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Fandom Fallout rp interest check!

Oh yeah that's fine XD I'll have one or two characters myself and then all the NPCs XD
a raider-fied Mr. Handy comes to mind as a secondary character. but that'd be about it. I had a mention of something like that in the bit I shared above.
"Mr. Greasy".
Oi Oi Oi! So, what about putting a raider gang together, yeah? Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher

Here's a thing I had written some time ago on a Fallout group RP regarding a raider gang:

The last rays of a setting sun glared a ruddy orange as the angry orb drifted down under the horizon line. Down the Interstate 20, a short line of oxidized metal contraptions chugged their way down the broken, asphalt trail. The rusty steel plank that served as a sunshade was drawn low to shield the eyes of the lead driver. It was an abomination of mechanical ability, scrapped and patched together in Frankenstein-ian fashion over the years by the mechanically adept members of the Slitter Gang. Mostly, this knowledge was observed and learned from a Mr. Handy robot that had been salvaged from a garage several years ago. The robot insisted on being called "Mr. Greasy". To the automaton's chagrin, most of the raiders just called it a myriad of derogatory curses and names.

A tangle of chains and cables were pulled taut behind the cantankerous, pre-war vehicles. They were shackled together, the stronger of the cars tugging along the weaker engines. Treads replaced tires when mangled strips of rubber were no longer sustainable for wheels. When the prospective bulk of abandoned cars were seen, they were cannibalized for any parts not obviously useless. At the rear of the chain-gang of vehicles, a large bus had been converted into a veritable parts warehouse. Here, anything that might feasibly be a replacement part was stored. Surrounding the string of transports was a large gaggle of raiders. Not forty in number, the nomads traveled West in search of new pickings and new victims. Their procession was a slow but tenacious walk. Their number clad in jury-rigged armor bristling with knobs, and spikes, and jagged edges meant to tear flesh as much as to defend from blows. Thudding amongst them in ominous power-armor were the Group Leaders. Their rank was made obvious by their coveted equipment, equally patchwork and sinister. Their respective cadre gathered around the individual leaders in unorganized clusters as the entirety of the gang trod onward. Absent from the procession was any semblance to a universal leader. No obvious mantle, no guarded transport. Nothing. For at this point and time, the Slitter Gang was without a head.

They would continue on for a time, stopping when they found ample shelter to accommodate their number. When this refuge manifested, it was as the ruins of what had once been a train station. Several train cars were frozen on the tracks, axles seized with rust. The windows to the station itself were largely absent, the glass having been broken decades or even centuries ago. But the whole of the region had provided walls and roofs to give temporary solace from the elements, and the raider gang was glad of it. With practiced familiarity, the cars were unfettered from one another, and their respective drivers parked them in a manner that provided a barricade from the most obvious points of potential danger. The rest of the raiders broke up into familiar groups. Most spread out to claim the area and any potential materials they could scavenge off of it. Others who were either too lazy or too tired, instead made their way to claim the best sleeping spots. Mr. Greasy was tucked away where he could be watched over. Despite how long he had remained in the raiders' company, the floating, multi-armed robot was still guarded like a prisoner.
I'm not against the idea, though I also personally don't want to get into conflict with other PC's. PvP tends to get messy once people start trying to claim their characters have the ability to do X and that their weapons can totally get through Y, so on and so forth. I don't mind if we're part of a gang that isn't part of the Minuteman military, but let's at least try to be a bit more than just raiders pillaging the countryside for parts.

That being said, I totally expect the Minutemen to eventually succumb to the feudalism that the Brotherhood or NCR did and start annexing and basically taking over New York anyways, and if our gang happens to be one of the few folks willing to stand up against this blatant imperialism, well I'll be down for that. Hell given that my dude is more of an int/cha build, he might even try to negotiate something with the Minutemen to more or less say "Hey, we don't need you guys here, we can take on these Gunners ourselves" ala the actual Minutemen ending to Fallout 4.

All in all, I do like the idea of being part of a sort of raider gang, sort of tribal militia, that isn't enemies to the military but also isn't willing to just bow down to them either. Very independent type ya know?
That's basically what I'm going for, all the parts of the People's Commonwealth is largely independent to do whatever, maybe contribute some troops to the military, participate in the voting of laws and stuff if they want. That sort of stuff XD But we wont do or see that in the RP XD
a wip of my character to get a taste for her

Name: Iluta
age: 27
gender: female
Race: Human
  • S 5
  • P 8
  • E 7
  • C 10
  • I 3
  • A 7
  • L 10
  • Friend of the friendless
  • Bear in mind
  • Animal lover 2
  • Tribal wisdom
  • Wild wasteland
  • None

Armor: Tribal BeastMaster armor

Spear tipped with mystery metal

Xero the gaint rad scorpion: a car sized gaint scorpion that Iluta claims is still young and will get bigger
Otoso the rad spider: A huge metallic blue and yellow tarantula like spider
Gaints ants: 3 or 4 gaint ants ( on the smaller side of giant)



Backstory: Iluta was born to the medium tribe known as the sleeping eyes lead by a glowing one ghoul. They used to love in a quarry once run by the dunwich company. This tribe once was courted by the legion but they refused to join and after a lengthy siege their home was taken and the tribe made slaves. This included an at the time 10 year old Iluta. The destiny of being a slave however would be rather short, a mere 2 years in fact. When Iluta was 12 the Legion was moving her and other slaves they ran afoul of deathclaws. A large and rather cunning pack in fact. While the legion put up a good fight the ferocity and cunning of the deathclaws would win them the day. This didn't mean Iluta was free as there were still deathclaws. Iluta claims the deathclaws were as smart as people and actually instead of killing her adopted her, they had killed the other slaves on accident as the legion used them as shields. Seeing no other options Iluta would go with these deathclaws and would learn many things from them on how to survive in the wastes without an entrenched home to make life easier. Hunting, fishing, foraging, building all were things that she was taught by the deathclaws.

Iluta would stay with the tribe of deathclaws for three years before she decided she was ready ready to go out into the wastes and explore mostly but also find some other humans that hopefully weren't slavers. After wandering for a while Iluta decided that she should ask the spirits for help. While Iluta knew some things about what herbs were good for talking to spirits she was not trained to be a shaman and thus her selection of herbs for a spirit vision were not ideal. She claims she heard the voices from the depths of the earth following them into a cave where giant faces spoke to her of vast gulfs of space and monsters slumbering waiting for the stars. She claims she was shown images of vast cities that were wrong they didn't work like normal buildings moving as if alive yet being stone. She was told of their coming and the madness that would cover the world. When she came too she was in a random cave and she had a throbbing headache. Shacking this off iluta would resurface and decide not to to brew her own vision juice as the spirits were distinctly unhelpful. She however did get something useful from this as she found a bit of strange metal that ahs fashioned into a spear.

While Iluta traveled she would next find herself wandering a cave system under a mound where she swears a headless ghost chased her down into a cave that lead to a hollow world. Deep below the surface she says she found another filled with strange creatures. In this hidden world she would find what she claims was a civilization of radscorpions that claimed to be older than humanity itself. She claims they had great cyclopean cities and that there were deeper worlds nested below this hollow world. Iluta would befriend these scorpion and stay with them for a whole year before leaving the underground world, though not before being given an egg by the queen of the radscorpions. She would hatch and name this Radscorpion Xero who oddly no one else can seem to hear talking but Iluta could.

Traveling with Xero Iluta would take to wandering while her first run in with spirits had been less than helpful she swears that she came by more a whole city of the dead. Iluta claims that she stumbled upon a city of ghosts when she was out of water in the wastes and near death only to be saved by them. Her version of the story is after passing out from dehydration she woke up in what looked like a pre war building except not destroyed. She actually stayed there for awhile finding it odd that any place was as pristine as the city was. After awhile she would end up getting caught up in a small adventure in the city thinking she was saving it by disarming an experimental reactor. When she had saved the city and finally left she would ask other about it only to be told the city had been destroyed when the bombs fell.

Between this and her next big event Iluta claims to have encounter many strange things, from a talking stone archway that could take her to a vault, to a three headed deathclaw that offered her a wish for guessing the truth teller, to a military base full of winged snake people. The only one that can vouch for her is of course Xero who couldn't exactly talk. Her next big adventure came when she was spending time with a small tribe of talking death claws and trading parenting tips with the other mothers. While she was sleeping she was awoken by a light and lifted into the skies where she was put in a strange vault full of light by tiny people. Luckily they had also brought up Xero who she directed to break them out. in the space vault she managed to fight her way through, but while doing so she found a giant spiderling and decided to take it along with her, after all it's mother was no where around and Xero would make a great big sister. While on she ship she claims she stopped metal men from striking a deal with the little men and escaped in a bubble that fell back to earth.

Her latest so called adventure was traveling with people calling themselves Psykers that had magic powers. She had stumbled upon them after saving them from a cazador attack by talking the mutated bugs down. iluta claims the queen cazador was actually quiet nice just had a tough faรงade to keep up appearances. Still Iluta Xero and Otoso would travel with the band learned they were worshipers of something called the master. They claimed the master was once a man that accented to godhod after being killed and they sought to bring him back into the world. Well one day while the group along with Iluta were having vision thanks to some herbs Iluta would see a strange blob with a mans face that had 3 voices. The Master told her she would be needed to the east to the land of the giant apple where the sky was cut by building before the war.

Still before getting to the land of the giant apple she had her companions would stumble upon an ant colony that was at war with another ant colony that happened to have set up nearby. Iluta would talk with the ants and ask them what this fighting was about and they would reveal that both colonies thought they had exclusive rights to mine in the area and did not line having competitors near. Iluta decided to try to help settle this matter, though the first problem was none of the parties could read what the supposed deeds to the land actually said. Now this didn't stop each colony from claiming that they were the ones that were right and supported their claims by the colors on the paper. Iluta would after some time get the ants to lend her the paper under the promise she would not use it to take over the land. She agreed and would find a town awhile away and find someone that could read the paper. After explaining it was supposedly a deed to some land she was informed it was a page of a comic book not a deed. Needing proof of this to stop a war or so she claimed Iluta would be given one to an old house no one cared about to compare it too. Taking her findings to the ants she explained that the paper was not a deed and also they were in a pre war dump not some ore rich land.

The ants grateful and embarrassed by the whole ordeal gave Iluta some of their young to help her on her travels. Thus she continued off into the sunset. Still she would stumbled into many strange things on her way to her goal, the oddest being a man in a sack mask with a metal man and eye traveling with him. The metal man and Iluta traded stories while it seemed the sack man could actually talk to Xero or at least pretended he did. her last challenge would be a giannt stone head with asked her a question to cross it's bridge. She told it her favorite color and was finally allowed to make it to the final stretch on her latest journey.
I'm not against the idea, though I also personally don't want to get into conflict with other PC's. PvP tends to get messy once people start trying to claim their characters have the ability to do X and that their weapons can totally get through Y, so on and so forth. I don't mind if we're part of a gang that isn't part of the Minuteman military, but let's at least try to be a bit more than just raiders pillaging the countryside for parts...

..All in all, I do like the idea of being part of a sort of raider gang, sort of tribal militia, that isn't enemies to the military but also isn't willing to just bow down to them either. Very independent type ya know?
A bit more organized and less anarchistic, sure. Separates the gang from just being a stupid gaggle meant for in-game fodder. I mean, Nuka-Cola world essentially put some depth into the Raider culture, and that's something I'd like to build on.
more organized and less anarchistic, sure. Separates the gang from just being a stupid gaggle meant for in-game fodder. I mean, Nuka-Cola world essentially put some depth into the Raider culture, and that's something I'd like to build on.
Hell yeah, I love the Nuka World DLC. Shamelessly raiders but not stupidly malicious (cept the Animals). I'd also like to think they got a bit of the Pitt and and a hint of Ceaser Legion too, in the sense that they are raiders with purpose and actually pretty well educated (at least key members are).

A personal challenge I know my dude is going to struggle with is the idea that he doesn't need to always be strong. As in, constantly on edge, always scheming and planning about how to survive and who to hurt, ready to betray someone at the slightest hint of treachery. He's lived a rough life for so long that even at the age of 30, he feels like he's been fighting for 60 years. Even being part of the raider gang isn't the life he wants to settle with: he's just staying with the gang for the relative safety, knowing full well that actual settlement living isn't safe. So he will struggle with staying with the gang out of some sense of loyalty, of throwing his hat in with the Minutemen just so he can say that they can deal with all the fighting instead.
Hell yeah, I love the Nuka World DLC. Shamelessly raiders but not stupidly malicious (cept the Animals). I'd also like to think they got a bit of the Pitt and and a hint of Ceaser Legion too, in the sense that they are raiders with purpose and actually pretty well educated (at least key members are).

A personal challenge I know my dude is going to struggle with is the idea that he doesn't need to always be strong. As in, constantly on edge, always scheming and planning about how to survive and who to hurt, ready to betray someone at the slightest hint of treachery. He's lived a rough life for so long that even at the age of 30, he feels like he's been fighting for 60 years. Even being part of the raider gang isn't the life he wants to settle with: he's just staying with the gang for the relative safety, knowing full well that actual settlement living isn't safe. So he will struggle with staying with the gang out of some sense of loyalty, of throwing his hat in with the Minutemen just so he can say that they can deal with all the fighting instead.
I'm gonna RP my gal as a mid-teenager. Exact age left to speculation. So she's not gonna be too involved in the politics of ganger life vs. minutemen vs... well, whoever. Gonna play it simple and straightforward. She'd defo gonna have that vicious raider mentality, though. "Kill em' first, then take their stuff, then bbq the remains." lol

Definitely an opportunist. So her loyalty is with whomever it most benefits her to be loyal to.
I'm gonna RP my gal as a mid-teenager. Exact age left to speculation. So she's not gonna be too involved in the politics of ganger life vs. minutemen vs... well, whoever. Gonna play it simple and straightforward. She'd defo gonna have that vicious raider mentality, though. "Kill em' first, then take their stuff, then bbq the remains." lol

Definitely an opportunist. So her loyalty is with whomever it most benefits her to be loyal to.
Minutemen v raider v whatever madness iluta finds
I'm gonna RP my gal as a mid-teenager. Exact age left to speculation. So she's not gonna be too involved in the politics of ganger life vs. minutemen vs... well, whoever. Gonna play it simple and straightforward. She'd defo gonna have that vicious raider mentality, though. "Kill em' first, then take their stuff, then bbq the remains." lol

Definitely an opportunist. So her loyalty is with whomever it most benefits her to be loyal to.
I can def see our two raider characters butt heads over stuff. He's very much a cautious, calculating type of guy. That's not to say he won't kill them, take their stuff, and BBQ their remains, but usually he wants to make sure it's worth the effort first. Basic stuff like scouting the area for valuables, figure out the strength of the enemy, generally get a basic idea of what they're dealing with. And that's just what he considers to be basic level thinking, which he knows a lot of his crew don't really have. You character is either one that he generally dismisses as yet another dumbass in the gang, or one that he tries to help because he knows she's smarter than the rest of the crew, she just needs to apply herself more intelligently.
Minutemen v raider v whatever madness iluta finds
I forget what all these mean:
  • Friend of the friendless
  • Bear in mind
  • Animal lover 2
  • Tribal wisdom
  • Wild wasteland
Also, a lot of her backstory reminds me of the travels of Abdul Alhazred (a fictional character from H.P. Lovecraft).
I forget what all these mean:
  • Friend of the friendless
  • Bear in mind
  • Animal lover 2
  • Tribal wisdom
  • Wild wasteland
Also, a lot of her backstory reminds me of the travels of Abdul Alhazred (a fictional character from H.P. Lovecraft).
They're perks I think. Mostly from New Vegas. Some of them modded.

Friend of the Friendless I think is a perk that allows a random creature to appear out of nowhere to help you if you aren't traveling with a companion.

Bear in Mind gives you a Yao Guai pet.

Animal Lovers 2 I think prevents most wild animals from attacking you and your allies.

Tribal Wisdom grants bonuses against wild beasts and you take less damage from beasts and poison.

Wild Wasteland is a trait (like a lesser perk) that allows you to witness some weird shit.
I can def see our two raider characters butt heads over stuff.
Probably definitely. lol
...And that's just what he considers to be basic level thinking, which he knows a lot of his crew don't really have. You character is either one that he generally dismisses as yet another dumbass in the gang, or one that he tries to help because he knows she's smarter than the rest of the crew, she just needs to apply herself more intelligently.

*coughs* maybe-not-the-brightest-girl-in-the-bunch *coughs*

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (+17 Points)
  • Strength: 3
  • Perception: 5
  • Endurance: 2
  • Charisma: 3
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Agility: 6
  • Luck: 4
I forget what all these mean:
  • Friend of the friendless
  • Bear in mind
  • Animal lover 2
  • Tribal wisdom
  • Wild wasteland
Also, a lot of her backstory reminds me of the travels of Abdul Alhazred (a fictional character from H.P. Lovecraft).
Left over from old rp 2 are kodded its just her animal skills and tribal knowledge and wild stuff

and maybe she will write a necronomicon of her own once she learns how to write
They're perks I think. Mostly from New Vegas. Some of them modded.

Friend of the Friendless I think is a perk that allows a random creature to appear out of nowhere to help you if you aren't traveling with a companion.

Bear in Mind gives you a Yao Guai pet.

Animal Lovers 2 I think prevents most wild animals from attacking you and your allies.

Tribal Wisdom grants bonuses against wild beasts and you take less damage from beasts and poison.

Wild Wasteland is a trait (like a lesser perk) that allows you to witness some weird shit.
Yeah you got them they were for falvor in another rp
Oof. Yeah he might just dismiss you as another dumbass. At best, one that at least he can use as a hammer. As for his stats, I'm thinking something along these lines:

  • Strength: 4
  • Perception: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Charisma: 1
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Agility: 2
  • Luck: 3
Everything into int, followed by passable physical ability, but his life-long use of stimpacks has dulled his reaction time and he's as charming as a a bleeding deathclaw. I'd like to think his cynical and analytic personality also makes him poor at actually understanding people's desires and subsequently, bad at trying to impress them diplomatically. Thus his tendency to just resort to force, or at least be prepared to fight.
Oof. Yeah he might just dismiss you as another dumbass. At best, one that at least he can use as a hammer. As for his stats, I'm thinking something along these lines:

  • Strength: 4
  • Perception: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Charisma: 1
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Agility: 2
  • Luck: 3
Everything into int, followed by passable physical ability, but his life-long use of stimpacks has dulled his reaction time and he's as charming as a a bleeding deathclaw. I'd like to think his cynical and analytic personality also makes him poor at actually understanding people's desires and subsequently, bad at trying to impress them diplomatically. Thus his tendency to just resort to force, or at least be prepared to fight.
Iluta would say deathclaws can be very charming
Well, then he'll be whatever isn't attractive to her. He doesn't care much for animals and would probs sees Iluta's animal companions to be inferior to his machines. She'd be the Antagonizer to his Mechanist.
Well, then he'll be whatever isn't attractive to her. He doesn't care much for animals and would probs sees Iluta's animal companions to be inferior to his machines. She'd be the Antagonizer to his Mechanist.
He is working the short green men and their natal men allies
How okay would it be for me to have a robot bodyguard? I'm thinking some sort of Assaultron with a stealth module, who just hangs around my dude and knifes folks who bother him. I'm thinking of making her more unique among the robots he has for being one he didn't create, and is more or less just a mercenary who works for him.

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