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Fandom WoF RP w/ Vince

"Before he sent you out to school, he never let you leave or something-?", Dreamseeker asked, surprised.
"nope" he shakes his head "they wanted to protect me from the world" he says with a sigh
"Protect you from the world?" Dreamseeker scoffed. "What are you, some kind of prince? You should be free to do whatever you please!"
he rolls his eyes again "yeah but a Seawing in a Skywing kingdom would not go over well" he remarks
He raised his eyebrow. "Wait.. a SeaWing in a SkyWing kingdom..?" This sentence confused him. He'd enever heard of such a thing. "Were you raised there?"
he nods "yep..." he pauses for a bit "my dads found me half dead after the war and took me in" he says looking down
"Oh.. I'm sorry." His voice trailed off. Maybe he shouldn't have been so nosy. "At least you're doing alright now, though!" he added with a small smile.
They arrived at the Healing Center and Dreamseeker came to a halt. "We're here."
he looks up as he snaps out his daze and looks up before looking at him "hey um...thank you" he says as his scales flash
Dreamseeker smiled. "Of course." He left Kaspian and continued back down the hall. Huh. That wasn't so bad. Dreamseeker had avoided making friends during his time at Jade Mountain Academy, but maybe... it wouldn't be so bad to try and make one friend. Though he wasn't sure if Kaspian even wants a friend.
As he thought, Dreamseeker began to grow tired. Today was a busy day, and he needed some sleep for tomorrow.
Kaspian heads inside and is immediately barraged with questions that he is unable to answer because of his tired state so the nurses just lay him down and....he cant remember anything after that
Dreamseeker awoke to the sound of his roommate making an awfully annoying noise. She was scribbling something onto a scroll but her talon against the scroll made a horrible noise, like chalk against a chalkboard.
And so that morning Dreamseeker was really annoyed. What a way to start a morning.
Kaspian awoke in his room (which he didn't remember going back to) With his side covered in bandages and feeling a strong pain where his wound was
(sorry for the inactivity- 😅)

All throughout the morning, Dreamseeker had quite the headache. His roommate hadn't made it any better either. He tried drinking water and getting something to eat, but his headache seemed to be going nowhere.
It was almost time for class and he had to get their before he was late.
Kaspian got up with a groan and looked around, it was quiet and he felt like he could walk so he decided to head to class
Once he arrived there at class, Dreamseeker stumbled as he tried to grab a seat. A couple of the other dragons in the room snickered while the teacher kept his attention on the scroll in front of him.
Dreamseeker's face grew red in embarrassment as he sighed.

Hopefully today wouldn't be a long day.
Kaspian was late to class but no one seemed to notice, He looked around for someone he knew before seeing Dreamseeker and sitting next to him
He heard movement next to him and turned, noticing Kaspian. "Oh, hey!" Dreamseeker perked up happily before grabbing his head and groaning in pain once more. "Good morning Kaspian..."
He sits next to him and winced a bit as his wounds pressed against his wings "good morning" he says with a smile looking at him
"Man, I woke up with the craziest headache this morning." Dreamseeker glanced over at Kaspian's wing. "Is your wound doing any better?" he asked, attempting to keep his voice low so as not to attract any unwanted attention.
he nods with a smile "yea thanks" he says as his scales do the usual happy flashes "oooh he's worried about youuuu~' he mind taunts and he blushes
"Of course! Glad to hear that it's doing better."
While class continued Dreamseeker found himself glancing at Kaspian more than usual. He wasn't sure why, but he tried his hardest to keep his attention on his scroll, which still had nothing written on it.
he tries to think of something to say as he looks at the Nightwing
(Hey before I post again, I wanna ask: are you still up to continuing the RP? I haven't been on for a week or two cause I was finalizing my school grades. But yeah, just wanna know if you want to continue the roleplay)
(Heya! Yeah im still down I understand we have lives outside of roleplaying!)
(Alright! Glad to hear :D)

Dreamseeker looked over at Kaspian and noticed the SeaWing looking at him. "Erm.."
Suddenly, he immediately felt embarrassed. Why? He wasn't sure. Maybe because he kept staring.
Before Dreamseeker could say anything, the teacher yelled "Class dismissed!". He took no time to grab his things and bolt out of the cave.

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