wounds healed in an instant, his muscles grew to extreme size and his hair began to glow orange and grow upwards. "Been a while since I had to use this form... Now then... shall we begin Dru?"
"If you think you can keep up!" Dru smiled and stood in a traditional stance and stood at the ready.
" yeah plus we have no idea if Chuck powered her up or anything. We use to use her shadow to keep her under control." Dana said
"I can handle distracting her if she isn't already contained but we need to take care of Dru." He said solemnly.

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