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Nation Building The Colonial Conquest: OOC

Precisely. Making everyone serve for a year isnt what i'm talking about. You could indeed have more than 5% as reservists but 20% seems like pushing it. The only country I can think of off the top of my head (Though I know there are others) is Israel, which enacted it at a time when they were under a constant immediate threat of annihilation by all of their neighbors
Well Israel was one of our military advisers. The other being America.
I won't ask which country, as if you wanted to disclose that information you would have, and it's your personal information so I will not pry. Anyways... still not sure how to start this off.
Well I guess you could.... Oh Idk.... Write about day to day activities? My starter post was supposed to be one of my character's enjoying (read: HATE) her unit vacation on the beach.
Didn't read the whole thing but who did you target? A bunch of pirates?
A convoy fought a defensive action against a group of pirates possessing a strange new warship, much larger than anything pirates had been seen with before. The convoys had recently been strenghened and an Abondable class heavy cruiser was on standby to obliterate it.
Wait a second... Rysesaka Rysesaka
Clan Kuk and Clan Kyris.
Clan Kuk Clan Kyris.
Kuk Kyris
Kk Kyris
Kk K
I am not insulting Prox I am saying he has chosen to play a minor nation compared to someone like me or you.
Now. Let's talk about Rysesaka Rysesaka your CS. I am not a mod but I must point out to Axel The Englishman Axel The Englishman That I see one problem.
Your current military (I assume you plan to add a navy) consists of 19.117% of your population.
Now, this could be somewhat explained by your warrior culture, but even then it's a bit much. For reference, at it's largest ever point, the end of the second world war, only 9 percent were in the military. 20% of your population being in the military would have IMMENSE economic backlash.
Though again, we dont see much of what the Predator government and their economic system is like. Maybe they have an awful economy too. Most countries today have between 1 and 2% of their populations in the military. The US has 1%. However, no militaristic imperialist nations really exist anymore. For these nations it's generally ok to go up to 5% (Which I'm pretty sure is roughly what I have). But again this could be explained by your nation, but I am saying you'd suffer immensely in other areas.
I've said my peace, Axel, Breezy, what do you guys think?
That's why my application is WIP lmao
I still has work to do.
Why are people worried about navy's and planetary forces? Isn't this supposed to be a futuristic, pew pew urrr planets dead rp?
Now ok. I don't want to seem like I'm beating on this but Axel The Englishman Axel The Englishman I don't think it's a good idea for Cabal or anyone for that matter to have a huge nation that can crush us all. I personally and I get if you disagree, don't like the idea of one big foe for us all to hate. From my experience player interaction is more fun

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