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Fantasy World of V.O.N.N (Virtual Overlay Neural Network)

The Silent Z

Just Here
World of V.O.N.N
(A New Idea... DA/ME/Greedfall inspired)

You are from the year 2387, likely from somewhere on planet Earth or born upon some vessel orbiting around the planet and wandering the galaxy in this vast universe that seems to only expand with life in all forms. Even as far as the human race has come in technological advancements and medical sciences, for all the discoveries made in the various forms of life and different species found to be living in other worlds across the galaxy. Life still can seem rather boring as great obstacles occur daily in struggles efforts to prevent any further pandemics especially with new life discovered elsewhere. The scientists, doctors and countless others in related fields unable to keep up with the abundance of potential risks between species and unknowing of one another should a new virus begin to spread or be discovered in a single person.

You like many others have seen countless advertisements for a new glorious virtual reality company that has promised a new, exciting life of your choosing (barring its not X-Rated as is forbidden) it’s a AD seen spreading like wildfire back on earth and even catching eyes across the galaxy if a tad slower. Each passing day comes and leaves, this AD becomes more and more appealing. So it does for many others if they can afford it. Making your decision to experience this fantasyland setting filled with adventure, excitement and all you could imagine possible, you set out for Las Vegas, Nevada back on Earth.

When you arrive and discover a host of others with the same intentions and curiosity, you are taken shortly there after to some white walled room with a silver and black chair that at first may have reminded you of some movie you’d seen and how similar it was.... How in the movie this kind of set up didn’t end well. However promises are made that it’s all safe and has been checked each hour to ensure proper function and updated systems to keep everything running smoothly. (A bit like the movie more and more, hey?) Finally you decide to take your chances and sit in the chair.

It’s here you are then taken to the World of VONN...

A tropical world not too far different from Earth except it is home to many wonderous and fantastical creatures some of whom are also quite dangerous . While the setting appears to lay somewhere in the 1700’s as you awake upon the sands of some beach well rested and full of life, as you gaze around spotting the cool and lively waters of the ocean, ships could be seen here and there at near ports or heard pending where you happen to awake upon the beach. The sounds of life could be heard from miles around as people wander about their day in the near city of Perle’ ....

However you soon discover you’re not alone on this journey. A malfunction occurred back in reality that brought those very same host of people you last saw before being taken to that room. Each one of you have been trapped in the World of VONN together and life as you know it would become quite different then you could have ever imagined. You’d need to adapt to this world while you’re here and survive the pirates, politics, racial differences and tensions of the native people of Perle’ and the rest of this world known as VONN.

Will you learn of your trapped situation and make a life of it here? Deciding it was more interesting then back home or perhaps another reason? Maybe you’re unaware at this point and it’s all one big coincidence you and the others are here together? Either way you’d come to find life here was going to take some time adapting to as you’re seen as some lost begger sleeping their lives away on the beach. Pending on how you appear in terms of race, clothing and gear you might have determines your station on VONN and what you might do for a living or purpose you might have on Perle’ and how you are ultimately perceived by the locals.

It won’t take long to here talk and ramblings of all sorts, even mentions of these four races (perhaps even more....?) :

Shaman (Isolated, quiet and seemingly gifted with some form of old Magic. Often found out within the wilds across the different nations of VONN in charge of their tribe/clan of hunters and craftsman.)

Perlerian’s (Those from Perle’, a race of human that appears determined to explore and settle lands all across the world. Hoping to spread their faith, expand their interests and gather wealth often at the expense of others namely the natives who often show resistance to such outsiders once they appear as a threat.)

Talarian’s (A race of people known for their pirates, rum and history of War with the Perlerians. They have for years called Talaria home and explored the seven seas time and time again, causing problems for many and even befriending a local or two when they weren’t trying to get all they could by force and thievery or parley. While they came with their flaws, they true to themselves and held to certain traditions and respect a good wit, silvery tongue and sly ways they have long been known for...)

Ver’ (Not much is known about the Ver’ except for they threaten all peoples of VONN. A monstrous alien like race that tend to spread disease, threaten lives by their constant attempts to wipe out the other races. Few have discovered where they originally came from or how they got there or what leads them or governs... whichever it might be.... But those few have since passed on or can offer only so much. The Ver’ is one race capable of uniting the other often warring races whenever the threat becomes too great for one race to handle alone.)


Further works to come if enough interest is gained over time. But thought I’d throw this idea out there drawing from Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Greedfall as inspiration and attempts of a small original works of my own.

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