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Fandom Tale of Hoopa | OOC

Do you ever realize after you've made a post how dumb you made your character look? Cuz my dumbass feels that way looking at my Ven post LMAO
All good and completely understandable! Take as much time as you need!
I'll work on Ven's post probably tomorrow morning if I don't get to it tonight which is probably likely cuz I'm in a bit of an art mood rn

On another note, Link getting 2k from his first trainer lmao. If only that always happened
Tbh I hadn't thought of the money aspect. It probably is easiest for each person to keep track of their own characters money, but also I'm not gonna make too much of a fuss over it all
I waa moreso also wondering if we should have a starting number and if any prices will be in place for items from shops and such
Pricing would probably be based on how they are in the games, which can be found here! Just gotta scroll down a bit for them
Twist Twist SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

So Cereza's 'partner' Mimikyu is not super happy to see her. If you think Rengoku or Hal (or more likely, Hal's Machoke) would wanna try and battle it then feel free to control/beat-up Mimikyu in your replies as if it were a wild Pokemon! I think it'd make for a better fight scene that way rather than us just throwing short, single-action replies back and forth lol.
Twist Twist SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

So Cereza's 'partner' Mimikyu is not super happy to see her. If you think Rengoku or Hal (or more likely, Hal's Machoke) would wanna try and battle it then feel free to control/beat-up Mimikyu in your replies as if it were a wild Pokemon! I think it'd make for a better fight scene that way rather than us just throwing short, single-action replies back and forth lol.
I'm on it!
Icee Icee SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

I figured each of us could have our own little battles so feel free to control the battle between your Pokemon and the other one ^^
I'm fine! I literally didn't know anyone was talking here because of notifs, but I've been busy with finals as of late. I'll try and get a post up in a day or so.
Ahh, I see. I was just checking in if you are alright. Sorry for bothering you since you are busy. Please finish what needs to be done first.
RPN once again having a 0/10 notification system. Love that lmao
Twist Twist SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

So Cereza's 'partner' Mimikyu is not super happy to see her. If you think Rengoku or Hal (or more likely, Hal's Machoke) would wanna try and battle it then feel free to control/beat-up Mimikyu in your replies as if it were a wild Pokemon! I think it'd make for a better fight scene that way rather than us just throwing short, single-action replies back and forth lol.

Posted my response. I'll let SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 finish the fight and then we'll roll back to you.
I may not get a Ven post up today but I’ll try! I had a really bad night and lack much motivation this morning because of it. We’ll see if I find some later on though
Posted my response. I'll let SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 finish the fight and then we'll roll back to you.
That was a fun way of getting Hal to instruct Machoke, I wouldn't have thought of it.

(((also I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna copy the way you formatted the Pokemon moves into your paragraphs in my future posts lol thank you)))
That was a fun way of getting Hal to instruct Machoke, I wouldn't have thought of it.

(((also I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna copy the way you formatted the Pokemon moves into your paragraphs in my future posts lol thank you)))

Don't mind at all, in fact I take it as a compliment. So thank you on two accounts lol
I should have a post up sometime tonight! My focus has been really lacking given how little sleep I am running on, but I've been pushing through. Apologies for the bit of a wait!
It's fine. The weekend has unfourtinately arrived for me so I might not get many posts up as I have to work once again!
So what do we do here, anyways? Is this an RP where the GM drives the story, or an RP where player interactions and going anywhere on this vast map shape things?

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