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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fourteen

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Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Note for all (but I want to make certain Wolf doesn't miss it): I forgot a line in my last post and just edited it. Bria asks Nivirea something after the Spoiler. Your turns! =)
Bren has been told, by several people of presumably reliable information (including his goddess), that our chances of winning in combat are extremely slim to none.
There is more than one way to 'defeat' a foe in this game. Perhaps we will be able to talk to it, or if not, we can always try running. Worst case scenario we fight and perhaps we level up after we defeat this giant.
Or we end up with a few dead characters. Lets hope we can accomplish this without that happening.
Good points, all.

I'd just like to say that I don't and have never had any issues with character death (whether temporary or permanent), though obviously I'd prefer to avoid it. One of the reasons why I created Nivirea was exactly so that I could take more chances and do things I normally wouldn't. Push the boundaries. I thought this play style might be more fun, and so far I think it has been. My first character, Wolf, would never do most of the things that Nivirea does - despite being only several years older, he's much more careful and patient than she is. But playing it safe doesn't always translate to having fun. On the other hand, curiosity killed the cat - it's possible Nivirea's turns out to be her undoing.

If the party decides it's unwinnable and that the best course of action is to throw Nivirea to the giant to appease him, I promise to understand.

If the party decides it's unwinnable and that the best course of action is to throw Nivirea to the giant to appease him, I promise to understand.

You must be kidding. =)

Wolf, most of the Wayward Wanderers are good-hearted, not selfish. My guess is they would sooner get themselves killed trying to rescue Nivirea before they throw her to the Mad Giant as some sort of sacrifice in order to save themselves. Just now, three of them ran up into danger's path to get to Nivirea knowing full well there was a towering, angered menace after her (and now them).

My first post in Chapter One: The Road of Kings was typed out during late July of 2014. We've been playing together for over half a decade! Have the Wayward Wanderers ever done anything so selfish, especially to one of their own? Really now. I can only conclude that you're joking again. =)

As for playing characters that excite the player (playing Nivirea instead of Leonard), I am usually behind such transitions. I think dangerous things can happen to the character of an easily-bored PC, but I remember Gary Gygax (in Dungeon Masters Guide) was a huge proponent of having characters that excited the players who played them. It was not enough for a PC to come to the table and have a character they were simply O.K. with. No. That player had to genuinely enjoy the character in the campaign (it was one of the earliest lessons I ever learned as a DM).

I feel the same goes for a DM and their NPCs though I also think a DM should always remember William Faulkner's quote, “In writing, you must kill all your darlings.” I keep this one in mind not because I want them all dead of course, but because it reminds me to always keep open the possibility of NPC death. I've seen enough Dungeon Masters (or people in similar roles) make it perfectly clear, by either saying so or just by watching them, that their own "darling" NPCs cannot and will not ever undergo life-threatening harm, much less the possibility of death and removal from the game. That's fine by me! They must run their games their way as I must run mine my way. That's part of the fun!

But mostly, it's this. I feel if I am to be fair, then how can I ask the PCs to be open to the real possibility of their beloved characters' demise while knowing my own NPCs are immune to any such fate? For me, it's the height of hypocrisy and I just can't bring myself to do it. =)
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You said it, lady! Psychie hit the bullseye! =)

Listen, Gang. Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Sherwood Sherwood Having thought about it, I want to make certain we are all on the same page here. In-game, your characters (sans Nivirea because she used her time), have about six seconds each to do what they will, but here in OOC, we have all the time we could ask for to talk. So... here is the Wayward Wanderers' situation as I see it (Disclaimer: I do not mean to point out blame; I simply want everyone to understand the gravity of the situation clearly):

The party is close to going into combat with a creature they never would have encountered under these circumstances (the Mad Giant). He appears horribly angry and confused and he is one hell of a threat to your entire party's existence (because the Wayward Wanderers ran up to Nivirea, he now rightfully associates them as Nivirea's allies if not friends).

So! Whatever fate is in store for Nivirea is now shared by the entire fellowship. This is the MMORPG equivalent, if you will, of one character leaving the raid team without their knowledge (in or out of character), and dragging the Final Boss back to the group well before they have any reasonable ability to prepare themselves. A "party wipe" is a serious possibility here. I in no way planned for this situation and I am allowing the cards to fall as they will.

I fully expect PCs to provide their opinions (in and out of character) because something like this? Well, I've never been the DM when something like this happens and seen the PCs just "brush it under the rug."

So, please keep this all in mind as the scene in the Caverns of Pohjola unfolds. Does anyone have any questions that I can reasonably answer (and by "reasonably", I mean "fairly")?
You must be kidding. =)
Of course I was kidding! Save meeeeee 😭 *whine*

What I meant was that I wouldn't want my character's recklessness to cause the death of someone else's - if we found ourselves in a situation where the risk grew too great, I'd prefer that no one sacrificed themselves to save my character, especially not in vain. That's just me, though. In-character, Nivirea undoubtedly fully expects the party to do whatever they can to save her, and probably views the situation as something that they're all in together as part of being in Pohjola, and not something that she caused that could have been avoided.

Of course, if the others are being likewise truthful to their characters, I certainly don't believe they'd ever willingly leave anyone behind. Even if OOC they might harbor different thoughts 😇 Another joke, sort of - the truth is that my character did provoke this, and if she did get killed I'd simply return to playing Wolf, whereas not everyone in the group has or wants another character...
What I meant was that I wouldn't want my character's recklessness to cause the death of someone else's...
(ellipsis mine)

Heh! I knew it! Tone and body language (or lack thereof) is, for me, the biggest disadvantage to play on a play-by-post system! I have issues playing sometimes in person already because of how my brain operates (and some days are easier and harder than others). But I am dead-certain, had we been having this discussion, all of us together (there's a delightful thought!), there would have been no confusion on my part whatsoever! Oh well. I am still quite happy for the "magic" of the Internet!

...if we found ourselves in a situation where the risk grew too great, I'd prefer that no one sacrificed themselves to save my character, especially not in vain. That's just me, though. In-character, Nivirea undoubtedly fully expects the party to do whatever they can to save her, and probably views the situation as something that they're all in together as part of being on Pohjola, and not something that she caused that could have been avoided.
(ellipsis mine)

This is an excellent example of Good vs. Chaotic (Selfish) and it makes me wonder if Nivirea will ever change. Heh! =)

...the truth is that my character did provoke this...
(ellipses mine)

That's why I enjoy playing so much with you, Wolf! You've got a good heart! You also have the ability to play (very well) characters who do not share your own alignment. That's not something everyone can do. =)
Here's a question: the cavern behind us: How tall is the ceiling? Can we retreat a bit and prevent the Mad Giant from being able to get to us, and we can then try to reason with it, or, worse case, hammer it from a distance where it cannot retaliate?
1. As mentioned in the post, the ceiling is about 45 feet (about 14 m) in height.

2. You may retreat back around the corner (40 feet of distance). From the corner, it is another 40 feet to the cul-de-sac where Varelys Trading Post is.

3. The Mad Giant is of sufficient size to make it to the Varelys Trading Post and is very likely able to climb up the cylindrical rise that acts as the only way out.

In other words, your party is only 80 feet from being backed into a corner.
That way lies back the way you came where the holes in the earth hid the Thri-Kreen and the curving ramp up to the edge of the cliffside where SkySting (not Skyfang!) watched over you when you rested. There were other tunnels between here and there, but those lead to the unknown and the closest of those is some 500 feet away or more.

Good questions, Sherwood! =)
Heya Gang! ( Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Tag!)

Tonight, I wanted to get in here and bring up some Sharseya-related goodies worth sharing with all of you, but I am just too thrown off (what is it with full moons and ADHD?!). So since the wise part of me is telling me to postpone all that, the least I can do is give you fair warning. =) I plan to cover Signature Abilities for some of you, Skills (we're using 2nd Edition skills now. Who has changed their Character Sheet over?) and a few other goodies.

Hope life is treating you well, Gang!

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
I've got my skills all fixed, but haven't straightened out my feats yet.
The following is a joke! Enjoy!

"Lando - It's Not My Fault!" =)
Heya Gang! I hope to post tomorrow.

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Psychie Psychie Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr

Your characters would know the following:

1. The Web spell will not hold a creature of that size and strength for long, if it holds him at all (see the grapple section for the Web spell).

2. The Sleep spell only works on low-level creatures like goblins and young wargs.
Pfft. So are there higher level sleep-like spells that can affect them, at least?

What about if a high level creature wanted to be affected?

I suppose I'll edit my post in some way then. If Nivirea knows this, obviously she wouldn't suggest it.
Deep Slumber (Sleep's bigger brother) can affect higher-level creatures, but the chances of it affecting something like the Mad Giant as intended are slim to none (or so someone with Nivirea's considerable background with Arcane spells could surmise).
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