"Well, I certainly should have expected that hot tub to be scalding..." Megumin groaned, rubbing at her boiled cheeks. Having the hot water open up her pores felt nice at first, but it quickly ended up feeling like entire layers of skin were melting off. This wasn't anything too disconcerting, though...until she noticed the state of her staff and shrieked. "EEEEEEEEK! Look at the bottom tip!" Megumin waved the bottom of her staff in the air, showing off its now flat, steamy tip. "Who makes a hot tub this hot!? It's MANATITE, how hot do you need to make water that it does THIS to Manatite? The homeowner was expecting me to dip my whole body into it, weren't they!? This is a house of death traps!"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I saw that little paper." Lucky snarked, using the universal remote he'd swiped off Jerome to channel surf. "It could be a letter from some unwanted crush, heheh. Or, given our whereabouts, maybe it's an obituary."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
As Megumin freaked out about her partially ruined staff, she might have missed something reappearing in the hot tub. When she looked back, she would find...


A rubber duckie! Complete with cute little rubber sunglasses!

Meanwhile, Lucky would find that the universal remote did not, in fact, work on the television set.

P PopcornPie
Lilith looks around the room who thought that it was going to look like a pigsty but it seems she was wrong. “I’m going to be honest, I thought this place was going to look like a total mess but this isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” She would soon look over to Lucky who was trying to turn the tv on but to no eval. “Hey let me try something.” Lilith asks him as she possesses the tv in order to turn it on.

P PopcornPie (Lucky)

Immediately retracting my hands from getting shocked further, I put the fingers in my mouth in my attempt to suck the pain out of them. Come on, Lady Luck! Give me a break here! Already got scarred by the cartoon death over here and now I'm getting shocked?! Must have used all my luck on that fight, huh? Some ghost girl offered me assistance or at the very least gave me concerned words. I pulled my fingers out of my mouth and nodded, a little hesitant but it's a reassuring nod nonetheless. Freakin' hurts a bit, but nothing too bad.

And then freakin' Megumin over here tried to fix it herself and--

"Good job, kiddo."


How? How is this girl constantly one step ahead of me?! I muttered self-deprecating stuff about myself and insults towards Megumin but not audible enough for anyone to actually hear but I.

P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Thatguy is last because he keeps memeing on me)​
"WHAT KIND OF RECKLESS MORON DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO LEAVE WATER SO HIGH IN TEMPERATURES BY ACCIDENT!?" The more Megumin stared at her burned staff, the more compelled she felt to dish out her bottled up leftover rage. "EXACTLY, IT CAN'T BE AN ACCIDENT! THIS IS THE GUY'S PLAN, HUH?! COOK US ALIVE IN A HOT TUB?! SO STUPID! NOT ONLY WILL IT TAKE A LONG TIME, BUT YOU COULDN'T POSSIBLY HIDE THE BODIES WELL ENOUGH! YOU'LL DRIP WATER EVERYWHERE! HOW STUPID DOES HE THINK WE ARE? EEEEERRRGH, HOW ABOUT HE COMES HERE AND WE SHOW HIM HOW...smart...we...Hey, look! A rubber duck! I wonder if I can grab it, it might have a clue on it somewhere." She stepped to the edge of the hot tub, putting her finger to her bottom lip. Using her staff to hook it definitely wouldn't work, but maybe something from the ToolGun could help her? First, was there anything already in the room she could use?

Lucky, however, was quite...well, numb when he finally realized that the channel didn't change. How the hell do you have a universal remote that didn't...well, work universally? Or was it being a universal remote the issue? "Fuckin' thing has a special remote, doesn't it...?" He began to scour in all the usual places one would lose a remote. Because of his concentration, he paid little heed to what Lillith was up to, and simply let out an accepting grunt. "See if you can find a cool show."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Lilith's attempts at possessing the TV worked, and it turned on just like that! However, as Lucky tried to surf through the channels, the same video would play on every one of them, no matter which channel he selected.

After the video ended, the television set shut off and refused to turn back on. And then, almost immediately, a phone that had been resting on the nearby drawer began to ring...

Megumin's attempts to find something to use the grab the rubber duck would prove fruitful. Behind her in the small hallway was what looked to be a perfectly good chain, which had a hook attached to the end of it! How convenient!

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B @quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @QizPizza marc122 marc122 Chungchangching Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven @Venom Snake @92MilesPrower @Crow
”Um anyone going to answer that?” Zwei said, who had since accepted the fact that no one but Supergirl would well you know....also a bit freaked out by the TV shit going on!

Supergirl makes to pick up the phone but thinks better of it. Muttering something about magical bullshit and something close to it.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky was still looking for the remote when Lillith powered the TV on, but his ears relayed its information to them. It sounded like just a bunch of ambience. "Lillith, is that your favorite channel or somethin'?" He poked his head up just to see some woman brushing her hair in a mirror. In black and white for some reason. "Just another pretentious director..." He uttered, continuing to look around the room. It wasn't long before those high pitched whines were giving him earaches, and he foolishly, in hindsight, whipped around to face Lillith. "Jesus Christ, Lillith, change that shit!" He'd brought back his attention in time to see what looked like the silhouette of a dead cow, but he still thought it to be nothing more than some pretentious student film. Probably something on farm raised meat, or climate change.

Also, some lass committed suicide by letting herself drop off a cliff. The end. "What a stupid flick." The rabbit grumbled. "No plot, nothin' but pretentious, mopey depictions of climate change. On the upside, that looked like Scottish countrysides. Nice to see."

He then followed Supergirl to pick up the phone, mounting her shoulder and hollering. "WHADDAYA WANT?!"

Megumin, fortunately, had not laid attention to the video at all. She was too busy fishing for rubber ducks with a long chain. There were doubts, however, knowing what had happened with her staff. What chance did metal have against water hot enough to melt Manatite?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
There's a phone here? I don't know they got a phone here! I wanna prank call Nick-Tan or Disney-Tan. It's been so long. I immediately waltzed near the phone and Tandem tried to stop me. I opened my mouth and a minigun came out of it, revving up and Tandem immediately fucked off. God, I was sick and tired of that guy. Bodyguard Schmodyguard! Phooey! I picked up a phone an inch of the drawer before immediately discarding whoever the fuck is calling because I want to make funny jokes. Whoever was calling is probably not important.

I immediately dialed Disney-Tan's phone number.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan immediately looks around and decides this is all old fashioned and not too interesting at the moment. If she wanted this tech she could just go back home to the farm! She heads over to find a source of food, like a fridge or pantry, this Floran is hungry!
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
A Lofty Living Room, Chucky's Fuckhouse
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Needs better Wifi) (Delay Netcode at it again)

Tanya spoke positively of Ruby, bringing back some of the happy memories Yang's had with her while she was still around. On one hand, it was at least refreshing to be reminded of the positives to the bubbly Huntress. On the other hand, she had been reminded about who and what Ruby could've become had she lived.

Then she asked where her sister was.

Yang hesitated at first. Ruby had died a while ago, and yet the...strangely adult-like child wants to know where she was? Granted, she hadn't seen her at all somewhere during the time she and her team were in Remnant, so she could cut her some slack for wondering, but she simply couldn't help the fact that she bothered to ask at all.

At some point, she even longed for simpler days.

Finally, she was able to formulate an answer. Shaking her head at first, she took in a deep breath. "She's just resting back home," Yang said.

Meanwhile, Weiss was genuinely dumbfounded by Tanya's answer. A 14 year old sharing his body with an ancient man from long before she even existed, sure. A 30 year old man being straight-up reincarnated intact as a young girl?

"Hmmph," Weiss responded, possibly as a coping mechanism, arms remaining folded as she turned away from her. Even when Jason told her not to escalate things, she didn't even say anything back. She would've already said something about Tanya just standing still if she's truly an expert at wire cutting, if it weren't for Jason's request.

— — — — —​

Weiss, who was stationed nearby Megumin, watched as Megumin fished for the duck with a chain she had found earlier. While she could've gone for the duck no problem, she preferred not to wet her clothes all over and feel damp in the end. Having overheard the video and Lucky's according reaction towards it, she wondered if there was even something going on with the duck in question.

Yang, on the other hand, raised her hand towards Benrey's question. "I can do it," Yang answered, proceeding to go over towards the fireplace, as she made sure her Aura was active. She kneeled towards it, opened up its doors, and then attempted to pull out the letter, prepared to choke the flames if it still burnt on.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), P PopcornPie (Megumin), 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Benrey)
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Hearing Lucky speak about the letter for a bit only raised his curiosity even more, and he began to think of a plan while waiting for the others to help him out. He would use his Metal spear, but considering what happened with Megumin’s staff when it touched the hot tub, which began melting, and considering that the staff is made of a much stronger material..... iron and steel won’t do anything about something very hot that can melt it. So here he goes again, figuring out a way to take out the letter safely without either destroying it much further, or burning something or someone in the process. He then watched Yang try to get the letter quickly, to which got him ready in case her speed didn’t stop a couple of flames being on her.
@ To whomst it may concern marc122 marc122

He was confused to say the least when he saw what was happening on the T.V. For the most part, but he ignored it as he blankly stared at the wall, his head most likely in the clouds. He didn’t even bat an eye as the phone rang, but someone can snap him out of it if they interacted with Gretar.
@ Open for interaction...

The past few hours had been a harrowing thing to say the least… being able to see all that has been going on with his adoptive son, but being unable to do a thing. The cleric in question had been stuck from the other side of a portal that for some gods forsaken reason he was unable to cross! Just… look, look into the disaster of multidimensional proportions that the group had been as of late.

By mystra’s blessing it had been extremely exasperated. Even without being completely aware of the stakes he knew that the group had been terrible with infighting so far… and to make it even worse. His child, sey, he was so… defeated. Hershel had never see him so down before, ever. It was in all honesty breaking his heart…

But there was nothing he could do so far, at least… until a chance would open up…

“There ya go, good as new,” One of the MPF’s lead scientists, Rick Sanchez, said as he finished his repairs on Atlas’ protector, Penny Polendina. It had taken a lot longer than he had anticipated, the technology on Atlas was far different from what he was used to back in his own universe, but he still managed nonetheless.

“Many thanks, Mister Sanchez!” Penny exclaimed with a wide grin as she stood up from the table Rick had had her laying on, saluting the elderly scientist all the while. It was then that a certain arachnid-themed superhero, who the group had come to know as Spider-Man, entered the room.

“Hey, Penny!” Peter Parker exclaimed with a smile, lifting a hand up to wave at her as he walked. “Glad to see that Rick fixed you!”

“Me too!” She exclaimed, planting her hands firmly on her hips and offering up a nod that was just as firm. “Rick is certainly one of the brightest men I know! Why, he’s almost as bright as my own father!” She said with a grin. Rick, who was pretty people’d out for the day, picked up his flask from the nearby workbench and took a massive swig out of it, before turning to face Spider-Man and Penny.

“Isn’t there something you should be telling her?” He asked in a slightly annoyed tone of voice. Spider-Man’s friendly smile soon turned into frown as he lowered his head, eyes trailing towards the floor.

“Oh… right…” He said in a somber tone with a small nod, before looking up at Penny. He put a hand around her back and began to lead her out of the room. “Come on, Penny. I think it’d be better if you heard this in private…” He said as he led her out of the room. Penny’s cheerful grin remained all the while.

“Oh boy! I love secrets!” She exclaimed happily as her and Spider-Man left the room, the door sliding shut behind them. This left Rick alone in the makeshift lab by himself, where he soon fell into the nearby swivel chair he had resting in his office. He grunted and tilted his head back, letting the numbing alcohol do its work as it poured down his throat, before raising up his feet and planting them against the nearby desk. He kicked off, allowing himself to spin around the room slowly, his mind wandering to anywhere but here.

The cleric in question had been at his studio when the viewing portals started happening, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away. By now the view had changes from the main group to a man who had just finished repairing… a girl in a sort of scientific facility. The noble had been keeping an eye on the portal’s condition and it finally thinned enough to transmit messages through at least.

The moment Hershel noticed such (and the girl and masked individual had been sent off) he scrambled in a rush to open his bag and look for something…

The objects in question were dozens and dozens of magical “sending” stones, capable of delivering a magical message to another’s mind across dimensions with the only caveat being a 20 word limit for one exchange per cast. This person probably could talk to him.

Using as many as it took, the concerned dad delivered a message to the man known as Rick before he could doze off or become too tipsy.

”Hey. I’m Hershel Avad. And I want you to deliver a message to a red-haired young man, Sage.”

The man would hear all of the sudden a voice in his head.

“Oookaaay….” Rick replied as he set his flask down upon hearing the aforementioned voice ring throughout his head. Luckily, he was just drunk enough to hear him out, but he was sober enough to question the voice regardless. “And how the hell are you communicating with me? Some kinda device? Orororor is this some Professor X bullshit?” The cynical scientist asked, before taking another swig from his prized booze. “Because, I’ve gotta say, if it’s the latter, then this shit is incredibly overdone.”

Between the first and second message the cleric would initiate with one word, continue, since he had a feeling the other side would be ranting. Once Rick was over, the young man would take a deep breath and deliver yet another message
”Doctor X? This is magic. And, per cast we get 20 words max. Be efficient”.

“Magic… right…” Rick would groan after hearing Hershel’s explanation. Then, he told Rick to be efficient, which made the scientist furrow his brows in slight annoyance. “Hey, you’re the one who came into my head! Don’t tell me that I need to be efficient!” He shouted, thumbing towards himself. Regardless, he continued. “Whatever… what the hell do you want?”

The cleric would sigh for a moment. This one was a tough cookie wasn’t he? Whatever.

”Look, sorry to bother. I just need you to deliver a message to someone that needs it, my adoptive son Can I entrust you to do that if I give you his description and name?” He was leaning on his desk, using stones as they crumbled to dust on his hands after they serves their purpose.

“Depends on who it is and what the message is.” Rick replied dryly. This was probably the best answer that Hershel would get.

Yet another sigh escaped the noble’s lips, before steeling himself for the rest of the exchange

”Alright. His name is sage Kaelber, wearing… ‘Asian’ clothing? Red haired- hazel eyes, fire powers. Young adult… I just want him to know that, it’s ok to have made mistakes. But, he should not…”

The cleric would pause for a moment to get what he wanted to say right.

”Don’t act in absolutes. Don’t always be passive or proactive. Analize, evaluate, decide, and…”

One final pause, in which hershel was mustering a small smile on his end.

”Do what’s best for the worlds, I believe in you Sey, you can do good. That’s it, thank you”

Hershel had gotten a little chocked up with emotion during the short speech… he dearly wanted to help the kid, with all his heart.

“Alright…” Rick replied, having been punching Hershel’s message into his communicator down to the letter. Once he was done, he hit send. “There. Is there anything else you need?” He asked, the cynic’s voice dripping with annoyance.

The noble would finally be able to smile. He unconsciously shook his head and sent another message.

”No. That’s all. May I know your name? To thank you properly one day”

His voice was now dripping with gratitude instead of worry, completely disregarding the annoyed tone. He was about to make a promise and be damned if he wasn’t going to keep it… he had to give back to those that helped him after all.

“Rick Sanchez. Smartest man in the—urrp— Multiverse.”

The burp followed by what to him seemed like boasting got the noble to chuckle a little. Finally, to respond one last time…

”Alright Mister Sanchez, I’ll write it down. Thank you for your help, you can keep drinking now”

“That’s what I plan to do.” Rick said, before picking up a small, round device and shoving it in his ear, severing their telepathic link for now.

With that, the cleric would continue watching through the portal. And, in another universe entirely, Sage’s communicator would buzz as he received a message...

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (collab)
here's the cameo post I promised!
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Soma Cruz & Shanoa

There is pretty much nothing to do for the vampire hunters upon entering a relaxing cabin. Of course, creepy stuff happens with the TV and the phone. "Do not like how this is going." Shanoa muttered. Meanwhile, Soma sat by the couch, legs crossed. He seems to be resting for now.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Others​

Tanya gave Orbeck a vacant stare. Who was this guy again? He appeared to know her but she didn't recollect meeting someone of his nature. However Ruby's death did throw a wrench in her plans. After all she was the most capable fighter she had met in a long while and considering everyone else here was clearly sub par to her standards she would have to do the heavy lifting by herself. Being stressed out was a sign of a flawed business model but what was there to work with? No matter. The golden older blonde sister would have to suffice. Tanya smiled sweetly at Orbeck.

"Don't worry, Mr Sorcerer, I'll refrain from speaking the truth. People don't normally like that anyways. I respect the chain of authority. Good soldiers follow orders. Especially mages like us, no?"

Tanya then turns to Yang Orbeck had informed her that Ruby is no longer with us and bringing such a tragedy up would be cruel.

"Ah she is resting at home you say? I hope to see her soon. Maybe we can shoot explosive rounds together or something. I think we can work nicely together."

Finally Tanya turns to the TV. She has definitely seen this before in a movie. Something about a ring? Believing in such illogical fallacies such as ghosts would be a waste of time. There is a rational explanation for everything after all. Even if there was a ghost it would have to deal with her magical bullets.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake marc122 marc122

As the phone was picked up, what sounded like a little girl's whisper could be heard on the other end of the line. It simply uttered the phrase, "Seven Days..." Before hanging up entirely. The familiar beeping sound that played whenever someone on the other line was busy rang out through the phone's speaker, even as CN-Tan tried to call her friend.

Megumin, however, did manage to fish the rubber duckie out of the water with enough trial and error. Once she'd done so, she was able to hold the duck up by the hook, which is when she would find a piece of paper attached to the bottom. Lealan, on the other hand, did in fact successfully find a fridge! However, once she pulled it open...


Well, let's just say that everything in there, including the fridge itself most likely, was far past its expiration date.

Then, when Yang managed to fish what looked like a note out of the fireplace, she would soon be able to hold it up. It was heavily folded, and somehow, it didn't even seem to be affected by the fire at all. Not even the hint of a single scorch was present anywhere on its surface-- front or back. It took her a moment due to how many times it had been folded over, but once she finally did managed to unfold it, she found that it was...


A map! A map which had several significant locations marked on it, such as the location of a car, a sailboat, a restroom, and what could only be assumed were weapons staches. There were also several icons that looked like houses marked throughout, which could be assumed were other cabins. In the corner, it appeared to be branded with the name "Camp Crystal Lake."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B @quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @QizPizza marc122 marc122 Chungchangching Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven @Venom Snake @92MilesPrower @Crow

Soma Cruz & Shanoa

Soma turns to his side to see Yang holding out what appears to be a map. "Hey Yang, what you got in there?" He would ask as he gets off the couch and walks over to her to see the map. "Guess we now know where we are judging by the name." Soma remarked "So, I guess we will be splitting into teams again huh? You know, to find clues?" Meanwhile, Shanoa would stare out of the window.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 @Others​
Lucky felt as though he should have been frightened, but the call was so vague that he didn't know what to make of it. "Seven days to...what? Get outta here?" He tilted his head. "Sounds right to me. Maybe this cabin is a rental."

"Look, Weiss! I've got the duck!" Megumin examined it all over, but there was nothing written in its back, head, or wings, but there was a tiny note on its bottom. "Hm...this might still be legible." She put the rubber duck in her backpack, then cautiously unfolded the paper.
Surprisingly, Yang managed to get the letter out while not getting any burns on her body, and the letter was also surprising, due to it not being damaged in any way. It was revealed to be a map, which seemed to be about the entire area here, the land being called Camp Crystal Lake, a name that felt like he heard it somewhere before, but he simply removed that thought in his head as Soma suggest about splitting into groups again.

Of course, if this wasn’t planned out carefully, things can go horribly wrong, to which Benrey said
“Ok.... but maybe we can do this like last time. Two groups, which not only increases our chances of survival than having multiple small groups, but we can also fulfill needed roles in case there is something needed to be fix or pushed out of the way. Still need to know what points of interest we should go to first.” he suggested, as he waited for anyone else to agree with him, because he is not gonna go out there with two or three other people with him in one group. Reason being that I his place gives him more creeps than someone’s uncle inside of his closet.
marc122 marc122 Zamasu Zamasu @ Everyone here
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolfu--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 marc122 marc122 Zamasu Zamasu

As soon as the door was taken care of by Megumin, Hiryu and Whisper followed the gang downstairs, where they were greeted with some sort of living room. Hiryu's immediate thought process was to go find a door or a window to open while Whisper attempts to explore the kitchen counter or whatnot.

Hearing Benrey talk about splitting up, Hiryu simply nodded.

"Sounds good. I'll just go with whoever wants me." Hiryu nodded, still trying to find and open that damn door.
Megumin fiddled with her staff. "I do disagree, somewhat. If we get separated, one of us could get into terrible danger without the other group being close enough to help." Her mind harkened back to Toga; If she hadn't run off to tell the Distraction team about her suspicions, then the infiltration team would have been captured, or drained of blood, something awful. But they had worse experience in splitting apart. "Remember the Nightmare Realm, when we split up, and the group that went downstairs couldn't contact the group that went upstairs? It looks like similar dark magic is at work here." She produced her wireless headphones, making sure the mic wasn't broken, then checked up on the state of her watch, which was also undamaged.

"Lass has a point. In horror movies, characters often get separated, and their communicator stops workin' at the worst possible time." Lucky added. "I remember catching this episode where a kid got eaten by this monster that was posing as a school mascot, and right as he was being digested, his phone died while he was calling his buddy for help."

Megumin felt sick. "D-did they get him out?"

"Maybe off screen, during the end logos..."

"Oh..." Megumin twiddled her fingers. "...We don't know what's out there. Maybe there are creatures who can swallow us, just like the monster in Lucky's show. I'd suggest that one of us scouts, but...that person might not make ot back alive."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Much like the map that Yang had unfolded, there was nary an issue with the paper that had been taped to the bottom of the duck, despite the fact that it had just completely been submerged in boiling water mere moments ago. The paper read had a series of numbers printed on it:


There was nothing else printed on the paper.

As Shanoa observed the exterior of the cabin via the window, she would get a pretty clear vision of what looked like a relaxing lake area. There were various cabins placed throughout the clearing of land, all settled around a crystal clear lake, which had the full moon reflecting off of its surface. If Shanoa were to be paying extra close attention, though, she would swear that she saw what looked like a tall, muscular figure moving around in the far distance. Only their silhouette could be seen, and just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone.

The kitchen counter was pretty average. It wasn't spotless or anything-- there were a few stains and crumbs lining it. Canned goods and utensils lined it, as well as your average kitchen appliances such as a toaster, a blender, etc. Hiryu, on the other hand, was unable to find any exit to the cabin that hadn't been sealed shut.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B @quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @QizPizza marc122 marc122 Chungchangching Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven @Venom Snake @92MilesPrower @Crow
Lealan's mood droops as her face falls to a frown. "This place sucks. There's nothing fun to do and the food is ruined." She shuts the fridge and to find something preserved. Upon finding one, she would grab it, take a sniff, and if it doesn't smell rotten, she holds it over her head and takes a bite, impervnium teeth slashing through the can and it's contents, spilling it into her mouth.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Anypoorbastardsinthekitchen
"...It's a number. 011648. Maybe it's a passcode we need to leave this cabin." Megumin chimed, looking at the sealed doors all around them.

"...Hey, they are sealed up!" Lucky poked at a glued window. "Huh, maybe there's something outside we're not supposed to go meet." Strange, there didn't look to be anything dangerous floating in the water, and there wasn't any weaponry or security lining the other cabins.
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

"Everything's locked. " Hiryu scoffed, taking out an Anotherwatch as he examined the door closely, pondering if he could kick it open as well as seeing if it has dust or something. "Well, whatever the hell it is, we're doing a pretty good job of hiding from it." Hiryu turned to Lucky, who just commented about the security of the place.


Let's hope I didn't just jinx us.

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