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Fantasy You're the hero! (and so are they!) OOC

It got finished at 12:44 am in the morning of the next day, though. GJ, me, staying up this late. Now you've prolonged sickness.

So yeah, we start... Today! (by my timezone)
Yes, the princess is speaking in English. Yes, you all can understand English, regardless of nationality and ability to learn it. Maybe not fluent in it though. Why? Because, make up a reason why.

Why, because it is convenient if you all at least have this knowledge so I don't have to deal with it.
There was a South Korean member I think.
A lot of countries require schools to teach English as a second language. South Korea included (although SK makes their tests ridiculously hard and teaches things that aren't really practical in everyday speech). Sure, this doesn't make everyone fluent at English, but there are plenty of people at least able to hold a simple conversation. Not saying that this is what I think should be going on in the RP, but I just though I'd bring it up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A lot of countries require schools to teach English as a second language. South Korea included (although SK makes their tests ridiculously hard and teaches things that aren't really practical in everyday speech). Sure, this doesn't make everyone fluent at English, but there are plenty of people at least able to hold a simple conversation. Not saying that this is what I think should be going on in the RP, but I just though I'd bring it up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know how they teach english; but thanks for letting me know more about it.
Also if that did happen...
Someone else: (says something professional)
SK guy: (confused)
I know how they teach english; but thanks for letting me know more about it.
Also if that did happen...
Someone else: (says something professional)
SK guy: (confused)
Speaking of, this once actually happened to me:
Cousin: What's "bitch" mean?
Me: ...a dog.
Cousin: I thought that was "dog".
Me: ...who told you that word anyway?
Twenty-Fifth Baam Twenty-Fifth Baam Taishou Taishou Angelostar4 Angelostar4 Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Shineko Shineko
Notification troubles~

I have a favor to ask - I'm not a mind reader, but I've established that soul colors (for Amelia's gift) should remain in PM and only be mentioned in dialogue if Amelia feels like disclosing the information. I was wondering if all of you could send me the overarching emotional information of your character(s) and regularly update it so that I can compact and translate that information to send boo boo . I hope that's not too much to ask '^,^

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