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Realistic or Modern Young And Reckless (Still Accepting!)

Jaime had been incredibly grateful for Alex catching Rick. So thankful that she couldn't verbally express it ad planned to try her hardest to do so after she had retrieved her sweet and precious soon to be boyfriend. She knew three things in this moment. One, her knuckles were killing her yet the punches must have looked beyond daring and talented. Two, Rick was alive and safe and on the ground of the balcony. Shivering, trembling and superior possessive amount of traumatization. Three, she did that. She saved her third grade crush. The male she looked up to, the one who had stayed alive and fought through so much shit that he'd unwillingly been put through.

Jaime carried Rick's light and weak body to the bed within the room that the balcony was attached to and she held him close to her chest, in her arms and rocked him back and forth. "Ricky, Ricky baby, I'm here. I got you. You're on the ground. You're in a bed, inside of a house. There is a roof over your head and my hands in your hair Rick. You get to be as close as you've ever been to my hair. Rick, feel it and twirl it. You are alive Rick. I have you safe in my arms." Jaime cooed to the paralyzed male, shaking in her arms.
Simon Nessman GiF 1.gif

Alex turned to look as Charlie and Alex pulled Ricky up to safety. He let out a sigh of relief before turning back to the jocks. All wore pained expressions and they seemed to realise everyone just plain hated them. "Get the fuck out of my house and if I even catch a glimpse of you again, I swear to god I'll kill you," he shouted. Two of them stood up and trailed the third behind, all eager to leave the house before anymore beating occurred. Adam turned back to Ricky and nodded before heading back downstairs. His adrenaline high was starting to wear of and right now all he needed was to relax. Spotting Ava he walked over, receiving high fives and a few pats on the back. "I could really use a smoke right now," he smiled genuinely.

Rui Rui

Alexander Martinez
Interaction: Avocados'N'Bravado Avocados'N'Bravado
Location: The party

(Except its black not red)

Alex looked to the three jocks as they ran, he knew all three of them. They were on his team and he sighed. He knew they were assholes but he didnt think they were bullies. He smiled to Adam and Charlie before he walked down the stairs. After searching for a moment he spotted what he was looking for. Bianca. His smile turning to a grin as he walked behind her. The music and people masking his movements. He had a plan. He grabbed her ass with both hands as he came up behind her. His soft lips kissing her neck as his hands moved around her waist resting gently on her stomach and he whispered softly "Sorry to keep you waiting Mi amor." His voice soft, his breath warm and his hands comforting.
Ava Blake

Ava nodded, grabbing his hand.
"That's my area of expertise."
A few minutes later, the two teens were in the driverway, Ava putting up the top of her Rolls. Couldn't hotbox the car without a closed space.
She unclocked it, swinging open the passenger door for him.
"C'mon in. Mind the leather."
She moved around to the other side of the car, hopping into the driver's seat. She unlocked the glove box, dangling a gallon sized ziplock of cannabis from her fingers.
"Bone-apple-teeth, as they say," she grabbed her pipe and papers from a compartment in the dash.
"Take your pick."
She turned on the sound system, blue tooth connecting and starting up the Halsey album where she'd left off: New Americana.
Physiicz Physiicz

Charlie West

Charlie watched the mysterious girl as she carried Ricky into the room and began calming him down. His incensed gaze swung back to the jocks as Adam told them to get the fuck out. When one of them looked at Charlie as he passed, the dark-eyed boy punched his hand. The jock's steps sped up as he and his friends walked away. Charlie nodded at Alex and Adam as they each left to ease off the adrenaline from the fight. A couple of guys slapped Charlie on the shoulder as he moved to the doorway where Luna stood. He smiled back a couple of girls who smiled flirtatiously and brushed against him.

When he reached Luna, he grinned. "So where were we?"

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
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Simon Nessman GiF 3.gif

Adam had sobered up mostly and as he followed Ava outside, he checked her out. Damn this night has been a roller coaster he though to himself. Her car was rather fancy, fancier than his Porsche anyway. Only noting now there actually was some luxurious cars parked outside of his house. His mind snapped back as he got into the car. Five minutes later had a joint rolled. "Light?" he asked her with a smirk.

Rui Rui (wont let me tag you?)


outfit: ~ location: Adam's Party ~ mood: happy//determined//surprised ~ interactions: ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
mention: minajesty minajesty
Bianca was still looking down at her phone, hopeful that Jessica would reply soon. As much as she wanted to follow after Alex, she decided against it. She was sure he would be fine anyway.... In the large clamour of people, bodies parted for her arrival into the party. She could tell many were wondering why she was by herself. Those unphased had seen Alex rush upstairs. The music and smell of alcohol and sweat was strong, but nothing she wasn't used to. Suddenly, without warning, Baby jumped and almost yelped when she felt two strong hands grip her ass from behind. In the moment she was sure it was some pendejo trying to get some action. If Alex had taken any longer to shove his warm body up against her she might have hit him harder than a toro. She turned her head, it rolling to one side to embrace Alex's soft kisses. "Tonto ~," she half hissed as she leaned back into his embrace. He had scared the hell out of her but she would deal with it. Bianca brought her own hands up to rest them over his. She shook her head and her eyes half closed. "You really need to stop doing that~..," she smirked. Baby definitely didn't mean that.
IMG_8839.jpg Luna released the girl and leaned against the doorway, watching people leave the room. Then she looked to the girl tending the boy in the bed, they seemed good for each other. Now Lunas blue eyes traveled to Charlie, a gentle smile rested on her lips. She walked a bit in the room and then leaned against the wall, winking at Charlie.
"What a hero."
She spoke quietly out loud, then walked over to Charlie. Luna couldn't help but hook her fingers in his belt loops and pull him close for a hug.
"That was awesome."
Luna rested her chin on Charlie's chest and looked up at him.
"Sorry I'm a touchy person, I have no boundaries."
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley

Alexander Martinez
Interaction: Avocados'N'Bravado Avocados'N'Bravado
Location: The party

(Except its black not red)

Alex grinned as he pulled her against his chest. Her back to his chest as he nibbled ok her neck and he then chuckled "Oh you love it, bonita." He said the last part sensually into her ear. He then rolled his neck cracking it before he cracked a happy smirk "You know there are some open bedrooms here."
He teased as he looked around "And I dont think anyone will notice us being gone for a little while." He chuckled before he turned her around his hands resting just above her ass. Pulling her chest against his. His chocolate brown eyes staring into hers. looking over her beauty in absolute awe. "You know, I'm lucky to have you." He said with a charming smile.
Rick wasn't able to speak, still breathless from the event. He could only think a few things. He and Jaime had the same thinking process in which they tended to list thoughts by number. Rick was in Jaime Levitski's arms. Safe and sound, no longer hanging from a insanse drop. Rick had been so in debt to the boys who had caught him. In debt to the third grade crush he had been cuddled into. Jaime. He had realized that if it weren't for Jaime, he wouldn't be here. He wouldn't be thinking about Jaime. His last thought would have been Jaime. He found her eyes so enticing, her hair still so soft and majestic as he had described it within his earlier years of childhood. Rick had just though about his belongings and hoped that they had been retrieved and were safe. He relaxed himself in Jaime's arms. This was all the therapy he needed. No more alcohol for tonight. No more cigarettes. Just staying safe and warm in Jaime's loving arms.

"Rick, I compleatly comprehend how traumatized and taken aback you are by the events that had just been disgracefully thrown among you. I know it may be hard to focus on other things. But Rick, the quote from your most cherished movie can describe how I feel." Jaime paused and pecked Rick's forehead, only kisses of her's saved his sanity.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never empty, For I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring,
I ask you to be mine.” Jaime preached to Rick and slid the skull ring from her right hand's ring finger onto Rick's hand. Rick had been astonished that this lovely female knew this about him, she remembered the lines from his favorite Tim Burton movie. Corpse Bride. Rick held Jaime's hand as the two of them lay there in silence, and stare at each other's eyes. Soon after, they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Ava Blake

Physiicz Physiicz
She already had a lighter in hand. It had a crystal pattern; olive green and shiny, faintly iridescent.
She turned up the music, taking a hit and sinking back in her seat, reclining the seat back. As Ava laid back, her dress slid forwards, revealing more of her bust.
She exhaled, thick smoke filling the air.
"Here's to a night well spent."

Charlie West

Charlie smiled, feeling the tension melt from his muscles. He rolled his eyes when she called him a hero, admiring her for a moment before she reached him. He chuckled when she hooked her fingers in his belt loops and pulled his body against hers. The top of his head barely reached his shoulders. Charlie felt her arms lock around his waists and he wrapped his around her, pulling her even closer. Her head rested against his chest, his resting on the top of her head for a moment. "That was awesome," she said, and he could tell she meant it.

When she turned her head and pulled her torso back slightly to look at him with her head tilted in the cute way Charlie had to find attractive, he loosened his grip and smiled down at her. He chuckled at her next words, leaning down slightly so his lips hovered over her ear.

"Trust me, doll," he whispered. "I don't mind touchy."

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
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outfit: ~ location: Adam's Party ~ mood: mischievous//determined//in love ~ interactions: ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
mention: n/a
Bianca rolled her eyes playfully at his words and kept herself settled into him. She let out a chuckle under her breath. "You bet your ass~," she admitted. When she was turned in his arms she snaked her own up and around his neck to set her eyes on his. She was in a fricken trance. Bianca bit her lip with a smirk. "I agree..." Her lips parted in a smile and with the help of her heel's she leaned up to quickly place a peck on his lips before coming back down. "And I'm lucky to have you amor." She glanced around, not surprised at the few people watching them, before looking back up at Alex. "We better be quick~."
Delphine Collins


mentions || summerwine summerwine
interactions || summerwine summerwine
outfit || x x x
Delphine looked back over at the kid with interest at his response to her attempting-not-to-stare stare. Taking another sip and contemplating her options, she listened to the obnoxious pounding of the music through the walls. Ah, what the hell she thought to herself.

"Just you?" she asked simply, her voice light and kind-sounding and slightly emotionless, toned with only her curiosity," who was in the accident, I mean."


coding by: @wheat
Rick and Jaime lay comfortably in each others arms. Soon, an hour later Jaime woke up and took Ricky's hand and rubbed small relaxing circles on the back of his hands.

"Rick love, let's grab some waters and maybe a snack. I need to get food in your system." Jaime acknowledged and she coaxed him out of the bed. Rick stood up and he felt weird walking. He slowly walked with Jaime downstairs and towards the kitchen. Rick held Jaime's hand gently meanwhile Jaime held his hand tightly. Rick had stayed close to Jaime, looking to retrieve two bottles of water and maybe some fruit or some small snacks. Jaime opened the door to the fridge and grabbed a plastic ziploc bag of grapes. Rick gave a weak smile and stared at Jaime again. They tended to get lost in each others eyes. Rick's lovely faded denim blue eyes, sharp like daggers and knowledgeable of the past. Jaime and Rick then went towards the middle of the party and went to a drink cooler to find water. Beer, no. Soda, no. Weed energy drinks? No thank you. Monster, no. Shakes, no. Water! Finally, an entire cooler of water to drink. Rick grabbed two water bottles and Jaime's hand again. They walked up the stairs and into the bedroom again. Jaime sat down and took some grapes from the vine and fed them to Rick. Rick reciprocated the action back to Jaime.


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IMG_8840.PNG Luna blushed slightly, looking away and breathing his intoxicating scent accidently.
"Well then we will get along fine."
The blush faded and she looked back to Charlie.
"Hmm maybe we are a bit close."
She laughed jokingly and looked away to the side, Luna couldn't find herself to let go of Charlie, though she figured she should. Even if he was still holding her too. She supposed that it was acceptable because of the crazy event from just moments before. To distract from her sudden embarrassment, Luna joked more.
"I'm sure your girlfriend won't appreciate me hugging all over her boyfriend."
Her eyes stared down at Charlie's chest as she tried to calm her slight blush.
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley

Alexander Martinez
Interaction: Avocados'N'Bravado Avocados'N'Bravado
Location: The party

(Except its black not red)

Alex had been looking into her eyes when she wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled as she leant up and pecked his lips. He looked to the few who were watching and he looked back to her "Guess its what we get for being the cutest couple here." He said with a wink before he took her hands away from his neck and into his. Turning as he held one of her soft delicate hands in his. Leading her up the stairs pushing a few people out if the way. He looked around. The second floor was pretty empty and he smiled as he opened the door to the master bedroom. It was open and no on was there . He quickly pulled her inside and shut the door behind her, locking it. Turning he immediately picked her up. His hands gripping her by her ass supporting her. Forcing her legs to wrap around his waist as he smirked "Te quiero más que anada, mi amor."
Ashton Hayden Montgomery

Outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/ashton_montgomery_party_wear/set?id=219258393
Chatting With: minajesty minajesty

Ashton ran his fingers through his gelled hair and rubbed his elbow. Obviously, she was still pissed about their argument. He wanted to make it up, but he didn't know how. All he wanted was a good relationship with his girlfriend. He looked down to the ground and then back up at Jessica, "Listen, obviously we really got pissed with one another," Ashton tapped his toe, trying to think of how to say what he wanted to, "All I want for us to is be good..." He said with a soft smile, "Let me make it up to you?"

Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: amxlia amxlia

Leon took another sip, preparing to answer the difficult-to-answer question. Okay, well, it's not difficult to answer, but it's difficult to talk about the kids in the accident, he never really got over it, as much as he'd like to think he did.
It was a great night that New Year's Eve before the crash. He could've even got laid. LAID!! He had great sexual relations with this drunk senior girl who he can't really remember the name of since he was drunk as well. But he loved that night. It made him smile, all the dancing, kissing, laughing, drinking. But it all ended at around 12:03 am. It was a raining night on the open road when the group of juniors and Leon drove right into an ambulance. It went up in flames and his back has stuck under the roof of the car. He could remember it all so vividly.
"Well," Leon took a deep breath, "There was Lucy, Cameron, Tyler and Brian. They are supposed to be Seniors..." Leon said and averted his eyes to the beer bottle, contemplating to take another sip, "Sadly they all passed."

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Jessica Mendez

tenor (3).gif
Jessica's eyes were fixed on his. Somehow and someway, she could see the sincerity oozing from him. He did mean it, she thought to herself and smiled mentally and physically. Blushing slightly, she turned to Samantha and sighed, giving her a guilty and sympathetic look. "Sorry Sammy" she said, making up a random nickname like she did with all her friends. "But babe and I gotta go get reacquainted upstairs. But meet me before I leave and maybe we can plan something tomorrow after school alright? In the meantime, im pretty sure my brother is around here somewhere. If you want you can go talk and chat with him."she said and smiled, turning back to Ashton. She smirked in a slightly seductive manner and took his hand. "Alright."she mumbled.

: | location Adam's Party: | mood: Calm| tags: summerwine summerwine Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving im gonna make a male character for Samantha. Don't worry, not gonna leave you handing)
coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar
Charlie West

A half-smile drew up the left side of Charlie's lips when he noticed the blush on Luna's pretty face. He didn't know why but he found that completely adorable. It was even cuter when she looked away. As her blush faded, she turned her head back and looked at him, a humorous grin on her face. "Hmm," she hummed. "Maybe we are a bit close." The words sounded more like a statement, less like a conviction. She didn't sound as if she particularly wanted to move away, and Charlie didn't either.

"I'm sure your girlfriend won't appreciate me hugging all over her boyfriend," Luna joked, though Charlie thought he detected a slight bit of seriousness there. It made him laugh and he touched his forehead to hers, even though he had to hunch his shoulders to do so. Smiling at the blush painting her cheeks pink once more, he said, "What makes you think I have a girlfriend?"

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
Samantha J Waters
Interaction: minajesty minajesty

Samantha couldn't help but frown a little as she heard the girl say she was gonna go and "recindle" with her ex. She would be logins if she said she wasn't a little disappointed but oh well. "O-ok well... have fun." She said before immediately looking away in embarrassment. She knew it was awkward what she said and figured she wouldn't want to talk to Samantha anymore. Sighing again she turned around. "Damn I really fucked that up." She mumbled as she turned for the door figuring she would just head home.
Eve Carroll

Eve stumbled, giggling with her friends as the Jell-O shots kept going down. "Hold on! I'm getting us some Tequila!" Her friends cheered as she laughed boisterously and drunkenly stumbled into the kitchen. She looked radiant; a baby pink mini skirt and a white blouse showcasing all the right places, her signature blonde curls blown out. She was headed to the counter when her drunken self in tall heels failed her, and she fell into the lap of a conveniently placed stranger.
"Oh, hey," she smiled warmly, bubbly laughter rising from her throat.
"Didn't see you there, handsome."
summerwine summerwine

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Michelle Adams
She had no idea why she even showed up. Her at a party was just, it was just insane. But her parents insisted she got out and socialize while they went to some conference. So here she was, sipping on a screwdriver, standing off by herself, watching drunk people do weird things. Shouting about tequila was her favorite so far. So was watching her only friend fall off a table. Michelle sighed, and finished her drink, then quickly decided to go get another.
Ashton Hayden Montgomery

Outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/ashton_montgomery_party_wear/set?id=219258393
Chatting With: minajesty minajesty

Ashton and Jessica's eyes were fixed on one another's, Beautiful eyes. Ashton thought as he stuffed one of his hands in his pockets and smiled back when she smiled. Her smile could be so contagious in certain moments, and right now was a great example of one of those moments.
Ashton nodded at Jessica and held her soft, petite and slim hand, "I'll see you soon." He winked and kissed her lips softly before backing up and stuffing his hands in his pockets, waving to Jessica before walking away. He smiled proudly at himself. He actually made things right, hopefully for good.
Ashton walked towards the door to walk back inside.

Leon Connor Lawrence

Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/jasper_lawrence_tutoring/set?id=213438393
Chatting with: amxlia amxlia Rui Rui

Leon was waiting for a response from the older blonde he was chatting with, holding back a regretful lump in his throat due to thinking about that night he technically lost his legs.
All of a sudden a bubbly blondie fell onto his lap in a perfect, bridal style manner. He lost his drink due to the surprise, it fell out of his grip and onto the tile floor, "Oh, hello there." He grinned a bit and raised his eyebrows, "Nice, curly hair." He blurted out and twisted a strand around his slim finger.

IMG_8841.jpg Luna was a flirt but she still found herself with a racing heart when Charlie put his forehead to hers. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. Luna held a weak smile.
"Oh I assumed, a guy like you is bound to have a girlfriend, or a few."
She laughed lightly to herself, and shifted her feet nervously. Luna knew she shouldn't fall for Charlie, he was only going to break her heart.
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley

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