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Dice Rifts Japan - OOC Thread


As memory serves, the New Republic popped into Earth in the 80s and the usual current timeline is like 109 PA I think? So people have been around for 20 something years in the Rift-saturated environment, no reason that couldn't have awoken latent talents I suppose.
Thank you for the love there, Pips! I will keep Isamu in My Private Workshop as I bring back my favorite RP Nation Rifts character, Snowfall the Kitsune! =)

Sherwood Sherwood Which reminds me, could I get a 1d4x10 roll from you, please? I found the Kitsune to Rifts data I was looking for in Rifter #3. They are Mega-damage creatures! Woo!
Here is the d4x10 roll:

Psychie Psychie Is your Kimi good to go? I mean, we haven't gotten into starting weapons and gear yet, but as far as I know, this is maybe your first Rifts Japan game? You have any questions or are you wondering anything?
The monk OCC starts out with only a very few items and not much in the way of money, with the Staff of Defense being their only big item that they carry. So, I am thinking that once I add the few innocuous items that she carries with her, Kimi will be all set.
I sent D. Rex D. Rex a PM with a character that is mostly done; it just need a few skills to be selected and the combat bonuses added up.

That being said, Purr Purr how close are you to being done? It looks like both Psychie Psychie and Eonivar Eonivar are set, and then we have GunMan2 GunMan2 . Can we be ready by this weekend, Monday being the latest for a start date?
As I said, I'm pretty much set. Kimi doesn't need much in the way of starting gear, which is good since I don't start with much in the way of gear. They only thing that I would like that I don't have is a small bag of solid metal marbles that I can use as thrown weapons.
That is a reasonable request to make. Yes, you can start with a small bag of a dozen solid metal balls that you can hurl at targets out of melee range.
The monk OCC starts out with only a very few items and not much in the way of money, with the Staff of Defense being their only big item that they carry. So, I am thinking that once I add the few innocuous items that she carries with her, Kimi will be all set.
Sherwood Sherwood This reminds me - the Ley Line Walker is (I imagine) set for adventure in the Western world (complete with stakes for vampires and mallet and so on). They receive an S.D.C. pistol and either an energy pistol or rifle with "several" magazines.

1. Do you mind if I choose a Glock 9mm as the pistol (specifically, the G17 model - it's a standard pistol as Rifts goes)?

2. As rifles go, since we are in Japan AND in the Republic of Japan, could I go with the AT-230 Particle Beam rifle? According to the Rifts Japan book, it is available in the Republic?

3. How many mags is "several," please? Also, I have just enough skills at the present time to get W.P. Energy Rifle, but not W.P. Pistol/Revolver.

Can we be ready by this weekend, Monday being the latest for a start date?
I... should be? At this moment, I am getting over a headache that hit me today out of nowhere (I'm in the fatigue phase so the pain is gone, but thanks to Kaerri I have a fine glass of apple/blueberry juice which is a fine source of sugar for roleplaying!). I would be surprised if I were NOT ready by Monday. So yeah!

As I said, I'm pretty much set. Kimi doesn't need much in the way of starting gear, which is good since I don't start with much in the way of gear. They only thing that I would like that I don't have is a small bag of solid metal marbles that I can use as thrown weapons.
Psychie Psychie Lady, I like the way you think! A small bag of solid metal (Mega-damage metal?) marbles sounds like fun... but you know me - I like to go the extra mile. Could they be Mega-damage d20 polyhedrons? Ha ha!! Then you could say, "I hit the demon with a Nat 20! I really did! It's indented right there in his forehead!" Hah!

Dungeons And Dragons Fantasy GIF by Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
1. That is entirely acceptable.

2. Also acceptable

3. I'll say four magazines plus one in the weapon.
Thank you! (Now, what did I ask for? It's been that kind of day! Oh yeah. I remember now.) =)

As memory serves, the New Republic popped into Earth in the 80s and the usual current timeline is like 109 PA I think? So people have been around for 20 something years in the Rift-saturated environment, no reason that couldn't have awoken latent talents I suppose.
I meant to post about this earlier, but Real Life intervened.

One story idea I would like to put out there (use some or all or discard this as you please!):

Remember earlier, how I thought about Detective Ando getting his powers from outside the Republic of Japan? Say, he helped some great force or spirit and was rewarded with his Mind Melter powers? To expand a little on this...

...what if the creature in question were Psychie's Kimi?

Let's say there was a flash-flood (because Japan NEVER has those!) and Ando came upon a Sohei monk who, with his staff, had caught an entire wagon of people who were in the process of falling over into a life-threatening river that had gotten larger from the pouring rain? But the Sohei could not pull them in quick enough before two of the folks in the wagon - a boy and a girl - fell out? The Sohei could not drop the wagon full of people, so Ando heroically saves the two nearly at the cost of his own life.

A long time ago at Kimi's Kyoto temple, she was given a simple pearl by her master. "Give this to one who lends you the hands you need most." Kimi gives the pearl to Ando and BAM! He's a Mind Melter! Now, maybe he knows his powers backward and forward by the start of the game, or maybe he's still figuring them out, but he is able to keep the now non-enchanted pearl as a keepsake. Unbeknownst to Ando, but known to Kimi afterward, the girl and the boy were destined for some greatness together and had they perished, the world as we know it, would have lost much goodness.

There. That's enough, right? Again, just another hyperactivity-fueled thought to share. If nothing else, these little daydreams keep my head in the game to come.
Sherwood Sherwood I have a Martial Art Power/Chi Mastery question I cannot find the answer to. Can Chi-atsu (Chi Healing found in Ninjas & Superspies Revised) heal Mega-damage in this game? I ask because there is a similar power in Rifts China 2 that heals S.D.C. or M.D.C. at half the amount.

I am certain the answer is not in Rifts Japan, but possibly lurking in one of the Rifter magazines. I cannot find any hint of an answer online.
Sherwood Sherwood I have a Martial Art Power/Chi Mastery question I cannot find the answer to. Can Chi-atsu (Chi Healing found in Ninjas & Superspies Revised) heal Mega-damage in this game? I ask because there is a similar power in Rifts China 2 that heals S.D.C. or M.D.C. at half the amount.

I am certain the answer is not in Rifts Japan, but possibly lurking in one of the Rifter magazines. I cannot find any hint of an answer online.
The healing at one half the amount for normal hit points / sdc is fair, but I'll spend some time looking at my pdfs of the Rifter
I like the story. I will get Ando updated today and configured to be a Police Officer, and redo his back story to fit what has been discussed.
Sherwood Sherwood I know Purr Purr had mentioned something about Ley Line activity in Japan and I thought you mentioned somewhere that it was not heavy (I could be wrong and I missed it) BUT in looking at the Japan book on page 27 with the complete map of Ley Lines in Japan, I would say Japan has quite a few active Ley Lines.
Sherwood Sherwood I know Purr Purr had mentioned something about Ley Line activity in Japan and I thought you mentioned somewhere that it was not heavy (I could be wrong and I missed it) BUT in looking at the Japan book on page 27 with the complete map of Ley Lines in Japan, I would say Japan has quite a few active Ley Lines.
Eonivar Eonivar If memory serves, I asked Sherwood where the nearest ley lines were in Hiroshima. He mentioned that a few ran through the city itself. =)
Well Detective Ando Oda has been revised and reposted with a new and improved and very detailed backstory. Please enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
Sherwood Sherwood Did we ever decide on how we are doing attacks per melee?

Ando has 2 attacks from his martial arts plus 1 attack from boxing, does he get any more or does he just have 3 attacks (which I am fine with either way)?

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