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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

The FIRST EPISODE (What's Hangin') will be up once I collect all the numbers and message the chosen person!

In the meantime, who or what do you guys think will be the antagonist in the RP, and what do they want?
The FIRST EPISODE (What's Hangin') will be up once I collect all the numbers and message the chosen person!

In the meantime, who or what do you guys think will be the antagonist in the RP, and what do they want?

I'm guessing that the wish box is either haunted or has some magical property that requires fuel to function. That 'fuel' would then be the things it requests in return for its services. Like it follows some form of natural law of balance or shiiiz.
To tell everyone real quick: I know nothing of the little secrets Fari has planned, so all of what I think is completely random.

So, as to what I believe will be the antagonist, is a demon or ghost of some sort. It seems really simple, but Emmi got it from a cult shop, right? Who knows what the previous users used it for or how the 'magic box' was even made. Maybe they did some sort of weird ritual and poof- a demon is stuck in the box and grants wishes as long as it gets a blood sacrifice or something :lenny:
Oh and for more fun, during the RP, you guys can even mention the "e-mail" to Emmie and see how she'll react!

Maybe the wish box is haunted! Maybe not! Hmm, what's up with the e-mail though? What's it for? Who is the "stranger" that left the wish box in the store? So many questions!
13 for me then. There has never ever been any negative connotations with that number. At all.
Oh and for more fun, during the RP, you guys can even mention the "e-mail" to Emmie and see how she'll react!

Maybe the wish box is haunted! Maybe not! Hmm, what's up with the e-mail though? What's it for? Who is the "stranger" that left the wish box in the store? So many questions!
Wait a minuteeeeeeeee

Did she not send the email . . . ? Cause Karin was going to help fix her computer so she's definitely asking about it...

I swear, Fari, this suspense is going to kill me before whatever's in that box will.
Wait a minuteeeeeeeee

Did she not send the email . . . ? Cause Karin was going to help fix her computer so she's definitely asking about it...

I swear, Fari, this suspense is going to kill me before whatever's in that box will.

I never said she didn't send the e-mail thoughhh. :closedeyessmile:;):angel3: Guess we'll all find out?
Guess I should probably start looking into relationships with other characters. I feel like if I do though, I'll fall prey to recently mentioned 'GoT Syndrome' and get attached to people who may not make it.
Yes! Please establish character connections! Also, it'd be nice if not everyone are friends with each other (to add to the drama)! For Emmie, please feel free to include whether your character parted with her on good terms or not! I'd love to add some 'bad blood' with others for her character. As for Alexei, I'd prefer it if he has little to no friends yet. He'll be a character I'll introduce in the RP. It's alright if he has some acquaintances, or maybe even friends. Just no real close friends. :-)
Well if anyone wants an so they're currently in a fight/misunderstanding/whatever with, there's Tori. Also just a friend in general, more along the type of friend you'd chill with at home than go out on the town. Any people with a grudge or flat out enemies would be welcome too. As long as the reasoning is sound.
Yes! Please establish character connections! Also, it'd be nice if not everyone are friends with each other (to add to the drama)! For Emmie, please feel free to include whether your character parted with her on good terms or not! I'd love to add some 'bad blood' with others for her character. As for Alexei, I'd prefer it if he has little to no friends yet. He'll be a character I'll introduce in the RP. It's alright if he has some acquaintances, or maybe even friends. Just no real close friends. :-)
I'm tempted to have had Karin and Emmi end on bad terms over something....Maybe the crush Karin has on Emmi....????
Guess I should probably start looking into relationships with other characters. I feel like if I do though, I'll fall prey to recently mentioned 'GoT Syndrome' and get attached to people who may not make it.

I'm reading through le characters again right now, and my earlier statement still stands; hit me up if you're interested in Katya :)

Yes! Please establish character connections! Also, it'd be nice if not everyone are friends with each other (to add to the drama)! For Emmie, please feel free to include whether your character parted with her on good terms or not! I'd love to add some 'bad blood' with others for her character. As for Alexei, I'd prefer it if he has little to no friends yet. He'll be a character I'll introduce in the RP. It's alright if he has some acquaintances, or maybe even friends. Just no real close friends. :-)

I'm assuming my relationships with Alexei and Emmie are on the okay side, I was thinking that Alex's pretty much just a high school friend that Kat contacts once in awhile when he comes to mind? Which basically is the same way Kat treats all her acquantancies/friends, since she drifts between social circles.
I'm tempted to have had Karin and Emmi end on bad terms over something....Maybe the crush Karin has on Emmi....????

Oh that would be hella interesting for Kat, I'm sure she'd just make sure to talk to them separately but if they're all stuck in a house together and someone tries to play the choosing game...

GoT Syndrome Activated
Oh that would be hella interesting for Kat, I'm sure she'd just make sure to talk to them separately but if they're all stuck in a house together and someone tries to play the choosing game...

GoT Syndrome Activated
Welp, Fari, it's time for me to change my character sheet :b7:
Hey, yeah - totally let me know if you guys want to establish relationships with Michael (positive/negative either way will be fun.)

I'd say that Emmie and Michael drifted apart rather pleasantly, unless Svadilfari Svadilfari had any ideas for them ! I was playing with a lot of possibilities when I wrote their history but I wanted to keep it pretty open so that if I was accepted we could collaborate a bit if you were interested.

Also.... I think it might be possible that Emmie already had a wish granted, and the task she had to perform in return was to invite all her old high school friends (more food for the malevolent spirit??) who knows but I'm really thrilled to try and figure it out
Also.... I think it might be possible that Emmie already had a wish granted, and the task she had to perform in return was to invite all her old high school friends (more food for the malevolent spirit??) who knows but I'm really thrilled to try and figure it out
Oooooooh, I like that one. Sounds real good

Oh that would be hella interesting for Kat, I'm sure she'd just make sure to talk to them separately but if they're all stuck in a house together and someone tries to play the choosing game...

GoT Syndrome Activated
It has been changed. I didn't change much, just the intro message, the relationship between Emmi and her, and the ending message.
I just had a thought of what if one of the characters was one of Karin's bullies...? It was mostly guys that messed with her but there were a few girls too.

And the character doesn't have to be directly involved in the bullying, maybe someone could've just kinda watched? It was a random idea so it's fine if it doesn't work it. I just thought it'd be interesting to have the bad blood in the mix.

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