Chucky would look up as Tanya pointed a gun at him, smirking a bit.


"Well, what are ya waitin' for?" He asked.

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
After "carefully" deciding with a game of "Eenie Meanie", Lucky snipped the purple wire, making sure it was the cleanest, most repairable cut possible. Benrey's shout failed to reach him in time, so he just stared at his handiwork with a bitten bottom lip. "I just bit us in the ass, didn't I..." Well, sudden death would just have to be worried about later; he made the door move a little.

With massive heaps of hesitation, Lucky held his scissors over the yellow wire. "I...don't know if I want to leave this attic anymore. I probably just cut the power to something we're gonna need to escape." He pondered their potentially sealed fate for a while, then shrugged. "Well, we were probably gonna die horribly anyway." And an identically clean cut was made.
He almost felt like face palming when Lucky cut the wire while ignoring him, but it seemed to work, as the door budged a bit, prompting him to raise a brow at this, to which he said “Huh, it seems that it actually worked, good job there Lucky, no wonder why they call ya Lucky.” as he allowed Lucky to continue cutting wires, while looking at the door to see what will happen.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Tandem Fullbody.PNG
"Come on! Nothing can hurt her! It's fine." I whined, trying to struggle free. If it can't feel pain nor the sweet embrace of death as those edgelords say then why not use them as a stress toy? ESPECIALLY if they deserve it? I stopped struggling since it's no use. As much as I hate to admit it she is stronger than me. CN-Tan stupid up, grabbing the conspicuous bump on her forehead and snapped it off like it was nothing. She then puked out her heart again and smiled, playing with it.

"This isn't even my real heart!--" She stopped, breathing heavily before swallowing it again. "Nevermind."

marc122 marc122

Soma Cruz & Shanoa

"...Hmm..." Soma knew that Sage is not well. But regardless, a heart-to-heart talk ensues. Meanwhile, Shanoa has her own conversation, leading to the point that she will return with a promise that she will not harass Yang any further. But as they were about to go back...



A large closet fell from the sky out of nowhere. Shanoa was surprised. The doors open to reveal a young man with green hair and yellow eyes climbing out. "Damn son! Where the hell am I now?" He asked as he looks around, eventually turning at Shanoa. "Yo, would you mind telling me where I am? The name's Jared Williams, a member of the Multiverse Saviors Association, just doing some observation. Also, would you happen to know where the nearest Chuck E. Cheese is? I have tokens left to waste." He asked. Shanoa felt a little insecure, but nonetheless answered. "You're in New Donk City, and I do not know where this Chuck E. Cheese is." She said.

"God damn it! I've been through multiple universes and still no Chuck E. Cheese in sight. Well, thanks for the answer then. This place looks cool and all, and I believe that my appearance harkens my full debut with a brand new look and less trash, but I have some other universes to explore before I go on a dinner date with Zoey Jackson. Anyways, nice knowing ya." He said with a bit of disappointment before walking back into his closet and disappears.

Horror ensues with the encounter of a killer living doll named Chucky. Soon they stop by a fuse box and they begin cutting wires. Soma and Shanoa are having bad feelings.

(NOTE: Full conversation to be followed)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

The General notices the group trying to cut the wire in the corner of her eye. What they are doing is infinitely better than shooting some haunted doll.

"I haven't met someone so eager to have a crater blown through their face. It appears I have more pressing matters to deal with and as much as I'd like to pick you up and splatter you against the wall like a tomato I'd rather get the hell out of here and get home. You aren't worth the bullet or the spell. Maybe Being X has a special place for you in hell, the only thing good he's done in a long while"

Tanya flips off the doll and returns to her entourage who appear to be at a fuse box

"Why are we cutting wires in a fuse box randomly? Surely there is a pattern to be found here?"

Tanya sighs as she watches Lucky snip the wire and remarks about how careless he is.

"Cutting random wires can be dangerous. Normally you should deactivate bombs or traps with magic but I doubt it would work here"

P PopcornPie @Fuse defusal people thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
Charles' Deleted Post Fuckhouse
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Hooray, two more wires to deal with) (Goddammit Tandem)

Yang made one deep breath, still holding onto Tandem, as eventually, the rabble-rouser stopped his struggling, prompting her to let go of him. She raised an eyebrow towards his statement, as if he were making an excuse to hurt his own friend after all, until CN-Tan had to prove his claim.

Yang let out a sigh of relief...but at the same time, she recognized who CN-Tan was: Ruby had told her about the cartoon-like girl while she was stuck in the Mario universe, talking about how materializing missiles from nowhere was so cool...

"CN-Tan," Yang said, "You're one of those people Ruby told me about, right?"

At the same time, Yang briefly looked around the room and saw that someone new had arrived...yet somehow it was someone familiar. Ruby told her about the little girl, even going as far as showing her the clip of explosive rounds the battalion commander had gifted.

"You in particular," Yang said, "I remember my little sister telling me and my teammates that you gave my little sister some explosive bullets."

Meanwhile, Weiss turned to face Tanya, who was telling those at the fusebox, her included, to be careful with the wires. To be fair, yes, she looked like she had actual military experience, but at first, the child seemed to be putting up an elaborate display of appearing like a stern wartime warrior. However, to her, she couldn't help but to focus on the fact that whoever was speaking about disarming bombs and traps with magic, who apparently knew more of the science to cutting wires than the others around here, was a child.

"I did not expect a silent disagreement over what wire to cut first of all things, but okay." Weiss said towards those cutting the wires in the meantime, folding her arms. "And besides, Tanya -- is that right, or... I think she's told me about -- are you sure you're not just a kid going child's play on us?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Benrey), @JRay (Sora), P PopcornPie (Lucky), 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya), Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan, Tandem)
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A blonde girl-Tanya, was it?-fretted about the group losing their magic powers, which had Megumin's heart pumping a little faster. Please, no! Not a magicless existence again! She had to remind herself that she knew herself well enough that she would immediately notice a magic loss in order to calm down. "As far as I know, we didn't lose magic." Megumin chirped. "I think I'd feel it if I lost Explosion again, it's a very hollow feeling. Chances are this universe is very strong against magic, however, as well as supernatural powers."

"If we were demoted to average joes, I doubt me Paw would work as well." Lucky added, trying to keep his coat down. "But,'re right, we probably just fucked our own shit up. I can see it now: 'OH GOD, THAT GUY HAS A CHAINSAW AND HE'S CORNERED US! QUICK, ACTIVATE THE DOOR! OH GOD NO, IT'S POWERED BY PURPLE AND YELLOW WIRES! OH, SHI-AYGAAZATSDXFSUHDFYUSFCYS-" He pretended to be cut into chunks of fine rabbit meat, throwing imaginary blood and guts everywhere. "But we'll get pushed off that bridge when we come to it."

"And I think I can spawn some duct tape or something, so we can mend the wires and start again." Megumin upheld a meek smile.

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B marc122 marc122
"...Did something happen to your heart?" Megumin asked, already looking for the crack. Of course, it'd be more surprising if he said "no" going off what they just went through. "Oh!" She was finally reminded to take the scarf off her leg. "It's...really dirty, but..."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-


"Ah yes the red one. I distinctly remember fighting alongside her. While her technique is unrefined I believe she will make an excellent mage if she ever decides to pursue that. I see that she isn't with you though. Maybe she is busy somewhere else? I'm glad that my explosive rounds worked out well though" Tanya smiled at Yang "You must be her sister? I look forwards to working with you."

The young general then turns to Weiss and gives her a smile as well. A smile cold enough to rival the ice queen.

"Believe it or not I'm actually a 30 year old man" Tanya says in a sarcastic and mocking tone "I know things you might not ever know. For example I know how to address my superiors when talking to them. Maybe I can teach you a few things. I mean I am a General after all. I even have my own airborne unit. The real question is what are 'you'? Some moody teen going child's play on me? Let's agree to be friends to the end."

Systematically she turns to Lucky.

"Carelessness gets you killed. Please use what little brain cells you have to think before acting ok?"

Tanya gave them both a smile cold enough to freeze hell over

P PopcornPie marc122 marc122
While waiting for an reaction of cutting the wires, there was apparently another new teammate who arrived, which not only said something that might have reminded Yang of Ruby, spoke to Wiess about actually being a form of trap and talking about experience as an general of an army (what...?), before speaking once more to Lucky, about using the brain cells left in his head to not hurt or kill himself. Turning his head in a 180 degree turn towards the so called woman, which would probably look a lot like this: 54F169B3-A8A2-4FA5-A2A7-576CE7397C09.jpeg
And gave his normal but neutral face of his, which showed no emotion at all, and said
“If your so worried about having an idiot doing something like this, then why not use your own brain cells to make sure that either Lucky is doing the right thing, or help us with cutting the wires.” as he twisted his head again in a complete rotation, waiting for a reaction of cutting the wires on the door.
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B P PopcornPie @ To whomst it may concern
Yeah, that's right, Tandem, go back to your corner. I don't want to say that out loud since he'll choke me out with those Yoyo strings. Suffocation is not fun. He gave both of us a mean look before giving us a weak wave off. Bye, idiot! You know, people here are rather friendly other than the part where almost everyone hates each other! Everyone just screams and yells at each other! Nobody's civil-- Real original, CN-Tan-- I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU! Time to stop my little villain monologue and talk to my savior.

And she knows me? Oh? She said Ruby talked to her about me. Who's Ruby? Giving explosive bullets? WHAT?!

"Uh. . . Yeah! I'm awesome, right?"


marc122 marc122
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PracticallyOpen

Eventually, the gang finally moved on under Jason's orders. Clearly he's just as sick of this whole emotional nonesense as Hiryu and the others. The next universe appears to be...Something of a horror house. A vast, empty room, filled with nothing but a locked door and...A Doll? A haunted doll.

Well, that's practically normal for them now. As the others contemplate how to get out of the room. The child from before, who disappeared during everything, decided to show up and attempt to get a handle on the situation with the fusebox.

"Probably shouldn't bother them." Hiryu muttered to himself, soon walking up to a wall and touched it, scaling it as if looking for a hidden switch or whatnot. Usually rooms like this has some gimmick, right? If it's just the fusebox, then he'll look like an idiot.
Chronology: Ultimate
MENTAL CONDITION: Angry, Sorry, Reconciliatory
LOCATION: Dusty Old Attic
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher marc122 marc122
MENTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Birb Birb

Whenever Alexis becomes this angry, she was never the most observant of people. Her sole focus was addressing the person who hurt someone she loved. In a crude sense, everything and everyone else was just an obstacle that kept her from making sure the person in the wrong paid for their transgression. It didn’t matter how hurt Alexis got or how much she hurt others as long as her loved one would never be hurt by that person again. In this situation, all she sought to do was to obtain retribution for Sage when she saw that Ciri’s hurt him so deeply. After all that they’ve been through together, Alexis almost saw Sage as a son...and she would never stand for anyone hurting a child of hers.

It was in this blind rage that Alexis didn’t even realize that she followed Ciri’s Pressure trail until she was in another alleyway altogether. It was in this blind rage that Alexis had ignored Ciri’s own tears and distress. It was in this blind rage that Alexis kept on burning the environment around and didn’t even see Yang until the girl came up and grabbed the kitsune’s mouth with her mechanical hand.

Surprised by the maneuver, Alexis didn’t swat Yang away as she would’ve otherwise. It gave her time to see how Yang’s Shell was being assaulted by her flames and just how upset he was. The blonde girl was one of the people Ciri had called out and Alexis just couldn’t bring herself to hurt a child that has lost so much. The flames around them died down as Alexis heard Yang’s retort to the words that Alexis spoke to Ciri. While Yang was just as worked up as the kitsune just a few moments ago, Alexis listened, and she had to admit that she went a bit too far in yelling at the monster hunter. When has she not gone overboard when she was angry?

The fact was only made more clear when Kassandra’s own impassioned words. The kitsune defiantly looked up at Kassandra as she shoved Yang out of the way. The Spartan’s woman’s criticisms of Sage and accusations of hypocrisy did little to extinguish the flames of anger still burning inside of Alexis. Jason’s own two cents did just as much to calm Alexis down with mischaracterizations and information she saw as inaccurate. In that moment, Alexis considered taking her own advice and leaving the MPF, leaving the job for people “more suited” for it, allowing them to fail and having her husband clean up the mess himself.

Among the impassioned shouting, Alexis managed to heard a single meek voice: the voice of Sage saying that he wasn’t worth fighting over.

Alexis’s heart broke. Her little fantasy was nothing but wishful thinking. She agreed to save the multiverse by defeating Ganondorf, not allow someone else to defeat Ganondorf at the expense of the multiverse. While she could care less about the fate of the multiverse, Sage certainly cared… and how would he feel if Alexis just forced him to leave this fight for “his sake”? He would never be the same again, with whatever self esteem he had left being crushed under the heel of failure. There was no way for Alexis to force herself to make that decision.

The more Alexis overheard Sage talking to others, the more her anger was replaced with pity and guilt. Guilt that she even entertained the idea of a course of action that would hurt Sage. As her anger faded, so did the flames engulfing her tails. It wasn’t long before her tails and the fires around them were extinguished, leaving the kitsune standing before Ciri’s, Kassandra’s, and Yang. Alexis looked at the crying and hurt Ciri, “I’m sorry. Ciri, I know I’m one of those people I accused you of being, and I admit that I am selfish. I don’t care what happens as long as my family is safe, and Sage is like family. Your words hurt him, and I was so shortsighted couldn’t focus on anything else. In my mind, there is no point to saving the multiverse if I couldn’t save my family first. So, I’m truly sorry, Ciri. Sorry that I’m just as selfish as I’m accusing you of being and for being a hypocrite.”

Alexis then turned to Yang, who was equally distressed, “Thank you for reminding us, Yang. I apologize for getting caught up in emotions and forgetting the mission.” The kitsune looked to Ciri and Kassandra addressing the two of them and Yang, [color=rbg(250,197,28)]All of us have something to contribute, even if it isn’t obvious and even if it’s hard to see past our flaws. Thank you again, Yang.”[/color] The kitsune took Yang up on the handshake, though out of habit, she shook it with a tail. Some reconciliation for real handshake came in the form of tail wrapping around the girl’s shoulders, giving a light hug.

Then came Kassandra’s, and it was an apology that Alexis was hard pressed to give, seeing how much she cut into Sage’s “usefulness” and “worth”. However, Alexis knew that keeping the Spartan at arm’s length was the exact opposite of what Sage or Yangwould want. “Kassandra… I’m sorry that I’m blinded by my concern for Sage, but I’m doing everything I can to help Sage. His problems run deeper than his powers, and to make him ‘grow up’ so quickly is only going to make things worse.” A brief pause. “I will admit that what you’ve said about Sage has made me incredibly angry, but I forgive you. You were angry that I was angry at Ciri for being angry at Sage, and I don’t blame any either of you. Sage hasn’t done everything correctly, but do you want to set the precedent for when the next person slips up? I don’t think anyone does when they realize that they will eventually be on the receiving end.”

With that, Alexis let out a sigh and offered both a reconciliatory smile and a tail to Ciri and Kassandra so that they could shake it… or whatever they wanted to do. It didn’t matter. She wanted to say something to Jason as well, but he had already walked off and was preparing the group to leave for the next universe. She would eventually make her way back inside the shop to reclaim her shoes and jacket before they set off for what hardships awaited them in the next dimension.

The next thing she knew, the entire group was packed into an ancient attic filled with dust and rotting wood. With everyone in close proximity, it was difficult to see what was going on, but it appeared as if someone managed to find a foul-mouthed talking doll. There was something about being a serial killer and being locked in the attic, but Alexis let the others handle that. Her focus was more on Sage’s discomfort and his curiosity at some newcomer: a little demon dog creature that Sage referred to as Ike. The creature disappeared back into the vents as soon as Alexis saw it, prompting her to ask, “Do you know them, Sage? Should we go say hello?”

Ike Plymont

After the group had fiddled with the lock, and after all was said and done, the cute little demon popped out of the vent, now dragging a bag behind him.

"O-OH- what uh.. what are we doing wh-what did I miss???"

Ike seemed less scared, and more.. curious! And open! As a matter of fact, he switched right on the spot to his more human like form, holding the backpack in his arms. And then stared in wonder at the group with his round, adorable eyes.

Although, he hadn't noticed Sage yet! Or even remembered that Sage was in the group..

But his eyes were bright, and his tail was actually gently wagging!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @EveryoneHere
Lucky just stared Tanya down. He just did something actually helpful for once, and here he was, being criticized? Lucky breathed in, putting both nubs to his nose, then pointed his nubtips directly at Tanya. "BOI. This was the only option we damn had-well, not really, but you pussies wouldn't let me burn the place-and I was just doin' as I was told. And it made the door move, so suck it." He stuck his tongue out at Tanya, laughing hysterically when Tanya revealed herself to basically be an older man in a cute girl's body. "Hahahahaha! Man, at least the Director didn't cram me into some little baby bunny body!"

"Lucky!" Megumin lightly smacked him, then turned to Tanya. "I'm so sorry, he's learning once and for all to be a decent friend. He's been awfully cranky all his life. Now then, Lucky, this is deathly serious!" She swallowed a thick dollop of fear as she looked towards the door. "We don't know what we've really just done..."

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
As the group was trapped in the electricity filled room Lilith would soon come up with something. "Hey guys I think I should try something, I'm going to see what's under the floorboards and I'll let you know what I fine, I know it's a long shot but what else are we gonna do."

(Yea I know it's a short post but I've been out for a least five hours so bare with me.)
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari stayed by Sage's side, a soft frown still on his face when Sage self-deprecated and said Akari's support was him calling himself another "idealistic fool". To that, Akari said, "Well, I see the world in a different way than most people would. Wouldn't you perhaps say the same of yourself? In my opinion, it's not something to be ashamed of. There have been lots of free thinkers in history that have benefited the world, you know." Akari walked a bit away from Sage, and looked over his shoulder. "Akari Kishiri." He told Sage. "I also go by 'Paladin'... okay?"

Leaving it at that, Akari punched in the coordinates that Jason gave him and the rest of the MPF, and everyone found themselves in some sort of creepy attic.

Because, clearly, a haunted house in a Nightmare World was not enough.
When Akari noticed the creepy doll just sitting on the floor, he deadpanned. "Ahh... logic would denote that the doll is going to-"

However, his attention was drawn to the sounds of scuttling in the vents. When a strange, black creature made itself known to the group, Akari immediately aimed his crossbow at it. It vaguely reminded him of a Shadow, and he wasn't about to take any chances. Then, the doll, as Akari so easily predicted, came to life, introducing himself as "Chucky", whose real name was apparently "Charles Lee Ray". Were it not for the fact that they mentioned they were effectively a serial killer in the body of a child's toy, Akari would have easily made some snide comment about how "quality control has really gone downhill".

Akari noticed how the weird demon creature seemed to be afraid of Chucky, and so he pointed his crossbow away from it and let them leave when they mentioned they needed to get something.

While the rest of the group tried to find a way to open the exit by fiddling with a fuse box, Akari returned his gaze to the adorable black demon when they returned. Once the demon adopted a more human-like shape, Akari holstered his crossbow and bowed forward, a hand on his heart. Whoever this demon-person was, they seemed quite friendly... and frankly, they also seemed like a complete marshmallow. "I'm sorry I pointed my crossbow at you. I thought you were about to eat our faces I have seen adorable things with... not so adorable dispositions, let me say. It seems you are with us, and for that I am glad." Akari said with a slight chuckle towards the end. "Akari Kishiri, though you may call me by my codename, 'Paladin'. It is nice to meet you."

After introducing himself to Ike, Akari strode over to the others once they solved the dilemma of the fuse box.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Unspoken Interaction)
Birb Birb
(Open for Interactions)
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When the yellow wire was cut, the lights above you flickered a bit. With these being the results, you could probably denote that the yellow wire was connected to the lights, while the purple wire was connected to the door. Meanwhile, in response to Tanya, Chucky merely raised his middle finger high into the air.


Then, an argument broke out over which wire to cut, which caused Jason to slump over a bit, groaning in response. "Can we please not let this turn into another argument?" He asked, desperation and tiredness shrouding his tone of voice entirely. He really just wanted all the infighting to end by this point. Meanwhile, as Hiryu searched the walls for any hidden doohickeys or doo-dads, his search would unfortunately prove to be fruitless.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake QizPizza QizPizza marc122 marc122 Chungchangching Chungchangching Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Riven Riven
"Aaaand...shit. There goes the lights." Lucky uttered, blinking along with the flickering lights. As we all know, flickering lights attract horror movie villains as quickly as they attract moths. "Okay, now I know I signed our death warrant. Let's get it over with. Hey, Lassie, try the button again."

Megumin nodded, also knowing full well how much danger they had just put themselves into, and pressed the button again...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"Uh, Lucky?...I think we killed it." Megumin fretted.

"Shiiit...I guess it was just a blown fuse." Lucky sat down and put his face in his nubs. "Well, I'm out of options. Guess we gotta call for help."

Megumin rubbed her chin. "...Lucky, what if we needed to plug that wire into something?"

"Kind of late to try that..."

"We'll try to tape it back together. OR...Maybe we should put the yellow and purple wires together? On the other hand, does anyone see a socket?"

"I'm up to try anythin'." Lucky proceeded to touch the two severed wires together.
Ike Plymont

"I'm sorry I pointed my crossbow at you. I thought you were about to eat our faces I have seen adorable things with... not so adorable dispositions, let me say. It seems you are with us, and for that I am glad." Akari said with a slight chuckle towards the end. "Akari Kishiri, though you may call me by my codename, 'Paladin'. It is nice to meet you."

After introducing himself to Ike, Akari strode over to the others once they solved the dilemma of the fuse box.
"H-Huh?? O-OH!! UH!!! I h-hadn't even noticed.. it's ok.. lots of uh.. you'd be surprised uh.. how many people have threatened me.. uhm... Paladin.."

Ike pointed his two fingers together, a little bit nervous. It hadn't even been five minutes. And someone had pointed a weapon at him. Fun...
When the yellow wire was cut, the lights above you flickered a bit. With these being the results, you could probably denote that the yellow wire was connected to the lights, while the purple wire was connected to the door. Meanwhile, in response to Tanya, Chucky merely raised his middle finger high into the air.


Then, an argument broke out over which wire to cut, which caused Jason to slump over a bit, groaning in response. "Can we please not let this turn into another argument?" He asked, desperation and tiredness shrouding his tone of voice entirely. He really just wanted all the infighting to end by this point. Meanwhile, as Hiryu searched the walls for any hidden doohickeys or doo-dads, his search would unfortunately prove to be fruitless.

In a panic, and not having his question answered, Ike attempted to at least find some sort of solace and comfort, taking out a flashlight from his backpack. Though, he didn't need it due to being a demon, it might be nice for someone else if they needed it...

"... d.. does uh.. anyone need a flashlight?? I-I can already see in the dark so..."

Ike offered the currently turned off flashlight to.. well... ANYONE who needed it.
"Aaaand...shit. There goes the lights." Lucky uttered. "Okay, now I know I signed our death warrant. Let's get it over with. Hey, Lassie, try the button again."

Megumin nodded, also knowing full well how much danger they had just put themselves into, and pressed the button again...
The button continued to do absolutely nothing when pushed.
Ike shrugged Lucky, sighing. Again. The small flashlight was up for offer to the first person to take it.. though.. it was one of those tiny keychain flashlights. About two inches in size.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @EveryoneNearby [OPEN FOR INTERACTION]

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