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Fantasy Luna Academy Home of Sorcerey

“What does your heart tell you?” She asked
Klara said to Salem,
"I'm still angry and confused, but I do forgive you, as you don't know what's going on. As long as you are truly sorry, I forgive you for your actions towards me, however, the actions towards Dev are not forgiven."

Salem sighed.
"Thank you, and fair enough."
“Once you calm down, you are too emotional right now” she replied
"Fine then now it is." Aiolos drew a rune on his chest opposite the one already there and it sealed his emotions. His face was smooth and indifferent "now we should begin."
"Fine then now it is." Aiolos drew a rune on his chest opposite the one already there and it sealed his emotions. His face was smooth and indifferent "now we should begin."
Salem was pretty oblivious as to what was going on. He was continuously mumbling and crying.
"Fine then now it is." Aiolos drew a rune on his chest opposite the one already there and it sealed his emotions. His face was smooth and indifferent "now we should begin."

She sighed “you can study the enchantment, but it’s too strong to dispel” she replied
Ray Serebryakov

Ray sighed softly, it took him a long time to get here. All the way from his hideaway in Chicago, to here it took him so long he hoped that he didn't miss any entrance ceremony or anything. Although something puzzled him, he didn't see a school. All he could see was nature, all he heard was bird song and the howl of the wind through trees causing them to rustle. He closed his eyes and shook his head. "This just might have been a red herring after all." He pulled the letter from his pocket and read it over again. "Maybe... It's concealed with magic?" He started walking forward only to walk right through the barrier while reading not even noticing any change to the scenery or sounds.
She sighed “you can study the enchantment, but it’s too strong to dispel” she replied
Aiolos rolled his eyes "of course it is but a master knows it's safer to change the curse or enchantment then weaken it."

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