As the purple and yellow wires were connected, the sounds of numerous volts of electricity could be heard as sparks flew out the wires. As the group trained their eyes on the door.... nothing happened. And then, the lights above you flickered a bit more, before dimming entirely. Luckily, the moonlight shined through the upper window of the attic, so you all still had a source of light.


"I... don't think those were the right wires..." Red Hood said from the back.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake QizPizza QizPizza marc122 marc122 @Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven
After the yellow wire was cut, and Jason yelling behind him, the current wire that was cut was probably for the lights, so not the one needed for the door, to which he raised a brow as the lights flickered. Ok, that solves the mystery for that wire, but then Lucky got the idea of putting the two wires together, maybe to give the door a new source of power that is a more powerful current. He said to Lucky “Ok, but make sure not to shock yourself in the process, after all, we don’t want someone dying here in this place. This might be the needed push in order to power the door, or it’s an another wire here.” as he waited once more for Lucky to finish connecting the wires, waiting for an it to be finished.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
And his beliefs were wrong, for the Light was knocked out, but hey, at least there is some moonlight here to give them the ability to see. Looking back at the fuse box, he said to Lucky “Let’s try a different combination of the purple wire with an another random wire.....” as he pointed at the green one, waiting for an reaction from Lucky.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ To whomst it may concern
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK-" It was VERY clear now that these wires did NOT appreciate a stranger coming in and cutting them, and they seized the opportunity to use the Paw o' Death as a new circuit completer. The bunny was toasted, and he fell to the floor in a daze.

"Oh, Lucky, you and electricity..." Megumin mumbled, instinctively getting closer to Jason. Without the humming of the overhead lights, she could clearly hear dead tree branches bumping against each other in the breeze."Eep, now we've lost light altogether in what is clearly a dark and horror-based universe, this is going to get so bad..." Well, as Lucky kept saying, they might as well get their new troubles over with. It was her turn to give the wires a try. "So, if putting the yellow and purple ones together only kills the lights...Does that mean we need to connect the purple one to the red or the green one? Or maybe we should plug the purple one into the door?" She decided to try the latter idea, seeing if she could stretch the purple wire out until it touched the door.
Ike Plymont
As the purple and yellow wires were connected, the sounds of numerous volts of electricity could be heard as sparks flew out the wires. As the group trained their eyes on the door.... nothing happened. And then, the lights above you flickered a bit more, before dimming entirely. Luckily, the moonlight shined through the upper window of the attic, so you all still had a source of light.


"I... don't think those were the right wires..." Red Hood said from the back.
"Huh?? D-Did the lights go out?? I-I cant really tell.."

To the demon, it looked almost the same. Barely darker...

"I-If it's dark, someone can take the flashlight if they need it!!"

In fact, as the lights went out, Ike's eyes immediately adjusted, his pupils growing in size, like a cat's.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore [OPEN FOR INTERACTION]​
Chucky laughed harshly at the sight of Lucky being nearly fried. He didn't say anything, but his intense laughter in the back certainly got the message through of how much of a kick he was getting out of your failures. As Megumin attempted to connect the purple wire to the door, she would find it impossible to do so. As she tugged on it, it merely stayed in place, instead of coming more out of the fuse box as she expected it to.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake QizPizza QizPizza marc122 marc122 @Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

"I've fought plenty of what are known in my universe as 'Shadows'. Some are adorable-looking, kind of like your other form, while others still are blood-chilling, horrific nightmares. In any case, extremely rarely are they truly friendly. I mistook you for one of them, and... I apologize, again." Akari explained to Ike. "It seems that in the various universes I've visited thus far with the MPF on this journey, elements and individuals from other different universes have bled into them. Hence, I thought a Shadow from my universe had appeared here." He then tilted his head. "Though, what is your name? I've given you mine as well as my codename, so what's yours?"

Birb Birb
(Open for Interactions)
Hm...this purple wire just wasn't long enough. What to do? "Um...I guess we have to put this purple wire with either the green or the red one...but which one?" She lifted her eyes to the others, wondering if they had an opinion.

"Sh-sh-shut up..." Lucky angrily stuttered at Chucky.
It seemed he had a late reaction, as Lucky was shocked by the wires, which made Benrey sigh as he also watched Megumin try to connect the purple wire to the door, but not surprisingly, it didn’t work. Megumin needed some help on what to do, as he sigh before taking the machete off his belt and cut the green wire, putting the machete back on his belt and grabbing the green wire, before saying to Megumin “Would you kindly pass the purple wire now.” as he held out his free hand, waiting for an response and action from the young mage.
P PopcornPie
Lucky just gave Chucky a major stink-eye. "You're fuckin' lucky I'm under probation..." He uttered, in between violent twitches thanks to electricity arcing all around his body.

Megumin gave Benrey the purple wire with a little hesitation. "Be careful, Benrey, these wires seem awfully fragile. Oh, but electricity is a myth in my world, what do I know."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Grabbing the purple wire, he began to put the green and purple ones togheter, when he heard Megumin speaking about caution of the wires, to which he said “Don’t worry, got gloves on right now. But I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.” as he slowly began to inch the two wires together, before finally putting the two wires with each other, waiting for what might happened next.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie

Of course, he failed. There wasn't anything that would take for any hidden mechanisms. He was stumped. Everyone else too when the electricity went kaput thanks to those fiddling with the fuse box. However, this revealed the existence of the window that he never noticed before. Perhaps one get out using that?

"A window...I'll check that out." Hiryu nodded, activating an Anotherwatch, shrouding him in darkness before spliting up into four parka ghosts, circling the moonlight before forming into Another Ghost, attempting to examine the window up close.

Whisper, meanwhile, approached those who were doing stuff at the fusebox and used the Hover Wisp's configuration, providing them with some light in their endevour.
"...There's a window?" Megumin's eyes followed Hiryu to the...window...Ooooohhhh...

"THERE WAS A GODDAMN WINDOW IN THIS BITCH ALL ALONG!? I GOT MESELF FRIED FOR FUCKIN' NOTHING!?" Lucky shouted hoarsely, still con-volts-ing on the floor. "Shiiiit...Hiryu, want me to shoot that window open for you?"

On the fairly good chance that something would prevent escape by window, Megumin continued to help Benrey with his electrical endeavor. Whisper produced a lightbringing Wisp, and the archmage grinned at her in thanks. "I hope we figure out an exit soon, the air is starting to taste stale in here."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"O-oh yeah!? W-what are you gonna do? Nibble my feet??" Chucky shouted in response to Lucky as he leaned back, laughing even harder now. Why, the tiny thing was laughing so hard that he'd barely even been able to formulate that sentence without bursting into tears! Anyways, as Hiryu flew up to check the window, he saw that they were surrounded by what looked like a pretty thick forest. Unlike the one in the nightmare realm, the trees weren't dead, but rather they were tall, pointy pine trees. Far enough off in the distance, he could spot a lake with a few cabins next to it. The window itself, however, appeared to be reinforced.

FInally, as Benrey connected the two wires... nothing happened.

"Maybe try the other two?" Jason suggested.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake QizPizza QizPizza marc122 marc122 @Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven
Agent 3

"Well, luckily for you, it ain't locked with a key," Chucky explained to Megumin. If she were to look, she would see what he meant. The door itself was covered in a metallic frame, which had wires connected to it. The wires ran over to a button at the other end of the room. The button had the words "OPEN" and "CLOSED" written above and under it respectively. Basically, it was locked electronically. "Can't break out usin' a gun neither. Everything here's reinforced." The doll said in response to Lucky. He then shrugged in response to Agent 3. "Beats me." He said simply.
"Not locked with a key, everything is too reinforced to be broken out of..." She thought aloud, and when given a roundabout answer of 'I don't know', Agent 3 sighed and shrugged. Well, isn't that wonderful.
"Um...Agent 3, you can slip through the floorboards, right? Please check if whoever you saw is still there."
Agent 3 froze as soon as the question posed itself. "...I could try, but I not only don't like the thought of doing so, but whether or not they're still there is a mystery at this stage." She said simply. "...I don't like the idea, on a mental side of things, but... I guess if... If nothing else is going on-"
As Megumin's finger landed on the button, the door appeared to budge! It began slowly opening, revealing just a glimmer of light in the room below...

And then, sparks began to fly out of the button, before smoke came up from it. The door stopped opening and slammed shut with a loud THUD! Chucky laughed at the sight, taunting you all from the side.


"Guess you fuckers are trapped up here!" He exclaimed through his fits of laughter.
"...Smooth moves." Agent 3 comically said in amusement, shaking her head and then would recall something Sage said earlier - when she had taken him aside in New Donk City, after the arguments, and it swiftly shut her up.
"I shouldn't have come.", the statement was cold and harsh, executed in a near monotone, "If I try to help, I make things worse. If I open my mouth, I incite conflict and now I'm even doing so without actually doing anything. If I can't do anything right, then I might as well not do anything at all.", with that, he had scavenged his jacket's pocket for the armlet and put it back in its proper place. His fiery-orange eyes faded into a cappuccino brown but remained as strict and sharp as before. Not even a wince was shared as the discomforting sensation of restriction came about once more, "I don't need my emotions if all they'll do is get in the way of everything. Not my emotions, nor my Ability and neither any pity or mercy."
...Yup, that'll shut her up alright. Success, at what cost? She couldn't blame him for what he said back then, but... when the 'happy' person breaks or is genuinely upset, you have a serious problem! Back then, she froze on the spot in confusion - surprise - just as she was now.

Inside the wall was a closed fuse box, which was where the wires ran into. Much like the door, however, it was locked. Unlike the door, though, it was locked with a standard lock, which hung through the small loop on the handle, rather than an electronic lock like the attic door.
The keyblade did the trick, and the lock was taken care of in a matter of seconds. Once it had been unlocked, it fell onto the floor beside Sora's feet, allowing anyone to open the fuse box.
As the fuse box was opened, it seemed to be perfectly fine. Much like the wires coming out of it, everything inside of it was in tact. There were no frays, tears, or other troubles that were visible to the eye. There were, however, four distinct wires. The aforementioned red and green ones that were coming out of the wall, as well as a purple wire and a yellow wire, which didn't seem to be connected to anything at all.
A fuse box, with four differing wires, caught her attention and dragged her back to reality soon enough. Red and green wires connected to the wall, but purple and yellow, visibly not connected to anything.
When the yellow wire was cut, the lights above you flickered a bit. With these being the results, you could probably denote that the yellow wire was connected to the lights, while the purple wire was connected to the door. Meanwhile, in response to Tanya, Chucky merely raised his middle finger high into the air.


Then, an argument broke out over which wire to cut, which caused Jason to slump over a bit, groaning in response. "Can we please not let this turn into another argument?" He asked, desperation and tiredness shrouding his tone of voice entirely. He really just wanted all the infighting to end by this point.
Agent 3 nodded in response to Red Hood. "Yeah, can we not? We just got here, let's not get at each other's throats right away." She snapped to the group - riddled with impatience at this stage, as she observed the yellow wire being cut and the lights flickering. Yellow is connected to the lights, and the other, purple, to the door... Now they need to think, where do the red and green wires come into play?
As the purple and yellow wires were connected, the sounds of numerous volts of electricity could be heard as sparks flew out the wires. As the group trained their eyes on the door.... nothing happened. And then, the lights above you flickered a bit more, before dimming entirely. Luckily, the moonlight shined through the upper window of the attic, so you all still had a source of light.


"I... don't think those were the right wires..." Red Hood said from the back.
Agent 3 resided in silence one last time, observing the results of purple and yellow, and then what followed - purple and green, conducted by Benrey.
FInally, as Benrey connected the two wires... nothing happened.

"Maybe try the other two?" Jason suggested.
"The... other two..." She thought aloud - those other two ought to be the red and green wires, right? They'll get out of here with enough time for all the combinations - but as she thought of it, she headed over to the fuse box and intended to carefully give it a try, having no idea what she was about to do, nor of the pain she may just suffer - and carefully inches the red and green wires together.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Nervous​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: The fuse box​
RP Information
Location: An Attic​
Mentions: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Orbeck of Vinhime
Status: creepy talking doll, and yet another recap for Ike and the girl.
Condition: normal, If burnt out from the conflict... turns out that there is some sort of killer comparable to Freddy Krueger hiding beneath the attic. As stated according to the insane talking doll before them. Having no experience with electrical work, not to mention the people who are far ahead of him. He decided to stand back for a moment, thinking back to the conversation with Shanoa...and the incident with the dresser. Of course, he could not do this for long as he had taken notice of two particular people. Both seen near the beginning of this trip. But have disappeared for who knows how long.


"Ah yes the red one. I distinctly remember fighting alongside her. While her technique is unrefined I believe she will make an excellent mage if she ever decides to pursue that. I see that she isn't with you though. Maybe she is busy somewhere else? I'm glad that my explosive rounds worked out well though" Tanya smiled at Yang "You must be her sister? I look forwards to working with you."

The young general then turns to Weiss and gives her a smile as well. A smile cold enough to rival the ice queen.

"Believe it or not I'm actually a 30 year old man" Tanya says in a sarcastic and mocking tone "I know things you might not ever know. For example I know how to address my superiors when talking to them. Maybe I can teach you a few things. I mean I am a General after all. I even have my own airborne unit. The real question is what are 'you'? Some moody teen going child's play on me? Let's agree to be friends to the end."
The first was the girl with the mannerisms beyond her age (if her claim of being a 30 year old man is to be taken likely.). Come to think of it, he did skim over the reports over one incident involving a "mushroom kingdom". She was apparently involved in that event in some capacity. And she knew Rwby to some extent as she? he? continued to talk about mages and explosive rounds, and bragging...and at a time that was absolutely abysmal...a recap is necessary for her. Does she even know that Weiss's sister is a high ranking member?

"Huh?? D-Did the lights go out?? I-I cant really tell.."

To the demon, it looked almost the same. Barely darker...

"I-If it's dark, someone can take the flashlight if they need it!!"

In fact, as the lights went out, Ike's eyes immediately adjusted, his pupils growing in size, like a cat's.

and there was the familiar demon, the one that he encountered a few times during a few...unfortunate incidents. Handing out a flashlight. Realy, the fact that he somehow avoided all of this is...surprising yet somewhat bizarre. He will also need a bit of a recap.

So, even with the lights off and the moonlight pouring into the attic. He makes his way to dear Tanya before she can start another conflict.

"...I need a word with you, Tanya...I need to recap the events that have transpired since your...dispearince. "
regardless of whatever complains she has, he ensures that Tanya is lead away from the par of Yang and Weiss, stoping by Ike to grab the flashlight from him
"You need to be recapped as well, Ike. There is a number of things to talk about."

After leading them to the most isolated place in this cramped attic, he speaks.

"Again, I'll make this as brief as necessary. I am Orbeck of Vinhiem, a sorcerer that was involved with one of the previous incidents. Where to start...Since your absences, we have gone through three worlds thus far, all three of them whereof some sort of struggle..."

So Orbeck recapped the events that transpired in the last three worlds: Bill and his wide-scale manipulation of Gravity Falls, the forced mind control by the manipulated twins, Bills defeat by the hands of the archwizard, their arrival, and conflict that they encountered in Rement, from the forces presented by Cobblepot. The infiltration to Atlas, the Battle with a twilight infused Cobblepot, Rwby's death, Ganon's intervention, The whole situation with Robbie Roten, the encounter with Falcier and their so-called "shareholders", the boiling conflict that arose due to a few misguided actions, the out of control circumstances that resulted in a literal body swap, and the brake down of relations during the aftermath amongst most of the group. Leading to the present.

"So as I have said before, a friend of Blake and Weiss, and a sister to...yang was killed by the conflict with Cobblepot. The three of them are still grasping at their loss, it is not to be taken likely. Undertsably neater you knew about this...development. But given what has happed. it would be in OUR best interest that we keep ourselves from spontaneous infighting. We can not afford any more of this." he said to the two. "And in the case of you, Tanya. Keep your self from being tempted into bragging whatever prestige you have in your own world, or any of your...angry rambling over your circumstances. And if I am somehow am to be viewed as a insignificant undead by your viewpoint...Then you would best be prepared to deal with the higher ranks of Red Hood. Can you assure me of both of you?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 P PopcornPie Birb Birb 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Once the red and green wires were connected, nothing appeared to happen for a moment. A bit of silence passed, and then, the crackling of electricity could be heard coming from behind you. As you all turned around to face it, you would find sparks of electricity coming from the button, and landing onto the floor below. Smoke flew up from the button, until finally the button slowly slid off the wall entirely, falling onto the floor soon after. All that was left in its place was a gaping hole, with a mess of broken wires within.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie

"...This reeks of a horror movie..." Hiryu gulps as he then attempts to kick open the window...No avail. The window's too reinforced to just be kicked in. He could attempt a Rider Kick, but then he might blew up the roof. He then came down, detransforming. "Window's reinforced. I can't kick my way outta it Doubt bullets could crack that thing." He tells the others who were working on the fusebox. Soon turning to Ben, who was currently a man on fire.

"Got a guy who could crack down on unlocking reinforced windows?" Hiryu asked, knowing the limits of his Another Riders.
Last edited:
"Well, Jury Rigg might be able to break those windows down and put more breakable ones back up," Heatblast suggests, "alternatively I've got Goop and Upgrade for slipping through the tightest gap these doors can have...

... or I could use Way Big to break everything here. No way this house can survive me just transforming into him. Huh, I guess I've got more options that I thought."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow

"Cross out Way Big, and I say go for whichever." Hiryu says, deducing what the name implies. "I say go for the goop guy, he sounds like our best bet." He glances back at the moonlight window, soon turning to the others. "By the way, I should probably mention that we're in the middle of a forest."
Lilith wasn't really saying much for a bit until she overheard the conversation about Heatblast and Hiryu planning on unlocking the window so she decided to throw her hat into the ring. "Hey I hope you guys don't mind if I give it a shot, I've unlocked doors by possessing them but I don't know if I've tried doing that with windows, if you guys are fine with it I guess I'll give it a shot and see where it leads us."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Hiryu)
Crow Crow (Ben as Heatblast)
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Jason then followed those that went after Ciri, knowing that the words he had would probably make the situation worse. Eventually, Ciri did come back a few minutes later and from how she looked, she seemed like the last thing she wanted to do was talk to anyone. Once Jason and the others came back, she looked at Jason. “You really seem to be doing a great job at convincing people and making them feel great about themselves, Jason. Clearly, we need to work on ourselves before we even think of having a chance at saving the multiverse. Let’s just go before it ends up making her and everyone else get closer and closer to snapping at each other again.

They then moved onto the next world, ending up in some sort of attic. Immediately, she reached for Gambol Shroud, not trusting this one bit especially after she had seen the doll. Being in this place gave Blake flashbacks to when they were at Brunswick Farms and she did not like that one bit.

Bentley had the bright idea of going to poke at the doll and it tried to bite him before laughing crazily and started talking to them. Yang asked him who he was, in which he responded by giving him two names and explained he was a serial killer that now inhabited the doll. The faunus would probably go with the second one that was given, but she had to wonder how this happened. “
Okay, Chucky, how exactly did you end up becoming this doll? Last I heard, people don’t just become dolls normally.

Meanwhile the others found an electrical box and made the lights flicker with one of the wires while also finding a window that seemed that the bars on it needed to be unlocked. Once two wires were connected, it took a moment before something happened. Unfortunately, the button that had been their only lead on getting out of this attic had fallen off, leaving there to be more wires. Either they attempted to fix those wires, they fix the window, or they find another way out.

So it’s either we attempt to fix those wires, we fix that window, or we can find another way out and apart from breaking through the floor, I don’t really see any other way out.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , marc122 marc122 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , QizPizza QizPizza

The one time she needed it more than ever... the portal didn’t work. Why didn’t it work as it had so many times before? Megumin was the first one over, thinking of reasons why it didn’t work and they all sounded possible. While she did suggest that Ciri fall down a staircase to get them back, she knew that Megumin was only trying to help. “I-I don’t understand why it didn’t work...

Then. Sage had shown up offering to be the team pet, followed by Jason. She listened to what he had to say in which she stood up, hesitantly shook the tail that Alexis held out to her, and walked away from them being completely silent. Once she got back to the shop, she didn’t say a word to anyone and looked like she’d rather just stay by herself for the rest of the entire mission, going to stay back towards a wall with no one around it. Honestly, that was for the best, she’d just end up making everything worse and it wasn’t like she was able to go home to get away from them.

So they moved onto the next world, ending up in an attic, and immediately, she got the feeling that something was wrong. Seeing the doll, she reached for her sword which she eventually got back and knew from her experiences that there were usually cursed dolls or possessed dolls. It was made even more clear when the doll tried to bite the man that chose to poke at it that the doll was not an ordinary doll.

The doll then introduced himself as Charles, or Chucky depending on which name they wanted to refer to him as, saying that he was a serial killer that now became a doll. More than likely, this was possession but a curse wasn’t ruled out as an option. Seeing everyone else follow a lead involving fixing something that would allow them to get out and some of them finding a window that they couldn’t open normally, for once, she just stayed by herself and didn’t really do anything. Ciri wasn’t exactly someone with a lot of knowledge on how to fix these sorts of things and they all seemed like they had it. Besides, she might end up causing more damage by helping and she didn’t want to do any more damage to the group.

Well, until the thing they had a lead on fell off of the wall.

Silently, once someone lit up the entire room, she started feeling the walls for some sort of hidden switch or panel. Or really anything that looked just the tiniest bit off that could be pulled or pushed. Until they either fixed whatever it was that was behind the button or got the window opened, she had to look for a third way out. That was something that could be possible in here, right?

P PopcornPie , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , QizPizza QizPizza , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

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