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Fantasy Would Anybody be interested in a Medieval Anthro RP? (No ERPing)

What three story arcs aside from the final villain would you like to see?

  • Pirate-Themed

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Villain Team-up (Team of previous villains)

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Doomsday

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Haunted Forest

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Underground Civilization

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
Greetings! I see something interesting on the horizon. I wish to join you on your endeavors!
I must ask, Is there still room for one more?

-Signed Sir Panzer
The moment you sense me, you're dead
Darren Canavar


Name : Darren Canavar

Age : 33

Species : Fox

Role : Weapons Master

Special features : Other than what is seen in the picture, Darren has many sheaths and holsters for a vast array of weapons. Swords, knives, tomahawks, anything. There is a piece of his right ear missing, the hole sits right on the outside edge.

Likes : Combat, bladed weapons, a good fight, meat, hunting

Dislikes : Talking, staying still, missing the shot (not very common occurrence)

Attitude : Darren is your typical strong, silent type. His mind his hardened by years of fighting and he bares the scars. Pain is but a distant memory in his mind. He doesn't talk much for reasons unknown. In the rare occurrence he does talk, he speaks in a moderately deep crystal clear voice with a slightly British sounding accent. He is known for putting himself on the front of any fight to show the grunts their position. Despite not being happy about it, he is defensive of his allies. It was hardwired into his mind during his training.

Things we should know about them : Not much is known about Darren. He's a relatively new addition to the crew and legends and rumors have already spread about his past. A few consist of how he lost a chunk of his ear or where he actually came from or who or what he even is.

Misc : He tends to keep his hood up, which has given his ears a slight lean because of how long they stay in that position.

Splendid! As My phone is utterly SHI-SCABOB with BB coding (it never works for some reason.) I will have to suffice with making a regular sheet with the slightly limited tools that I have. It wont be anything fancy but I assume that we were going to move our characters to a seperate thi-
Raku Raku
Right, just put them here. it'll be fine, we don't need an extra page for character sheets. unless you want me to create an extra page.

Ah, Alright, I shall try my best to create something that is enjoyable to look at. It may be a bit difficult but I shall PREVAIL!

William Scarlet
images (6).jpg
"Engineering, Mathematics, And Gunnery"

Age:12, the youngest of the crew.
Species: Cat

Role: Riflemen(Gunner)/ Ship engineer.
Back-round: Semi-Wealthy family from a British colony. It is
Being born into a wealthy family, it seemed very unlikely that he could end up in such a dangerous situation. During his younger years, he was educated by tutors on simple mathematics and sciences. During this time, he found it difficult to pay attention, as if his mind enjoyed wondering off instead. He just couldn't trust himself... This had led him to do poorly compared to his two -older and younger- brothers. Their father , an admiral in the British navy, had little time for this issue and simply hoped that the rough patch would end soon. The mother could not do much more for him.

Even more concerning was his behavior outside of lessons. Some-days he had been known to be completely full of energy, and seemed unable to settle from a "sugar-high" state. During other days, he felt gloomy or quiet, completely opposite of the day before...

Later on, it was decided by their parents that they would be trained for the British navy in hopes of pursuing their father's career. They would be trained with musketry and swordsmanship along with engineering and mathematics.
During this time, William had shown great interest in engineering- more so than the training. While he excelled in one subject, he quickly worsened in another.
Swordsmanship was a disaster for William. He was always failing at it, and brought disappointment from both his brothers and his parents. He soon found it normal to be beneath his brothers' shadows, and as a result , would usually shut himself from his family or others around him, preferring to stay quietly to the side. He felt unworthy to be in the presence of many.

The events above have led to his lack of self esteem or trust, as well as led him to leave his home in search of a way to better himself before returning. He joined the crew for that exact reason, and found a place where his years of training and his love for engineering were appreciated. He still, however, felt that his presence is unwelcome to such a crew of such extraordinary skill sets and sees himself as nothing but useless. Despite this, he still usually shows a smile on his face , as he would usually forget about it -and any thought of common sense apparently- on those days.
why he left to join the crew.

During his Idle times, William enjoys tinkering with the ship's hull,sail,and his own spot in the crew quarters. This is looked down upon by the rest of the crew, due to his tendency to "borrow" various items from their inventory.

William looks up to his fellow crew-members. While not tinkering- or laying in bed- he will actively seek work or someone to assist in the crew.

While tinkering and repairing hull is his forte , cleaning it seems too boring for him.

Sword-fighting is not his thing. If he is caught in a sword-ranged fight, William will attempt to flee immediately. That is if he can keep himself from panicking or hiding away from the fight in the first place.


  • On some days, William can be energetic and happy, yet still quiet and shy.
  • He can mainly be seen running around the ship or the docks.
  • He will also be in a silly mood, making jokes that poke fun at himself.
  • He will ask others around him if they need help with anything, but It isn't Ideal to send him on errands or missions without others for guidance , as he does tend to be absent-minded.
  • On other days, he will be found in his bed. William will most likely be glum or somewhat depressed during these days.
  • While it is possible to get him out of bed- it is not likely that he would be too happy about it.
  • He will be quiet - more so than being shy- and is usually in a state of deep thought.
  • This usually occurs randomly - and takes a bit to be established if it is during his wake. you could see it in the drop of liveliness in his eyes, while he still may hold a smile.


While he is shy with people, William does share conversation with items. He usually likes to talk to the ship while he fixes it, or he may discuss matters with his musket that he hold close to his heart.

During his depressed mood, he will often talk to himself in inaudible rambles. That would be a sign to not bother him.

(I think I'm done...)

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I feel like him and Darren are going to get along just fine. Both come from a past where their kin seem more like enemies. Also because Darren has an embarrassing soft spot for children.
I can tell that there is going to be a time where a few of the crew members are messing with William and Darren is going to literally drop in and be like "...". You know? Because he doesn't like to talk.
my social anxiety told me not to post, but ill be damned if i miss out on a possibly joining a furry rp x3

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