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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

So the major points are where there are NPC Posts
The RP Started with a monster fight and flashbacks to the exam (I'd recommend Ignoring this for now and reading later)
Then we go the Time skip to the orientation day and Principal's speech (I'd recommend looking at this)
Next They are told to head into the combat building (Again skim)
A demonstration fight occurs between Shiri Dea and Tarou (Top three students) against Tokage (A Teacher) (Try to read this)
The teacher wins, Dea is sent to the Nurse, and the principal sends everyone off to get some leisure time before they get the tour from the teachers (JUMP IN HERE)
Everyone is generally separating and creating groups depending on what they plan to do. EX some wanna find the dorms, some plan to visit Dea, some are just chilling.

Announcement Post:
Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia IC

Beginning Of The Fight
Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia IC

Fight End & Dismissal:
Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia IC
Oh so helpful! Could you give me these links again when I am done catching up to the OOC? Pweeeaseeee? <3
crying puppy eyes 2.gif

Bakugou walked into the stadium with the crowds cheering, however, he didn’t look at them. “Tatsumaki.” Days of old had filled his mind, of when he and Deku were children.

“Move it Deku!” A young Kacchan said to the green haired boy who refused to move from his spot.
“N-No!” Midoryia had tears in his eyes, standing his ground and lifting his fist in the air. The other boy charged forward, ready to take out his old friend until a green aura froze them all in pace.

“Get away from him!” Tatsumaki released Midoryia as he froze in shock. The girl ran in front of him though and dropped the other two boys who fled the scene. “Deku!” For a second time in his life, the feeling of helplessness came to kacchan. Anger filled his very being as he attempted to reach out and attack the girl but to no avail.

“Tatsumaki! The second bane of my existence.” Bakugou curled his fist, a small explosion being created from it. “I’m going to make sure you pay, you and Deku.” That’s when he saw the green headed girl, the tournament had begun and this time, he would make sure she felt the helpless he had that day.

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