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Fandom Worlds United. (Invited Only)

(Examples,plus for now, I'll probably go with Ultimate, since your still Amazing but younger, and there's still differences.)
(K I'll allow TFS we both need to make sure not to use any one character too much. The exceptions are our two mains. Like Ben and Peter
(K I'll allow TFS we both need to make sure not to use any one character too much. The exceptions are our two mains. Like Ben and Peter
(my mains, i guess will be the same kinda, because this is probably the first time, I actually rp'd as spidey, and it's not even the main one. it's ultimate which is still one of my favorite series, So, Ultimate Peter,Albedo and Eddie
(my mains, i guess will be the same kinda, because this is probably the first time, I actually rp'd as spidey, and it's not even the main one. it's ultimate which is still one of my favorite series, So, Ultimate Peter,Albedo and Eddie
(I said two you should drop Peter and rplace him with Eddie)
(Let's not do Maine's just play characters) When they returned Piccolo was just now teaching MonKi techniques.
(Ye,) "Wow, Nice to see the green one is training Ben" Beerus said
"Good now you try it." Piccolo said. MonKi moved his indexanf middle fingers to his head looking at a boulder. He threw his arm out pointing at it. "MAKAKENSAPPO!" He yelled. The blast destroyed the boulder.
"Wow, I see improvement" Beerus said.
MonKi smiled and turned back into Ben. "I sent Goku and Vegeta to try and recruit the Fairy Tail Wizards." He said. (Get Crunchyroll and watch I promise you will not regret.)

Gku landed in front of the tall Fairy Tail guild building.
MonKi smiled and turned back into Ben. "I sent Goku and Vegeta to try and recruit the Fairy Tail Wizards." He said. (Get Crunchyroll and watch I promise you will not regret.)

Gku landed in front of the tall Fairy Tail guild building.
(Got that Crunchyroll, going to watch it tho.) Vegeta flew off
(K) "Alright if they don't come out in the next minute, I am leaving. I can handle this Voldemort freak. Not like I need your help.
The door opened and a woman was standing there looking at them with a please talk smile.


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