Viewpoint Tired of these RP topics

well, on that note... how about those RP ideas that are barely an idea? Like, the RT reads something along the lines of "Fantasy Horror RP Recruitment". And then you click in and find the opening post is just as vague as the title. lol
It's like, bruh... that's not an RP idea. That's a genre.

It's called advertising. If it attracts more people than actually putting the actual title there (especially if it would attract 0 people otherwise), people will do it.
It's called advertising. If it attracts more people than actually putting the actual title there (especially if it would attract 0 people otherwise), people will do it.
I mean, yeah... but you should have something of substance to advertise. The example I mentioned is just one step away from just posting up, "I want to RP". Just adding the genre to it doesn't really say much. Imagine telling people, "Hey, I have a restaurant! Come and eat!"

But then when people ask you what you serve, the answer is "Food."???

This is if you are planning to GM or otherwise run the show, of course. If you are putting out a search as a participant and not a GM, then not being overly specific might actually be more beneficial in finding a response.
Crow Crow I think you may have misunderstood what I was meaning. I'm talking less about the vague title, and more about the content within not adding much passed what already registered a viewer to click in.
They take grand ideas that could span the universe and somehow make it feel like it's only affecting a city block. It's a strange thing that is an issue in some official media as well.
can't say I've had the (dis)pleasure of experiencing this, tbh. Lucky me?
I mean, yeah... but you should have something of substance to advertise. The example I mentioned is just one step away from just posting up, "I want to RP". Just adding the genre to it doesn't really say much. Imagine telling people, "Hey, I have a restaurant! Come and eat!"

But then when people ask you what you serve, the answer is "Food."???

This is if you are planning to GM or otherwise run the show, of course. If you are putting out a search as a participant and not a GM, then not being overly specific might actually be more beneficial in finding a response.

This is a target audience of not only writers, but planners too. In this community, you can go either way. Have a decent idea that's ready to run any second, or have an idea that you want your newfound friends to collaborate with you on, build a brand new world.
This is a target audience of not only writers, but planners too. In this community, you can go either way. Have a decent idea that's ready to run any second, or have an idea that you want your newfound friends to collaborate with you on, build a brand new world.
I'm just saying... don't come to the table with an empty plate. but that's just my opinion.
Sometimes people ask me for advice.

Sometimes they want advice on a vague set of sentences about an aesthetic moreso than even a genre.

Can't plant in a barren field.
what do you mean by that?
I've been trying to stay out of this thread because I don't want to end up back on my shit, but I'm guessing what Crenando Crenando meant was that people kind of treat genres like platonic ideals and tend to trim plots and settings down to the basic, recognizable components.
I feel this struggle. It's partially why I'm not very active here anymore. Most of what I have interest in RPing I can't really find partners for on this site.
Kind of late to the thread, but I wish that people who have the same interests would collaborate and condense instead of cluttering up the interest checks with slight variations of the same 5 or 6 rp topics (zomg zombies just like this other rp but in NEW YORK instead of COLORADO!!!1!). Its kind of annoying when half of the most recent group interests checks are literally the same topic but just slightly tweaked when they could just join or help out other roleplayers. It makes it hard to a) drum up interests for rps with oversaturation of topics and b) find stuff you are interested in because rp topics are pushing stuff around so much.
Kind of late to the thread, but I wish that people who have the same interests would collaborate and condense instead of cluttering up the interest checks with slight variations of the same 5 or 6 rp topics (zomg zombies just like this other rp but in NEW YORK instead of COLORADO!!!1!). Its kind of annoying when half of the most recent group interests checks are literally the same topic but just slightly tweaked when they could just join or help out other roleplayers. It makes it hard to a) drum up interests for rps with oversaturation of topics and b) find stuff you are interested in because rp topics are pushing stuff around so much.

So much agree.
So much agree.

Yeah. I was thinking this like last week when half the first page of the interests checks were some variation of supernatural highschool with slight differences. Like why????
Yeah. I was thinking this like last week when half the first page of the interests checks were some variation of supernatural highschool with slight differences. Like why????

Idk, but it's boring. I don't even like those RP's to begin with.
My point exactly. I feel like most who do create such characters are either looking to steam role through any encounter or are simply just trying to outdo those who've already posted their OC. An either case it really takes away from the rp, and I cant imagine how that most feel to a GM. Sure, they're not gonna be crushed, but it probably sucks to see one of your plot points last a total of two seconds because someone's got a nuke at their fingertips.
What sort of crap systems and GMs are you playing with that allow broken characters?
What sort of crap systems and GMs are you playing with that allow broken characters?

Most users uh, shy away from systems.

It's why I have a hard time getting players despite RP pitches distinct from the norm.
I share OPs sentiment, but I also get it.

RP is recreational, and often times is a means to ingrain oneself into stories that an individual finds appealing. The lion's share of that medium is the things you see in the greatest quantity on the site. The number of My Hero Academia interest checks I've seen on the front page alone makes me want to eat glass, but BNHA/MHA is popular for a reason. Anime + Shonen/Superpower + Academy. At least it isn't isekai, too.

I find myself disagreeing with Sera, though. When there's 10+ RPs that are all the same thing, all active at the same time, going into something new or (semi) original is a breath of fresh air. I get that's subjective, but that also may be why I have a hard time getting RPs off the ground on site. Everyone wants the same 3-5 fandoms.
being distinct from the norm is why you can't get players
no one cares how creative you are, they want something familiar

I dunno, I've had enough people tell me over the years that the use of a system is a sticking point - they either don't like the idea, don't want to learn, or (with startling regularity) are too afraid of making a mistake to try.
But the preference for familiarity certainly plays a role.

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