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Realistic or Modern Bunny's 1st Annual Holiday Festivity

The Sylen shifts their gaze towards one of the empty seats for a few moments before awkwardly walking over to one of the chairs and taking a seat. "This is one of the strangest places I have seen.."
I can agree there, I've only ever lived in the wasteland, never seen anything so clean before.
I can agree there, I've only ever lived in the wasteland, never seen anything so clean before.
"How intriguing!" Eclipsi pulls out an electronic notepad, and starts typing. "Being in places one would consider 'messy' is a rarity for me."
"How intriguing!" Eclipsi pulls out an electronic notepad, and starts typing. "Being in places one would consider 'messy' is a rarity for me."
"Oh really?" I lean back in my seat. "Then you would probably hate the wasteland."
"Oh really?" I lean back in my seat. "Then you would probably hate the wasteland."
Eclipsi cocks their head to one side momentarily. "Oh my! You misunderstand, my apologies! Mess isn't a bother. It is simply foreign!"
Eclipsi cocks their head to one side momentarily. "Oh my! You misunderstand, my apologies! Mess isn't a bother. It is simply foreign!"
"Ohhhhj....." I chuckle form embarrassment but continue, "then you would probably be heavily intrigued by the wasteland then....albeit the fact that it is dangerous."
"Ohhhhj....." I chuckle form embarrassment but continue, "then you would probably be heavily intrigued by the wasteland then....albeit the fact that it is dangerous."
"I am always intrigued by any different places! This one included!" Eclipsi replies as she looks happy. "All for the sake of science! Anything can be learned from anything."
"I am always intrigued by any different places! This one included!" Eclipsi replies as she looks happy. "All for the sake of science! Anything can be learned from anything."
"Almost anything anyways, institute teleportation is still a mystery to me," I say removing my helmet to drink some juice.
LadybirdMooch LadybirdMooch Thank you for adoring the decoration and set up. I had some help. *hands her a cup of punch*

Nina: *rolls eyes* What do you mean you had some help? You had me and Z do all the work. *crosses arms over her beautiful dress* Besides where are the rest of the guest?

They'll be here... I hope. Just enjoy your time and mingle.

Nina: Don't tell me what to do. *in the end, walks away to someplace new*
"Almost anything anyways, institute teleportation is still a mystery to me," I say removing my helmet to drink some juice.
"Isn't that wonderful? Life is full of mysteries, simply waiting to be discovered!", Eclipsi speaks with energy in their voice and a twinkle in their eye.
"Isn't that wonderful? Life is full of mysteries, simply waiting to be discovered!", Eclipsi speaks with energy in their voice and a twinkle in their eye.
I smile at her enthusiasm, "always nice to have a font of positivity nearby, it's a breath of fresh air."
I smile at her enthusiasm, "always nice to have a font of positivity nearby, it's a breath of fresh air."
"You would simply love Syla, then. Our planet is a peaceful one, we are creatures of peace, sworn to a treaty to never war with the other residents of our solar system. We have the second most advanced technology!"
"You would simply love Syla, then. Our planet is a peaceful one, we are creatures of peace, sworn to a treaty to never war with the other residents of our solar system. We have the second most advanced technology!"
I cock a brow at her statement, curious as to what she meant, "the second most advance? Who's the first?" I ask taking another sip from my cup.
I cock a brow at her statement, curious as to what she meant, "the second most advance? Who's the first?" I ask taking another sip from my cup.
"The species with the most advanced technology in our system.. They're called the Annamorphics. Not even the Sylen have been able to figure out how their technology works; they refuse to let any other species use it."
"The species with the most advanced technology in our system.. They're called the Annamorphics. Not even the Sylen have been able to figure out how their technology works; they refuse to let any other species use it."
"Do you have any clue as to what they c an do?" I asked even more intrigued now by the extraterrestrial before me.
"Do you have any clue as to what they c an do?" I asked even more intrigued now by the extraterrestrial before me.
"They have teleportation technology, they have extremely powerful war machines, their cargo ships can move the fastest, they can cloak their vessels... An assortment of advantages."
"They have teleportation technology, they have extremely powerful war machines, their cargo ships can move the fastest, they can cloak their vessels... An assortment of advantages."
"My Assaultrons have cloak capabilities," I say referencing one of the many bots in my army. "As for everything else? Well we don't match up to those who can travel in space," I added laughing softly.
"My Assaultrons have cloak capabilities," I say referencing one of the many bots in my army. "As for everything else? Well we don't match up to those who can travel in space," I added laughing softly.
"My, surely you would love to travel in space. I would show you my home, but... I am afraid that is impossible, at the moment." The Sylen simply responds, their head waver twitching as it floats in the air.

Suddenly, a familiar demonic rune spins in the center of the room, quickly giving way to a draconic figure.
"The Demon Dragon has arrived." Daisie announces as the circle dissipates. "Sup."
"My, surely you would love to travel in space. I would show you my home, but... I am afraid that is impossible, at the moment." The Sylen simply responds, their head waver twitching as it floats in the air.

Suddenly, a familiar demonic rune spins in the center of the room, quickly giving way to a draconic figure.
"The Demon Dragon has arrived." Daisie announces as the circle dissipates. "Sup."
"It would be quite the trip to remember," I say agreeing before turning toward the rune. "Well look who finally showed up, are you late or are you fashionably late?" I ask the demons dragon.
"It would be quite the trip to remember," I say agreeing before turning toward the rune. "Well look who finally showed up, are you late or are you fashionably late?" I ask the demons dragon.
"Bruh, everything I do is fashionable in some way or another. Plus! I had to unexpectedly throw some minions into the lava pit today, and I got, uh... Carried away. Then I had to brush my fur. And here I am." Daisie explains, in a quickened voice. She points a finger gun towards the Mechanist. "Fashionable."

Eclipsi looks concerned, but decides not to speak up.
"Bruh, everything I do is fashionable in some way or another. Plus! I had to unexpectedly throw some minions into the lava pit today, and I got, uh... Carried away. Then I had to brush my fur. And here I am." Daisie explains, in a quickened voice. She points a finger gun towards the Mechanist. "Fashionable."

Eclipsi looks concerned, but decides not to speak up.
"Hmmmm...." I say to the all too familiar and notorious dragon. Turning my attention back to Eclipsi I speak up, "so what is your people like? Your cities? Your home world?"
Eclipsi shoots a nervous glance towards the Demon Dragon, who simply shrugs and walks off.

"A-Ah, my people... Most look similar to I, perhaps having slight variations in hue.... Interestingly, approximately 75% of the Sylen population are scientists! Myself, included. We work together diligently to keep our world healthy, and we always strive to expand our knowledge. It is a wonderful place, you could call it a 'paradise', or a 'safe haven'."
Eclipsi shoots a nervous glance towards the Demon Dragon, who simply shrugs and walks off.

"A-Ah, my people... Most look similar to I, perhaps having slight variations in hue.... Interestingly, approximately 75% of the Sylen population are scientists! Myself, included. We work together diligently to keep our world healthy, and we always strive to expand our knowledge. It is a wonderful place, you could call it a 'paradise', or a 'safe haven'."
"If only my home had scientist willing to help, rather the institute sees us as more like guinea pigs," I say to the woman.
Eclipsi shoots a nervous glance towards the Demon Dragon, who simply shrugs and walks off.

Nekoshu: -Hears a familiar voice and looks to see the furred demonic Dragon appear, and then walk off after a brief talk with Mechanist and the Sylen... Proceeds to run and glomp onto leg- Daisie! Hewwo~

Yallar: -A bright ball of light appears by the fireplace before it vanishes and in its place sits Yallar, looking at the fire- Ooo~ Cozy

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