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Fantasy Luna Academy Home of Sorcerey

“Oh and you think your a master already?” She chuckled
"If I were a master I'd change and then nullify it the best I can do now is add on to it to weaken it and then slap a curse on it." With his emotions sealed he was able to plan better and ignore any doubts he might normally have.
Ray Serebryakov

It took a few minutes for him to look up and notice he was somehow in front of a school. "Trippy..." He said adjusting his dufflebag and looking around. He didn't see anyone around him. He started to feel a tad anxious about this. "If this is a school... Then where is everyone?" He knew that no one could hear him or at least that's what he thought. Talking out loud to himself was at least keeping him somewhat calm. He supposed that the best course of action would be to go inside. So he headed toward the front door of the school keeping a look out for anyone.
"If I were a master I'd change and then nullify it the best I can do now is add on to it to weaken it and then slap a curse on it." With his emotions sealed he was able to plan better and ignore any doubts he might normally have.

“Fair enough” she replied
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Ray Serebryakov

It took a few minutes for him to look up and notice he was somehow in front of a school. "Trippy..." He said adjusting his dufflebag and looking around. He didn't see anyone around him. He started to feel a tad anxious about this. "If this is a school... Then where is everyone?" He knew that no one could hear him or at least that's what he thought. Talking out loud to himself was at least keeping him somewhat calm. He supposed that the best course of action would be to go inside. So he headed toward the front door of the school keeping a look out for anyone.

He soon came across a field with a couple students siting around doing something
Ray Serebryakov

Ray arrived at this field loaded with a few individuals that looked to be around his age sitting in some type of shape and talking. His stomach started to get clawed at by his nerves about this situation. There was quite a few over there. He couldn't hear what they were talking about but he could see that their mouths were moving.

Adjusting his bag keeping the strap across his chest he tightened it to him. Just in case he had to get out of here in a hurry, the bag wouldn't be a hindrance by bouncing everywhere. He made his way over hesitantly not sure how to go about introducing himself. He difinitely didn't want to interrupt what they were doing or talking about if it was important.
“Thanks Emma “ she smiled
"Your welcome" Emma said with a smile
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Ray Serebryakov

Ray arrived at this field loaded with a few individuals that looked to be around his age sitting in some type of shape and talking. His stomach started to get clawed at by his nerves about this situation. There was quite a few over there. He couldn't hear what they were talking about but he could see that their mouths were moving.

Adjusting his bag keeping the strap across his chest he tightened it to him. Just in case he had to get out of here in a hurry, the bag wouldn't be a hindrance by bouncing everywhere. He made his way over hesitantly not sure how to go about introducing himself. He difinitely didn't want to interrupt what they were doing or talking about if it was important.
Emma noticed the boy with short white hair walk over to them. Emma gave him a friendly smile and a wave seeing him standing there.
“Thanks Emma “ she smiled

View attachment 901070
Ray Serebryakov

Ray arrived at this field loaded with a few individuals that looked to be around his age sitting in some type of shape and talking. His stomach started to get clawed at by his nerves about this situation. There was quite a few over there. He couldn't hear what they were talking about but he could see that their mouths were moving.

Adjusting his bag keeping the strap across his chest he tightened it to him. Just in case he had to get out of here in a hurry, the bag wouldn't be a hindrance by bouncing everywhere. He made his way over hesitantly not sure how to go about introducing himself. He difinitely didn't want to interrupt what they were doing or talking about if it was important.

"Your welcome" Emma said with a smile

Emma noticed the boy with short white hair walk over to them. Emma gave him a friendly smile and a wave seeing him standing there.
Devon was the first to walk over and greet him. "Sup I'm Devon. What's you're name?"

(If you press the reply button it will make so that whoever you respond to is person aly notified)
"Your welcome" Emma said with a smile

Emma noticed the boy with short white hair walk over to them. Emma gave him a friendly smile and a wave seeing him standing there.
Devon was the first to walk over and greet him. "Sup I'm Devon. What's you're name?"

(If you press the reply button it will make so that whoever you respond to is person aly notified)

Ray Serebryakov

Ray took note of the girl who waved at him, and waved back. He gave a small smile back to her as well.

A boy came up to him and introduced himself as Devon. "Ray..." He responded rather quietly, clearly not used to this kind of interaction.
He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you."
Ray Serebryakov

Ray took his hand and shook it up and down once before letting go. "Likewise..."

Devon seemed to be a straightforward type of person. He wasn't sure what to make of him yet but he would definitely be wary of him. He's met people like him before. Outgoing presence, seemingly good natured in introduction. That however was a far as it goes. He never really hung around with people like Devon for too long due to the crowd of people they tend to attract to them.
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Ray Serebryakov

Ray took his hand and shook it up and down once before letting go. "Likewise..."

Devon seemed to be a straightforward type of person. He wasn't sure what to make of him yet but he would definitely be wary of him. He's met people like him before. Outgoing presence, seemingly good natured in introduction. That however was a far as it goes. He never really hung around with people like Devon for too long due to the crowd of people they tend to attract to them.
"Welcome to the crazy magic school." He said looking around. "What do you do? I build things." He created a lion.
Ray Serebryakov

Ray hummed looking at the lion Devon constructed and walked to it. He examined it throughly and he turned around. He put his hand out and a copy of the very same lion appeared and it started to move around. It circled its counterpart then back and laid lown next to Ray.
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Ray Serebryakov

Ray shook his head as he reached down and his hand phased through the lion. It was a illusionary copy. "An illusion..." Ray said as the lion slowly faded from existence.
"Oh. That's really cool." He said. "Listen I was hanging with my friends and I have some stuff to talk to them about but I'll catch you later." He ran back the Helen and Emma Rcticwolf Rcticwolf AquaMarie AquaMarie
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Ray Serebryakov

Ray watched Devon head back to the girls he was talking to before. He didn't know their names yet but both of them seemed like nice enough people.

Instead of walking over, sat down and started to work on his magic. Making little illusionary animals, and flowers. Everything within about a yard in front of him was clouded in magic illusion.
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