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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Then that's not a true hero...
That's a cartoon character.
And frankly, a dead hero is no hero at all. If they'd be more successful in their attempts by ignoring the special move, then why would they ever decide to use something that puts them at such a high risk for so little? Think from a person with this quirk's standpoint. They have a quirk devoted to hurting things for the most part. Now if they hurt things more efficiently with the normal mode, why would they use a move that puts so much hope into that one shot, especially if it isn't gonna do some amazing amount of burst damage, and puts them at risk of breaking an entire arm?
Tanya, you're forgetting the setting again. Hero's are a profession about show. And I've had a very extensive discussion with you on this before, and I reeaaaaaaalllly hate repeating myself as I think should be pretty clear with my outburst with Xel earlier today.
You do realize the UA's the top hero school, right? And class 1-A are the students that scored the best in it's exam? That means that by that logic MINETA has a better quirk than average.
Or that he is more creative and makes it a more versatile than the average. The exam in UA was to destroy or Stop Their Movement. Mineta had a strong advantage in this and still didn't make the top ten. (What I wanna know is how Koda passed what animals were around) There are logical reasons why stronger people may not make it into UA due to Exam Restrictions as we see with the idea of moving up from General Studies.
Edit: I Mean This doesn't really apply but still Mineta is smart
Tanya, you're forgetting the setting again. Hero's are a profession about show. And I've had a very extensive discussion with you on this before, and I reeaaaaaaalllly hate repeating myself as I think should be pretty clear with my outburst with Xel earlier today.
Never saw that outburst anyway.
Aaaaannyway... Sure fine whatever. Still would have to change that special move to something more special... Or at least not instantly debilitating considering we have people here that use their special move way more than once.
Or that he is more creative and makes it a more versatile than the average. The exam in UA was to destroy or Stop Their Movement. Mineta had a strong advantage in this and still didn't make the top ten. (What I wanna know is how Koda passed what animals were around) There are logical reasons why stronger people may not make it into UA due to Exam Restrictions as we see with the idea of moving up from General Studies.
Edit: I Mean This doesn't really apply but still Mineta is smart
Yeah, he is smart. Hence not being one of the strongest quirks around, just being better than the average one.
Never saw that outburst anyway.
Aaaaannyway... Sure fine whatever. Still would have to change that special move to something more special... Or at least not instantly debilitating considering we have people here that use their special move way more than once.
I am not sure what you are talking about anymore. I saw you started mentioning a special move before, but what exactly are you referring to?
I am not sure what you are talking about anymore. I saw you started mentioning a special move before, but what exactly are you referring to?
I was talking about that one finger gun quirk Shammy suggested. That special move was waaaay too... High risk, not a high reward.
Considering most special moves can't be ranged and reduce someone to around half "HP" in one go. Now if it did do that, fine, that's logically the best drawback. But since it doesn't, then there's no benefit to it compared to just firing several rounds from the normal mode. Breaking an arm after only 2 shots is a little sad when we have others here that can likely use theirs at least 4 times before being in the red.
I was talking about that one finger gun quirk Shammy suggested. That special move was waaaay too... High risk, not a high reward.
Considering most special moves can't be ranged and reduce someone to around half "HP" in one go. Now if it did do that, fine, that's logically the best drawback. But since it doesn't, then there's no benefit to it compared to just firing several rounds from the normal mode. Breaking an arm after only 2 shots is a little sad when we have others here that can likely use theirs at least 4 times before being in the red.
I mean, Shammy didn't say how powerful the blast was.. For all you know, it could take out a building.
I was talking about that one finger gun quirk Shammy suggested. That special move was waaaay too... High risk, not a high reward.
Considering most special moves can't be ranged and reduce someone to around half "HP" in one go. Now if it did do that, fine, that's logically the best drawback. But since it doesn't, then there's no benefit to it compared to just firing several rounds from the normal mode. Breaking an arm after only 2 shots is a little sad when we have others here that can likely use theirs at least 4 times before being in the red.
true that. permanent damage is not allowed as a standard.

edit: actually, the ribcage thing might be fine
You do realize how... Damaging that can be without plot armor, right? Like, sure, luckily everyone would be fine naturally because otherwise there's a big chance to kill someone... However with plot armor... You'd live because you lucked up. That would justify the reason behind the risk in the first place though, as basically you have a fight ender for most people.
You do realize how... Damaging that can be without plot armor, right? Like, sure, luckily everyone would be fine naturally because otherwise there's a big chance to kill someone... However with plot armor... You'd live because you lucked up. That would justify the reason behind the risk in the first place though, as basically you have a fight ender for most people.
You can survive ribcage damage because there is a healer, but even if you couldn't, it's not that POTENTIALLY lethal or perma-damaging moves are 100% forbidden. They can't be part of any move you'd normally be using, or method, but if it's this one time thing that is avoidable, then it may be ok.
You can survive ribcage damage because there is a healer, but even if you couldn't, it's not that POTENTIALLY lethal or perma-damaging moves are 100% forbidden. They can't be part of any move you'd normally be using, or method, but if it's this one time thing that is avoidable, then it may be ok.
True that, healers are love, healers are life.
And that's also true, it's not a guarantee to be lethal in all cases. Since this is a special move, it'd be expected to only have to deal with it once or twice per combat drill. Also considering that it's a shotgun... It's best used at close to mid ranges, over the longer ranges I normally deal with. I'm gonna guess that you wouldn't really like a sniper form of that anyway. Plus there's the whole "How are they gonna see that?" Unless they have some sort of built in crosshairs like a HUD, similar to that one drone idea.
yuckeroni yuckeroni
and for all the non-christian yuri lovers here

(non-canon, donut use as reference, everything is to be read with rose-tinted yuri glasses, thx vry muchos gracias)

Late night paperwork. And she thought Macchan was a slave driver. Then again, Masaru, Yori, Tokage and she were all in this together, much to her consternation and pleasure. It wasn’t a lie to say she enjoyed watching Masaru’s face twist in annoyance at the papers sprawled over his desk, but it wasn’t much of a lie to say it comforted her too, looking at an equally high pile on her own desktop. She shifted her gaze to the desk opposite,where Tokage looked as if she were about to blow up. The only person in the room who didn’t look like they were just a step away from blowing a few gaskets was Yori-senpai. Even in such chaotic times, she remained so perfectly demure and calm, as her hands worked skilfully through the papers. Even from this distance, she could see the grace that her slender fingers wielded as the pen danced across the paper, like a figure skater on ice..

“Damn.” It was Tokage’s voice that shattered her reverie. The small lady massaged the back of her neck, and glared hotly at her work for a long while, as if her eyes would bore holes through the nuisance. When that didn’t work, she groaned, a sound that most of them in the office that night would have liked to utter, but just avoided it altogether. She hopped off her chair, and trotted over to the door. “I’m going to get some coffee. This is starting to make me regret teaching altogether.”

“I’ll go too. I need a smoke.” Masaru stood up from his seat as well, one hand already clasping onto a pack of Marlboros, with a Zippo pinched between his index and middle finger. He glanced towards Yori and Mao. Mao turned to Yori, indicating that she would follow her lead. Her senior did not budge from her seat, and simply waved Masaru and Tokage on their way. Masaru nodded stiffly. “Need anything?”

“If the vending machines stock beer,” joked Yori, while Mao simply shook her head and pretended to go back to work.

Masaru rolled his eyes, then motioned to Tokage, throwing the sliding door open. In a few moments, the door slammed shut, leaving Mao and Yori alone with the sounds of the latter’s pen scratching on the paper. Mao waited for a few more minutes, until the echoes of her colleagues’s footsteps could no longer be heard, then kicked against her desk, sliding herself over to Yori’s side.

“Yori-senpaaaaaai~” It was almost like a cat-like purr as she sidled up next to Yori, and wrapped her arms around her, nuzzling into her neck. How warm. She could just melt into her skin, feeling it like this. Yori did not so much as budge. Instead, with one hand, she carried out her marking and reports on her students, and with the other, ran a hand across Mao’s scalp. It wasn’t a harsh motion, but rather, a soft, almost intimate one, almost as if she was soothing an actual cat that had just came up to her and taken a liking to her.

“Not now, Mao. It can wait.”

She felt the well-toned body that Yori hid underneath her impeccable style of dressing on her arms as she tightened her embrace. A body chiselled by experience, she was sure. To be able to just hold it like this was a gift in and of itself. God could have taken her soul back to Heaven at this point, and she would still have died happy. Or she would be most disappointed at not being able to hold it like this ever again. She moved her head slightly, angling it upwards so her chin rested and was propped up on her shoulder. Her lips now at her senior’s ear, she whispered quietly, even in the empty room. “It can, but I certainly can’t.”

“Mao--” Yori started, but her breath caught in her throat as one of the younger lady’s hands slipped downwards, unseen, but certainly felt as it slid under her shirt. She tried her best to breathe, but as a finger traced lightly across her abdomen, upwards, in between her cleavage, it gave way to jagged patterns of sharp intakes and exhalations. “Please,” she managed between her gasps, “Masaru and Tokage--”

Mao ignored the protest, and pressed herself closer, her lips gracing Yori’s neck, her breath caressing the exposed skin just above her neck. Her hand moved again, travelling up the valley on Yori’s chest. Her other hand lost grip around her, and found purchase instead on the back of her seat. Passion guided her body and she found herself standing up and over Yori, one hand pressed, molding her partner’s breast, the other gripping hard on the back of her seat, and her lips locked with Yori. The fire spread, and Yori’s own hand took Mao by the back of her neck, pulling her in close into the intertwining mess that they were at the moment of heated emotions.

The room was quiet. Only the occasional gasps of breath and the sporadic grunt could be heard, the gap in between filled with the soft, almost unnoticeable whirring of the fan. A long five minutes lasted between the both of the women, but when it ended, it had felt like it had been but a second. Mao was the first to pull away, face flushed redder than the evening sky that day, and she fell back onto her swivel chair, gulping down pockets of air, while Yori tugged her shirt down back over her exposed navel, having been hiked way higher than it should have been. Mao had been quite aggressive that night and it showed. That wasn’t to say Yori had not reciprocated in kind- Mao’s hair, usually tied neatly behind her, now fell about her face in a mess. The two of them exchanged a look. Yori was wise enough to turn her attention back to her work. If their eyes had lingered a little longer, it would have meant another small ‘break’ session.

“We need to finish this by tomorrow morning.” The older lady managed to say. Her breath was still unsteady, the chills of the sensations running down her spine still apparent.

Mao did not say anything for a moment, as if she were mentally processing everything, and storing them at the back of her mind- Yoro’s well-toned physique in her hands, the curves, the softness amongst the battle-hardened body. Only when she was satisfied, she uttered an almost inaudible confirmation then pushed herself back to her desk.

Back to late night paperwork.

this is my last act before i disappear to jungles. I think.
Finger Gun: The user can fire bullet sized (5.56) energy projectiles from their fingers as long as two are connected. The projectiles have a range of 100ft, and move at approximately 300 feet per second, or 91.44 meters per second. (CQB Airsoft Gun speed.) They deal primarily kinetic damage, with a slight amount of thermal energy. The projectiles deal the damage of a good punch on average. There is a recoil to these projectiles for the user though, and as such they need to control that as they fire. Over time, this can start to be straining, though it does take a while for the basic mode.

The user has something of a built in HUD for aiming the 'gun', similar to most video game crosshairs. This may be attributed to a relatives quirk.

Special Move: Buck Wild: Connecting all of the fingers on a hand, the user gains the ability to fire a spread of projectiles that gradually expands as the distance increases, similar to buckshot in a shotgun. 9 projectiles are fired, and the force is enough to break bone when they impact close to one another. Mostly the ribs, not as much the tougher things like skulls. While the damage is high, the same goes for the wielder should they fire more than once from that same arm. It also adds strain, so there's less 'ammo' for the normal shots from that arm. Firing twice from the same arm has a 50% chance of breaking it. A 3rd time has 75%. 4th is guaranteed to break it.
B BlueClover

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