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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

(Sounds good to me!)

Graham tugged own his fresh clean shirt for the last of his clothes. "Ahhhhhhhh i feel so refresh!"

Reaver whistled, buttoning his shirt with a nod. "Yep! I may control ice as well as fire, now, but I gotta say, nothing like a cool shower t' tame the fire a bit."

(I forgot what they were doing, so... roll with it, please, I guess. XD )
Reaver whistled, buttoning his shirt with a nod. "Yep! I may control ice as well as fire, now, but I gotta say, nothing like a cool shower t' tame the fire a bit."

(I forgot what they were doing, so... roll with it, please, I guess. XD )

(Depends on what you think they were doing. heheheh. XD)

"I don't know, you stoked the fire within me." He snickered.
(Depends on what you think they were doing. heheheh. XD)

"I don't know, you stoked the fire within me." He snickered.

Reaver wiggled his eyebrows in response, snickering as well as he kissed Graham's cheek. "What can I say? I've got satisfying talent."
Reaver wiggled his eyebrows in response, snickering as well as he kissed Graham's cheek. "What can I say? I've got satisfying talent."

"You got that right. I still want some more but siiiiiiiiiigh, we have to be up and around today or we'll go weak." Graham pouted.
"You got that right. I still want some more but siiiiiiiiiigh, we have to be up and around today or we'll go weak." Graham pouted.

Reaver pouted as well, drumming his fingers on Graham's chest before he'd then manage a smile. "... Least we can do that t'gether."
"Kiiiiiiiiiitchen!" He followed suit. "That and a smoothie sounds good, eh?"

"Strawberry banana?" Reaver tilted his head, turning as he'd look to Graham like a puppy begging for treats. "Pwease?"
Graham snickered before nodding. "Anything for my man."

Reaver grinned widely, giving a semi-flail of excitement before he'd head to the fridge. "Good, because I love yer smoothies."
Graham laughed, shaking his head. "What are you talking about? They're just smoothies."

"Just--" Reaver squinted, looking back over as he smirked. "Not just smoothies, the best smoothies around!"
Graham's smile grew before he slug his arm around Reaver's shoulders. "I have the best mate." He kissed his cheek.

Reaver curled his tail in response, allowing his own smile to grow as he leaned against Graham a bit. "That's my liiine." He snickered.

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