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Fandom Young Justice: Legacy OOC

We have a lot of pansexual characters today.


Trip x Flux
Trip x Ash
Trip x Karma
Karma x Flux
Karma x Rip
Karma x Ash
Karma x Josh
Josh x Flux
Rip x Flux
Flux x Ash
I reaaaally wanna see the next round of posts, no lie.

I also kind'a want to see how Karma reacts to Black Canary being told "fuck you"
Tbh, I feel like Karma wouldn't be very fazed or at least won't let it show that she cares much.

I dunno about that. Look at her last post. She reacted quite significantly--at least internally--to Rip exploding and explaining why he was there. It was relatable. Given how often Black Canary pisses her off (even though it's a love-hate thing), she might feel similarly about someone just outright cursing at her. I'm sure she's wanted to plenty.

I think it's gonna be a lot of you and me having to hold ourselves back from posting too much in between everyone else posting.

There was a lot of that here, actually. Even though I posted a lot, I posted very short, succinct levels of interaction with minimal dialogue. So while a fight/argument did break out, it didn't progress things too far for other players. A lot of what I post for that precise reason is narration and internal components.
Oh absolutely. I like to think we’ve both done a decent job of keeping it sort of contained if we wanted an interaction without skipping things ahead too much? I’m definitely an eager poster so I usually have to hold tight on ideas and stuff.
Oh absolutely. I like to think we’ve both done a decent job of keeping it sort of contained if we wanted an interaction without skipping things ahead too much? I’m definitely an eager poster so I usually have to hold tight on ideas and stuff.

If you ever take a look at the Soul Eater RP I'm in, I have to do that a LOOOOOOT... we have periods of tons of interaction, then very little, then tons, etc. Plus everyone fights. Constantly. Like, the arguments there make this spat look like a lover's quarrel.
Nah, I see a Rip x Karma. Like, I even have a pretty detailed backstory for it already... maybe. >.> <.< >.>
As I said, Rip x Karma are endgame. They will prevail all other ships.

Also, Rip is like.. very heterosexual. Trip x Rip is nothing but a dream.
Nah, I see a Rip x Karma. Like, I even have a pretty detailed backstory for it already... maybe. >.> <.< >.>
Wow that is dedication!

As I said, Rip x Karma are endgame. They will prevail all other ships.

Also, Rip is like.. very heterosexual. Trip x Rip is nothing but a dream.
A good dream.

But in all seriousness, I actually can't wait to see if any ships become legit throughout the RP haha
Let's.. let's get this settled.

Rip and Josh are HetTERoSexUAL boys and will only end up with feMAleS.

Everyone else is pansexual except for Flux cause she's BiSExUAL

All ships are possible except for the ideal RIP x TRIP. Cause someone's a hETeroOSExuAL.

Also, speedsters never get the girl or guy because they run past them.
I mean, Rip might be more open to a bisexual fling if he didn't hate two of them.
Look. Rip x Trip is gonna be a lot of people's OTP. Surely the fans will take the dream to Deviantart and beyond, but I doubt the ship makes it into canon. Rip seems to relish his masc presentation too much for Trip's tastes.

Just something the writing team will wink at a bunch over the course of the story.

It'll never happen, just like Archie x Jughead will never happen.

Rip x Trip is my #1 dream, Flux x Flux is my #2 dream, Ashton x Speed Force is my #3 dream.
Oh not just through the line. In general, he carries himself as very masc, at least from an outside observer's perspective.

ShadyAce ShadyAce I'd be a little heart broken if you stopped believing.
Destiel is far superior.

I'm down for this being the Kartide theme.

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