• This section is for roleplays only.
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Futuristic The Hunted [OOC]

So we are starting already in the office. I see I see. Nice way to introduce our characters. Just one question, if any fight between two persons happen, how is that played? We decided prior or throw a dice?
We can definitely throw the dice if you guys want to work it out that way! It would make it more fun and unpredictable.

I can see a situation like this: "Razan was facing Tyler, she knew he was stronger, but everyone has a weakness. She threw a kick between Tyler's legs and he was out"

That would be fun. I'm down

I can see a situation like this: "Razan was facing Tyler, she knew he was stronger, but everyone has a weakness. She threw a kick between Tyler's legs and he was out"

That would be fun. I'm down
pfffffffffffffffffffff Razan would run the other way.
posted. Sorry I had a writers block.
EDIT: and I forgot to put a period at the end smh
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Haha, it was just a hypothetical situation, but who knows? Maybe she'll have a training arc and will save the day. Dices will decide!
omg Tyler can show her a few moves lol. I have the worst luck me and dices will never get along. -,-
omg Tyler can show her a few moves lol. I have the worst luck me and dices will never get along. -,-
Sure, let's keep that in mind for the near future.

I'll post tomorrow, right now it's late and I have to finish a project (¬_¬; )
Posted to move things along! Great stuff everyone.

Should I write that we're still accepting new players in the title of this thread? Man, I feel like such a noob on this forum lmao.
I'm a noob as well xD. Try bumping the recruitment post as sushi did and add in the title [acepting] or [open]
Hey guys, can you tell me if the update I made to my first post in the IC runs well on your devices? It is an experiment I'm doing. Thanks ^_^
I mean it work but I don't like it. It might be just me but I feel like the letters get fuzzy with the background
Yeah, I thought the same, contrast is important. Maybe a darker background to the letters? I just wanted to make the background go along with the situation; if we are in the office? The background is an office. If we are in the streets? The background is street. Do you get me? Let me try to fix it
Alright, I think it looks better. Background darker and bigger font
Y’all got some sick bbc I feel kinda intimidated since I dunt have any
Do not worry, just do it the way you want xd. I use BBCode because it's fun for me, but nobody is forcing you to use it. The most important thing is to write and have fun :D

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