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Fantasy The Guildstone Chronicles ((OOC))

Wait.....do I get the tall dragon lady too!
Don't think you get a choice lol

Droll looks good! For those wondering there is a menu now posted in the lore thread. It may be edited in future with extra ideas, so the final version will be posted on the main hall thread in due course.

A brief overview for the time being:
  • Buffs from Droll's meals last the duration of one quest, or until a notable time skip occurs during that quest.
  • Players can buy meals with quest coin or Troll Coin, the latter of which can be earned by selling meal ingredients to the chef.
  • Normal meals can still be purchased without quest or troll coins, they just don't have the buffs.
  • Meals can consist of up to one main, two sides and a dessert, though they can be any combination. Only one meal per quest.
  • There will be snacks with assorted affects available for 1 coin in future, currently a work in progress.
At times I wonder if Milby knows that she's only still alive because Elias stops the pixies from killing her.
Just a short post for Azalea tonight. The next two weeks are going to be pretty hectic for me. I'm away from home for a wedding and I'll be having surgery for my wisdom teeth when I'm back, so my level of activity may fluctuate in the coming days.

Hope everyone else is doing well though!
Yikes. Wisdom Teeth removal is solidly unfun. Been there done that!

Funnily enough, I'm actually in the process of booking for a flight to a wedding in the fall! What's with everybody getting married this time of year?- anyway, I'll see if I can get a response hashed out within the next day or two. I've basically been working nonstop for like the past two weeks, but with the semester coming up that means I'll be handing in my two weeks at this job soon! (good riddance!!!)
Uasal Uasal Key of Stars Key of Stars
How are you two doing with your collab? IIRC you guys were going to do Eiru and Wyck's encounter in a private thread and post it after. Just want to check how that's going and make sure everyone else is up to date with what's going on in the Sacred Isles quest.
Uasal Uasal
I think if you've got the response ready then go ahead and post. That way characters can react to what's going on and (maybe) influence the next set of interactions.

Edit: though if anyone wants the chance to respond first then feel free to say so.
I hate accidentally pressing reply before I'm done. If anyone knows of an 'are you sure you want to post' option that can be toggled in settings let me know.

Anyway! I have been freed of all my calcified wisdom and am fit to return! I might post for Azalea in the next couple days depending how much else I have to catch up on irl.

RatKing RatKing Key of Stars Key of Stars BakaTheIdiot BakaTheIdiot SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Uasal Uasal
In breaking news—local zombie fights overgrown pixie for murder stick; everyone else plays tug-of-war with an octopus. Stay tuned for more epic coverage.

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