Other Your photo as appearance

No... I don't look good enough for any character I have at the moment... I may use it eventually if I can get a good picture of myself in the right outfit for the character... But I doubt that'll be anytime soon.... ;-;
No, because it's creepy as hell. If I had a partner that decided they wanted to do that I'd step away from it ASAP. Anything like that is a total minefield in many ways.
I mean, I make girl characters and I am male. Though I do look female, but it's weird to think of myself as a character in a roleplay.
Yeah, I don't look like any of the characters I would imagine I would be playing
*puts on plastic "Chest Plate of Righteousness" chest plate and raises "Sword of the Spirit" plastic sword that barely let me breathe and are meant for 7-8 year olds*

'Cause for one thing, I used to roleplay mostly anime (though ever since I joined here, I've been tinkering with models and descriptions). Another thing is it makes me feel uneasy. Last time I actually entertained the idea of showing my face, I ended up taking it down a few days later.
No, mostly because I'm very private online in the RP community (all those internet-danger warnings as a kid really got to me).
Also, none of my characters have ever fit my description to a t. I have nothing against using actual photos, I'm a faceclaim and/or description girl (depending on the rp and genre), but my own face seems a bit self-inserty.
so have you ever used a picture of yourself as your characters appearance? that's it..have you?
No. To me, that's crossing a creepy line. Role play is taking on a role that's not yourself, even if said role has aspects of one's self (an inescapable byproduct of character creation).

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