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Looking for something/one fun to talk to (internet love story )

Misty looked at Alex confused. "Why do you keep calling people that? Why did you call me that?" She asked as she looked to him.

" I am a supernatural. Someone with super powers." Alex says starting to explain. " A natural is what you call someone without powers. All natural, no powers nothing truly very special." 
Misty looked at him confused. "So I am nothing special? No wonder the chick stood you up." She said teasing him. "Now stop lying.
Misty looked at him confused. "So I am nothing special? No wonder the chick stood you up." She said teasing him. "Now stop lying.

Alex frowns " I didn't mean it that way. I meant like, you have even more limits to how special you can be. Super naturals.... their limits are much higher. " He says then stops. " Why do you keep thinking I am lying. I am not showing any traits of when someone lies. So question. How can I make you believe me." Alex says texting someone while talking.
Misty huffed and crossed her arms. "You can't. My daddy said that anyone who thinks they can do magic are idiots and I shouldn't be associated with them." She said as she turned away and looked out the door. It had stopped raining as it was getting darker. "You all are just liars who try to pass simple tricks off as something only you can do." She said sighing as she didn't look back to him.
Misty huffed and crossed her arms. "You can't. My daddy said that anyone who thinks they can do magic are idiots and I shouldn't be associated with them." She said as she turned away and looked out the door. It had stopped raining as it was getting darker. "You all are just liars who try to pass simple tricks off as something only you can do." She said sighing as she didn't look back to him.

Alex smiles. " Then you wouldn't believe me, even if I had you kiss the wall using magic?" He says   fiddling with his left middle ring.
Misty looked at him confused. "Unless you get me to kiss you, I wouldn't believe magic existed at all." She said as she sat down on her stool and opened her comic book again to read more of it.
Misty looked at him confused. "Unless you get me to kiss you, I wouldn't believe magic existed at all." She said as she sat down on her stool and opened her comic book again to read more of it.

" I wouldn't be that mean." Alex says as wind swirls around misty tripping her. and making her float the next second. " But I would do that." He says  his right ring finger ring glowing white.
Misty looked around as she was floating for a second. "That was defiantly a parlor trick. My boss put you up to this didn't he. There was never a girl." She said as she closed her book. 'There is nothing he can do to mean that will make me believe.' She thought as she walked around the counter. "I told you, there is only one way I will believe you can do magic. Because you are not worth kissing, you liar." She said as she reached for him. She was going to throw him out and have a talk with her boss about harassment.
Misty looked around as she was floating for a second. "That was defiantly a parlor trick. My boss put you up to this didn't he. There was never a girl." She said as she closed her book. 'There is nothing he can do to mean that will make me believe.' She thought as she walked around the counter. "I told you, there is only one way I will believe you can do magic. Because you are not worth kissing, you liar." She said as she reached for him. She was going to throw him out and have a talk with her boss about harassment.

Alex would sigh then cast an attraction charm on himself. His right middle finger ring glowing bright pink. " I really hate using this magic you know." He says. " But you forced my hand." ( I don't know what else to put .3. )
Misty looked around as she was floating for a second. "That was defiantly a parlor trick. My boss put you up to this didn't he. There was never a girl." She said as she closed her book. 'There is nothing he can do to mean that will make me believe.' She thought as she walked around the counter. "I told you, there is only one way I will believe you can do magic. Because you are not worth kissing, you liar." She said as she reached for him. She was going to throw him out and have a talk with her boss about harassment.

Alex would sigh then cast an attraction charm on himself. His right middle finger ring glowing bright pink. " I really hate using this magic you know." He says. " But you forced my hand." ( I don't know what else to put .3. )
Misty looked around as she was floating for a second. "That was defiantly a parlor trick. My boss put you up to this didn't he. There was never a girl." She said as she closed her book. 'There is nothing he can do to mean that will make me believe.' She thought as she walked around the counter. "I told you, there is only one way I will believe you can do magic. Because you are not worth kissing, you liar." She said as she reached for him. She was going to throw him out and have a talk with her boss about harassment.

Alex would sigh then cast an attraction charm on himself. His right middle finger ring glowing bright pink. " I really hate using this magic you know." He says. " But you forced my hand." ( I don't know what else to put .3. )
(I was giving you the chance to make Misty kiss him XP)

Misty looked to Alex and something came over her that was not normal. Her knees grew weak as she stepped closer to him. "I never realized how handsome you were." She said as she walked over and tripped into his arms. "Shall we forget about your date and have one of our own." She said as she moved her lips closer to his. 'Am I really about to do this?' She thought confused that she couldn't move her body.
(I was giving you the chance to make Misty kiss him XP)

Misty looked to Alex and something came over her that was not normal. Her knees grew weak as she stepped closer to him. "I never realized how handsome you were." She said as she walked over and tripped into his arms. "Shall we forget about your date and have one of our own." She said as she moved her lips closer to his. 'Am I really about to do this?' She thought confused that she couldn't move her body.

Alex cancels the spell right before he is kissed. " That is a bit awkward, having you so close to my face." He says laughing. " Now do you believe me, he says putting the pink glowing ring away, after it stops glowing. 
( Quick question, how fast do you want this to be into the rom genre. like this fast, or over a few pages? )
Misty looked at him as she backed away. "That wasn't magic. I was just leading you on." She said blushing and clearing lying. She didn't know what to think. Could her father have lied to her after all these years.

(I am okay with either.)
Misty looked at him as she backed away. "That wasn't magic. I was just leading you on." She said blushing and clearing lying. She didn't know what to think. Could her father have lied to her after all these years.

(I am okay with either.)

" What?" Alex says confused. " You looked deeply in loved. I am pretty sure that spell work but eh. Maybe your not into guys." He says  shrugging. 
Misty looked very angry at this point. She walked around and took his arm twisting it around as she walked him out. "It's time to leave. I told you that I was leading you on. How dare you judge me like that." She said as she pushed him out causing him to drop on of his rings. "I don't want to see you here again." She said as she closed the door and locked it.
Misty looked very angry at this point. She walked around and took his arm twisting it around as she walked him out. "It's time to leave. I told you that I was leading you on. How dare you judge me like that." She said as she pushed him out causing him to drop on of his rings. "I don't want to see you here again." She said as she closed the door and locked it.

Alex would turn around at the door. " I have no idea what you are talking bout, but I can easily unlock this. I pay because I want to." He says, as he casts a charm again. " Please explain it again. ( alex = derp about love. )
Misty looked to him and stuck her tongue out. "I will have you arrested if you try." She said as she turned around and looked down picking up one of his rings. She looked it over and took it to the back of the store. 'Maybe it's something from a comic book.' SHe thought as she looked it over and tried to play with it. She put it on and it seemed to get stuck on her finger.
Alex's eyes widen, and notices he dropped his attraction rings.  He must have not noticed, as he was trying to pocket it, then sent out. " Ummm, I don't recommend snapping your fingers with that on!" Alex says sighing. " It will have some sort of attraction property. That is one of my spell rings. Very hard to make, but it makes it so you don't have to say the spell." He says  drawing on a piece of paper.
Misty wasn't paying any attention but to the ring as she tried to pull it off. "Damn thing get off." She said as she sudden'y cracked her finger and the ring seemed to glow. "What is going on?" She asked as she felt a sudden rush of heat over her whole body. She walked out of the back room to see Alex still by the door and she just blushed.

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