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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC

What, saw the death of Andromeda? When?

During the whole chasing scene at the temple; he ended up seeing it too after making Azura unconscious. =3 

"What was I supposed to do, since Kyrin was chasing me in order to knock me out." <- ( Yep. He wanted to get her out of the way here. Because Kyrin knew that Azura is a easy target, since she doesn't like to fight anybody here. ) said Azura. "And it's not my fault that I failed to protect Andromeda, since I couldn't do anything to stop Noel from stabbing her."Azura then ended up crying here, because Adam was making her feel extremely guilty about Andromeda's death. "I am so sorry that I couldn't protect her, Adam. Since I've been secretly watching what everybody was doing at the temple, so I pretty much know how much you love her here, Adam." said Azura. "I am the worst Zodiac ever."Azura ended up making her phone go to speaker right now, since Cyrus was listening to this. "Cyrus, please tell me that I am the worst Zodiac. Since I know that you have been listening to my conversation with Adam here." said Azura.
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During the whole chasing scene at the temple; he ended up seeing it too after making Azura unconscious. =3 

"What was I supposed to do, since Kyrin was chasing me in order to knock me out." <- ( Yep. He wanted to get her out of the way here. Because Kyrin knew that Azura is a easy target, since she doesn't like to fight anybody here. ) said Azura. "And it's not my fault that I failed to protect Andromeda, since I couldn't do anything to stop Noel from stabbing her."Azura then ended up crying here, because Adam was making her feel extremely guilty about Andromeda's death. "I am so sorry that I couldn't protect her, Adam. Since I've been secretly watching what everybody was doing at the temple, so I pretty much know how much you love her here, Adam." said Azura. "I am the worst Zodiac ever."Azura ended up making her phone go to speaker right now, since Cyrus was listening to this. "Cyrus, please tell me that I am the worst Zodiac. Since I know that you have been listening to my conversation with Adam here." said Azura.

To be fair, it was never formally discussed between you two that Kyrin did indeed chase Azura to knock her out in the battle. You should really talk to the person before deciding on something they did in the past :T

I can see where @GoldnEye got confused

@Cheshire Grin

How are you trying to make me feel better? About what, exactly? T_T
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BUT I was thinking of some sort of way to tie in Evelynn into some kind of mythology thing? Like since she's doesn't know her family or where she comes from, and with her slight abilities and such, maybe have like her parents or ancestors tie in somehow? I just don't know how...
During the whole chasing scene at the temple; he ended up seeing it too after making Azura unconscious. =3 

"What was I supposed to do, since Kyrin was chasing me in order to knock me out." <- ( Yep. He wanted to get her out of the way here. Because Kyrin knew that Azura is a easy target, since she doesn't like to fight anybody here. ) said Azura. "And it's not my fault that I failed to protect Andromeda, since I couldn't do anything to stop Noel from stabbing her."
Azura then ended up crying here, because Adam was making her feel extremely guilty about Andromeda's death. "I am so sorry that I couldn't protect her, Adam. Since I've been secretly watching what everybody was doing at the temple, so I pretty much know how much you love her here, Adam." said Azura. "I am the worst Zodiac ever."
Azura ended up making her phone go to speaker right now, since Cyrus was listening to this. "Cyrus, please tell me that I am the worst Zodiac. Since I know that you have been listening to my conversation with Adam here." said Azura.

To be fair, it was never formally discussed between you two that Kyrin did indeed chase Azura to knock her out in the battle. You should really talk to the person before deciding on something they did in the past :T

I can see where @GoldnEye got confused

@Cheshire Grin

How are you trying to make me feel better? About what, exactly? T_T

What Genork said, you kinda just took my character and did whatever without asking. I mean i'm not gonna take it out but please ask next time.
Or not. I don't even know xD  I feel silly cause everyone seems to have their character and story and everything planned out and I'm just like imma just go with it  

I mean we kind of did a bit of planning before the rp started and you did join late so it makes sense. If you want to somehow tie in your ancestors with the story feel free to do so. Just make sure to inform us if you do so as I feel like there has been a lot of miscommunication between a lot of people. 
The reincarnation thing could be interesting, as I can't really think of any other way of tying something together... 

And yeah I noticed that, which is why I try really hard to ask and communicate about everything lol. 
The reincarnation thing could be interesting, as I can't really think of any other way of tying something together... 

And yeah I noticed that, which is why I try really hard to ask and communicate about everything lol. 


Hmmm Well, since your character has visions and that is a power of hers, we could always have it being where she had been an oracle of such before. Just an idea ^.^
By his scorpion, yes ^^

Vijay likes him though xD I mean, he is kinda bewildered because killing the princess came right out of nowhere, and he's being cautious to keep them apart in case Noel's goal is to kill the princess again, but he does like Noel and would help him do whatever he wants to do (besides kill the princess, that he won't do unless it seems like he should)
;^; I think it just seems like everyone hated Noel because there was a bit of miscommunication about certain events. 
All that matters is that I love him.

*pets Noel on the head*



Would you like me to sing Noel soft kitty but change the kitty part to scorpion?
Well Capricorn is his ally, and friend. Noel just needs to spend a little time with his allies and he can feel a bit better about himself ^_^ (Maybe he and Vijay can start up an emo punk band and they can sing about all their angst lol :P )
Would you like me to sing Noel soft kitty but change the kitty part to scorpion?







....That was the best I had for that

Well Capricorn is his ally, and friend. Noel just needs to spend a little time with his allies and he can feel a bit better about himself ^_^ (Maybe he and Vijay can start up an emo punk band and they can sing about all their angst lol :P )

Yas  B|

They should call it the Eclipsed Spirits

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