Worst RP partner you ever had.

Well, most of my 1x1 rps don't pass the first page because my partner usually bails out after 2 posts so I have jad it rough....ish. 

This happens with all kinds of rp. People see a rp and join but have no real desire to stay. It sucks for group rps or detail 1on1 cause the work the other one does
Myself and a handful of roleplayers on that other RP site which I shall not provide much detail to.

Yeah, we're bailers. Mainly because the site has a lore system and you need to buy stuff like powers (character/account sort of thing), which doesn't allow me to actually make a proper post when the other person is really good. Why am I saying this ? Just to point out that I don't bail on this site.

But anyways, yeah, I was an ugly roleplayer before. I was the immortal 13-year-old literal dark lord (controlled shadows or some shit) who was way too powerful. Looking back at my 13-year-old self, yeah, I succed. I hated it when people told me off for godmoding, I might add.

But my worst RP partner was one I don't remember. It was a FNAF roleplay. Now off I go, to die of cringe at the thought of this ugly memory.


Myself and a handful of roleplayers on that other RP site which I shall not provide much detail to.

Yeah, we're bailers. Mainly because the site has a lore system and you need to buy stuff like powers (character/account sort of thing), which doesn't allow me to actually make a proper post when the other person is really good. Why am I saying this ? Just to point out that I don't bail on this site.

But anyways, yeah, I was an ugly roleplayer before. I was the immortal 13-year-old literal dark lord (controlled shadows or some shit) who was way too powerful. Looking back at my 13-year-old self, yeah, I succed. I hated it when people told me off for godmoding, I might add.

But my worst RP partner was one I don't remember. It was a FNAF roleplay. Now off I go, to die of cringe at the thought of this ugly memory.


@Edythir yeah, you pretty much summed my worst one up too XDDD

Just the fact that we participated in a FNAF roleplay makes us horrible RP partners. Even if neither of us was that bad. LEt's not go into details. Nothing NSFW. I just don't want to say who played an OC. Because FNAF OCs = ugly.

I'd also like to add that my character's mount was a... Jurassic Park raptor. Sometimes a cheetah. Sometimes a big-ass bird with a sword for a beak or some fuck. And sometimes a horse god that wasn't really a god. He could fly and make explosions and do all sorts of shit but wasn't considered a god. Oh, he was immortal as well, might I add, and Voldemort was apparently my brother just because he was a DL as well. This is fucking lame.

Yes, that means Sauron and Vader as well. And I had never even watched Star Wars. Why.
Not necessarily the worst, but one of the dumbest. This was in 2013, when I had a choice-based zombie game going. The guy had a police baton, and was kind of just standing in front of a horde, doing absolutely nothing. Apparently running away wasn't an option to this guy.

DM: There are dozens of zombies approaching and you're armed with a weapon specifically made to be nonlethal.

Player: "How am I gonna kill them all?" I ask myself, and still waited for the horde to come closer and closer.

DM: Some of them are moments from attacking you.

Player: I sigh and still stands there waiting for the undead to come MORE closer.

DM: They pull you to the ground and tear out your throat. Well done.
So basically when I was in a doubling role-play with this girl, I tried making it into a happy-medium. I tried playing a good boyfriend for her, and I had my own female character so she could play the boyfriend for me. Every time there was a date involving my guy character and her girl character, it would be a great date! I knew exactly what to say, how to make the moment cute or sweet, or even humorous. But whenever it was my turn for her guy and my girl to have a date, it would be half assed or her other characters would be involved and potentially ruin the date. Or she would give up using the guy character because my girl character was too sad, or difficult to date. Smh.. I then started to give her a dose of her medicine and started to have my guy character become less involved. 

My most recent is ridiculous. I got into a pm with this person and we were going to combine band members and a yandere together. I would be a girl that's somewhat shy and the guy character would be a yandere. I guess he didn't understand that there can be levels of yandere's instead of them just being batshit crazy that would murder and/or rape people if they went up to their crush. So we basically got into a 'misunderstanding' of what a yandere is. I honestly don't give a shit if a yandere has levels or not but they don't always have to be one thing. So we took the yandere out of the rp and were going to restart it, so when I asked them to start.. They never replied. If they didn't want to role-play, they could've said so, not wimp out.
My worst experience actually happened HERE. ( which seems to be a rarity lol? )

So I was fairly new to the site, but I knew all the works and had gotten used to how most people work around here. Thusly, I created my first role play. Which was a zombie rp. ( actually this might've been my second? )

So everything was going fine at first. Everyone that had joined were pretty great writers/ decent so I could understand them. Well, I get this character sheet from bobthebob and I mean... it was literally terrible. They had a 7 year old girl who drove a tank, a ton of guns with 1000's of rounds, and had grown up a child prodigy so knew everything about how zombies worked. Because jeesh. she was 7. Of course she knew how to drive and shoot a gun. 

Well, like any good GM, I denied the CS. From there on out, things escalated. The person was like "well I'm 13 and I know how to shoot a gun and I drove my dads truck like, once, so I know what I'm talking about" 



Everybody In the thread kindly tried to explain to him/her the problem, but instead of listening they went under the help and suggestions form and ranted about how GM's should not Be allowed to deny characters. Then they shitposted all over my main thread. 

Everntually a mod came in and cleared him out of my thread. I'm pretty sure he was banned, since when you search his user he no longer exists.
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My worst experience actually happened HERE. ( which seems to be a rarity lol? )

So I was fairly new to the site, but I knew all the works and had gotten used to how most people work around here. Thusly, I created my first role play. Which was a zombie rp. ( actually this might've been my second? )

So everything was going fine at first. Everyone that had joined were pretty great writers/ decent so I could understand them. Well, I get this character sheet from bobthebob and I mean... it was literally terrible. They had a 7 year old girl who drove a tank, a ton of guns with 1000's of rounds, and had grown up a child prodigy so knew everything about how zombies worked. Because jeesh. she was 7. Of course she knew how to drive and shoot a gun. 

Well, like any good GM, I denied the CS. From there on out, things escalated. The person was like "well I'm 13 and I know how to shoot a gun and I drove my dads truck like, once, so I know what I'm talking about" 



Everybody In the thread kindly tried to explain to him/her the problem, but instead of listening they went under the help and suggestions form and ranted about how GM's should not Be allowed to deny characters. Then they shitposted all over my main thread. 

Everntually a mod came in and cleared him out of my thread. I'm pretty sure he was banned, since when you search his user he no longer exists.

[SIZE= 12px]You serious there, mate? Are you completely, positively certain that you weren't on acid during that brief period?[/SIZE]
I've had this one asshole who had to sexualize and under/over-type everything, y'know? It's like he could only go 'beige prose' and 'purple prose' with nothing in between. And his character(s) tried to fuck everything, EVERYTHING, and he only suffered clothing damage.

Not to mention he basically tried flirting with the other players. What sort of loser does that?
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My worst experience actually happened HERE. ( which seems to be a rarity lol? )

So I was fairly new to the site, but I knew all the works and had gotten used to how most people work around here. Thusly, I created my first role play. Which was a zombie rp. ( actually this might've been my second? )

So everything was going fine at first. Everyone that had joined were pretty great writers/ decent so I could understand them. Well, I get this character sheet from bobthebob and I mean... it was literally terrible. They had a 7 year old girl who drove a tank, a ton of guns with 1000's of rounds, and had grown up a child prodigy so knew everything about how zombies worked. Because jeesh. she was 7. Of course she knew how to drive and shoot a gun. 

Well, like any good GM, I denied the CS. From there on out, things escalated. The person was like "well I'm 13 and I know how to shoot a gun and I drove my dads truck like, once, so I know what I'm talking about" 



Everybody In the thread kindly tried to explain to him/her the problem, but instead of listening they went under the help and suggestions form and ranted about how GM's should not Be allowed to deny characters. Then they shitposted all over my main thread. 

Everntually a mod came in and cleared him out of my thread. I'm pretty sure he was banned, since when you search his user he no longer exists.

i had this happen a couple times. even against my better judgement once i accepted a cs i knew i shouldnt of and as predicted he op everything and tried to grab control from me and my co gm. he even had a friend of his shit post on the ooc cause i denied the character
It's not so much partners, but when trying to discuss a plot with somebody, and they constantly try to convince you that you must play a character that they have chosen for you. Even when stating being uncomfortable playing a certain role, or discussing a certain topic within the roleplay, they are consistently attempting to convince you into playing this particular role that you have no interest in playing, and have already mentioned being unable to involve yourself in a particular character for whatever reason.

I just find it extremely ignorant and impolite to try and persuade others into roles that they have already said that they can't? Ugh, just annoys me.

Another one is Godmodding. My gosh, a hugeeeeeeeee pet peeve of mine. I roleplayed this one person (not going to tag them or slate them over because I'm not that kind of person), but they constantly Godmodded my character. Let's call them Ben. 

Right, so when we first began roleplaying, I assumed Ben would be playing in the third person, but was in the first. Not a huge problem, probably my fault for not checking the writing style of Ben, but I roleplayed in the third, so it was alright after I got used to the writing style etc.

After a few posts, I began to notice that Ben was beginning to control my character. It wasn't even subtle, they were very blatantly controlling my character's every move. I wouldn't have even minded so much, but their posts were always one liners, and it was always really hard to differentiate what they were writing as speech and actions of their chatacters. Examples of this would include

"*You look at me and call me hot and ask for my number hi im ben"

They would frequently forget punctuation, capital letters etc etc.  

Being reasonably unfamiliar with roleplaying, I assumed that that was just the way all people roleplayed, and so continued for a few more posts until it became irritating. Ben became so obsessive with controlling my character that it was almost like his story, and I'd occasionally add a few bits of detail every now and again. This carried on for a while until they tried to introduce sexual aspects to the roleplay, and as soon as that began, I left.

But you guys seem to have had wayyyy worse situations!




I have most definitely had my fair share of people bailing out on me. I remember one time, I was much younger than I am now, and I was in a group wolf rp or something along those lines. I had a very modest and young wolf who I believe was named Thane, and actually pretty much the oldest out of everyone's. (He was seven.)

We had a group vote amongst the characters as to who was the leader of the pack, and there was this one girl who was peeved that everyone wanted my character to be the leader. So she acted out and tried to kill my character, control him, have him be seriously injured or terminally ill, just so her character could be the alpha. She even pm'd me telling me to kill him off. A lot of the other rpers didn't like really like the player and she eventually got asked to leave because she was harassing me so much, to the point where she was even threatening ME, not in rp.

Looking back on it now, it was kinda funny, heh.
So this guy let's name him bill. Back at hamster hideout where the rp's were about hamsters. My Rp was hamsters only, Guess what he did? He made a alien charactor. After rejecting him he still posted. The Rp died because he would keep god modding.

Was it Boo, the so-called 'miniature giant space hamster' carried around by Minsk in Baldur's Gate 2?
The ones build plots with and post the intro and they never reply.

Or ones that message you that their interested and don't even make the character sheet before bailing. 

I don't wanna call any names, so thats it. Cause there are a few partners I've had that did that. 




I have most definitely had my fair share of people bailing out on me. I remember one time, I was much younger than I am now, and I was in a group wolf rp or something along those lines. I had a very modest and young wolf who I believe was named Thane, and actually pretty much the oldest out of everyone's. (He was seven.)

We had a group vote amongst the characters as to who was the leader of the pack, and there was this one girl who was peeved that everyone wanted my character to be the leader. So she acted out and tried to kill my character, control him, have him be seriously injured or terminally ill, just so her character could be the alpha. She even pm'd me telling me to kill him off. A lot of the other rpers didn't like really like the player and she eventually got asked to leave because she was harassing me so much, to the point where she was even threatening ME, not in rp.

Looking back on it now, it was kinda funny, heh.

Those damn delta wolves type never being happy being bottom of the chain
None really comes to mind, I mean I've seen absolutely stupid character sheets, but normally those people don't even actually join in. I guess I hate cliche characters? Like when someone creates a character and it has all the cliches, oh parents were abusive ran away from home, that kind of stuff. So not so much the person but rather the role they give themselves
In terms of combat, there is always someone who is going to rage quit or argue to the ends of the Earth for their character to simply not take a hit (For those confused, this was not a dice battle). If you ever decide to do combat in RP in detailed format, it's best to do it with someone you already know.

I know as a seasoned combat writer (that's my specialty, the one and only thing I'm very good at ^_^ ), sometimes we get frustrated with others who have a very impractical knowledge and understanding of combat. Like the Naruto kids, who want to have crazy abilities they just drop on the spot with no prior mentions or establishment, you know, the kids who want to run along walls and engage in epic level combat where all laws of physics are just tossed out the window. All that is fine if the RP facilitates it in nature, but some people want to push anime aspects of combat into more grounded projects, and that bothers us on a creative level.

But mostly, it's just people who have little to know understanding of combat mechanics and the human anatomy. You know, they'll charge forward, lunging into a wide, desperate arcing right hook toward your face (by their own description and choosing), then get pissy when you catch their arm (for throwing such a sloppy strike in the first place). Then they'll want to just tug their arm free using their awesome upper body strength (even though you placed their wrist in a joint lock on your turn).  You know, little to big things such as this which, in all honesty, just ruin combat and the integrity of a good fight scene.

This one time years ago I was in a good high fantasy RP using a monk of sorts. He was a passive guy, had no desire to fight. He was only there to protect and watch over his little sister (played by a friend). So this guy kept jabbing at me for like 10 pages, being a proper insecure, edgy twit* (I'm not uncultured, that's ignorant to assume ;) ) about it to the point the GM sent me a PM saying she was proud of how I shrugged him off, and that she had spoken to him about dialing it back a bit since it was just a nuisance, not really deving his character or adding to the plot; he was just picking for the sake of it. 

Anyway finally he stopped the plot dead in it's tracks to pick a physical fight, slapping my character several times before I told him plainly, it's not the time, nor the place. I don't want to fight you. Now the whole point of my character was that he was a skilled martial artist. My Cs made that abundantly clear. It also made the fact that he was a passive, peaceful man very clear. This guy was a paladin.

Anyway, he proceeds to come onto me with force, punching, kicking, even throwing me around. I took it all, selling his every move. Finally when I realized there was no point here other than for him to posture himself and secure the role of resident badass (in his own mind), I said okay, I'ma shut this sad little display of insecurity and general fuckery down.

I stood up after taking a few good pucnhes and a kick to the face on the way down. I was bloody, you know? I sold it for him. So he came at me again, looking to land another labored right haymaker. I caught his inside right elbow with an outside reverse knife hand (a quick, left, backward chopping blow from the inside out toward his arm), and sunk a quick, restrained strike across his throat using the webbing of my right thumb. Now anyone who knows anything about the human anatomy, that's a nasty blow that at the very least, impacts your ability to breath, speak, or continue fighting at 100%.

I shit you not, he smiled, spit on me and said, "That all you got, monk?"

It's like, "BRO.... I just sold your little shit show to a T, and you can't even give me that...."

Macho BS is the worst thing for RP combat. For some boys, even men, showing any form of real weakness or defeat, even through a fictional character, is their worst nightmare.

T1 style is usually used for inexperienced groups or when Gms are unfamiliar with certain or all participants. T1 ensures "fair" combat where you can only really preform 1 action per turn. It's severely limited and impractical, but it at least keeps some level of order and structure.

Like, in advanced combat, I can block a right punch by raising my left arm to block the impact, and in the same fluid motion, taking less than a second in total (realistically so), step forward with my left foot, panting behind your right heel, and throw a stiff open palm strike to your torso.

On your turn, you can step over my left foot, and block my open palm strike.

In T1 terms, that doesn't work, I could only really block your strike and step forward or throw my strike.

@xxbetaspiritxx I love when people offer me roles. I'm pretty flexible and love a good challenge. Whenever a GM has a role that the RP needs, and I can try to fill that void, I'm honored and excited to be doing the RP a service beyond my own invention or vision. But I see what you mean. If someone wants you to play a Brain surgeon, and you know nothing about brain surgery, there's not much you can do as a responsible writer. ;P I haven't been hassled into roles like this before, though. I bet that would get annoying after awhile.
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I know as a seasoned combat writer (that's my specialty, the one and only thing I'm very good at ^_^ ), sometimes we get frustrated with others who have a very impractical knowledge and understanding of combat. Like the Naruto kids, who want to have crazy abilities they just drop on the spot with no prior mentions or establishment, you know, the kids who want to run along walls and engage in epic level combat where all laws of physics are just tossed out the window. All that is fine if the RP facilitates it in nature, but some people want to push anime aspects of combat into more grounded projects, and that bothers us on a creative level.

But mostly, it's just people who have little to know understanding of combat mechanics and the human anatomy. You know, they'll charge forward, lunging into a wide, desperate arcing right hook toward your face (by their own description and choosing), then get pissy when you catch their arm (for throwing such a sloppy strike in the first place). Then they'll want to just tug their arm free using their awesome upper body strength (even though you placed their wrist in a joint lock on your turn).  You know, little to big things such as this which, in all honesty, just ruin combat and the integrity of a good fight scene.

This one time years ago I was in a good high fantasy RP using a monk of sorts. He was a passive guy, had no desire to fight. He was only there to protect and watch over his little sister (played by a friend). So this guy kept jabbing at me for like 10 pages, being a proper insecure, edgy twit* (I'm not uncultured, that's ignorant to assume ;) ) about it to the point the GM sent me a PM saying she was proud of how I shrugged him off, and that she had spoken to him about dialing it back a bit since it was just a nuisance, not really deving his character or adding to the plot; he was just picking for the sake of it. 

Anyway finally he stopped the plot dead in it's tracks to pick a physical fight, slapping my character several times before I told him plainly, it's not the time, nor the place. I don't want to fight you. Now the whole point of my character was that he was a skilled martial artist. My Cs made that abundantly clear. It also made the fact that he was a passive, peaceful man very clear. This guy was a paladin.

Anyway, he proceeds to come onto me with force, punching, kicking, even throwing me around. I took it all, selling his every move. Finally when I realized there was no point here other than for him to posture himself and secure the role of resident badass (in his own mind), I said okay, I'ma shut this sad little display of insecurity and general fuckery down.

I stood up after taking a few good pucnhes and a kick to the face on the way down. I was bloody, you know? I sold it for him. So he came at me again, looking to land another labored right haymaker. I caught his inside right elbow with an outside reverse knife hand (a quick, left, backward chopping blow from the inside out toward his arm), and sunk a quick, restrained strike across his throat using the webbing of my right thumb. Now anyone who knows anything about the human anatomy, that's a nasty blow that at the very least, impacts your ability to breath, speak, or continue fighting at 100%.

I shit you not, he smiled, spit on me and said, "That all you got, monk?"

It's like, "BRO.... I just sold your little shit show to a T, and you can't even give me that...."

Macho BS is the worst thing for RP combat. For some boys, even men, showing any form of real weakness or defeat, even through a fictional character, is their worst nightmare.

T1 style is usually used for inexperienced groups or when Gms are unfamiliar with certain or all participants. T1 ensures "fair" combat where you can only really preform 1 action per turn. It's severely limited and impractical, but it at least keeps some level of order and structure.

Like, in advanced combat, I can block a right punch by raising my left arm to block the impact, and in the same fluid motion, taking less than a second in total (realistically so), step forward with my left foot, panting behind your right heel, and throw a stiff open palm strike to your torso.

On your turn, you can step over my left foot, and block my open palm strike.

In T1 terms, that doesn't work, I could only really block your strike and step forward or throw my strike.

@xxbetaspiritxx O love when people offer me roles. I'm pretty flexible and love a good challenge. Whenever a GM has a role that the RP needs, and I can try to fill that void, I'm honored and excited to be doing the RP a service beyond my own invention or vision. But I see what you mean. If someone wants you to play a Brain surgeon, and you know nothing about brain surgery, there's not much you can do as a responsible writer. ;P I haven't been hassled into roles like this before, though. I bet that would get annoying after awhile.

Man, combat rp sounds really complicated.

I consider myself a good roleplayer, but I'd be lost trying to piece together those attacks and such in my head. If people went way over my level of knowledge on a given subject, it'd be leaving me confused, for sure.

@Loco Mofo

Ex: Swordplay techniques, stuff only someone with a P.H.D. should know, etc.
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I know as a seasoned combat writer (that's my specialty, the one and only thing I'm very good at ^_^ ), sometimes we get frustrated with others who have a very impractical knowledge and understanding of combat. Like the Naruto kids, who want to have crazy abilities they just drop on the spot with no prior mentions or establishment, you know, the kids who want to run along walls and engage in epic level combat where all laws of physics are just tossed out the window. All that is fine if the RP facilitates it in nature, but some people want to push anime aspects of combat into more grounded projects, and that bothers us on a creative level.

But mostly, it's just people who have little to know understanding of combat mechanics and the human anatomy. You know, they'll charge forward, lunging into a wide, desperate arcing right hook toward your face (by their own description and choosing), then get pissy when you catch their arm (for throwing such a sloppy strike in the first place). Then they'll want to just tug their arm free using their awesome upper body strength (even though you placed their wrist in a joint lock on your turn).  You know, little to big things such as this which, in all honesty, just ruin combat and the integrity of a good fight scene.

This one time years ago I was in a good high fantasy RP using a monk of sorts. He was a passive guy, had no desire to fight. He was only there to protect and watch over his little sister (played by a friend). So this guy kept jabbing at me for like 10 pages, being a proper insecure, edgy twit* (I'm not uncultured, that's ignorant to assume ;) ) about it to the point the GM sent me a PM saying she was proud of how I shrugged him off, and that she had spoken to him about dialing it back a bit since it was just a nuisance, not really deving his character or adding to the plot; he was just picking for the sake of it. 

Anyway finally he stopped the plot dead in it's tracks to pick a physical fight, slapping my character several times before I told him plainly, it's not the time, nor the place. I don't want to fight you. Now the whole point of my character was that he was a skilled martial artist. My Cs made that abundantly clear. It also made the fact that he was a passive, peaceful man very clear. This guy was a paladin.

Anyway, he proceeds to come onto me with force, punching, kicking, even throwing me around. I took it all, selling his every move. Finally when I realized there was no point here other than for him to posture himself and secure the role of resident badass (in his own mind), I said okay, I'ma shut this sad little display of insecurity and general fuckery down.

I stood up after taking a few good pucnhes and a kick to the face on the way down. I was bloody, you know? I sold it for him. So he came at me again, looking to land another labored right haymaker. I caught his inside right elbow with an outside reverse knife hand (a quick, left, backward chopping blow from the inside out toward his arm), and sunk a quick, restrained strike across his throat using the webbing of my right thumb. Now anyone who knows anything about the human anatomy, that's a nasty blow that at the very least, impacts your ability to breath, speak, or continue fighting at 100%.

I shit you not, he smiled, spit on me and said, "That all you got, monk?"

It's like, "BRO.... I just sold your little shit show to a T, and you can't even give me that...."

Macho BS is the worst thing for RP combat. For some boys, even men, showing any form of real weakness or defeat, even through a fictional character, is their worst nightmare.

T1 style is usually used for inexperienced groups or when Gms are unfamiliar with certain or all participants. T1 ensures "fair" combat where you can only really preform 1 action per turn. It's severely limited and impractical, but it at least keeps some level of order and structure.

Like, in advanced combat, I can block a right punch by raising my left arm to block the impact, and in the same fluid motion, taking less than a second in total (realistically so), step forward with my left foot, panting behind your right heel, and throw a stiff open palm strike to your torso.

On your turn, you can step over my left foot, and block my open palm strike.

In T1 terms, that doesn't work, I could only really block your strike and step forward or throw my strike.

@xxbetaspiritxx I love when people offer me roles. I'm pretty flexible and love a good challenge. Whenever a GM has a role that the RP needs, and I can try to fill that void, I'm honored and excited to be doing the RP a service beyond my own invention or vision. But I see what you mean. If someone wants you to play a Brain surgeon, and you know nothing about brain surgery, there's not much you can do as a responsible writer. ;P I haven't been hassled into roles like this before, though. I bet that would get annoying after awhile.

There another take on this to. the people taking what suppose to be a simple sparing match into out for blood and serious injury type of fight. 
Well, in an RP often times fights are serious. You should really consider your actions wisely in a "real" RP fight. You can't complain or feel wronged if you make a bad choice and are made to pay for it, that's realism.

I've seen sparring turn ugly, the tension and intensity building with every post. :P  I haven't seen much of that at the more serious level in other communities.

Also, if you're just sparring (not in the middle of an actual RP with a plot of it's own), more hardcore life & death sparring will sharpen your skills much more than casual exchanges. Fighting full-out (with random shell characters) is the best way to develop your skills, diversity, and effectiveness as an RP fighter.

Early on in my RP journey I was given some solid advice by an individual who would go on to be one of my main RP friends. He said that in RP, you are accountable for every action you take, and the consequences of those actions.

If you want to antagonize someone repeatedly, you have no right to make a scene when they finally lash out. It's not about you & me, it's about our characters. Most people commit fully, myself included. If you give a character a reason to want to kill you, you can't really complain when they try, or make it their mission to do so. IF you spend an entire RP being the thorn in everyone's side, and have given more than enough reason to want you dead, you shouldn't really complain if and when you get killed. lol

Having said all that, it's not like absolute, just a great way of thinking about RP. YOu'll make far more creatively responsible decisions as opposed to "Just having fun -innocent eyes-".

@Captain Gensokyo Swordplay and melee combat is a piece of cake compared to hand to hand/martial arts combat. Martial arts are like so much more complex than swordplay.
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 I love when people offer me roles. I'm pretty flexible and love a good challenge. Whenever a GM has a role that the RP needs, and I can try to fill that void, I'm honored and excited to be doing the RP a service beyond my own invention or vision. But I see what you mean. If someone wants you to play a Brain surgeon, and you know nothing about brain surgery, there's not much you can do as a responsible writer. ;P I haven't been hassled into roles like this before, though. I bet that would get annoying after awhile.

It's not so much as being offered roles, but being semi-forced into playing a character that you specifically have stated you can't play. Say you wanted a roleplay to be about two sisters finding their own way in life after having possessions taken (having said you don't want to play a romance), and your partner agrees to do so, confirming that you're both comfortable with the roles (I make sure my partners are happy with their chosen roles haha). And then, say, your partner decides to ruin the previous plot, and suddenly wants you to play a male character in a coffee shop about a romantic relationship between him and the customer who frequently visits. Just an example.

Completely changing the original idea of the plot, you know? Haha

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