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Realistic or Modern Young And Reckless (Still Accepting!)

Eve Carroll

She paused, admiring the boy who's lap she'd fallen into. She paused, choosing her next words as carefully as a practically incapacitated person who with or without alcohol couldn't spell 'incapacitated' would:
"Do you feel like getting lucky?"

Rick and Jaime had eaten about twenty six grapes between the both of them. Jaime had walked with Rick downstairs and they placed the dirty plate in the sink. Jaime and Rick had such nice manners. Now Jaime knew Rick wanted and needed his wallet, key and phone. Jaime planned to do yet again whatever it did take to get these items back so she went over to the speakers and the microphone that the teenager who was controlling the music had set up. She signaled that Rick stay standing by the DJ Set but not too close. Rick just wanted to hold Jaime's hand again, it made him feel safe. So anxiously, he stood a good five feet from the set and really close to the pool edge but not on purpose. He hadn't even known that the pool was behind him. He had his hands intertwined with themselves and he was rocking his body side of side, shifting the weight onto and off of both of his feet. It was a simple and silly little way of motion that slowly calmed him down. Jaime took the microphone and paused the music by hitting the spacebar on the keyboard to the laptop that the teenager was playing the music from. Jaime cleared her throat.

"All of you lovely human who enjoyed watching my boyfriend being tortured know that the assholes who tortured him had shaken him so much so physically that his sacred key necklace, wallet and phone all came flying down and onto the concrete you all stand upon within this moment. So I suggest that if you'd love to go back to partying as soon as you can that you hand them over to me or Rick himself. Thank you." Jaime said into the microphone and held it from the DJ kid. She refused to return it until the key, wallet and phone were presented back to either Rick or herself. From the corner of Jaime's eyes, someone had thrown all three belongings into the pool that Rick had been standing in front of.

Rick let out a shocked gasp as he saw that his belongings go flying right past him and into the pool behind him. Rick had two quick action thoughts. Take his shirt off and hop in or to ask someone else to do it. He knew for sure that everyone here was far too busy partying to actually pay attention to him and actually assist him. Rick took his shirt off fast and left it by the pool side. Jaime handed the teenager who controlled the music his microphone back and she went to grab Rick yet he was already underwater. Jaime had to go in after Rick because Rick had no clue how to swim when he would arrive at the top of the water in the pool. Jaime had quickly stripped from her nice black and white dress and she dove in after Rick. Rick had then grabbed his key and wallet, but not his phone. Jaime grabbed his phone right after he had prepared himself to swim up. Rick got in trouble then because he was struggling to keep himself afloat.

"Jaime, Jaime.." Rick said softly, still shaken from earlier and still not feeling to good about talking considering the incredible amount of times that he had stammered and stuttered while in the hands of two no good jocks. Jaime swam up fast and threw the phone right out of the water and Rick watched it go by. Jaime put her hands on Rick's hips and pushed him a bit.

"Come on Rick, use the wall and your arms and pull yourself out." Jaime encouraged.

Jaime and Rick, showing Jaime's lovely dress (that I love when she wears it) and Rick's outfit (that's so lame)
jaime and rick.jpg
Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: amxlia amxlia Rui Rui

Leon's eyes widened and tilted his head, "Do I feel like getting lucky?" Leon repeated and glanced up at the girl he was originally chatting with, laughing a bit. He then looked back down at the blondie on his lap, "Who doesn't want to get lucky?" Leon said with a slight smirk and laughed a bit more, "But I would not take advantage of you."

Eve Carroll

"Take advantage of me?" She giggled, "You're silly, and pretty." She kissed his nose.
"C'mon. Live a little." She tutted, shifting to straddle him in his chair, despite the skirt.
"Say yes? Pleaseeee?"
summerwine summerwine

Simon Nessman GiF 3.gif

Adam took a drag and blew out, savouring the taste. "Yeah, a good night," he smiled. Bringing the joint back he took another drag this time turning and blowing the smoke in Ava's face. "You know, I have literally no idea who you are," he acknowledged, "Just your name, Ava, huh. A pretty name." Adam was already doping. He took another drag.

Rui Rui
Ava Blake

Ava snickered.
"Then why invite me? I'm not giving it out, if you know what I mean." She took another drag, her voice lowering to a bitter tone, "That's the pretty girl's job."
She crossed her legs, putting them up on the dash.
"So what's your story, morning glory?" She laughed shortly and took another hit. "Pretty playboy? That's just my assumption."
Physiicz Physiicz

Sebastian/Jessica Mendez

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Jessica watched as Ashton turned to leave. She shook her head and followed him. When she was close enough, she grabbed his arm and turned him around. Looking at him with her lustful eyes, she smirked and spoke up. "Upstairs is that way."she said pointing slightly. "You said you would repay me. And now is that time."she winked and interlocked her fingers with his. Grabbing her phone, she texted Bianca x-me and babe are good. No worries. Headed upstairs for some fun-x. Putting her phone away, she pulled him through the crowed of drunk teens she grabbed the railing and headed upstairs.
Sebastian hopped off the countertop and set the plastic cup of vodka down. He didn't want to overdue it, considering the fact that he knew Jessica would be planning to have fun. One of them had to be sober so they could drive home and he wasn't counting on Jessica to be the sober one. Walking through the crowd of people, he felt himself bump slightly into someone and he turned around. "I am so sorry. I didn't see you there."he said, looking at the small red-headed girl in front of him. "You okay?"he asked

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Note: Jessica's response on top, Sebastian's response on bottom
| location: Adam's Party | mood: J: Rebellious, Dominant S: Calm | tags: summerwine summerwine Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Avocados'N'Bravado Avocados'N'Bravado
coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar

Simon Nessman GiF 4.gif
Adam laughed, "Moved here a few years back from the big city," he told her with a sigh, "Not really much else." He took another drag, "What about you? Y'know I'm getting a real virgin vibe from you," he joked, giving her a sideways glance. "But then your too hot for that," he laughed. The blunt was slowly burning. He raised it back to his lips and inhaled the smoke.

Rui Rui
Ava Blake
Ava snorted.
"You're right, though, 112% virgin." She giggled like someone had told a great joke, "Extra virgin without the olive oil."
She sighed, taking an especially long hit and blowing three big rings before exhaling completely. She "caught" one between her thumb and ring finger, seemingly fascinated by it.
"You aren't, obviously."
Physiicz Physiicz
Delphine Collins


mentions || summerwine summerwine Physiicz Physiicz
interactions || summerwine summerwine /Open
outfit || x x x
Del began to apologize when the other girl walked in, obviously dead wasted or at least close to it, and she immediately went back to bitch-faced Delphine. The other girl basically threw herself onto the younger kid and Del couldn't help but roll her eyes and smile lightly. Sighing and taking another sip from her bottle, she pointed towards the door in a gesture that said she was about to leave.

"Be safe, at least," was all she said before leaving. This party really had been a bust. All she'd managed to do was probably bring up some memories a random kid didn't need at that moment.

Downing the rest of the beer that tasted a bit like alcoholic cardboard, she found herself wandering the house a bit and ended up upstairs in possibly the only room that wasn't occupied by couples making sounds that resembled dying hippos behind locked doors. She assumed this was Adam's parents' room, as most everything was neat and neutral colored, like most parents' rooms. There were also a few pictures on the dresser of a little boy at different ages, who, by the looks of it, was Adam. She knew the guy, like she did everyone, from a few of her classes and around the hallways. He wasn't exactly the nice guy type, but he wasn't mean-spirited either. Setting down the framed picture she'd been looking at, she sat on the king size bed that sat in the room and picked up her phone, surprised that for once Jody and Steve weren't freaking out about where she was. At least, they weren't calling and texting her like crazy if they were.


coding by: @wheat
Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: amxlia amxlia Rui Rui

Leon's eyes widened a bit more and he raised an eyebrow. The girl he has seen around the halls before but never knew the name began to straddle him. He was shocked and a bit excited all at the same time.
He wasn't the most awkward guy, pretty good at social situations actually. But the only time he was ever this close to a girl was when he was breastfeeding as a baby and that one time before the car accident.
Taking a deep breath he smiled, "Well," Leon continued, taking her hand in his, "I don't even know your name." He grinned a bit more, hoping she'd fall into a conversation rather falling into the covers with him... Well, maybe when she's sobered up that'll be different.

Ashton Hayden Montgomery

Outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/ashton_montgomery_party_wear/set?id=219258393
Chatting With: minajesty minajesty

Ashton was continuing to walk away when he felt the familiar touch of Jessica's hand on his wrist. Turning around, he raised an eyebrow and stared into her lustful eyes, "My bad, dirty blondes can be just as bad as normal blondes." He laughed a bit and winked.
The couple intertwined their fingers together and quickly made their way upstairs.

Ashton took the lead, he made his way to a random bedroom and put his ear to the door, easily hearing the sounds of moans coming from that room, "Maybe we shouldn't go into this room," He laughed awkwardly, opening another door into an empty guest bedroom.
He guided her in and locked the door behind him.

Ashton then let go of Jessica's hand and examined her facial features, she was just so perfect in every way, despite her flaws, she was still perfect.
He touched the bottom of her lip with her finger and leaned in a bit, "Stop being so perfect, jeez." He laughed a bit before slowly pushing her against the locked door.

"Nah, lost it when I was fourteen," he said turning to her, "I have you not though, your so fucking good looking," he with an unbelieving tone. Now with the dopey sensation, Adam was open to say anything. "Someone like you shouldn't even be in this town. You should be off in the country settling down with some nice guy with a cute little family," he sighed, "Not here in an alcohol ridden, drug infested, sex town full of hormonal teens," Adam said with a touch of anger. If not all of us then at least one of us.

Rui Rui

Samantha J Waters
Interaction: minajesty minajesty

Samantha was just about to leave before she felt a boy bump into her which made her turn around and shyly look at him. giving him a shy smile as she nodded then spoke. "Y-yeah... besides just being awkwardly ditched so my new friend could go have sex." She mumbled the word quietly as she looked up at him smiling at the boy and brushing some hair out of her face. she couldn't help but admire the boys good looks then mentally sigh, mostly because she figured a cute guy like him would never want to date a girl like her. She had never found herself to be beautiful or sexy or attractive, she just didnt think it was true mostly because she wasn't popular or anything
Ava Blake

Ava scoffed.
"Hey asshole, quit degrading yourself," she leaned over, smirking at him. "...and kiss me."
She grabbed his shoulders, leaning forwards into his seat, kissing him hard and fast. She leaned back into her seat, taking another hit and slumping.
"I've wanted to do that for like ten minuets now."

Physiicz Physiicz ]
Eve Carroll
"Eve." She pawed at his shirt front. "C'monnnn, if we're going to do something dumb it should be before the cops come and break the party up, yeah?" She leaned in, nipping his earlobe, "Come onnnn."
summerwine summerwine
Simon Nessman GiF 4.gif
Adam was surprised by the kiss. It wasn't that he was surprised that he'd just met her, no he'd done so much more with strangers, he was surprised that someone like her would be so impulsive. Adam regained his composure, "Only ten minutes?" he came back with his usual arrogant tone. He looked back at his joint, it was almost burnt out. "Wanna go for a walk? I feel like a walk," Adam asked. If it was any other girl he'd already have her in his room doing some unspeakable things.

Rui Rui
Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: Rui Rui
Mentioned: TragedyWithClarity TragedyWithClarity

Leon bit his lip, contemplating if he should go through with it. His best friend, Lily, would have probably screamed at him for doing something dumb like this... But well, the way Leon thinks of it at the moment, you only live once.
Leon smirked and nodded, "Well," He leaned in a bit, whispering in her ear, "We'll need to find somewhere that's a bit more private." Leon whispered seductively.


Talking to: summerwine summerwine and Rui Rui

Lily walked downstairs and into the kitchen seeing a girl on Leon's lap. Her eyes widened as she started at Leon. "..." She waited to be noticed, and cleared her throat. "What's...what's going on..Leon..?" She got a tiny bit jealous, staring the girl down and looking at her outfit and facial features.

"Are you guys...drunk??" She asked as she continued to watch them fondle each other. She put her hands inside of her hoodie sleeves, making tiny fists, waiting for the girl to stand up or something.

She put all of her weight on one leg, crossing her arms.​

Jessica & Sebastian

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Sebastian raised his eyebrow slightly and then chuckled. "Wow.Im sorry about that."he said and smiled. Sounds like something my sister would do,he thought to himself. He looked over her, making sure that he didn't hurt her or anything. Then he smiled again. "Im Sebastian. I haven't seen you around. Im guessing you're new here?"he said, in an questioning way. He shoved his cold hands in his pockets and stood, being slightly pushed by people dancing. [ Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving ][Location: Living room...Mood: Calm]

Jessica let her body lean against the door. She reached out, grabbing his shirt and pulled him quite close. Close enough to where their noses were almost touching. When she had heard the compliment, she blushed slightly and shook her head. "When you stop being so damn sexy, then maybe ill stop being so perfect."she responded and smiled. Her fingers had hooked into the loops of his jeans and she leaned in, kissing him slightly. When she pulled away, she tugged on his lip and wouldn't let go for a while. Finally she had, and leaned her head against the door wondering what he would do next. [ summerwine summerwine ][Location: Room Upstairs....Mood: Lustful, Anxious]

code by pasta
Charlie West

Charlie smiled at the nervous smile on Luna's face when their foreheads touched. His hands rested on her waist, her fingers still hooked in his belt loops. His heart did a funny little jump in his chest, making him wonder what the hell it was. It was a strange, new feeling, but not unpleasant. "Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have a girlfriend," he chuckled. He felt her shifting nervously and pulled back, though he couldn't step back considering she still had a hold on his belt loops.

"What do you say we head back downstairs?" he said.

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
IMG_8842.jpg Luna bit her lip and nodded finally letting go of Charlie, albeit a bit sadly. She stepped back and slowly made her way downstairs, tucking her hair behind her ear as she took the last step and turned to glance back up at Charlie.
"Well that was fun."
She chuckled with a nervous laugh.
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley
Charlie West

Charlie smiled at Luna's reluctance to release him and followed her out of the room. He watched her walk as they made their way down the stairs to the first floor. She was so cute. And she was sort of spunky. It was attractive. Not too mention that wildly colorful hair of hers. Charlie chuckled at himself and grinned when she looked up at him. "Well that was fun," Luna chuckled nervously. "Certainly got my entertainment for the night," he said.

He stepped onto the first floor and held his hand out for her to take. "Let's go outside. It's too crowded and loud in here."

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
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Luna looked down at Charlie's hand with a shy smile and gently placed her hand in his. She walked along side him, occasionally glancing up, biting her lip. Once they got out the door and into the almost empty yard, Luna took a deep breath of the night air. She pulled out her phone to check the time and silently groaned at the late hour before slipping the device back into her pocket.
"This is definitely better, the music was making my head hurt."
Luna looked up at Charlie with a smile, her eyes held a small glimmer of adoration.
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley
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