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Futuristic The Hunted [OOC]



Sci-fi Nerd
City of Zedhan, 2146.

Humanity is facing extinction in a world where technology is advancing rapidly, so much so there is almost no use for them. Pushed to the outskirts of the newly developed city, they are forced to live in dirty slums where overpopulation is quickly taking its toll on those living there in the most deplorable conditions.

Vampirism surfaced decades ago, something that doctors predicted would wipe out the entire planet - and they were half right. This viral disease didn't kill humans, but rather, it transformed it and created resilient creatures. They would outlive any human by hundreds of years unless they had been previously cybernetically enhanced. The only remaining humans are all enhanced, to varying degrees.

A certain vampire developed a synthetic blood formula, undoubtedly saving the vampire race entirely as their primary source of food was dwindling down to nothing. This technological discovery also helped humans indirectly, though they are still considered a delicacy to vampires and to those who have big enough balls to venture in the slums for a taste.

Crime in the city itself is non-existent, at least at first glance. What happens behind closed doors is often a tightly guarded secret. In the slums, small gangs run black markets for cybernetic enhancements, which is the main cause of most of the chaos there. The current state of affairs gave rise to a dangerous military organization, unknown to humans and vampires alike. They threaten all forms of life, forcing the enlistment of humans in order to get rid of vampires entirely.

Old enemies will have to work together in order to neutralize this threat. The awkward and certainly hostile state of the relationship between humans and vampires is sure to make this task very difficult, ye they have no other choice than to pull it together or they will have to witness the destruction of their world as they know it.

Your characters will be recruited by Victoria Marquis, CEO of Marquis Pharmaceuticals, who is the only damn vampire in this city who is willing to do something about a mysterious military organization called S.O.L. Not much is known about them, other than they want to exterminate vampires by any means necessary, even going so far as to force enlistment on any able-bodied human. The story starts during your first meeting with Victoria’s congratulations, you’re one of the lucky ones.


[SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][CENTER]Name/Age/Species (robot, human, vampire, half-vampire/half-human)

Physical Description/Clothes: (a written description of what do they look like, details that may not show in the picture provided)

Personality:  (What makes up who they are, as unique individuals? What is their psyche like?)

Equipment: (What does your character use to defend themselves with? What vehicles do they ride? And other types of equipment that they use.)

Background: (Brief summary of where they live, what they do for work, and their goals if they have any.)

Specific skills & Weaknesses: (2 Skills Based on your background, what your character is trained in, or what they are a master of. infiltration? Tech? Hand-to-hand combat?  Also, include 2 weaknesses they have. This will determine the job assigned to you by Victoria)



  • This is where most of the factories and cybernetic manufacturers are located. Usually populated by automated machines and other sentient robots. Humans and vampires have very few reasons to actually venture into that area of the city.

  • This gang is not malicious in intent. In fact, they protect their fellow humans from vampires as well as other rabid gang members. Hunters are far more like an organization than a real gang, they train day and night in order to prepare themselves to take down the world's most resilient creatures and put their lives on the line to do so. Their weapons consist mostly of firearms equipped with UV bullets, which is extremely effective against humans.


1. Don't Godmod (collabs encouraged).
2. I will not tolerate discrimination, racial slurs or bigotry or any kind.
3. Minimum of 2-3 paragraphs.
4. Wait for at least 2 people to post before you post again, there's not gonna be a posting order.
5. Your character can only be the master of one specific thing, and cannot possibly win every fight/encounter. You will have to rely on each other to overcome enemies.
6. All site rules apply. Please follow them.
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omg does Victoria hire humans? Like maybe to clean the house daily or work at her fancy company? SGTSlayer SGTSlayer
edit: never mind just reread that they will get recruited by Victoria. I'm just blind. *>*
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omg does Victoria hire humans? Like maybe to clean the house daily or work at her fancy company? SGTSlayer SGTSlayer
Yeah good idea, I'll make a separate one then!

And yeah that would be plausible since she is one of those vampires that like going to the slums to snack on humans. Maybe an assistant/receptionist of some sort would work. But if you have any other ideas feel free to throw them around.

Character thread: Futuristic - The Hunted RP Characters
Yeah good idea, I'll make a separate one then!

And yeah that would be plausible since she is one of those vampires that like going to the slums to snack on humans. Maybe an assistant/receptionist of some sort would work. But if you have any other ideas feel free to throw them around.
Yeahhh! I'll be her assistant then. :cheshiregrin:
Alright! Posted CS. I was experimenting with BBcode, so I don't know if it is mobile friendly. Let me know if the OC needs some adjusts, I was a litter confused about the equipment and how is the society with humans and slums
Alright! Posted CS. I was experimenting with BBcode, so I don't know if it is mobile friendly. Let me know if the OC needs some adjusts, I was a litter confused about the equipment and how is the society with humans and slums
Looks great!

What did you have questions about? Basically the humans, or most of them, are forced to live in the worst part of the city kid of the outskirts. It’s made worse by the fact that the guns are next to where they live but the slums have it’s own market place/trading posts. If humans are in the city it’s because they’re part of a gang and will risk getting sucked dry by a vampire or they are fortunate enough to be hired by one, and that’s usually very rare.
Looks great!

What did you have questions about? Basically the humans, or most of them, are forced to live in the worst part of the city kid of the outskirts. It’s made worse by the fact that the guns are next to where they live but the slums have it’s own market place/trading posts. If humans are in the city it’s because they’re part of a gang and will risk getting sucked dry by a vampire or they are fortunate enough to be hired by one, and that’s usually very rare.
Oh, I see, I see! It wasn't clear to me if some humans lived in the main city as well or everyone was pushed to the slums. And now my OC is going to work in a place filled with humanified mosquitos?! Damn, I think he'll be dead by the second post
Finished my cs! Btw was the page glitching/acting up for anyone else?
Are you on mobile? I'm on PC and everything looks good.

Also everything looks great! If she's not going to fight, you could probably give her some sort of tech skill if you want. If not, Victoria will probably bring her everywhere anyways so it's really up to you.
Oh, I see, I see! It wasn't clear to me if some humans lived in the main city as well or everyone was pushed to the slums. And now my OC is going to work in a place filled with humanified mosquitos?! Damn, I think he'll be dead by the second post
Nah, he'll have Victoria's protection you're good. If your character is the brawn of the operation then she'll probably fight alongside him.

I don't know how y'all make those nice CS code sheets but ima need to figure it out cause it looks amazing lmao.
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Nah, he'll have Victoria's protection you're good. If your character is the brawn of the operation then she'll probably fight alongside him.
Ok then. Do we decide now what he'll be doing or that gonna be part of the RP? I didn't specify his job position 😅
Ok then. Do we decide now what he'll be doing or that gonna be part of the RP? I didn't specify his job position 😅
Your skill will determine your position, Victoria will assign jobs so you're good!

I also added info on gangs, so if anyone wants to change their CS to fit that in, you can. Sorry, I kinda just get ideas popping up at random times lmao.
Is the city map based on California?

I think I can add something about the Hunters in my CS
I wish there was a gang the was between the two XD I feel like Alicia would be a great seductress for information but she s half vampire and wouldn't be apart of the crimson gang
I made an update to the CS. Dude, the BBcode is such fun!!

I wish there was a gang the was between the two XD I feel like Alicia would be a great seductress for information but she s half vampire and wouldn't be apart of the crimson gang
Can't she hide the fact she's half-blood and works for the Crimson Crows gang?
Are you on mobile? I'm on PC and everything looks good.

Also everything looks great! If she's not going to fight, you could probably give her some sort of tech skill if you want. If not, Victoria will probably bring her everywhere anyways so it's really up to you.

Nah, he'll have Victoria's protection you're good. If your character is the brawn of the operation then she'll probably fight alongside him.

I don't know how y'all make those nice CS code sheets but ima need to figure it out cause it looks amazing lmao.
Nope, I'm on a tablet (Microsoft) that's probably why.
Yeah I wanted to be the brains...but I got lost somewhere lol. YAY! Veronica's protection 24/7

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