Other Would you die for your beliefs? (Serious answers only)

Specifically what are the things that you believe in?

I'm not triggering anything. I'm just honestly very curious.
That you should help your fellow man/women
That everyone should have equality of starting conditions
That we are in a purposeless, lawless universe and all we believe usually comes from social stigma (Including this)
You can truly do anything you want or find meaning in anything. But be willing to call yourself and others out for it.

OR to sum it up "No one exist for a reason, dont be a dick"
I'd definitely say ANYTHING to get a gun away from my face. How do I know this? I'm transgender- a transgender male. If I look more female or I don't feel safe, I'll use the women's bathroom, just to prevent getting beat up. I'm a baby about a few punches. Not just that, but I've left a men's restroom and used the women's before because there was only one toilet and it was full of poop. Not the kind that would flush. I'm a baby about shitting in a broken toilet! Torture? A gun? I'll say what I need to.
This is an interesting topic. Firstly, I have to assume this is simple. Black and white, either do this or die. No other alternatives. Because if there were alternatives I would choose to fight back above all else. Honor is not something to be taken lightly. This is also personal for me. I have this thing where I will speak my mind, do what I want, and not be silenced. It will certainly be the death of me if not for old age.

I digress, as it were. Since this is black and white, I would take the bullet. My only regret would be my lack of faith. I truly wish I could believe in god and an afterlife. But a good death will suit me fine. It would also teach my killer that my will was unbreakable. If they are smart enough to formulate such a thought. I would have to assume that they are intelligent, considering I got caught.
If someone held a gun to my head and asked for something as simple as claiming to devote my life to Christ forevermore, I'd switch up so fast. I'd drop to my knees and start praying right there. I'd spout passages of the Bible. I'd write a damn thesis on how Jesus is my Lord and savior in half an hour if a gun was held to my head. I value my life. I'm not dying for something as silly as a differing opinion. If some guy wants to believe he forced me to believe, then that's his issue. But you can project something outwardly and believe (or not believe) on the inside.
I might die for equity, but even then, that would be a scenario where my death would change the world for the better. And even then, I'm not sure I'd do it. Martyrdom is not for me. I don't see the point in dying just to die. If my death means something in the long run, then there's a chance I'd consider it. But I'm not gonna die just to prove a point. Think how sad my family and friends would be. And how stupid they'd find me-- I think that, in itself, would disappoint my parents more than anything.
Depends on the type of belief.

I believe in science and a healthy world. Gun to my head and someone tells me truthfully that if I die the environment will be saved and the world will return to a healthy state and never be harmed again? Sure. I'll take the bullet.

However, religion wise, I'm atheist and gun to my head if someone shoots me and that proves that god isn't real then no, I'd prefer to live.

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