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Fandom You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain. (IC)


Interacting with: Open

"It will create a backdraft a lot worse than what caught me. If you've... got him bubbled, the air in that bubble is superheating. You.... You won't be able... to get foam on him before it creates a backdraft..... And... it.. may bring the entire building down on you.... assuming the explosion....-"

Screams filled his ears as he watched the building come apart at the middle and start to collapse. He reached for it, trying to stop what was unfolding....

And found himself reaching for his ceiling. For several moments, he stared, confused and scared, his eyes darting this way and that as he recognized his familiar room. He let his hand fall back to rest on his forehead to wipe away the cold sweat that had formed. It was just a nightmare...

A nightmare that thankfully hadn't come to pass...

Dante sighed, turning to get out of bed. Just that mere act brought a hiss from under his breath. Even if his body had healed, that didn't mean he was out of the woods. Phantom pain, Dante knew, was common after dealing with something like he had. Even though his skin was as pale as ever, he still felt the burns on his skin. Getting dressed was an ordeal. In the end he felt like he was wearing a sandpaper body-condom when he was just wearing his version of normal clothes. He adjusted his vest and tie, checked his pocket watch, and headed about his morning routine.

A trip to Mile High Cafe, a little playtime with Mittens, the usual swing and dance. Really there was nothing out of the ordinary to even deal with. It was like the day before hadn't happened....

But it had, and people had died. Sure, it was utterly impossible for Heroes to save everyone, but couldn't help but wonder if he could have done something different to save those who had been beyond his reach. Perhaps he should just count himself lucky that all those he'd managed to reach had survived. He knew he'd feel worse if one of them hadn't made it. He knew he was too harsh on himself, but his profession was one where mistakes, minutes, seconds, could cost lives. If he wasn't fast enough, wasn't strong enough, wasn't clever enough, people could die. He'd spent most of the evening after the event at the hospital. Not for his own injuries, but to check on those who had been saved. He'd spent time with each of them to know their lives, their stories. After all, every life had a story to it. It was up to the living to ensure the dead's stories were heard. It wasn't always easy. There were tears, sorrow, sadness, but such was grief.

It wasn't something he was required to do, or even asked to do. The reason he went to the hospital after events such as this was to remember what he was fighting for. He never wanted to forget the faces of those he sought to protect, and to remind himself what the price was should he be found lacking. He'd never be a Symbol. He wasn't All Might, and he never would be a hero like that. Such a lofty mantle was beyond his reach. However, as long as he could see that pillar above him, he knew he had higher still to climb. Alucard knew better than to be content and complacent.

Honestly, he didn't remember most of what Eagle said that morning. But he did recall they had a new coworker that Eagle had handpicked after they'd.... Well, essentially broken the law. Or maybe they hadn't. Maybe they were licensed and simply hadn't picked an agency yet. If they weren't licensed though, Eagle was creating a precedent that would likely see many people killed. After all, why should anyone go through Hero courses and the like if all they had to do was ignore Heroes and rush into danger in order to get scouted? What was an Obstructing Justice or unlawful Quirk usage charge, after all, if you became a Hero for it?

He shook the thought from his head. He didn't know the guy from Adam, so it was pointless really to entertain the thoughts.

There was talk of going to the mall. It seemed a bit odd to go when they were all supposed to be on duty, but they could easily pass it off as a patrol given the mall fell within their usual patrol area anway. In his particular case, it'd be a day or two till his new Hero costume was ready. There wasn't enough of the one he wore the day before to be repaired, so it'd have to be remade from scratch. Which, unfortunately, sidelined him a bit from usual patrol activities.

He took a sip of his coffee, wondering if he should go to the mall too. He didn't particularly need anything, but if there was a sale on vests it couldn't hurt to stock up given how often his were shredded...

"I suppose I'll go too. My new Hero costume won't be done today anyway so I can't patrol normally anyhow..." He chuckled as he set his cup down. If anyone was particularly observant, they'd noticed something off about his movements. It seemed like he was actively trying to move as little as possible. Even after being awake a few hours, that burning feeling was on almost every inch of his skin. Even if he knew his body was fine....

Some injuries couldn't be seen... Especially when he knew the problem was all in his head...

Kantaro Ichida

"Goodmorning everyone." Into the meeting room came Kantaro who had been seemingly missing for a while. In truth, he had something he had to take care of elsewhere and was gone temporarily.

As he entered the room, he noticed a new face. Meaning they must have gotten a new member. Kantaro threw up a hand and acknowledged him before finding a seat. In Eagle's brief announcement, he would go on to confirm he was new and introduce him officially.

"My name is Kantaro Ichida. Otherwise known as Radiant. Welcome to the Eagle Agency. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask."

It didn't take long for chatter and conversation to start up when Eagle finished his announcement. It had seemed some people had made plans and began inviting others, it eventually leading to anybody being invited. The particular place in mind was the mall. It wasn't often Kantaro went to the wall because he didn't really see a need to. Sure, they may have had some nice clothing stores or whatever but he didn't wear super fancy clothing and he wouldn't consider himself too fashionable so any simple clothing he wore he could easily buy at a nearby clothing store.

He reclined in his chair slightly as he continued to ponder on the idea of going to the mall.

He didn't really have anything better to do and it would be a good chance to spend time with his fellow colleagues. Eventually he decided.

"I guess I'll go."

Who knew, maybe he would find some new clothing he really liked or maybe there would be a fun activity there everyone could participate in.

Interaction: Beann Beann Itsui Itsui
Mention: Itsui Itsui


~The Next Day~
Throughout the rest of the ordeal, Jin had taken it upon himself to prioritize the relay of information that his ears were picking up; the dissemination of information being a less 'standout' role yet one that was vital to accomplishing a successful result for the citizens, which was of course maximizing the survival rate of those unfortunate enough to still be trapped inside. Sure, rushing into the fire was the 'big hero' thing to do and an act that would leave a lasting impression on the bystanders and aspiring heroes that bore witness to the incident however it was not a role that Jin sought to emulate just for the sake of standing out. There were those better suited to running head first into the fire and there were those that weren't or those that had skills sets that excelled in other area's. If everyone simply ran into the fire it would have ended up doing more harm then good.

Thus, Jin had no qualms with remaining outside; trusting that his colleagues could handle themselves inside the burning building and knowing full well that his role; even if it was more subtle was still just as important in ensuring that their coordination ran smoothly.

Once those trapped inside were all rescued and the situation began to de-escalate, Jin had begun to make his way to where the ambulances were; heading towards the first aid area where several kids were being seen to by the medics. Whilst not really something he was fond off, Jin's unique physical attributes simply had a way with getting kids to turn their frown upside down. Who didn't love rabbits?


The next day had seen a deviation from his standard morning routine, Jin forgoing his usual early morning jog in favour of an extra hour and a half in bed. Yesterdays events had taken quite the toll on Jin, physically and mentally. Whilst there were those in the agency that of course would be recovering from the intense heat and flames that they had had to endure, Jin had arguably undergone a far more torturous ordeal and was now paying the price for it. A quick roll over to one side so that his back was now facing the window and away from the trespassing ray of sunlight had caused his body to tense up; his ear sending a jolt down the entirety of his spine.

Kids, were a foe not to be underestimated and Jin knew that full well having been a victim of their merciless torture. Having spent a considerable amount of time distracting them as the medics tended to their injuries, Jin's ear were now suffering because of it. Whilst the crying was bad, it was honestly the persistent 'petting' to his ears that had proved to be troublesome, especially when one of the kids had a particular quirk that seemed to enhance their grip. Whilst not knowledge that he made public, even to those he was close with Jin's ears were quite sensitive and having them gripped tightly was not really something Jin wanted to have repeated anytime soon.

Eventually however, Jin would have to leave the comfort of his bed and make his way into the agency; the Spring Rabbit hero taking a more 'civilian approach' as he walked to work, as opposed to parkouring through the rooftops. Even today, the news of the fire was still a hot topic amidst those on the street, Jin's ears picking up several different sets of conversations all centered around something to do with the fire.

Two men in the nearby coffee shop had been busy debating whether or not it was an act of arson or an unfortunate accident; a woman at the bus stop comforted her friend or family member over the phone, three high school boys at the park a block over were engaged in an argument, over which girl in the agency was the hottest; all three of them stoic in their defence for their selected heroine and adamant that their choice was the best choice. The two girls unfortunate enough to be stuck with them had been in agreement that these boys were idiots and not worth their time.

Jin sighed and continued on his way, eventually arriving at the Agency doors and then the meeting room where he took his usual spot; greeting those already there before him and those the came after. Ears still relatively sore, Jin had been quite reserved for the most part; only really speaking up to welcome and congratulate their newest member Slowburn for being recruited into their agency. As the meeting ended and things began to return to their usual pace inside the agency, Jin overheard Ruri's invitation to the rest of the team; a shopping mall trip / initiation for Slowburn.

"Thanks for the offer but I'll pass" replied Jin, as he stood up, "I've got patrol duty today" he added before he begun to make his way towards the meeting room exit, though he did stop at the doorway, his head swivelling around and his eyes focusing on their newest member. "Good luck and don't die!" he uttered, knowing that Slowburns next trial was arguably going to be even more dangerous than the fire he had ran into yesterday. With that said, Jin turned and began to head out.

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katayama masaru
Eagle Agency
mentions: pretty much everyone in the room.
interactions: Beann Beann Britt-21 Britt-21 Slav Slav archur archur

With a quiet laugh and the familiar tingle of heat in his hands, he was poised for some action. The consequences would be dealt with later, or so he thought.

Pssssyuuuh~ That sounded like a- oh shit "..A grappling hook?" It was all he could mutter right before the impact happened.

He could've dodged his assailant but it all happened too fast for him to even react. He was almost always alert to his surroundings, but an uncontainable excitement for imminent action made him drop his guard for just a fraction of a second. Now he's paying the price. The attacker caught his moment of vulnerability and took that as the perfect time to strike and sent the two of them tumbling to the ground. "Oof-" *thud*

I-I think I want to go home now. He wanted to sleep through all of it. This had to be a nightmare. His fear had been realized. It wasn't being buried alive. Nothing of that sort, no. It was making the effort to do something with utmost desire, only to have it all come crashing down, like a bird being shot down mid-flight.


Ru...be careful...

"Hey there girly, it's dangerous staying here. Wanna come to the police station with us? The boys and I will take reaaaal good care of you."

"No! And I-I'm not a girly ANYTHING you creep! I'll have you know that I'm officially an adult today! Grrr!" She used the last wisps of her quirk and vanished. Masaru, y-you better come back okay! Everything's all finally coming together, I can't lose you now.

Well that was certainly disappointing. Just moments after his quirk finally rose back from the ashes, he was caught, apprehended and detained in a short amount of time. There was no reason to doubt as to why these individuals that did that to him were known as "Pro Heroes." As he was taken out, he was glad his niece wasn't there. He silently cringed at what he had said to her when he was getting her out to safety. How embarassing would that be...Now I look like I'm all bark and no bite.

It was frustrating but it's the thought that counts- Are you fucking kidding me, thoughts alone don't make heroes. It's the actions that come from them do. All the planning and potential to become a hero all goes to waste if it's not set in motion. I feel like I've shamed myself. No I did. As he berated himself over not being able to have done more during the crisis, he found himself one-on-one with some bird...a huge eagle?

The girl who took him down was nowhere to be seen and it appeared that the media, cops, and all the forensics people wanted to pull him aside and tear him to pieces. It seemed Eagle's presence was all that was holding them back. The bird had something to say and it was something that he least expected and one-hundred percent dreaded.

"You..." He pointed a finger at the bird hero and then at himself, "Want me to go and join your agency? Tsk~ Dream on, why don't you go look elsewhere because there's no way I'm-"

It looked to him the more he resisted, the more appealing he made himself look to this guy. He himself learned more about the man...er rather the bird, he supposed, and the renowned agency that he ran. Despite hearing all the acclaim that the agency had gathered through the years, Masaru was not at all swayed.

"Look I'm on vacation right now - a family trip if you will, I'm sure you're considerate enough to not push me into these type of things."

"You're very eager to have me start immediately, you see, we're not from Tokyo. We're miles away from home, I have a niece that I have to take care of while I'm here and-"

"Listen, I'll make this clear right now. I'm sure you might've heard of me at least once knowing the field that you're in. I'm a child of a currently wanted top criminal, wouldn't that complicate your standing as a hero? Your agency's reputation? That all might change in a blink of an eye if you let someone like me in."

"Sir, I'm not even licensed..look it's different when I do these kinds of things in Hokkaido. The law is all the same throughout our nation of course, you could say they're just much more lenient over where I live with my vigilante-esque shenanigans.

"..I'll get straight to the point. I. DON'T. WAN'T. TO. JOIN."

Even as he said that, he did appreciate Eagle for his time, their tirelessly long talk made almost everyone lose interest over him and they pretty much cleared by the time it had reached its end. The bird told him to go sleep on it, and that even if he decided to jet, they wouldn't make it easy for him. They'll track me down? Great, now I have a literal bird of prey on my tail.

It hit him then. Would he be pressed with charges, regarding today's incident? Reckless, what he did was a very reckless thing, he couldn't in good conscience turn away even if other people were in the end able to take care of it without his help. His pride, integrity, his very conscience was on the line. If he had the means to be of aid, then he couldn't betray the beliefs and values he so closely kept to heart as a hero.

What it really means to be a hero... It all seemed to return to Eagle. Did he owe that beak face? He tapped his skull out of frustration, was that going to be the deciding factor with the offer given to him? Owing debts was something he couldn't stand, carrying a guilt that comes with not having things be even with another person.

Starting his journey back to the hotel, the events that happened today played again in his mind. Every time he thought of something and brought it up to try to get himself out of the situation, it only seemed to assure Eagle that he definitely had to be recruited into their agency. To think that he ended up exhausting all possible excuses, avenues of escape...that bird was something else.

Masaru knew from the beginning of their conversation that Eagle was without a doubt someone who emanated an aura of authority. He couldn't help but feel cornered in the end, intimated even, although Eagle's intimidation wasn't associated with any ill-intent or with malice. It was just an overbearing yet completely harmless and innocent persistance. Almost childish perhaps.

Once out of his daydream, he realized he had already passed the lobby. Ronnie's room was right next to his. When he was making reservations he made sure they weren't sleeping in the same one, he knew better than that. He knocked a few times but he figured she was fast asleep or too downcast to talk anymore on the topic about what had happened. "Listen, Ronnie. I'm...sorry for yelling at you. I'm supposed to be the adult out of the two of us, I should've kept my composure."

"...Well talk to you later,"
he muttered sadly. Then a piece of paper slipped out from her door, she was awake. It was hard to read as some spots of it were damp, were they her tears? It said: Thank you Uncle Ru, I love you. I'm glad you're okay. I just need more time, I'm sorry. "..."
Thankfully his card to get in remained intact in his pocket and brushed it up against the reader. A few seconds and out came a jingle and a flash of green, he let out a sigh of relief and entered. There was a horrible singed stench that his clothes gave out, so he knew right where to go. This was one crazy rollercoaster of a birthday I've ever been in... Surely things would be better tomorrow he hoped.

(He's had a tough day, he needs some time alone, don't you think?)


"Welcome to the Eagle Agency...I'm Katherine...Known as Nexette..." a woman with slim figure said almost too quietly. He felt the closer he got to this woman, the air in the room seemed to become colder. Honestly, he didn't really take into account that he would be meeting such a strange cast of characters, everyone being from different backgrounds and upbringings. It was all thanks to his narrow-minded culturally assumptions. He expected that he'd be dealing with the average, uptight Tokyo residents, and maybe some of them were here in the midst of such a colorful crowd.

Nexette. Right before he went to bed, he turned on the television and found out from a news channel that she was the one that took down the instigator of the fire. Apparently there was more to the woman that it seemed. He only gave her a nod and one of his rare but genuine, slight smile. A rather poor clue of him acknowledging someone worthy of his respect.

"Sorry for the pull yesterday~" one girl quickly jumped in, naturally it was a person that he would recognize. The one that roughed him up, unfairly, in his opinion.

"Hmph. I'm sure you are. If we ever do meet again on the opposite sides of the battlefield. Let's fight fair and square, got it?" The way he spoke his words made it so that he was clearly joking, but there was a serious truth in what he said. Not long after, a rather mellow individual chimed in and mumbled some cheeky remark about him, the new recruit.

Of course. These type of guys. He decided to play along with the game, and with playing along he hoped he wouldn't get his ass handed to him after what he said. After all his joking tone was a hit or miss with most people, "A fire extinguisher? That's a good one, Mister X-Marks-The-Spot. Don't screw around with me too much though, wouldn't want to hurt those pretty pair of treasure map eyes you have."

Eventually, all of the attention was redirected to talk about going to a mall. A girl not much older than him lit up with excitement and offered that he tag along, "I thought this was a hero agency, was it actually a girly hangout place that I walked into-" Cutting himself off, he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get out of really interacting with these people. He could get his niece since they were still technically on vacation after all and the two of them can just go off and do their own thing.

"On second thought, I'd be willing if you let someone I know come as well." The jokester guy from earlier reassured him that he wasn't going to be left entirely alone with the girls. "Gee thanks. You ain't so bad I guess." Unfortunately, that mall talk sort of died down and the room's focus returned to him.

What followed next were more introductions like something out of an anime romcom, a genre that his niece was so fond of even as of becoming an adult. Throughout all of it, he presented them a smile out of reluctant courtesy and held back on what he was really feeling. An unpleasant medley of disdain, disgust and boredom.

It was only then that a piece of it oozed out when he saw a few of his now co-workers grumble or just straight up leave even if they didn't mean to be abrupt about it. Asides from introducing himself he needed to address the elephant in the room. It was also his way of putting his foot down and making it loud and clear that he wouldn't be some kind of pushover. "Listen up, if you have a problem with me, take that shit up with your boss, Eagle. It was ultimately his decision okay?"

He continued with his matter-of-fact tone, "Trust me, I was completely hesistant with making this choice, if I really did have one to begin with. But I'm not about to go and start meaningless feuds with anyone. I've got other things more important than take other people's crap you hear me?"

It got a bit too quiet for his liking but he wasn't about to back down, "Excuse my language but that's all that I've really got to say on that. Up until now, my hero identity or whatever's been unofficially known as Slowburn. It's what the people out in the sticks call me." He paused as if to let the fact sink in, "Isn't that great? I'm a bonafide folk hero!" At that, he pushed out a quiet laugh, letting everyone see his unashamed pride, "But I'd guess you guys can go around and call me, your junior, Katayama. Not on a first-name basis yet."

Upon saying that last part, he wagged his finger at no one in particular, but he made sure he set his gaze on the rather stylish girl with silver locks.

code by @Nano
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While the rush of going out with a friend for the first time in forever washed over her, she noticed Ruriko happily skipped along to Kathrine and loudly invited her to join them. Then, she invited Slowburn, the new guy who flared up at everyone's comments towards him. In a final coup de gras, she announced to the whole room of heroes that are supposed to be actively on duty that she and Aiko were going to the mall, and everyone was invited to come along. The engineer went silent as she watched as a good chunk of the room had accepted the invitation, her fingers anxiously trawling through her messy pile of bits and bobs she had dumped onto the table when she sat down. She only asked Oshiro to come with her, and nobody else. Not only was she self-conscious about other people judging her appearance over and over and over again, but today was a workday. In fact, almost every day was for her, she didn't have a single day off. She just wanted to pop by the mall for an hour or two as part of a "patrol" before Ruriko flew them to wherever they really needed to be after the fact. She never intended to have pulled away a significant amount of people to waste time when they could be preventing crimes and saving lives.

She pursed her lips as Ruriko's charms won the room, and stood up. Aiko called herself a hero, a CEO, and a engineer, and right now she wasn't acting like any of those things. Her newly created clunky mess whirred and spun as it performed its docking checks when she reattached it, the room a sterile silence. She had barely been paying attention to the chatter, but now it seemed like everyone was staring at the new guy.

"Listen up, if you have a problem with me, take that shit up with your boss, Eagle. It was ultimately his decision okay?"

Another hothead. At least Nakano would have a new friend if he stuck around, and that's an "if" with a capital I. It seemed Eagle did his usual "recruit on the fly" method to integrate him in but from the sounds of the circumstance, he wanted nothing to do with it. He made it apparent earlier he was joking, but now he laid down all his cards. Aiko knew how these sorts of things usually ended: Katayama (as he informed everyone to refer to him by) relents and eventually settles into the groove of the agency, or Eagle realizes his mistake and rectifies it. She had to go through it, she initially wanted nothing to do with the agency or being a hero at all. At least he already has a hero name and a desire to help others. There was a decent 65/35 chance he doesn't leave, at least from the first glance.

Wordlessly, Aiko decided that maybe mall day would be another day, and innocuously walked to the window, opened it, and catapulted herself out. The rush of falling sent a sharp tingling sensation all over her body, and the exhilaration of grappling onto a nearby building gave her a burst of dopamine that couldn't be replicated. Perhaps, since the commercial district would be well defended, the residential district wouldn't be a bad choice to start her patrol route? As she catapulted herself through the air, onlookers below hastily pulled out their phones to take a picture of her flying form, her arms drastically extending and retracting as a single smooth motion. Between the whipping wind and the bright sun, she felt glad she was able to drop plans she didn't want any part of but also felt a pang of guilt for leaving without any reason. She decided that maybe calling her would be enough.

"Hello, Spark!" She called, the voice command triggering her inbuilt AI.

"Greetings Ms. Tagami. How can I help you today?"

She cleared her throat. "Call Oshiro Eagle Agen-" Mid-sentence, she had a thought: 'Wouldn't it be awkward to call her with all the wind?' "Cancel! Cancel!"

"Calling Oshiro Ruriko."

"Hang up! Cancel call!" A single ring made it through before it finally hung up.

"Send a message to Oshiro Eagle Agency!"

"What would you like to send?"

"Sorry for leaving, too many people on the trip. Wanted to make it quick - under an hour. Maybe next time? Send."

With a gleeful beep notification of the text being sent, she made her way quickly to the residential district, somewhat outside of the skyscrapers of the city.

Interactions: Beann Beann
Mentions: Itsui Itsui
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Beann Beann Slav Slav Phayne Phayne Japanime Japanime Itsui Itsui One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost StealthyShades StealthyShades

Katherine had her amethyst eyes closed, arms crossed and straight up listening as everything began to spiral. Ruriko called her name, prompting her to peek open an eye, glancing at the girl who wrapped her arm around her shoulders, inviting her to go on a mall trip. Then quickly switched to the new recruit, on top of the rest of the team. A soft sigh left her lips, not sure what she should really do. Honestly, going to the mall with a whole group was not her ideal choice of 'having fun'. To her, having fun was going to a bakery and eating the sweets they had to offer. Or maybe reading a good book... Even going to the secret bar she stops by every so often was another form of fun for the Hero. Finally both of her eyes had opened at Ichiro claimed he'd go, same with Dante, Tsukuyomi and Kantaro. Jin however, passed the idea and claimed he had to patrol, which was something she liked to do whenever she could on the job.

"See you later Jin..." she said softly before looking at Ruriko "I'll be sitting this one out... I really would like to pay attention to my job right now..." she then reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out a wallet and some cash. Getting out of her seat, she moved over to Ichiro and put some cash in his hand "I'll pay you back for getting me sweets from the bakery in the mall... I'm going to stay back and do my job... Here's some cash for it...If I find out you didn't bring sweets back, I'm not taking you to my favorite drinking spot..." after that, she pulled away and looked back at the team "I'll be taking my leave...Make sure you all have your ear pieces in case something were to happen..." bowing her head slightly, she took her leave, heading out of the room herself and releasing another sigh. A lot of excitement always exhausted Katherine, even a group trip to the mall would be too much for her.

Nexette walked through the halls of the agency, stopping at one of the many TVs that were around the place, noticing the news talking about the death of the man she took out the day before. It wasn't common to see something like this. Yes, beatings, but not straight up murder the moment they had gotten inside. The police chief still hasn't said anything? But why... furrowing her eyebrows slightly, she then began to walk once again, putting her fingers to her chin in thought as she walked.​
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Interacting with: Ruri Beann Beann
Ichiro Slav Slav
New Guy Itsui Itsui

Mentions: Aiko archur archur
The new guy certainly was a mouthy little shit....

For now, though, Dante would reserve judgement. The guy basically had Eagle drag him here so of course he'd likely be feeling more than a little cornered. However, his first impression left a lot to be desired. Not to mention that comment about his "unofficial" hero name. Did that mean he really didn't have a license? If that was the case, shit was going to be hitting the fan sooner or later. However, as one of the younger Heroes, he wasn't really in a position to put the screws to Eagle to sort it out. He couldn't confirm anything yet, and he'd make it a point not to ask, if only to pass a polygraph. If the kid tried to use his Quirk without a license though, they'd have no choice but to turn him over to the Hero Public Safety Commission.

"Well, since everyone seems to be scattering, I guess those of us who are going should get to the mall before Eagle decides on some busy work for us" Dante chuckled as he stood up. He gave a nod to the others before he made himself the first out the door.

The mall in particular, Subarashi Kyuden, was only a short jaunt from the agency. In truth, Dante would sometimes peruse the mall on his days off or when work was slow. Unlike American malls that took up a huge chunk of land, SuKy was built upwards rather than outwards, a magnificent testament to modern engineering with some traditional touches in the design. On the first floor was a sprawling oasis of food and dining options, including a grocery store and a liquor store. At the center, growing up towards the higher levels, was a beautiful Sakura tree that happened to be in bloom.

On the second floor, that was where shops started. The more low end, casual consumer stores like Hot Topic, Uniqlo, gaming stores, and other wallet friendly locales were found here, as well as the Entertainment Zone. It was less a part of the mall and more a two story building that was attached to the side of the main mall. It sported just about every conceivable type of game, a suite of karaoke lounges, and even a twenty four lane bowling alley. There were rumors that a rock wall would be brought in at some point, but thus far liability waivers and other such bureaucratic red tape had kept it from coming to fruition.

The third floor was where the wallet started to feel some pressure. The more higher end stores like Nemuri's Secret, a music store that offered in-house lessons, a beauty salon, and other more fashion-friendly options made their home here. This was also the most crowded area due to the see and be seen nature of SuKy. The shops had more open floor space than those below, so it was a lot easier to pick faces out of the crowd here. There was also a particularly popular crepe shop that always seemed to have a sizeable line on this floor.

On the fourth floor was where the wallet started to cry. This was the jewelry stores, traditional Kimono/Yukata stores, and the like. You came up here for a special reason usually to spend money. It wasn't a floor to window-shop, given many of the stores tinted their windows to make it harder to case them out.

The fifth floor, though, that was the pinnacle of SuKy. That was where you'd find the Lucci store and other ultra-high end stores where it wouldn't shock anyone if you had to pass a credit check just to get in. It was the zone where if you had to ask how much something was, you probably couldn't afford it. This was also the floor that basically established the pecking order. You see, with the amount of money and influence these top tier stores brought in, they could exert a bit of pull and, for instance, see a disliked store removed from the mall when their lease was up. Fortunately, it rarely came to that, save in the case of that one store that thought it'd be fun to send glitter bombs to the other businesses. That joke shop didn't last, and there's STILL glitter to be found if you happen to look in the right places.

Put bluntly, SuKy was a castle. A veritable fortress for the fortune spending. Even outside, no expense had been spared. leading up to the main entrance was a long, rectangular pool that had an array of fountains and other such water features to delight vistors at all times of the year. Off to one side, there was even a small stage where local performers would sometimes put on shows. And on the side opposite was a Nezubucks Coffee with ample outdoor seating. It wasn't too uncommon to find cosplayers out here advertising for some store or other. The second floor gaming stores would often hire cosplayers to advertise the latest releases, while the Crepe Shop on the third floor had people handing out flyers with the day's deals.

Dante, for his part, intended to see if he could raid for some discount vests on the second and third floors. Sure, the arcade would be fun, and he'd spent many an hour there after work, but he also knew that he was.... in a word, abysmally horrible at any video game that wasn't a rhythm game. There was a reason, after all, that he still didn't have a driver's license. Needless to say, he didn't exactly enjoy the idea of letting the present company see exactly how gaming-challenged he was. He got enough heckling from that one group of delinquent middle schoolers as it was....

It was a shame Aiko had chosen to dip out. Then again, she didn't exactly seem like the big-group kind of gal. Maybe he'd see about finding something for her. Given her tinkering ways, he reasoned, there was a good chance she went through clothes about as fast as he did. For now, though, he cast a glance towards those who had come along while they walked alongside the leaping fountains towards the entrance along with scores of other patrons.

"Anything in particular you all wanted to check out?" He inquired. While he did want to conduct his oft-needed search for cheap finery, this was a rare occasion where he was out with his coworkers, so it'd be a shame not to have a bit of fun with the group.

....Or maybe he was just a little excited at the prospect of hanging out with one of them in particular... Not that the threat of death would make him admit that out loud....

Oshiro Ruriko

“I guess I’m inclined to go as well, I need a new pair of shoes.”

Ruriko grinned in Ichiro’s direction, ecstatic that he of all people decided to tag along. He was a tough man to read after all, only really showing any emotion whenever alcohol or cereal was involved. She couldn’t really place her finger on it but something about his emotionless demeanor was attractive. It made her all the more motivated to try and get a smile or chuckle out of him. “Don’t worry rookie, I won’t leave you alone to these crazy ladies. Stay away from Ruri especially.” Ruriko rolled her eyes in a playful manner, folding her arms over her chest. “You’re only telling him that so you can have me all to yourself~” She offered Ichiro a wink before looking around the room once more to see if anyone else wanted to join.

“Sure might as well someone needs to be the adult.”

Tilting her head slightly, she tapped her cheek with her finger in thought. “Hmm? Technically I’m older than you, Tsu! But if you’d like, I’ll refer to you as senpai,” she grinned mischievously in his direction. Rather than stop there, she closed the distance between herself and Tsukuyomi before leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. “Hopefully that’s a satisfactory ‘thank you’ for the ravioli and garlic bread. Of course, if it isn’t...I can make it up to you by providing dessert later~” Flirtatious gestures aside, Ruriko was actually very grateful for the food that Tsukuyomi cooked for her. Knowing that someone remembered her favorite dish made her feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside. It just goes to show that the heroes at this agency really do care for each other.

“I suppose I’ll go too. My new Hero costume won’t be done today anyways so I can’t patrol normally anyhow…” Oh, her favorite crispy vampire was tagging along as well! Come to think of it, Dante was the only person with a vampire quirk that she knew of, as well as the only hero that can be burnt to a crisp and recover in such a short amount of time. “I guess I’ll go.” Before she could respond to Dante, her gaze shifted over to Kantaro who accepted the invitation as well. “Why is everyone guessing and supposing? It should be a definite yes because it’ll be fun!~”

“Thanks for the offer but I’ll pass. I’ve got patrol duty today. Good luck and don’t die!”

Ruriko waved towards Jin, a bit disappointed but nevertheless understanding. To be fair though, she should be the one telling him not to die since he would actually be doing hero work unlike the rest of the group that decided on going to the mall. Of course, if anything actually happened, she was certain everyone would drop whatever clothes they were considering buying and be on scene as fast as possible. All the heroes were equipped with ear pieces in the event of something sudden happening.

“But I’d guess you guys can go around and call me, your junior, Katayama. Not on a first-name basis yet.” Ruriko offered Masaru a blank expression for a split second, processing his little outburst about his decision in joining the agency. A bit of a hot head, huh? Nothing wrong with that, it was just as attractive as Ichiro being so emotionless. The best part about hot heads though was that their buttons were easier to push. With that being said, her lips curled into a grin as she stared at Masaru before mouthing his name silently: Ma.sa.ru.

“I’ll be sitting this one out...I really would like to pay attention to my job right now…” Ruriko turned her attention back to Kathy and slouched her shoulders for dramatic emphasis. “Oh, come on, Kathy! You always pay attention to your job, when will you learn to let loose?” She let out a sigh as she watched the quiet woman hand cash over to Ichiro, giving him directions to buy her sweets in exchange for the location of her favorite drinking spot. There was no persuading that woman. At least Aiko would still be tagging along with her - Ruriko heard the chime of her phone, prompting her to pull her device out of her pocket and check the notifications.

“Sorry for leaving, too many people on the trip. Wanted to make it quick - under an hour. Maybe next time?”

Both Kathy and Aiko decided to dip out of the mall invitation? That would leave Ruriko as the only female attending - not that she minded of course but she valued girl time! She quickly typed back a message to Aiko:

I’m still picking you an outfit so don’t complain when it’s too girly for you~
:* :* :*

“Well, since everyone seems to be scattering, I guess those of us who are going should get to the mall before Eagle decides on some busy work for us.”

Slipping her phone back in her pocket, she turned her attention to Dante and nodded. She definitely didn’t want to be caught by Eagle and put on deskwork. “I agree. Let’s all ride together in the agency’s vehicle! Ichiro, you can drive and I’ll sit up front with you!~”

Once the group of heroes arrived at the mall, Ruriko looked around in surprise to see a lot of patrons milling about. Wasn’t it a weekday? Shouldn’t people be at work? Of course, they should be at work as well but that wasn’t the point! Most of the people looked to be like old people, probably in retirement with a lot of time on their hands. There were, of course, a few people around their age, probably their day off or something. There were also teenagers goofing about on the first floor, most likely ditching school. “Anything in particular you all wanted to check out?” Ruriko glanced at Dante before thinking to herself. “Well, Ichiro said he needed a new pair of shoes. I need to pick a cute outfit out for Aiko...and Masaru needs to undergo his initiation!~ So...shoes first, clothes for Aiko, then arcade?”
coded by natasha.

Ichiro Kusumoto

"If you wanna touch me, you'll need more than just your fists."
Ichiro said to Katayama, his hands nonchalantly slipping into his pockets. "I guess you're like a candle then; they are known for their SLOWBURN." Ichiro said, trying to keep a blank face after pulling off the pun. Some people may care about Katayama's lack of qualifications but Ichiro was not one of them. If Eagle wanted him in the agency, Ichiro couldn't care less about whether or not he was an official hero or not. As long as he listened and operated as a proper team member, everything was fine with Ichiro. He's overheard people tell him that he shouldn't be a proper hero for his drinking habits and like the proper gentlemen Ichiro is; he told them to shove their concerns up their asses.

Ichiro turned his attention to Kathy who had approached him with cash in her hands. "I am a drinking spot." Ichiro said, patting his front pocket where his flask is. "I'll get you your sweets anyways; I'll try my best to find the most unhealthy thing I can find." Ichiro said taking the cash and shoving it into his pocket. He didn't want to put it in his own wallet in case she wanted the change back. He turned away from Kathy and turned back to the group, specifically to Ruri who had made a rather flirtatious comment. "Sorry to tell you Ruri but I'm not into girls who are shorter than me." Ichiro said with a straight face though Ruri would know it's a joke.

Upon hearing that he'd be driving, he grabbed the key's for the vehicle off the wall and proceeded outside. He always enjoyed driving, being tipsy always made it more fun. When he started the car, the radio was on and all he heard was that shitty American pop, "I'd rather listen to apes screeching at each other at the zoo." Ichiro said, turning the knob to put on anything other than that. He put the vehicle in drive to begin the short journey over to the mall. He had been there a few times, mainly because of the liquor store.

Pondering Dante's question, Ichiro's eyes immediately landed on the liquor store but it seemed that Ruri had something else in mind.
"Hmmm... before we leave I'd like to go to the liquor store, get something for Tsukuyomi for picking glass out my back, maybe buy some sake for myself as well. In addition, Kathy wanted some sweets too ." He said, making sure not to forget that Kathy had wanted him to pick up some sweets for her. Ichiro always neglected to buy necessities for himself though he'd have to buy some shoes this time. "I hope they have pinball machines at the arcade, they are the only thing I'm good at." He said, pulling his flask out his pocket, unscrewing the top. He took a swig out of it, content with the flavor. Some hard liquor never hurts at any time of the day, it was five O'clock somewhere. "Hey candlehead, want a swig to get your day going?" Ichiro asked Masaru, holding the flask out before him.

Interactions: Beann Beann Itsui Itsui One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost StealthyShades StealthyShades Britt-21 Britt-21
Tsukuyomi Hachiman
Guess I'm senpai now.

“Hmm? Technically I’m older than you, Tsu! But if you’d like, I’ll refer to you as senpai,” Tsukuyomi blushes. Why does she always have to be like this? I feel like most of the time; she just does this to get a reaction out of me. No Matter if she wants to play this game, fine. Before Tsukuyomi could say anything, Ruri gets close and kisses him on the cheek. “Hopefully, that’s satisfactory. Thank you for the ravioli and garlic bread. Of course, if it isn’t...I can make it up to you by providing dessert later~” Tsukuyomi takes a deep breath and straightens his tie. He liens in Ruri’s direction. His golden eyes stairs into hers. He says to her, “I would love to have this dessert that you speak of. But I must remain professional during this time. If you want, we can schedule that for a future occasion. He winks at her. But first, let us enjoy some time with our coworkers.” Tsukuyomi can be a flirtatious gentleman when he wants to, but he doesn’t want his banter to interfere with work. Ruri is a close friend, and their toying with each other is a common occurrence, and it gets fascinating when it does happen.

"Well, since everyone seems to be scattering, I guess those of us who are going should get to the mall before Eagle decides on some busy work for us."

“I agree. Let’s all ride together in the agency’s vehicle! Ichiro, you can drive, and I’ll sit up front with you!~”

As everyone gets in the vehicle, Tsukuyomi is very concerned that Ichiro, Out of everyone, is driving.
He’s probably one of the best drivers out of everyone, but the question is has he had his morning alcohol or just his coffee. On the way there, Tsukuyomi looks at the new guy and remembers what he said earlier "Listen up, if you have a problem with me, take that shit up with your boss, Eagle. It was ultimately his decision, okay?" The way he presented himself didn’t please Tsukuyomi, but it’s only the kid’s first day. It will take time for him to settle in. Even though it seems like he doesn’t want to be here, he’s part of the group now. Hey, if the agency burns down, he could always work for his parents or go to another agency. That’s not going to happen. I’m pretty sure the boss has plans for the new kid; maybe we just need to warm up to him. In no time, they get to the mall, and the fun begins.

"Anything, in particular, you all wanted to check out?"

“Well… I think Ruri wanted a new outfit he winked at her and I need a new suit, so we may want to go to the 4th to 5th floor, but not until we get Ichiro and me some alcohol.”
Code By Nano
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katayama masaru
Subarashi Kyuden/Mall
mentions: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost
interactions: StealthyShades StealthyShades Beann Beann Slav Slav

"That should do it, and finished!" He dropped the pen that he found lying unclaimed in the room and handed the medical forms back to the man with the eyepatch. Tsukuyomi huh. The guy appeared to be one of the only really normal people he had met so far since coming to the agency, he had to admit he respected his quick and concise nature, it was something that he himself thought was necessary to have in an employee if he was running an agency. I wonder what a guy like him is doing working for a crazy bird like Eagle.

...Now I'm wondering why I even went through with this.
It was really too late to back out now, even as much as he wanted to scram, he had to see things through the end...one way or another. That belief was instilled in him by his father, he knew how important it was to stick with the commitments that one has made. That's exactly what he's planning on doing albeit in a begrudging manner.

Sending a message to his niece for the fifth time, he waited silently, trying not to let his anxiety show. She hadn't responded to any of his invitations to go to the mall with him and it looked like the one he just sent to her was going to be ignored too. She had been silent ever since she slipped the note under her door last night. It worried him, but he was sure she wasn't going anywhere outside of that room for today. Just to reassure himself, he asked the lobby staff right before he made his way to the agency if they've seen her go out at all since yesterday and they've all said no.

Thinking about it, he felt stupid asking that question. She could've just slipped past them, her clothes, anything that was on her would've turned invisible along with her body. It was pretty unfair how her quirk worked, she could go anywhere pretty much undetected and not a lot of people would know about her "trail" thing so they wouldn't think much about it anyway even if they saw those ghostly floaty things right in front of their faces!

Unbelievable. Is she going through her super late 'troubled, loner teen' phase? What bad timing... Now noticeably not as fired up like earlier he simply whispered to the whole room, which was now fewer in numbers that the person he was trying to invite didn't seem like they would make it, "So uh...yeah, it is what it is I guess."

Usually he enjoyed quiet moments, he could recall many short but lovely times after a day full of training where he just savored the peaceful silence of his small town. But this was not like that. Less people in the room meant less talking and an awkward pause ensued after he made his trivial announcement. Not even he could escape feeling the uneasiness of actually making the effort of interacting one-on-one with any of these people.

It seemed like all the introductions were over, he managed to pull through that whole mess, but now after that had wrapped up, he was honestly at loss at what to do next. Feeling himself tense up and get warmer from the current weird mood, he broke the silence and quickly interjected before things progressed, "Let me just change, I'll-I'll be right back!"

He had always been comfortable wearing something thick like his usual outfit, the black uniform, despite the intense heat that his quirk could give off at times. It was something that the late Katayama Sr. wore, he held onto it the same reason he did with the seemingly inconvenient katana he carried around wherever he went. Not to mention, he took off his red headband and put it in a bag. Too flashy, it caused a lot of trouble for him yesterday he could do without but he wasn't fond of showing the scar it hid, especially to strangers. It was a good thing he restyled his hair to cover the spot where it really stood out.

Now those things were out of his reach, he felt naked without them. He got desperate though and needed some sort of excuse to get out of the weird situation from earlier. Not that the car ride was any better. Plus, it was a mall outing- Gah, you idiot! I'm trying to justify why I just left the two most important things to me back at the agency... He couldn't have carried them with the 'designer' clothes that Ronnie got for him and the strap bag he took with him could only carry small things and guess who filled it up?

She said she packed the 'essentials' in here for me. I shouldn't have given her the chance. Inside was one towel, sunglasses, a few pairs of the flame-restricting gloves...and a small drinking glass? Where on earth did she get this? It looked like one of his dad's. Did she anticipate that he'd be possibly drinking during their vacation? He wasn't really planning to but what a shrewd girl she was to have even thought about it. But those were all the "essentials"? Jeez.

Pouting slightly, he started to walk towards a towering monster of a mall. It captivated him, although it only lasted for a few seconds until he remembered that there were other people besides him.

“Anything in particular you all wanted to check out?” At that, he simply shook his head, not that the guy that spoke cared about his opinion it seemed.

“Ichiro - a new pair of shoes...a cute outfit out for Aiko," He wasn't exactly paying attention to what this 'Ruri' gal was saying until the very last part, "...Masaru needs to undergo his initiation!~ So...shoes first, clothes for Aiko, then arcade?”

He put the two and two together and- "This initiation is going to be at some arcade? Do not try and mock me," he scowled slightly at her, then immediately puffed out an apology despite the resentment at the mention of an arcade still present in his tone. In truth, he hadn't been in an arcade or played arcade games since...well a long time. In truth, he wanted to at least be a little bit excited but awful memories were associated with those places in general. To put it briefly, he grew up around them, in them. The crime syndicate that had a hold on him when he was younger loved hanging around abandoned arcade places and while surprisingly there were still some functioning machines if he remembered correctly, they were places people wouldn't be caught hanging around. Suffocating smoky smell, he didn't mind that since the games he played were awesome. Outside of that, not awesome.

An unexpected offer from the funny guy snapped him back to reality and caught him off guard in a way, "Hey candlehead, want a swig to get your day going?"

He actually hadn't had a drop of alcohol in a long time, not since his old man's passing a few years ago anyway. Although, the details of what happened the last time he did is still very fresh in his mind. Very memorable as if it just happened yesterday. Beautiful dark blue night skies. All kinds of craft booths and food stalls ready to take in interested patrons. The rare bustling of his small town during a festival. An all-around feel-good, lively atmosphere one couldn't find anywhere else but he's aware that he's certainly biased on the matter.

Unfortunately, here he found himself at Tokyo. Not that he hated the place per say, he did agree to go to this area for Ronnie's birthday trip. Then things took a rather interesting turn and he ended up at some agency, now here he is, at some mall where his supposed "initiation" was going to take place. She...that uninhibited woman. He flinched at the thought of her mouthing his name earlier. It was hard to believe that a compulsive flirt like her was a professional hero. Regardless, is everything that they're doing some sort of patrol? If so, then he had to remain vigilant, and looking back it was a good thing he didn't bring Ronnie with him. Now that he's an agency hero, becoming involved in dangerous situations were to be expected. What was he thinking trying to bring her with him? This time it would've been him that could've dragged her into a horrible scenario.

His phone buzzed. Well speaking of the disappearing act... He looked at the messages. "Once you're back, I'll spill the beans! That's a promise! And...I couldn't have gone to this mall thing with you because I was finishing the final prepwork of my project~ Just have a good time, loosen up a little Ru! 😜 By the way, you never told me you had friends in Tokyo! Seems like I'm not the only one with juicy secrets huh? 🤭

He didn't. With a hushed groan, he put it to 'Do Not Disturb' and returned it to his pocket. Lifting his head up, he noticed that Treasure Map was still holding out his flask for him. A swig...? Didn't he just...drink out of that? Must be nice to be so reserved and unprofessional. "Is this your way of confessing? You know we need to be standing under a cherry blossom, right?" He was just playing along of course, then he recalled what his niece just told him. '...loosen up a little Ru!' "Eh...sure. Just a little since I'm not the type to uh- hold my liquor very well."

He took the shot glass and poured the contents of the flask into it. "Anyways thanks." He flashed a small yet sincere smile and gulped it down. It tasted better than he expected. Hopefully it wasn't something that he was going to regret anytime soon.

code by @Nano
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Ono Minako

"...Asai Hanae and we'll be switching over to Yanai Hinako who will be doing a segment on : Do Household pets manifest Quirks as well?"

The video playing on the small TV finished, with recommended news reports and podcasts popping up, primed to be selected and begin playing based on the current acounts previously watched content. Minako Ono, pulling the remote out of her pocket, pressed the Select button to set up a random video, just to fill the empty house with a bit more noise. Once it finished loading, and the voice of two rambunctious high school girls filled the air as they spoke about their recent picks for the coolest heroes in Japan, Minako took a deep breath in, gave a little smile, and went back to cleaning her apartment.

She had only been gone for three weeks, an extended vacation that was her colleagues idea after she failed to use any of her vacation time in the last three years. Really, she had a few more days left, but the news she had heard about the fire in the city had caused her to race back home from Hawaii, where she had been staying with one of her distant cousins for the week. When she made it back to her apartment, prepared to go to sleep and wake up early and ready to work the next day, she had been caught off guard by the amount of dust that had accumulated. After having enough of a fit to have the neighbors come and check on her, she got straight to cleaning, dusting everything in the house and vacuuming any dust bunnies -would Jin find those funny?- that dared peek out from a corner.

By the time she was done, she was sweating buckets into her clothes, which consisted of a yellow sweatshirt and beat up plaid pajama pants. The entire space looked clean, but just to make sure, she walked the entirety of it, cloth and surface-cleaner in hand to catch any stray smudge. After decimating the last stain she could find, she marvelled at her work before finally catching a whiff of herself, and nearly gagging, which would ruin her now clean floors. She covered her mouth and nose with her hand to hamper any attempts of the scent to snake it's way in and attack her, and began to head to the bathroom. She paused at the clock above the kitchen counter, and seeing it was already 7:47, she yelped as she switched into high gear. She didn't want to be tardy on her first day back.


Forty-five minutes later, Minako's small kei car pulled up to the agency building. When she stepped out, she looked like a completely different woman than who was frantically disinfecting their home throughout the night. From wild ponytail and sweat-drenched clothes less than an hour ago, she now wore her typical attire, though she had traded the blazer in for a navy blue vest with a matching skirt and block-heel shoes, and her hair was very noticeably, very recently ironed. She stepped out of the go-kart that was her car, kicking the door closed behind as she held a decently sized white box, and hastily made her way inside, the cord of the headphones in her ears bouncing from side to side as she went. Hope kindled in her as she prayed that Eagle wouldn't see her yet, as she didn't want to get an earful from him at that precise moment.

She snuck through the hallways, keeping an eye out for anyone, but it seemed the agency was empty for the most part. She stopped, and a small pout formed on her lips. She had hoped that there would be some of her colleagues there to welcome her back, but if they were out on patrol or had other obligations, it wasn't her place to complain. The most likely reason was Eagle had taken them out for a training session, and that meant Minako had missed it, which was rather exciting. The last thing she wanted to do was get all sweaty again after already rinsing herself.

Eventually, she turned a corner and saw the distinct lilac hair that signified the presence of one Nexette, or Katherine Mae, as Minako knew her better as. She ducked back behind the corner quickly, wondering if she should approach her. She wasn't sure if she would be happy or upset to see her, since it always felt like it was hard to read her expressions. In all honesty, Minako preffered those who were easier to understand, who wore their emotions clearer on their face, or expressed it better through their actions, but Mae had always been rather kind to her. Was it okay to bother her now?

She steeled herself, pulling her headphones out of her ears and walking around the corner towards the other woman. She caught the end of the newscast that was playing on the TV, of the shady individual the Eagle Agency had apprehended the day before, and his mysterious death. Minako walked close enough for her to be within earshot of Mae, and turned her eyes to the TV, just as Nexette was about to walk off. "A terrible thing, but out of our control. Prisons are filled with plenty of wackjobs that may simply feel the need to take their aggression out on the easiest target, and what's easier than a newbie in their world?" She then turned and gave a slight smile to Katherine. "Hello, Miss Mae. Care to fill me in with anything I've missed these last few weeks?"

Interactions: Katherine Mae Britt-21 Britt-21
Mentions: (somewhat/quoted) Oshiro Ruriko Beann Beann
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~Murder Scene~
[Interacts: Katherine Britt-21 Britt-21 ]
[Mentions: Ono Refaulted Refaulted // Nakano Servant Servant // Aya QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel // Tatsuo AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa ]]

For the most part Jin's sector had been relatively uneventful, the rabbit hero Springer getting the luck of the draw as he listened to the peaceful musings of the various civilians going about their daily lives. Aside from apprehending a single rogue balloon making a skyward escape from its captor, Jin had been untroubled by his patrol duty and had instead found himself cloud gazing; his ears still listening out for anything out of the ordinary but his mind beginning to wander as he allowed himself to take in the tranquil atmosphere all around him.

Alas, peace as per the rule of life was always going to be a fleeting luxury and the sudden interference of Nexette's voice through the earpiece had very quickly anchored Jin back down to earth and more importantly his duty. Ear's perking up and closed eyes opening, Jin stood tall and turned towards the general direction of where Katherine was meant to be patrolling. It wasn't too far from where Jin was, nor was it going to take him long to make his way there given his use of a shortcut.

That being said, Jin had yet to move from his spot and had instead remained rooted to his spot as he listened attentively to the news being relayed to him, 'an unknown shooter... a potential assassination... a dead villain?'. Whilst the general picture had been painted for Jin, there was still a lot of unknown factors at play. Without a doubt, Jin had to be prepared for anything.

"That's received Nexette, I'm making my way over as we speak" replied Jin, both legs compressing to take the form of springs as he lowered his centre of gravity and began to build up just enough pressure to launch himself three storeys skyward. As he did so, his forearms soon began to compress in a similar fashion, this second set of spring coils set to shoot forward just as he reached the upper most limit of his skyward trajectory. The plan was simple, he'd propel himself upward and just as he was slowing down and about to descend he'd alter his trajectory; the 2nd set of springs designed to pull him forward onto the roof of the adjacent building and to give him enough speed to break out into a sprint. A simple task for the rabbit hero.

"I'll be approaching from Sector 4, I'll let you know if I see anything suspicious" spoke Jin as the sound of rushing wind could be heard through his com device. Despite quite clearly hearing that Aya would be cutting her holiday time short, Jin had remained unfazed by her surprise interjection and would have also remained quiet had his opinions not differed slightly to that of Tatsuo's whose voice soon cut through the transmission. A faint sigh could be heard coming from Jin as he kept tight lipped on the subject matter. He had his own views on daylight assassination but had chosen to keep them to himself.

Small talk was not his forte.

It was just under 10 minutes before Jin found himself standing above the rooftop, the rabbit hero glancing down at the streets below where Katherine, Ono and a rather pent up Nakano were, though the latter soon herself intimidating the life out of a crowd of onlookers. Some of them did appear to enjoy being shouted at...fan's of Sunotaiga?

"Nothing out of the ordinary from the direction I've come from. Has there been any new information since the shooting?" inquired Jin. His eyes now narrowing as he focused towards the group of police officers, or to be precise the two who looked quite shaken up and covered in blood splatter. The pair of them would have been in the perfect position to have seen something. However seeing as they were being treated by other servicemen, Jin soon turned his focus away from 'spotting' and instead doubled his efforts towards his ability to hear.

Listening hard, Jin tried to listen for anything that seemed out of the ordinary...

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Refaulted Refaulted Servant Servant

Katherine paused when she had been approached by Ono, another one of her coworkers who returned from vacation(?). To be frank, she was one of the many favorites that the woman had; Both quirk-wise, as well as personality-wise. "Even so, Ono, it's still suspicious that he died on the first night at the prison...Take note that whoever dies in the prison doesn't always have screen time like this..." she claimed before continuing "There's not much that you've missed, but let me explain on the way out..." after all, she'd be doing her own rounds about the city. A little company wouldn't hurt that trip, right? Lifting her hand to her earpiece, she spoke "Nakano, you're coming on patrol with Ono and myself... So come on, let's go." dropping her hand, she began to walk toward the entrance, knowing Ono would have to follow since she would now be dragged to go on patrol to learn about what happened while she had been absent. Nakano replied, sounding like she didn't want to go, but knowing Katherine, she had no choice in the matter.

Soon the Trio had met out front and began to patrol, Kathy herself catching Ono up "We've only had the usual criminals, nothing to the extreme... The most we could have gotten was an explosion yesterday morning, as well as a large fire that we luckily handled...Today we have a new recruit that Eagle himself brought in...I don't know much about him, but he seems like a decent character..." she said as they rounded a corner, spotting a few police cars parked in front of a store while some officers themselves came from said-store, holding a criminal in cuffs and bringing him to the car "As you can see, the general emergengy services have been able to take care of issues that arise like this... Just because they're so small... Eagle claimed we had about 10% less crime as of late, which isn't bad at all...Very good actually..." as they walked by the officers, she gave them a friendly wave and continued down the block, making another turn down a corner."I'm happy that you're back with us, Ono...Isn't that right, Nakano?" she asked Sunotaiga, with a very tiny smile.

» Nakano Harada
『 TAGGED 』 Mentions: Katayama
Interactions: Britt-21 Britt-21 Refaulted Refaulted

The previous day hadn’t exactly been kind to Nakano. Not only had she expended her vocal cord’s usability during her attempts at guiding the panicked mob, she wasn’t even able to cave-in the skull of whoever had started the fire. She wasn’t even allowed to deal him a single well-earned blow. And to add insult to injury, the speedy brat that had slipped past her was now joining the agency for some godforsaken reason, though at least that meant that making him pay for hurting her pride was a much easier task now. Hah, it’s nothing a few sparring “accidents” couldn’t fix, if he ended up becoming a mangled mess of broken bones then Nakano could just excuse herself by saying she didn’t know he was so weak.Truly a flawless plan, however that would have to wait, for today she would be enforcing a small holiday upon herself for a well-deserved break. What’s the holiday’s name? Uh, “For your own safety leave Nakano alone”-day. Everything had been perfectly planned, while the grand majority of the agency members discussed their trip to the mall Nakano had raided the fridge and practically barricaded herself inside the breakroom. With a sigh of relief and a mountain of snacks to last her throughout the day Nakano hopped onto her favorite couch, turned on the TV and simply allowed herself to relax for a bit. Just in time too, her favorite show was just starting. As the opening played Nakano reached for a sealed bag of chips, readying herself to open it with the song’s climax:

♫Replace everything that is making you scared~Tomorrow's time is only lost~ From anyone's level, let's jump to the sky and CLIMAX JU-♫ "Nakano, you're coming on patrol with Ono and myself... So come on, let's go."

That recognizable monotonic voice delivered those horrid words to the tiger girl right through her earpiece, completely shattering her peaceful reality. For a moment there was quiet, but just like a heating kettle things escalated straight to the fuming point. “UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGH” Was Nakano’s only response to Kat’s demands. In the heat of the moment Nakano had used her full strength to rip the chip bag right open, dispersing all of its crispy goods across the pristine floor. Despite her obvious rage however there were no attempts by Nakano to disobey the orders, the last thing she needed was for Kat to snitch her to Eagle this early in the day, so Nakano just stomped her way out of the breakroom, nearly ripping the door from its frame as she opened it.

Some time later.

Even after the trio had rendezvoused at the entrance and commenced their walk Nakano was still angrily muttering every single curse word she knew to herself, and trust me when I say that they were more than enough to even make the entirety of the navy blush. Hell, she even created some new profanities as they walked along, though this creative process was interrupted yet again, courtesy of Katherine:

"I'm happy that you're back with us, Ono...Isn't that right, Nakano?"

“Huh? No? Why would I be happy? All she ever did back when she was still here was chew me out every single time I was relaxing with my comfortable mess. The last thing I WANT is for people to mess with ME whenever I am trying to RELAX.” Direct as always, it really didn’t take an expert to tell that Nakano was still grumpy about this forced outing, especially after she had assumed she was safe from the mall trip. She was more than prepared to keep complaining to her seniors, though this lecture was interrupted by a blood-chilling sound:


A single gunshot. Nakano’s ears completely straightened themselves, her eyes widening in surprise. In the mere blink of an eye, without uttering a single word, Nakano sprinted towards the source of the gunshot, allowing her primal instincts to take over for the time being. The intent behind the sound didn’t matter, during times like this she was taught to strive for a single objective: Ensure the safety of nearby civilians.

code by @Nano
Ono Minako

It was nice to be back on the job, even if it was something as basic as making their rounds of the surrounding area. It was an important task of the heroes, ensuring the safety of the citizens and being prepared to leap into action should something happen. Was it awash with glory? Absolutely not, but it beat sitting around in the agency, waiting for opportunity to strike, or even worse, for Eagle to appear and force them into his hellish training regime. Not that Minako was complaining one bit. Since joining the agency, she has never felt more in shape, save from high school. By the time she joined the avian-like hero, she hadn't realized how much she had fallen behind on her physical prowess, so it was a welcome change.

Still didn't change the fact it was grueling on one's body.

As Kathy finished her summary of the past few days and Nakano finished her rather scathing comment, Minako's large eyes peered through her bangs at her fierce, feline colleague. "Outer order contributes to inner calm, Miss Nakano. I merely wish to see you and my other juniors reach your full potential, and being at peace inside helps you deal with your work on the outside." She looked down to her hands, where she was passing a small, shiny 100 yen coin between them. "...but if it would make you feel better, I'll just take care of it while you're gone. A win-win for us both."

The sudden bang completely silenced Minako, who barely even flinched. She quickly palmed the coin, gripping it tightly as her head twisted to look over her shoulder, trying to discern the source of the gunshot, but saw Sunotaiga already launching into action, sprinting in back the way they had come. If anyone's senses were to trust, Minako would place her bets on Nakano, every time. Minako couldn't fall behind now. She began to pull a pair of green gloves out of her pocket, sliding them onto her hands. "Let's not fall behind, Nexette." As she began to run in the direction Nakano had thundered off in, she pulled a pair of matching green goggles out, putting them on as she ran.

Mentions: N/A
Interactions: Nakano Servant Servant Katherine Britt-21 Britt-21


Itsui Itsui Refaulted Refaulted Phayne Phayne Servant Servant

Katherine knew Nakano wouldn't have given good feedback in regards to her statement. But that was just how she was, and she was loved regardless of her rude remarks. Nothing changes with you, Nakano. thought the Hero as she glanced at Ono, loving the way that she easily handled the situation and didn't even get one ounce of annoyance. Kudos to her. Composed as ever without issue. as the quiet one of the group, it was sort of fun to watch others interact, mainly because she was never involved and found it quite amusing whenever people would get annoyed, or mad over little things. "We are all friends here, Nakano, Ono, and I'm sure you both don't mind it... Surely..." she said softly before a singular gunshot was set off, causing her to go onto high alert and look around at the surrounding area. Their cat was already on the run in the general direction, which happened to be back from which they had came. Giving a firm nod to Ono, the pair began to run after Nakano, rounding the corner and revealing the scene before them.

The villain that the cops had arrested, was shot straight through the skull, giving him instant death. Cops had their guns drawn and were hopefully looking in the direction of the shooter, possibly giving the Heroes some idea. Nexette lifted her hand to her ear and began to speak "Springer, I know you're out here with us...We have a situation..." she began, knowing that those at the mall were going to hear over this no doubt. "We passed by a scene earlier of the authorities taking away a Villain, as soon as we rounded a corner, we heard a gunshot and came back to find the Villain dead but the cops okay..." her eyes had narrowed a little bit as she began to activate her Nexus just in case "From the position of the body..." she approached the dead body of the male, being sure to not step in any blood and crouched down looking at the bullet wound and glanced around for the bullet hole itself. Once found, she looked in the direction it could have came from "I'm not sure if they were shot from a roof top, or a floor within a building... But they were shot from the east of our location..."

Katherine had given him their current location, wondering who could do this. A vigilante? it was a possibility, definitely not out of that realm. I'm going to have to report this to the night shift staff as well... Who knows how long this could go on for. "One might guess someone is being a Vigilante... Pretending to be a hero by killing those who do ill deeds... But a monster themselves...Springer, if you could, please check the rooftops nearby, see if there's anyone suspicious and report back asap..." couldn't ever be too cautious...especially with a gunner. Amethyst hues glanced back down at the body just briefly before looking toward the ambulance which approached the scene as fast as they could "Sunotaiga, Gel Gal, lets make sure there's no one fleeing the scene in a hurry who's on the suspicious side..."
≛ Ichiro Kusumoto
『 TAGGED 』 Beann Beann One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Itsui Itsui StealthyShades StealthyShades
"See? That wasn't so bad was it? I'm not drinking jet fuel today, that's only on the weekends." Ichiro said, taking the flask back from candlehead. He took another swig before putting it back into his pocket. "Sorry to tell you candlehead, but I'm simply not into people shorter than me. Don't get your hopes up so much." Ichiro said with the best straight face he could pull off. He loved messing with the rookie and him being a hothead made it all the more fun. "I'm gonna go to the liquor store with Tsukuyomi before I go get my shoes." He said, moving towards Katayama to put his arm on his shoulder. "And you are gonna join me in my alcoholic's paradise. Think of me as your mentor. I gotta show you the ropes of being a good hero. We'll start by refining your tastes in alcohol." He said, taking his hand off candlehead.

Ichiro turned to Ruri and Dante, his eyes moving between them ever so often. "I'm not sure how interested you both are in going to the liquor store but you're more than welcome to join us. We can finally get you all some good booze." He said, turning back around in the direction of the liquor store. "I'm not very rich candlehead, so don't expect me to vouch for you." Ichiro said, pulling his flask once more from his pocket. He unscrewed the top, taking another swig. He always tried to keep his drinking to manageable levels during the day so he could make it home in one piece. After a short walk, Ichiro pulled open the doors of the store and he was in heaven.

Walls were lined of different liquors, wines and beers; Ichiro was like a kid in a candy store. He wanted everything but his wallet told him no. He caught sight of a specific bottle of bourbon all the way from Kentucky. "It's rare seeing this all the way in the east." Ichiro said, picking up the bottle. Americans knew how to make good alcohol, except for beer. Drinking their beer was like drinking from a toilet that hadn't been flushed for days. It was an embarrassment to call it beer. Ichiro put the bottle down once he read the price. He really wanted to try it but he wasn't prepared to put his cereal money into it. After a few minutes of looking over bottles, he grabbed a bottle of sake. "Cheap and great in taste, fantastic for getting drunk as quickly as possible. Not on the job of course." Ichiro said, looking up from the bottle. If you didn't like sake, you weren't Japanese in his eyes.
code by @Nano
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Tsukuyomi Hachiman
Making a Jack and Coke Soon...

"Sorry to tell you candle head, but I'm simply not into people shorter than me. Don't get your hopes up so much."

I hope he doesn’t scare Junior off. If he is going to be Eagle’s new recruit, we don’t want him to have a negative view of the team. We need him to trust us.

"I'm gonna go to the liquor store with Tsukuyomi before I go get my shoes." “I’ll be with you two in a second” Tsukuyomi took a glance at Ruri and Dante. He chuckles to himself which ended in a grin. “Oh, before I forget.” Tsukuyomi pulls out his wallet and pulls out 25,000 yen and hands it to Ruri. “Ruri, this is for both You and Aikio’s shoes that you wanted to buy. Take it as a token of gratitude.” He said with a kind smile. Tsukuyomi cared about Ruri, though he wasn’t sure how he truly felt about her. Right now, I hope she doesn’t think that I am trying to be some type of sugar daddy. He thought to himself. Knowing she is a very caring individual, all he wanted for her was to be able to enjoy her time off. After being in deep thought, Tsukuyomi returned to reality and smiled at Ruri. “If you two want to join, you can but do whatever you guys want.” As he approached the liquor store, he found himself stuck in his thoughts once again. Shortly after, he snapped out of it when he heard Ichiro say

After that, he left the two alone and proceeded to follow Ichiro and Katayama to the liquor store.
As he approached the liquor store, he found himself stuck in his thoughts once again. Shortly after, he snapped out of it when he heard Ichiro say "It's rare seeing this all the way in the east." Tsukuyomi looked at the bottle that Ichiro was holding before he put it back. Not sure if it’s good, but if Ichiro wants it I may get it for him. Without uttering a word, Tsukuyomi grabbed the bottle of bourbon for Ichiro and two bottles of whisky for himself before going up to the counter and purchasing them. Hopefully, Ichiro doesn’t realize that bourbon is his.

"Cheap and great in taste, fantastic for getting drunk as quickly as possible. Not on the job of course." Tsukuyomi states to the group that he has never had sake before, but he will try it unless Ichiro drinks it all. In Tsukuyomi’s eyes, Ichiro has always felt like the guy that will start the party and will keep it going as long as there’s alcohol. He is very blunt and always will say what is on his mind and he can always respect that. He redirects his attention towards Katayama and asked if he found any alcohol that looks excellent.
Code By Nano
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Aya Sukemi
Aya’s eyes ran over the various colors of paint available in the arts’ store closest to her apartment, her fingers hovering over the various shades. Truthfully, she wouldn’t have left her apartment at all if it weren’t for the fact that she needed more supplies to finish her latest masterpiece. Whenever Aya felt ‘inspired’, it could be days before her neighbors ever saw her face outside again. It was no problem for Aya because she had no work today—no work for the entire week in fact. Eagle had granted her a weeklong vacation to deal with a family situation that arose when her uncle was hospitalized by a criminal he had been trying to catch. More time than she needed, considering the man was still fit as a fiddle, despite his injuries…but it served as further fuel for her parents who didn’t want her doing dangerous work like him. Their calls have been more annoying as of late.

Yet Aya swelled with pride when the Eagle Agency made the news yesterday, commenters praising her co-workers’ swift response compared to the firefighters, and cited that as a reason for her to continue her line of work. All the people whose lives were saved by heroes. Aya wasn’t a kid anymore. She had her own source of income. Paid her own bills. She was capable of making her own choices. However, to her parents, Aya doubted she would ever stop being their kid. Even if she married or had kids of her own—like her mother wanted—she doubted it would ever change.

Shaking her head to clear herself of the strange thought, Aya frowned when the Eagle Agency communication device fell out of her pocket and blared to life:

"We passed by a scene earlier of the authorities taking away a Villain, as soon as we rounded a corner, we heard a gunshot and came back to find the Villain dead but the cops okay..."

"From the position of the body..."


“…But they were shot from the east of our location...”

More static. Glancing at the store clerk, Aya shrugged, smiling sheepishly before picking up the device and placing it in her ear to listen to the rest. It wasn’t as if her identity as Chromatic Crusader was a secret per say—since her name was listed in the hero registry—but Aya rather liked her anonymity to the general public…and not having reporters pester her while not in hero costume. It would also endanger her family to have her true identity exposed so openly where villains could easily access it.

Aya wasn’t sure if she’d agree with Katherine calling Vigilantes a monster…but someone who shot a criminal when they were already in the custody of the police was certainly breaking the law. Heroes, in this day and age, were protectors of the law who worked alongside the police. Her vacation didn’t end until tomorrow and yet…

“Chromatic Crusader is on her way,”

After returning to her apartment, grabbing her costume, and getting changed of course. Aya sighed. She could practically hear Paper Samurai complaining about her lack of foresight in failing to bring her hero costume wherever she went. Heroes never knew when they would be called to act, etc, etc. They needed to always be prepared, etc, etc. One of the reasons she joined Eagle Agency was to get away from Paper Samurai's nagging. Certainly, she could go without her costume…but she ran the risk of being considered a vigilante without her hero license on her.

Eyes glowing the pale shade of her shirt, Aya telekinetically lifted herself off the ground (by her shirt) and flew out the store towards her apartment window on the fourth floor.

interactions: Britt-21 Britt-21 ...and anyone else who's listening to the line.


Interacting: Britt-21 Britt-21 @RadioShooterPeople
Mentioned: Aya Sukemi

The clear water poured from the wooden ladle, engulfing Tatsuo's left hand. She switched, drizzling some more on her right. Pouring a little more back into her left, she brought the water to her mouth, gently rinsing over the shrine's temizuya, or water basin at which worshipers purified themselves, literally and figuratively. With one more rinsing of her left hand, she slowly raised the ladle to let the remaining water rinse over the handle, then returning it to its original spot.

This wasn't the shrine at the Eagle Agency's base, but a well-kept one beside the mall that the team ventured out to for today. There wasn't much Tatsuo really needed to buy, so she abstained outside. So far so pleasant. She had amiable discussions with the resident priest, explored the inner parts of shrine after they realized who she was, and exchanged greetings with visitors stopping by for a quick prayer. It was supposed to be another serene day in Tatsuo's life.

Then the Agency's communication device came to life, echoing Katherine's voice. An apprehended villain—killed before a chance to repent. Not done in by the hands of the kami's judgement, but by the judgement of another. Someone who sees themselves of the same authority, taking one's life in a delusional manner. In her eyes, as impure as the villain they slew.

Tatsuo held the device to her ear, retaining her soft smile. "Ara ara, Katherine. To call one a 'monster' is too hasty; everybody has a chance to re-achieve harae." Reaching for a 500 yen coin in her purse, she went up the stone stairs of the shrine. She rang the nearby bell, calling the attention of the kami. "The Miko shall be there, and we will see if this Vigilante is one of them." Tatsuo threw the coin into the offering box. Bow twice, clap twice, bow once. And, she prayed. For the Vigilante and their impure deeds. For their own cleansing of all that went wrong for them to fall like this. For the kami's mercy.

When she turned to leave, she spotted someone dart through the air with a distinct lack of a costume. Ara ara... Tatsuo giggled, deciding not to call Aya out on it. It wasn't her place to judge, and besides, she could understand not wanting the attention of a hero all day and night. Tatsuo looked down at her clothes as she walked away. A perk of being a shrine maiden: not having to change much when going between civilian and hero mode. Not with traditional miko outfits that could be found at any shrine.

As Tatsuo stepped out from the torii gate, she spun around to offer one more bow, as per custom. What emerged from the gate right after were hundreds of the small, spherical white kami, bunched together like a bright cloud. They spun around Tatsuo for half a minute before organizing themselves behind the still woman. Unless she could construct a bunsha there in time, there'd have been no supply of the spirits until then. Haragushi in hand, The Miko made her way to Katherine's position with the kami following suit.
» Nakano Harada
『 TAGGED 』 Mentions: Ayayayayayaya
Interactions: Britt-21 Britt-21 Refaulted Refaulted AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

A vigilante huh? A rare yet not exactly unwelcome sight in the eyes of Nakano. Granted, there’s no denying that their actions should remain illegal lest they end up killing someone who was falsely accused of committing a crime, but even so the tiger girl did grant an ounce of respect to those quirkless civilians that chose to take matters into their own hands against known villains. HOWEVER, at the end of the day a vigilante’s actions usually end up robbing Nakano of a chance to get into a fight, ergo they deserved to be punished. If she isn’t allowed to kill some crime committing bastard then NOBODY is.

Ah, speaking of consequences for one’s actions (Or in this case, lack thereof) two very recognizable voices came over her earpiece. The first belonged to Aya, one of Nakano’s favorite seniors. Unlike some OTHERS the colorful hero never seemed to mind whenever Nakano made a mess of the breakroom, as a matter of fact she seemed to encourage that sort of behavior. Such is the reason why when Aya requested a week-long leave due to some urgent family matters that Nakano acted uncharacteristically gloomy for a brief period of time. Hearing her voice and the fact that she was heading over towards the crime scene did brighten up her cranky spirits ever so slightly.
Still, any sort of happiness she might’ve experienced were completely erased by her trademark surge of unbridled anger the moment she heard the second voice: Tatsuo. As far as her seniors went the shrine maiden landed quite perfectly at the center of the “seniors likability tier list”. Nakano simply didn’t cause a mess within the general area of the agency’s shrine and Tatsuo didn’t really go out of her way to regularly pester Nakano when she was chilling inside her own "shrine". This is why the reason for her rage wasn’t relating to some previously held bad blood, oh no, this was for some completely different matter: “TATSUO, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU YESTERDAY!?” Nakano yelled over the comms. “IF I DON’T GET TO SKIP OVER A MISSION THEN YOU SURE AS HELL CAN’T EITHER, YOU BETTER HAVE AN EXCUSE FOR THIS!” And Eagle better have prepared a suitable punishment for the shrine maiden, otherwise she would be the one dishing it out.

Back to the main issue at hand, after calming down enough, Nakano looked over at the villain’s corpse, feeling nothing but apathy towards him. The dude was a villain after all, if he wasn’t concerned with other people’s safety then why should she be concerned for his. Nevertheless, she had a job to do, and thus she turned away from the crime scene to face Ono and Kat, nodding as a response to the latter's orders. “You don’t have to tell me twice, no matter how hard I have to beat 'em up I promise you I’ll subdue whoever did this.” Nakano answered, confident as ever. Without a moment to spare Nakano headed straight down the street and towards a slowly forming crowd of onlookers. Dealing with packed groups of civilians was her specialty, after all who’d wanna stand in the way of a crazed looking tiger girl running right at you? “OUT OF THE WAY!” Nakano ordered, shocking the group enough for them to make enough space for her to perfectly run by. After yesterday’s event she had plenty of pent up frustration brewing up, the poor schmuck who did this better pray Nakano wasn’t the one who found them first.

code by @Nano


~Murder Scene~
[Interacts: Katherine Britt-21 Britt-21 ]
[Mentions: Ono Refaulted Refaulted // Nakano Servant Servant // Aya QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel // Tatsuo AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa ]]

For the most part Jin's sector had been relatively uneventful, the rabbit hero Springer getting the luck of the draw as he listened to the peaceful musings of the various civilians going about their daily lives. Aside from apprehending a single rogue balloon making a skyward escape from its captor, Jin had been untroubled by his patrol duty and had instead found himself cloud gazing; his ears still listening out for anything out of the ordinary but his mind beginning to wander as he allowed himself to take in the tranquil atmosphere all around him.

Alas, peace as per the rule of life was always going to be a fleeting luxury and the sudden interference of Nexette's voice through the earpiece had very quickly anchored Jin back down to earth and more importantly his duty. Ear's perking up and closed eyes opening, Jin stood tall and turned towards the general direction of where Katherine was meant to be patrolling. It wasn't too far from where Jin was, nor was it going to take him long to make his way there given his use of a shortcut.

That being said, Jin had yet to move from his spot and had instead remained rooted to his spot as he listened attentively to the news being relayed to him, 'an unknown shooter... a potential assassination... a dead villain?'. Whilst the general picture had been painted for Jin, there was still a lot of unknown factors at play. Without a doubt, Jin had to be prepared for anything.

"That's received Nexette, I'm making my way over as we speak" replied Jin, both legs compressing to take the form of springs as he lowered his centre of gravity and began to build up just enough pressure to launch himself three storeys skyward. As he did so, his forearms soon began to compress in a similar fashion, this second set of spring coils set to shoot forward just as he reached the upper most limit of his skyward trajectory. The plan was simple, he'd propel himself upward and just as he was slowing down and about to descend he'd alter his trajectory; the 2nd set of springs designed to pull him forward onto the roof of the adjacent building and to give him enough speed to break out into a sprint. A simple task for the rabbit hero.

"I'll be approaching from Sector 4, I'll let you know if I see anything suspicious" spoke Jin as the sound of rushing wind could be heard through his com device. Despite quite clearly hearing that Aya would be cutting her holiday time short, Jin had remained unfazed by her surprise interjection and would have also remained quiet had his opinions not differed slightly to that of Tatsuo's whose voice soon cut through the transmission. A faint sigh could be heard coming from Jin as he kept tight lipped on the subject matter. He had his own views on daylight assassination but had chosen to keep them to himself.

Small talk was not his forte.

It was just under 10 minutes before Jin found himself standing above the rooftop, the rabbit hero glancing down at the streets below where Katherine, Ono and a rather pent up Nakano were, though the latter soon herself intimidating the life out of a crowd of onlookers. Some of them did appear to enjoy being shouted at...fan's of Sunotaiga?

"Nothing out of the ordinary from the direction I've come from. Has there been any new information since the shooting?" inquired Jin. His eyes now narrowing as he focused towards the group of police officers, or to be precise the two who looked quite shaken up and covered in blood splatter. The pair of them would have been in the perfect position to have seen something. However seeing as they were being treated by other servicemen, Jin soon turned his focus away from 'spotting' and instead doubled his efforts towards his ability to hear.

Listening hard, Jin tried to listen for anything that seemed out of the ordinary...

≛ Ichiro Kusumoto
『 TAGGED 』Interactions: Servant Servant Itsui Itsui StealthyShades StealthyShades Mentions: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
Ichiro ended up purchasing the bottle of sake for himself to drink later in the day. As the cashier was putting his sake in a bag, he heard news over the comms which took him by suprise. A villain had been murdered in broad daylight, right in front of the police. Not something you hear everyday in Tokyo. "It sounds like they ran into quite the situation out there." He grabbed his bottle from the counter and walked past Tsukuyomi, "You got quite a few bottles there, I hope you intend on sharing." Ichiro said, briefly stopping in front of Katayama to talk to him. "You may actually get to see action today; I guess your initiation will have to wait." After saying what he had to say, Ichiro proceeded out the door of the liquor store, turning around to the pair, "Let's go investigate a murder. The idea of getting shot today just sounds so riveting." Ichiro said with his plain tone. You couldn't tell if he was being serious or not but knowing him, he probably was.

Ichiro made no haste to get back to the agency's vehicle; the dude was already dead and him being a villain made Ichiro want to investigate it even less. At the end of the day, a murder was a murder and there was no telling who they would kill next. After opening the vehicle up, he put his bottle into a safe compartment to keep it from potentially being smashed. That was the last thing he would want for his precious sake. "After we investigate the scene, drinks are all on Katayama." He said, teasing the rookie again as the pair started to pile into the vehicle. Upon starting the vehicle, Ichiro took one more sip from his flask as good luck before moving onto the road. It was time to join the others at the scene.

“TATSUO, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU YESTERDAY!?” Ichiro sighed as he heard Nakano's booming voice through the comms, making him wish he could throw the ear piece right into the sewers. "Calm down Nakano, it sounds like somebody didn't take their medication this morning. You really have to untie that knot in your panties because you have them all in a bunch. I'm sure Tatsuo was just partying hard like me." Ichiro said, hoping to get under Nakano's skin. In a more serious manner, Ichiro began speaking over comms again, "We will be arriving on scene in approximately seven minutes." He said, starting to get more focused on the matter at hand. Fun and games were good in all but it was always important to remember your job, the reason Ichiro signed up for it. To protect the people who couldn't protect themselves.

code by @Nano
Ono Minako

By the time they arrived on the scene, Minako had fully shed her previous attire, balled up in a small green pouch she had tossed down an alley to retrieve later, now donning her hero outfit: a green spandex suit that cut off halfway down her thighs and just past her shoulders, accompanied by matching goggles and gloves, with plain white sneakers. It wasn't anything special, but it's simple design coincided well with her Quirk, so she refrained to making any unnecessary upgrades within the last few years. She didn't like being in the limelight anyways, so it worked well for her. She would leave all of that to her colleagues to be the stars.

She had more important things to worry about right now anyways. Minako quickly scanned her surroundings, from the dead body being investigated by Nexette to the crowd beginning to flock around the scene. Of course they would be drawn to a scene of a crime like this. As far as they knew, the danger had passed. If it was another villain working with the deceased, then the cops would have been shot dead, or another civilian would have been targeted in order to cause more panic, allowing the first to escape. So of course, the brave or stupid came to see what was going on. People really could be morbid.

The cavalry was coming, almost every hero from the agency chiming in that they were on their way. Minako would prefer to have less on the case, in order to not spook the shooter, but more eyes and feet could help track down the culprit, so there was at least that. Nexette gave them their tasks, anyways, and Minako wasn't going to voice her disapproval right now. Sunotaiga was already off, her irritation coming off in waves as she addressed the crowd.

Gel Gal couldn't fall behind.

The hero turned the opposite direction of Sunotaiga, taking in a deep breath. She moved to take a step forward, but before her foot hit the ground, a green, slightly opaque substance shot out from the skin on her legs, lifting her up about seven meters above the crowd. The gelatin wobbled slightly as it formed, but straightened out and held steady as it enveloped the lower half of Gel Gal's body. It wasn't incredibly wide, allowing space for emergency services or the other heroes to pass by if necessary. "All citizens, remain calm and please remain where you are. We have the situation handled, but we require your assistance to make sure we can do our jobs properly. If anyone has information, please provide it to myself or one of the other heroes on the scene. Thank you." Gel Gal wasn't one to typically enjoy dealing with the crowds, but she had plenty of practice in the last few years. She could at least handle basic things like that.

She kept her eyes peeled from her vantage point, making sure no onlooker seemed suspicious, and to keep an eye out for any potential attacks from their mystery assailant. Sunotaiga could chase them down, she wasn't worried about that. But if the innocents were suddenly under attack, Gel Gal would have to focus on protecting them. She had to prepare at a moment's notice.

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