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Realistic or Modern Bunny's 1st Annual Holiday Festivity

Daisie chuckles a little bit in response, and sighs, letting a few moments pass. "Well, not much is new with me. Well, the Hell Mansion has a new resident, but that's not really too exciting."

-Looks a bit surprised- You have a new resident living with you? -Bounces up and down- Whoisitwhoisitwhoisit?
"Oh!" Eclipsi seems briefly shocked at the Mechanist's compliment, but regains their composure quickly. "Thank you, you have been kind, as well."
"For fun? Oh.. Many things. Reading is a hobby, I suppose you could say. It is fascinating to see the literary works of other species."
"Haven't actually read a good book in a while," I say leaning back. "Mostly because pretty much all the libraries were burned down from the nukes and any surviving books are either dirty or destroyed."
-Looks a bit surprised- You have a new resident living with you? -Bounces up and down- Whoisitwhoisitwhoisit?
"He's in the basement - a big bird-like demon. I was told by one of my wiser minions that I was supposed to find him, and so I did. He's really dangerous, and I have him trapped down in the basement with some runes. Still don't know why I'm supposed to have him, but whatever."

"Haven't actually read a good book in a while," I say leaning back. "Mostly because pretty much all the libraries were burned down from the nukes and any surviving books are either dirty or destroyed."
"Oh... That is unfortunate. I am sorry to hear. The world you live in sounds bleak, not at all like Syla."
"He's in the basement - a big bird-like demon. I was told by one of my wiser minions that I was supposed to find him, and so I did. He's really dangerous, and I have him trapped down in the basement with some runes. Still don't know why I'm supposed to have him, but whatever."

"Oh... That is unfortunate. I am sorry to hear. The world you live in sounds bleak, not at all like Syla."
"Oh it is, as I said wasteland, though deeper in the city the vegetation did survive some. But it's not all too bad, there are computers that have all kinds of files on em, I read those and a few others have games that I play." I say to her taking another sip from my drink. "But mostly I spend the day tinkering with my bots."
"Oh it is, as I said wasteland, though deeper in the city the vegetation did survive some. But it's not all too bad, there are computers that have all kinds of files on em, I read those and a few others have games that I play." I say to her taking another sip from my drink. "But mostly I spend the day tinkering with my bots."
"Oh? What sort of machines do you build?" Eclipsi asks, with moderate interest. "Mechanics are always interesting to fiddle with."
@-_Madame-Nova_- Thank you for adoring the decoration and set up. I had some help. *hands her a cup of punch*

Nina: *rolls eyes* What do you mean you had some help? You had me and Z do all the work. *crosses arms over her beautiful dress* Besides where are the rest of the guest?

They'll be here... I hope. Just enjoy your time and mingle.

Nina: Don't tell me what to do. *in the end, walks away to someplace new*

Yallar: -After a nice rest beside the fire the angel feline decides to wander off, spotting a woman in a rather fancy dress taking a turn to leave some man she had been talking to. And so, he follows after, catching up he calls up to her- Greetings Miss!

"He's in the basement - a big bird-like demon. I was told by one of my wiser minions that I was supposed to find him, and so I did. He's really dangerous, and I have him trapped down in the basement with some runes. Still don't know why I'm supposed to have him, but whatever."

A demonic bird-thingy? Huh. Interesting houseguest. -Takes a bite out of the cocoa-dipped cookie-
A demonic bird-thingy? Huh. Interesting houseguest. -Takes a bite out of the cocoa-dipped cookie-
"Yeah, it's weird. There's a weird haze of mystery around that thing. It doesn't really talk, and the minion that tipped me off to the guy doesn't know anything else. It's all cryptic. Plus I get a weird feeling of deja vu around that bird-thing. It's strange."
"Oh? What sort of machines do you build?" Eclipsi asks, with moderate interest. "Mechanics are always interesting to fiddle with."
"Me? Well I build robots, I have a massive robot army back home all on standby. Honestly I just kept making more and more for fun and ended up with the army I have now," I say to her scratching the back of my head.
"Me? Well I build robots, I have a massive robot army back home all on standby. Honestly I just kept making more and more for fun and ended up with the army I have now," I say to her scratching the back of my head.
Eclipsi chuckles a little, not replying with much. "Interesting concept. I'm certain they're useful."
Eclipsi chuckles a little, not replying with much. "Interesting concept. I'm certain they're useful."
Eclipsi chuckles a little, not replying with much. "Interesting concept. I'm certain they're useful."
"Truth be told they're more for defense...." I say laughing nervously. "But they won't do any harm to innocents, it's against their programming."
Nina: *turns, surprised she was noticed* Are you talking to me?
"Yeah, it's weird. There's a weird haze of mystery around that thing. It doesn't really talk, and the minion that tipped me off to the guy doesn't know anything else. It's all cryptic. Plus I get a weird feeling of deja vu around that bird-thing. It's strange."

Hmph, sounds like it is strange. Maybe I could visit and see this thing, unless you'd rather I don't? I mean I may still visit but that's just to be affectionate. -Grins and finishes my cocoa and cookie-

Nina: *turns, surprised she was noticed* Are you talking to me?

Yallar: -Nods- Yep! I like the dress, it's very bright.
Hmph, sounds like it is strange. Maybe I could visit and see this thing, unless you'd rather I don't? I mean I may still visit but that's just to be affectionate. -Grins and finishes my cocoa and cookie-
"Heh, probably best to stay away from it, for now. He knows a good bit of forbidden magic.. Takes a lot of power just to keep him locked down there behind those obsidian doors."

"Truth be told they're more for defense...." I say laughing nervously. "But they won't do any harm to innocents, it's against their programming."
"That is much like how us Sylen use our technology. Seldom do we offer warships, though our medical tech is widely used among our neighbors. Our weaponry is mainly used for self-defense."
"If I am completely honest, it's a wonder that the Sylen race has lasted so long in peace. The Sylen history has been miracle after miracle.. If there is, as some humans believe, a sacred and heavenly being watching over the universe, then the Sylen must be blessed by them."
Nina: Thank you. Some others are not fond of such conservative dress. *glances at Natalie*

Natalie: *huffs* I worked hard on my bod, might as well show it off. *grins, challenging the other*

She was chubby in the role play. I adored her like that.
"Heh, probably best to stay away from it, for now. He knows a good bit of forbidden magic.. Takes a lot of power just to keep him locked down there behind those obsidian doors."

"That is much like how us Sylen use our technology. Seldom do we offer warships, though our medical tech is widely used among our neighbors. Our weaponry is mainly used for self-defense."
"If I am completely honest, it's a wonder that the Sylen race has lasted so long in peace. The Sylen history has been miracle after miracle.. If there is, as some humans believe, a sacred and heavenly being watching over the universe, then the Sylen must be blessed by them."
"I'm sure you've earned your place in your world and in the universe....I would very much like to see your home world, it sounds quite fascinating the way you describe it." I say to her.
"I'm sure you've earned your place in your world and in the universe....I would very much like to see your home world, it sounds quite fascinating the way you describe it." I say to her.
"It is a lovely place to be. I've studies what you humans describe paradise to be, and Syla matches many people's descriptions. It's simply a haven... We are lucky to have it as a home, and are ever thankful."
"It is a lovely place to be. I've studies what you humans describe paradise to be, and Syla matches many people's descriptions. It's simply a haven... We are lucky to have it as a home, and are ever thankful."
"Truthfully almost anywhere is paradise compared to where I'm from," I say laughing, "this room we're in? I consider it paradise, so clean and beautiful. And the lights actually work! These chairs are clean and not burned, feels like I'm in a vault."
"Truthfully almost anywhere is paradise compared to where I'm from," I say laughing, "this room we're in? I consider it paradise, so clean and beautiful. And the lights actually work! These chairs are clean and not burned, feels like I'm in a vault."
"It is, indeed, a comforting place. The human's use of lights is interesting.. As well as intricate and complex decorations. Sylen tend to generally lean more towards simplicity... I do miss the sleek designs of everything back at home."
"It is, indeed, a comforting place. The human's use of lights is interesting.. As well as intricate and complex decorations. Sylen tend to generally lean more towards simplicity... I do miss the sleek designs of everything back at home."
"Sleek designs? What was the architecture of your people like?" I ask her. "The more you speak of your home the more I wanna visit," I say laughing.
"Sleek designs? What was the architecture of your people like?" I ask her. "The more you speak of your home the more I wanna visit," I say laughing.
"Oh, Sylen often use sleek designs for everything. From ships to buildings, we've perfected our sharp designs. There is a certain aesthetic appeal... Here, let me show you."
Eclipsi pulls out their electronic notepad again, and pulls a picture onto the holographic screen.

"Oh, Sylen often use sleek designs for everything. From ships to buildings, we've perfected our sharp designs. There is a certain aesthetic appeal... Here, let me show you."
Eclipsi pulls out their electronic notepad again, and pulls a picture onto the holographic screen.

I peer at the picture amazed, "it's amazing, the buildings are so big....they look so organic...."
I peer at the picture amazed, "it's amazing, the buildings are so big....they look so organic...."
"They are, indeed, wonders." Eclipsi replies, somewhat happily. "I do wish I could go see them once more... I have been separate from them for a long time."
"They are, indeed, wonders." Eclipsi replies, somewhat happily. "I do wish I could go see them once more... I have been separate from them for a long time."
I look up at her, "oh? Why haven't you seen them? Is it not your home."
I look up at her, "oh? Why haven't you seen them? Is it not your home."
"Well, it is my home. My true one, that is..." Eclipsi replies, straining a bit harder to keep their happy expression. "Approximately a year ago, I was inspecting an unknown anomaly, and, well.. It transported me far, far away from Syla."

"The chances of me ever seeing my home again are minuscule. One in several thousand."
"Well, it is my home. My true one, that is..." Eclipsi replies, straining a bit harder to keep their happy expression. "Approximately a year ago, I was inspecting an unknown anomaly, and, well.. It transported me far, far away from Syla."

"The chances of me ever seeing my home again are minuscule. One in several thousand."
"Why?" I ask her softly, sympathizing with her pain. "I'm sure you'll see it again."

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