OOC Chat

Tyrion, Varys, and Petyr could dominate the westeros together

Petyr did not only handle the funds, but did many things behind the curtain. For one, the assassination attempt on bran, he put the blame on tyrion. Next, the assassination of joffrey, he planned it with the queen of thorns.He also got sansa out of king's landing. He married a lady she didn't like, kill her and assume the position of lord protector of the vale. He sunk the iron throne in debts so that the iron bank would support stannis' claim to the throne and many more
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I still think Cersei was able to convince him to do the assassination attempt on Bran. The poison, I think he did plan it with Margaery, but put the blame on Sansa if you remember the look on her face.
Just a bit of an update, as I am having a bit of an issue getting people to join, I ask if everyone try to talk to others you're friends with on here to tag them in the main thread request to see if they are interested or not. Then at least this way, I can get more canon characters dealt with and then the sooner we all start.
I still think Cersei was able to convince him to do the assassination attempt on Bran. The poison, I think he did plan it with Margaery, but put the blame on Sansa if you remember the look on her face.

Actually, nobody convinced him about the assassination attempt on bran, it was all cersei's doing. She hired an assassin and gave the assassin petyr's knife which robert won in a gamble. Cately got the knife,went to king's landing and consulted varys and petyr. Sensing an opportunity, and knowing that the knife must have something to do with Catelyn's surprise visit and wounded hands, Littlefinger claims the knife used to belong to him, but that he lost it in a bet to Tyrion Lannister. The ploy here is obvious, by linking the blade to a Lannister, it will further accellerate the tensions between the two houses, and also turn Catelyn into an unwitting pawn who will help Petyr to ingratiate himself to her husband, a man who wields great power as the King's Hand. As for the poison,. Knowing that Tyrion was unpopular with the masses, and hated by his sister the Queen, all Petyr needed was to ensure that Tyrion was given sufficient motive to look as though he killed the King when Olenna Tyrell made her assassination attempt at the wedding. He of course helped this along by suggesting to Joffrey that having a mock joust between two dwarfs during the wedding would upset his uncle, which Joffrey picked up on. With the King's approval, Petyr made the arrangements for two dwarfs to joust duringthe wedding feast, one on a dog, the other on a pig.
I'm still going to do my rp in the Arbor though...it will take too long to get all the Canon people for every city and region.
Maybe just create a tab for each of the regions. So instead of kings landing the thread is the Crownlands. Instead of the Arbor the Reach. Makes it broader so that every location doesn't get a thread which would be confusing and cluttered.
Well I was thinking we just have the Seven constitute regions of Westeros, and one of all of Essos. So eight threads altogether.

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