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Fandom magix - onsite ooc

I am also mildly sad about not being the only with the floating city idea, but hey maybe they were familiar with each other.
Oh, probably a good time to mention

apolla apolla _amaranth_ _amaranth_ Pride. Pride. SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Necromantic Necromantic ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon I'm pushing back the CS deadline until sometime Sunday has nothing to do with my semester killing me

On that note
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse would you mind terribly changing your FC? I'm not sure when you chose him, but I had Cole all picked out on Sunday >_> if not, I can probably probably find somebody else 😅 *stresses in two days left*
You're good, I have started up my school again recently as well. I will have more time to finish my prince this weekend.
Oh, probably a good time to mention

apolla apolla _amaranth_ _amaranth_ Pride. Pride. SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Necromantic Necromantic ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon I'm pushing back the CS deadline until sometime Sunday has nothing to do with my semester killing me

On that note
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse would you mind terribly changing your FC? I'm not sure when you chose him, but I had Cole all picked out on Sunday >_> if not, I can probably probably find somebody else 😅 *stresses in two days left*
Can I opt out of having a 2nd character then?
Hmmmm.... how would you guys feel if I made Flame's magic stronger in the presence of dragons?
It's based primarily on draconic abilities, ye. Their affinity for heat and fire stems from a few of the dragon species I've come up with.

It wouldn't be a drastic change, and honestly, I think it'd do more harm than good because it'd increase their range and, in turn, the stimuli they experience
I am excited to finish Liwei today so that I can then dump my group ideas on you guys once both my guys are accepted. I am so excited about this because I have many things I want to share with you guys.

I was also curious as to who would have brought Freya to Magix if anyone did. She is done which is why I feel comfortable doing some minor plotting for her.
I am excited to finish Liwei today so that I can then dump my group ideas on you guys once both my guys are accepted. I am so excited about this because I have many things I want to share with you guys.

I was also curious as to who would have brought Freya to Magix if anyone did. She is done which is why I feel comfortable doing some minor plotting for her.
im thinking about making my fairy a witch transfer student whos still trying to get the whole fairy thing

so she could have introduced her and they can struggle together
im thinking about making my fairy a witch transfer student whos still trying to get the whole fairy thing

so she could have introduced her and they can struggle together

Aww, I love that. I love that, a fairy who used to be a witch guiding Freya into the world of magic.
I feel you, yesterday I had a lovely hive break out from the moss in the area. I plan on finishing Liwei today if my body allows me to. I will most likely work on the character opinions slowly since I feel finishing the bulk about the character is more important at the moment.
anyone got any cute goth or scene faceclaims for a wannabe fairy
I might be able to help, do you have anything you are looking for in particular?

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