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Fandom Star Wars: Dedication [OOC]

Lol I'm lenient but not that sentient. Stuff like what they can do with cybernetics would be listed under weapons and armor and skills. And things I dont think are good or too potent or too vague will get noped out.

Mmhmm. You always were more the hippie than me.
Always remember, Light and Dark powers have no pertinence on what one can or can't use, nor does use of the Light or the Dark side have necessary pertinence as to what kind of person you are, evil or good.

Battle Meditation was a light side ability that promoted unity in a combatative force to minimise casualties and keep allies safe, but Sith loved to use it.

Lightning was known as a Sith ability, but Jedi used it too, but named it 'Electric Judgement' to make them sound less sinister.

There was a Sith that did no evil, there were Jedi that commited atrocious deeds.

As for Vortiger, he certainly has dark side leanings tbh, but would you call ensuring survival on a hostile planet evil? Food for thought.
Always remember, Light and Dark powers have no pertinence on what one can or can't use, nor does use of the Light or the Dark side have necessary pertinence as to what kind of person you are, evil or good.

Battle Meditation was a light side ability that promoted unity in a combatative force to minimise casualties and keep allies safe, but Sith loved to use it.

Lightning was known as a Sith ability, but Jedi used it too, but named it 'Electric Judgement' to make them sound less sinister.

There was a Sith that did no evil, there were Jedi that commited atrocious deeds.

As for Vortiger, he certainly has dark side leanings tbh, but would you call ensuring survival on a hostile planet evil? Food for thought.
I would agree to the general ideas. Save for one point of affliction. That drawing on the light or dark does have direct pertinence how "good" or "evil" you are. If I see a "good" Sith, or a kindly dark side user, they will feel my boot kicking their text from here to MySpace. If someone wants to be kind and caring individual, to be free of hate, take the light side. If you want an angry volatile person, take the dark.

Powers can be skewed. DEPENDING on what their purpose is and what is drawn upon to use them.

Take electric judgement for example. Rather than hate, the Jedi draws upon determination and strong sense of justice to pull it off. A jedi would not be using it so callously and frequently as a sith. It would be in their nature to use it as a last resort when all else has failed. And to never use it so flippantly as just to cause stress or pain. And even upon using it, it would be a struggle to use, and a fine balance they would need to walk to keep the feelings they are drawing on to slip into anger or vengeance.

Just as Sith healing is also a thing. And following a parallel, yet mirrored, logic.

That of an animal fighting to survive, with no thoughts on good or evil, and incapable of morality. Such would have no leanings toward light or dark. It simply is. Darkness would come from the joy of hunting, and satisfaction of the kill and and taking trophies, taking excess when it is not needed. And light from mercy and restraint, quick painless kills, and empathy with ones food, as well as curbing waste to avoid killing more than needed.

Light and Dark can be skewed to certain points of views. But each side will follow it's own themes.
I would agree to the general ideas. Save for one point of affliction. That drawing on the light or dark does have direct pertinence how "good" or "evil" you are. If I see a "good" Sith, or a kindly dark side user, they will feel my boot kicking their text from here to MySpace. If someone wants to be kind and caring individual, to be free of hate, take the light side. If you want an angry volatile person, take the dark.

Powers can be skewed. DEPENDING on what their purpose is and what is drawn upon to use them.

Take electric judgement for example. Rather than hate, the Jedi draws upon determination and strong sense of justice to pull it off. A jedi would not be using it so callously and frequently as a sith. It would be in their nature to use it as a last resort when all else has failed. And to never use it so flippantly as just to cause stress or pain. And even upon using it, it would be a struggle to use, and a fine balance they would need to walk to keep the feelings they are drawing on to slip into anger or vengeance.

Just as Sith healing is also a thing. And following a parallel, yet mirrored, logic.

That of an animal fighting to survive, with no thoughts on good or evil, and incapable of morality. Such would have no leanings toward light or dark. It simply is. Darkness would come from the joy of hunting, and satisfaction of the kill and and taking trophies, taking excess when it is not needed. And light from mercy and restraint, quick painless kills, and empathy with ones food, as well as curbing waste to avoid killing more than needed.

Light and Dark can be skewed to certain points of views. But each side will follow it's own themes.
That first paragraph is playing with absolutes,you SITH! But honestly, you can meet plenty of kind caring people that still carry hate, it isn't unthinkable, and when I stated the comment on the Sith that committed no evil, that was a direct reference to an actual Sith, though I don't recall their name at this time.

Furthermore, Dark Jedi are a thing, and they aren't meant to be some errant phrase tossed around for a failed Jedi. Galen Marek/Starkiller is a prominent example, as even in the Lightside endings of both his games, he was an active and notable user of the Dark Side for very good means, a prime and prominent example of a Sith power Wielder doing good.

Are you walking a line? Oh definitely, but if you can hold that line, you are ggranted great power to protect those you wish to protect, as proven in the Force Unleashed series. That's not the only example, mind, but it's a notable one people can recognise.

As for Vortiger, he relishes in the hunt and keep trophies of good hunts, but he does draw out his kills either, preferring speed and precision to finish prey quickly while sharing with Auk to use all of the 'resource'.

(Note: Dark Jedi and Grey Wielders /are/ differing, most notably in the methods they use and their ultimate goals they wish to acheive in the use of the Force)
That first paragraph is playing with absolutes,you SITH! But honestly, you can meet plenty of kind caring people that still carry hate, it isn't unthinkable, and when I stated the comment on the Sith that committed no evil, that was a direct reference to an actual Sith, though I don't recall their name at this time.

Furthermore, Dark Jedi are a thing, and they aren't meant to be some errant phrase tossed around for a failed Jedi. Galen Marek/Starkiller is a prominent example, as even in the Lightside endings of both his games, he was an active and notable user of the Dark Side for very good means, a prime and prominent example of a Sith power Wielder doing good.

Are you walking a line? Oh definitely, but if you can hold that line, you are ggranted great power to protect those you wish to protect, as proven in the Force Unleashed series. That's not the only example, mind, but it's a notable one people can recognise.

As for Vortiger, he relishes in the hunt and keep trophies of good hunts, but he does draw out his kills either, preferring speed and precision to finish prey quickly while sharing with Auk to use all of the 'resource'.

(Note: Dark Jedi and Grey Wielders /are/ differing, most notably in the methods they use and their ultimate goals they wish to acheive in the use of the Force)
Fair arguements. But I will not be fudging on my stance that I provided. It is not what I wish to see in this RP, thus it will not be.

Kind people can be hateful. But the dark side feeds, draws, and amplifies that hate. It will bring it to the forefront. And should you suppress the passions, and negativity, you then suppress your own power.

Starkiller was from a video games. Having different endings makes it very difficult to take it seriously as an example. But what I say will still apply. If you want to be selfless and protective, go jedi. Or, go dark, and play on the themes and how it one is evil and think they are good. Or hold the line briefly but then fall to one side or the other.
Fair arguements. But I will not be fudging on my stance that I provided. It is not what I wish to see in this RP, thus it will not be.

Kind people can be hateful. But the dark side feeds, draws, and amplifies that hate. It will bring it to the forefront. And should you suppress the passions, and negativity, you then suppress your own power.

Starkiller was from a video games. Having different endings makes it very difficult to take it seriously as an example. But what I say will still apply. If you want to be selfless and protective, go jedi. Or, go dark, and play on the themes and how it one is evil and think they are good. Or hold the line briefly but then fall to one side or the other.
It only had Darkside endings for the what ifs, meaning they were non-canon and put in for fun, but the books of the series actively supported the concept.

But yeah, hard up, it was the Jedi's greatest fallacies towards the umpteenth fall of their order to Palpatine. "Jedi don't deal in absolutes." followed up with "There is only Light and Dark." You know. An absolute.

But I reiterate, even feeding into hate, you can absolutely do good with hate. You'd be surprised the kind of hate that can be molded into righteous fury. Perhaps a force adept continuously watches his people be raided by a hostile force. In time they become a terrible and powerful warrior to destroy their enemies. But that's it. Feed the rage and anger of your lost family into your mind to destroy those that would harm you, but still maintain the will power to not lose control an let themselves be consumed.

Furthermore, full consumption by the Dark Side is /not/ as big a boon as one would think. I mean, if you're going for full suit of lightsaber resistant/proof armor, maybe, but realistically any proper Sith learns to use their rage, not be used by it.

Sides, I'ma be real. Everyone has their fantasies of 'what if I could be a Jedi/Sith/Force Wielder' and mine would turn intoa rage fueled rampage to go slaughter as many 100% no contest death row inmates and child sex offender registry individuals as possible.

Hell, that would've been a great tale for Anakin's fall if he hadn't been a puppet for Palpatine. Fall to the dark, but use that to go eradicate slavers across the galaxy. Oh boy.
It only had Darkside endings for the what ifs, meaning they were non-canon and put in for fun, but the books of the series actively supported the concept.

But yeah, hard up, it was the Jedi's greatest fallacies towards the umpteenth fall of their order to Palpatine. "Jedi don't deal in absolutes." followed up with "There is only Light and Dark." You know. An absolute.

But I reiterate, even feeding into hate, you can absolutely do good with hate. You'd be surprised the kind of hate that can be molded into righteous fury. Perhaps a force adept continuously watches his people be raided by a hostile force. In time they become a terrible and powerful warrior to destroy their enemies. But that's it. Feed the rage and anger of your lost family into your mind to destroy those that would harm you, but still maintain the will power to not lose control an let themselves be consumed.

Furthermore, full consumption by the Dark Side is /not/ as big a boon as one would think. I mean, if you're going for full suit of lightsaber resistant/proof armor, maybe, but realistically any proper Sith learns to use their rage, not be used by it.

Sides, I'ma be real. Everyone has their fantasies of 'what if I could be a Jedi/Sith/Force Wielder' and mine would turn intoa rage fueled rampage to go slaughter as many 100% no contest death row inmates and child sex offender registry individuals as possible.

Hell, that would've been a great tale for Anakin's fall if he hadn't been a puppet for Palpatine. Fall to the dark, but use that to go eradicate slavers across the galaxy. Oh boy.
All well and good. But I have a story that needs to go a certain direction. And the feel of what i need to tell is as directed. Dark side bad guys. Jedi good guys.

And the Warlords could arguably be considered good guys given they are about to go on a tyrannical Sith Killing spree. But the Warlords are still bad guys. Righteous fury is all well and good, but the dark side will consume it. Kill bad guys is a noble goal, but the ideal will become warped. You become the judge of what is good and bad. You force your will and those you consider undeserving. There comes a point where just killing them isnt good enough. You make them examples to prevent it. Or you force things into being to force compliance. And so. What goodness there is in intended, will be consumed and twisted. It will be taken too far. Many a foul things have been done in the auspices of good intent. The presence of the dark side will make it worse.

If a good natured, kindly and well meaning dark sider is what someone wishes to see, then this is not the rp for them. And one day I very well may come up with an RP about Sith needing to be the heros, and play upon those ideas. But this isnt the one.
All well and good. But I have a story that needs to go a certain direction. And the feel of what i need to tell is as directed. Dark side bad guys. Jedi good guys.

And the Warlords could arguably be considered good guys given they are about to go on a tyrannical Sith Killing spree. But the Warlords are still bad guys. Righteous fury is all well and good, but the dark side will consume it. Kill bad guys is a noble goal, but the ideal will become warped. You become the judge of what is good and bad. You force your will and those you consider undeserving. There comes a point where just killing them isnt good enough. You make them examples to prevent it. Or you force things into being to force compliance. And so. What goodness there is in intended, will be consumed and twisted. It will be taken too far. Many a foul things have been done in the auspices of good intent. The presence of the dark side will make it worse.

If a good natured, kindly and well meaning dark sider is what someone wishes to see, then this is not the rp for them. And one day I very well may come up with an RP about Sith needing to be the heros, and play upon those ideas. But this isnt the one.
Well I'm not even saying they have to be kindly and good natured, just a possibility, but a well meaning Sith, or even Dark Jedi in general isn't difficult to create while still maintaining a cold or brutal character that most wouldn't see as a far stretch from what they'd expect. That's all I'm really getting at here. Sides, nothing said intentions have to go well, nor that one can keep their hands clean trying to accomplish their goals.

And it shouldn't even be a worry for me, Vortiger is a force adept with no reason to care for which side he uses at the moment, but I have no intentions of making him a full Sith, nor is Day headed down a route that sees hate used either, I'm just pointing out the fact that the powers themselves, ultimately, are not exclusive.
*slides into the room and looks around*
Hey y'all. Sorry I've been gone so long. Looks like I've got some catching up to do.

Or has shot at the bounty expired?
So what I’ve come up with is a force sensitive Zabrak born into the night brothers. He grew up on Darthomir until He was then taken by the sith. At first the sith tried to corrupt him, but soon they treated him as a slave due to the fact he wouldn’t allow himself to be corrupted by the dark side.
He then was rescued by the Force Wardens who he stayed with to learn both ways of the force. As he trained with them he started to follow their ways to keep the balance in the force and the galaxy, while having his own mission in freeing enslaved people D. Rex D. Rex HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
So what I’ve come up with is a force sensitive Zabrak born into the night brothers. He grew up on Darthomir until He was then taken by the sith. At first the sith tried to corrupt him, but soon they treated him as a slave due to the fact he wouldn’t allow himself to be corrupted by the dark side.
He then was rescued by the Force Wardens who he stayed with to learn both ways of the force. As he trained with them he started to follow their ways to keep the balance in the force and the galaxy, while having his own mission in freeing enslaved people D. Rex D. Rex HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
A simple and doable concept. And it will be nice to have more buddies for the mandos and wardens.

Have you read over the tier system? What tier are you requesting for him?
Acolyte rank, and I’ll have him using a detachable dual blades lightsaber.
Tier, not rank. Forgot to bring this information to the OOC. Will post it in this thread first post. But here also for easy viewing.

Also, my fellows, I should explain the Tier system. It is something i use to gauge power and ability between characters. It is a broad system, purposefully so.

Combat will likely occur in this rp, and players are in charge of whether character lives or dies. With the exception of them writing themselves into a corner, at which point pleading for mercy IC or OOC is your only defense.

The tiers are as follows.

Tier 1 - Mundane
Tier 2 - Apprentice
Tier 3 - Knight
Tier 4 - Master
Tier 5 - Grand Master

These are not exclusive to force users. But instead these are just to give an idea of a characters skill and power. Example being, a knight level bounty hunter would give a jedi knight just a hard a time as any sith knight might. Or a master pilot could fly circles around an apprentice force user.

If two characters are of the same tier, then the battle could go both ways. And the end result is based on writing and mutual agreement between players. With focus on the latter. Even if the winner of a fight is predetermined, I want it to be a close and intense fight with give and take, unless the fight is scripted to go a certain way by those players.

Just because you are a higher tier doesn't render you invulnerable to lower ones. A surprise blaster bolt to the back of the head by a mundane to a master will still kill the master. No their is considered not dangerous. But rather, a lower tier needs to be smarter and more creative. Leniency will also be given to the lower tier in terms of survival.

I want to see cinematic, theatrical, and dangerous. An arrogant master who is beaten by an lower tier underdog makes for good show. Just as a cocky lower tier group would in having their Hope's crushed by an experienced knight.

Do not worry or care about a kill count or win count. Such is irrelevant. The excitement of plot and journey are our reward. And I wish for every loss and death to be as memorable as every kill or victory. So if you are on the losing side, lose in an epic fashion! And never be afraid to ask the winner to help you look cool losing, or to give you moments where you can do something awesome or theatric.

I highly emphasize a give and take system. For example "I don't mind losing this battle, but I want to land an awesome blow for him to remember me by" or "Hey! I could really use this win, let me beat you, and I'll make it awesome for you and let you win next time." Or "I got a really cool idea for plot, can we have the fight go this way? The result will be sweet, and give us some great story."

Roleplay is a collaborative effort, and I hope that we can all help each other have fun. So never be afraid to chime in with ideas. Never hesitate to shine the spotlight on someone.

Play for everyone else and I'll make sure they play for you. And if anybody feels like they arent doing anything cool, or feel left out, be sure to let me know! I cant help if I dont know it. I will see that everybody has moments to shine.

Lastly! I dont want everybody to make a character in a single tier. I want a variety. Power wont drive the story, play will. There will be excitement to be had in every tier, I assure you.

Characters for the Master tier must be requested in advanced. And I will judge them more harshly then any other tier. As well I will need an idea of what you want to do with them. And with that power comes a responsibility to the story. For example, I will need a few accomplished Sith Lords for the Story.

Grand Masters, currently, are not playable. Not in the traditional sense. But if you have an awesome idea for one, please share it. But know that they are to act upon GM while under your control. They are also not here for extended play. But rather to be used as narrative tools.
Tier, not rank. Forgot to bring this information to the OOC. Will post it in this thread first post. But here also for easy viewing.

Also, my fellows, I should explain the Tier system. It is something i use to gauge power and ability between characters. It is a broad system, purposefully so.

Combat will likely occur in this rp, and players are in charge of whether character lives or dies. With the exception of them writing themselves into a corner, at which point pleading for mercy IC or OOC is your only defense.

The tiers are as follows.

Tier 1 - Mundane
Tier 2 - Apprentice
Tier 3 - Knight
Tier 4 - Master
Tier 5 - Grand Master

These are not exclusive to force users. But instead these are just to give an idea of a characters skill and power. Example being, a knight level bounty hunter would give a jedi knight just a hard a time as any sith knight might. Or a master pilot could fly circles around an apprentice force user.

If two characters are of the same tier, then the battle could go both ways. And the end result is based on writing and mutual agreement between players. With focus on the latter. Even if the winner of a fight is predetermined, I want it to be a close and intense fight with give and take, unless the fight is scripted to go a certain way by those players.

Just because you are a higher tier doesn't render you invulnerable to lower ones. A surprise blaster bolt to the back of the head by a mundane to a master will still kill the master. No their is considered not dangerous. But rather, a lower tier needs to be smarter and more creative. Leniency will also be given to the lower tier in terms of survival.

I want to see cinematic, theatrical, and dangerous. An arrogant master who is beaten by an lower tier underdog makes for good show. Just as a cocky lower tier group would in having their Hope's crushed by an experienced knight.

Do not worry or care about a kill count or win count. Such is irrelevant. The excitement of plot and journey are our reward. And I wish for every loss and death to be as memorable as every kill or victory. So if you are on the losing side, lose in an epic fashion! And never be afraid to ask the winner to help you look cool losing, or to give you moments where you can do something awesome or theatric.

I highly emphasize a give and take system. For example "I don't mind losing this battle, but I want to land an awesome blow for him to remember me by" or "Hey! I could really use this win, let me beat you, and I'll make it awesome for you and let you win next time." Or "I got a really cool idea for plot, can we have the fight go this way? The result will be sweet, and give us some great story."

Roleplay is a collaborative effort, and I hope that we can all help each other have fun. So never be afraid to chime in with ideas. Never hesitate to shine the spotlight on someone.

Play for everyone else and I'll make sure they play for you. And if anybody feels like they arent doing anything cool, or feel left out, be sure to let me know! I cant help if I dont know it. I will see that everybody has moments to shine.

Lastly! I dont want everybody to make a character in a single tier. I want a variety. Power wont drive the story, play will. There will be excitement to be had in every tier, I assure you.

Characters for the Master tier must be requested in advanced. And I will judge them more harshly then any other tier. As well I will need an idea of what you want to do with them. And with that power comes a responsibility to the story. For example, I will need a few accomplished Sith Lords for the Story.

Grand Masters, currently, are not playable. Not in the traditional sense. But if you have an awesome idea for one, please share it. But know that they are to act upon GM while under your control. They are also not here for extended play. But rather to be used as narrative tools.
Oooh yah Knight

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