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[WoD] Heart of the Mountain

The being in the Alice costume, who felt very much like an Acquaintance from before, "To Escape this realm, requires another doorway, that mirror was one of many." the Alice Costume clad youthful 'elf' would answer, her youthful voice sounding a small tone off from the Waitresses Pitch. a slight bit higher and more youthful. but the waitress was nowhere to be found, as if this strange girl, had taken the waitresses place, with a common and easy piecing of knowledge together, it could be hinted that the 'elf' and the waitress were but one and the same. as if the Waitresses true form were revealed in the state, but it Seemed Caeda mistook her for a pair of women due to the drug or something.

"The fate that awaits you here, I will hide behind no filters, there are extremely powerful, highly emotional, extremely pleasure driven, and highly intelligent exotic creatures who have a habit of capturing and enslaving mortals for their own whimsical needs for a period that far exceeds the normal human lifespan, and well, time here registers a lot differently than it does in the mortal realm. the Whimsical forms of entertainment these beings will make you perform for them will often seem to make very little to no sense to you at first, and the Denizens of this world care not of logic as you would see it back home." she would continue to explain in an informative yet concerned tone with her youthful and innocent voice, trying to censor out certain trigger words by using terms she felt easy to understand and also doing her best to get her explanation across in a way, that while she sounded youthful and innocent, seemed to pass her off as knowing more about this realm than she gave off...
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Johnny's eyes widen as he saw everything, so much seemed to be happening that he could not handle it all. He felt like a kid in a candy store, a geek at his first convention, only not crowded with sweaty people spreading desists...Ok never mind we are losing the analogy, he felt really really awesome. He pulled out his phone hoping to record everything and... his phone was not working. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! Years of wanting to see something like this and I can't record it, my phone won't even turn on how the fuck am I going to take notes! I mean there's a fucking elf standing less then 5 feet away from me and I can't take a single picture fucking magical vs technology bullshit!"
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Meila had found her way into an old abandoned tenement a few blocks away from the Wonderland Casino and was up on the roof as night began to fall. She was cold, hungry, humiliated, afraid and alone, but sat mesmerised as she watched the sky bleed red before night devoured last the remnants of sunlight in a sweeping wave of darkness. She shivered slightly, gazing across the neon lit skyline of Lyre as sirens wailed in the distance, becoming a crescendo in her pounding head, relentless and cruel. She scanned her eyes across the cityscape hoping to find something she could go by to find her way out of this labyrinth of concrete, steel and glass; all cold and dead and yet, buzzing with the life of all the parasites that infested it, going about their daily routines...Going home to their loved ones...leaving home for their evening duties...or just littering the place with nowhere better to be, looking for something to kill the monotony of day-to-day life. Meila thought about this with pure disdain and it that instant, imagined the city burning in a sea of flame, searing away the plague of dissidents that would seek to challenge her cause...Dissidents that gorged themselves on the many pleasures of life, taking it all for granted. Even those less fortunate, infesting the alleyways and underpasses, huddled around fire drums, wrapped in tattered woollens and coats with faces weathered and hard...even they took their existence for granted. Not one of these insects crawling about in this entire city had ever truly experienced the level of desperation that she had endured.

"None of them deserve to be..." Meila uttered in a soft whisper, "Not one of them...Why are they allowed to be?"

Her hands tightened into fists and she stood up, gazing into the street below. Her fists trembled wanting to uncurl and unleash fiery death upon the unsuspecting below, too ignorant to understand their positions of privilege...but as her hands unclenched, they instead relaxed as Meila exhaled deeply, her face painted with a pained expression and a faraway look in her eyes that defied explanation. "I want home..." She uttered softly, her voice barely a whisper and cracked.

She shook her head despondently and stepped slowly backwards away from the edge of the roof before turning on her heels and making her way through the broken, roof access door and down the old dilapidated stairwell she had used to ascend the tenement. Making her way out onto the street once again, Meila glanced either way up and down the street in an attempt to recall how to get out of the city. Deciding the direction opposite of the Casino to be a good start, she made her way down the the street, her shoes clicking softly against the pavement as she walked a brisk pace, slightly hindered by the discomfort of her wet undergarments. As she continued on her way, she stole a glance of many a bystander, some with pity, some with disgust and others, mockery, though none with a word to share as she kept moving on, eyes forward with the singular purpose of getting away from this accursed place.

"What will I say?" Meila asked herself as she crossed the street and turned a corner, facing down another street seemingly identical to the one she had just left. "He was supposed to die...I was supposed to die...One or the other...both ways I failed...failed, failed FAILED!!!" She screamed as she passed across the mouth of an alley, causing a few tramps to glare at her in wonder. "I can't go back, but I can't stay...I need to find him, but where is he? Where did he go? He claimed to be the wandering guardian of the ruins, but those ruins I was just at, he wasn't there...Are there others?" She exhaled a long hissing sigh as she rounded another corner, gripping the sides of her head with both hands in frustration. "What will I do when I do find him? H-He was scary...Not what I-I was expecting,.. but he was an idiot...How could I let myself go the way I did?" Meila cried softly before stopping in her tracks, her stomach grumbling angrily in demand of sustenance.

She blushed softly before giggling at the noise, finding it amusing, yet understanding what she felt. "Yes, yes... I know you're hungry!...But there isn't anything here that we can eat!" Meila chuckled before catching a whiff of something of the cool night air. "Is that...?" She uttered as her stomach grumbled once again as if to confirm what her nose was telling her. "Bread!" She squealed excitedly, "But where?"

She started walking again, her steps rapid and her purpose now the pursuit of food. Following her nose, she found herself looking through the window of a night time bakery, ogling loaves of bread, pastries, cakes and other things she had never even seen before. She pressed both hands up against the glass, mouth agape in childish delight as she licked her lips. Leaving hand marks all over the glass, she hurried inside and glanced around, hearing activity out in the kitchen but seeing no one in the immediate area. Without a mental grasp of retail and services, she let herself in behind the counter and grabbed a loaf of bread from the display case and without a second thought, stuffed an end into her mouth and began eating.

"Thish ish great!" She announced loudly, her mouth full of half chewed bread. Never had she tasted such a fresh loaf and she greedily took another massive bite out of it before turning her attention towards some sausage rolls. Finishing her second mouthful of bread, she cast the half-eaten loaf aside and grabbed a small cocktail sausage roll and popped it in her mouth. Her eyes lit up wildly as she chewed on it and grinned ecstatically, "Wow!" She managed with her mouth full, her hands moving rapidly to cram more of them in her mouth...and it was then that she heard someone behind her...
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  • @Ten Fairfield @Umbrie @ValkyrieRose @Xistund @peace2all2013

    The birds swirled and turned, the four massive crows cawing out "He will escape! He will escape!" after Gaius jumped away from the hill and had already escaped. It just happened, and yet they spoke of it as it was something that will happen in the future. They weren't doing anything close to predicting the future from what the observers could tell, but they were referring to events in the present in future tense. "There we will find meat!" they turned in the acid-green sky, moving towards the group gathered among the trees, grass, and broken glass. This meant they already found it. Fate was sealed. The birds hovered over the unsuspecting group, but they had already made their presence known. However, immediately after this...they faded from view, disappearing as wisps of black smoke swirled around them and faded into the wind.

    Meanwhile, two figures could be seen in the distance crossing over the hill, but they were elevated and quite a distance away so there was a distinct blur and lack of detail. They looked to be standing on two legs, so perhaps they were other people?

[session 2, Scene 1 End]
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Session 2, Scene 2: Masters

Meila jumped slightly at the sight of the green glowing eyes, peering at her in the inky darkness as she turned to face the person that came up behind her. It was something that she had not been expecting to find amidst the delicious foods she had 'happened upon' in the bakery. At a glance, it almost seemed draconic, but her body wasn't reacting they way it usually would around one with dragon blood coursing through their body; and upon a second glance it wasn't a spell or form of magic that she was familiar with and guessed that maybe she had used some kind of magic to give her animal eyes or something of the same effect... Is she-? Meila was thinking to herself when the woman began shrieking 'thief!'

Meila recoiled recoiled at the pitch of her voice and as a reflex, moved her hands to cover her ears as the shadowy woman moved away from her.

"W-Wait!" Meila squeaked, more curious than annoyed at the present moment, as she had never met another outside of her own 'family' that could use magic before now... other than that accursed guardian... "Are you like me?" She asked timidly, taking a tiny step forward in the dark, "What kind of spell is that? I don't know that kind that gives you animal eyes... Do you know any other spells?" She asked with a childlike curiosity. "Please don't be mad... I saw all this food just sitting here... I didn't think anyone would care if I had some... But you... Are you a really like me? All I've met today are stupid, mean people with fake magic! I've never met another outside of where I live that can use spells... And you did it without using words? how did you do that?"
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"Oh, an Awakened. I'm sorry if I scared you!" she did end up making it to the other end of the room, but instead of reaching for the phone she flicked on the light switch and illuminated the room. The bread was shown on a metallic rack in the pristine light, and behind Meila were the tables and counter that made up the rest of the small bakery. Around the counter were glass cases that contained sweets and other specialty breads. It was completely empty besides the two of them, but the place was cluttered with tables that made it feel full.


The girl took a look at Meila curiously "Do you...have something going on here? I told the Council that I would be busy tonight dealing with all the stuff at the Wonderland." The girl stood tall and appeared to be fairly young and fair skinned. "You sound recently Awakened, I guess you don't even know the Council..." She had strange looking reddish colored eyes that still glowed with a pale green overtone since the spell was still active. Her hair was long and orange, resembling the color of autumn leaves. She was wincing a bit, as it was perhaps a bit too bright suddenly. "Did you just want some food? I'm really sorry, but you should have just asked me..." She was wearing a long sweater and a scarf that she placed on a rack once she had settled down. Pinned in her hair was a bright purple flower. She also wore long black boots. She looked irritated, but turned to smile slightly at meila. "Though, I guess you wouldn't see me so late at night if I wasn't busy." The girl moved behind the counter and went through a 'Staff Only' door, poking her head out from the door slightly, "Stay here, ok?"

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Meila gazed around the now illuminated bakery in wonder, her eyes also adjusting to the lights as they were turned on. She observed the tables and chairs, the empty display cases, the counter, the pastries she had been eating, and then her eyes fell upon the girl with the glowing eyes. Meila smiled as the girl spoke to her...She seemed friendly enough, but like with most others she had talked with that night, a lot of what was said was beyond her comprehension. She did however understand one word that passed the girl's lips and that was mention of 'Wonderland'.

Meila nodded her head in reply as she was told to stay put and began talking to the girl, not knowing if she could hear her in the next room or not. "Recently awakened? No... I haven't been to bed today yet...And I don't know what this Council is...I have seen a lot of stuff I never knew before tonight...a lot of weird stuff...Most of it at that Wonderland place you talked about just now...I was there." Meila spoke as she glanced around the store some more, "Weird glyphs on weird boxes...Weird cards with even more glyphs and a guy handing away potions that did nothing...Though there was a nice fruity tasting one."

Meila sighed and sat down of one on the chairs. "There were lots of loud people and there was thunder inside the place! There was a dragon there too calling himself the wandering guardian of the ruins. That was kind of the reason I was there...But lots of stuff happened and I was hiding under a table and then I ran away..."
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'Michael' approached a building--the building that held his boss and Johnny's editor, Julia. It was his time to report, though currently he wanted to just head back and...well, he wanted to drink tonight. Anything beat reporting to Julia when he had failed one of his tasks. The building would be closed, fortunately. It wasn't long before he found himself at his boss's door, moving as silently as he could. He would need a moment to recuperate himself, get his story straight, get under control.

Slowly, he raised his hand to Julia's door, and he knocked. The sound resounded through the hallway, and it struck into his soul. He dreaded the sound, though he dreaded more what he knew would come next. He mustn't think about that now. His story. Focus on Burns, focus on the Wonderland, his first task. Hopefully Julia would see it as the more important one.

The first part was easy. With authority, he forced Johnny to sit and listen, to accept that 'Michael' was there to help him. The excuse he had for stopping his deal with Julia was that he found a backer that was paying him more, and also was going to help him expand. The information would come out easily, confidently. He was sure he couldn't lie to her--she was too good at it and would notice he failed.

Reports of what happened at the bar. Most of this wouldn't have been on the news yet, though Julia may have an in with some of her other contacts. He could describe the woman whose aura was blocked from him, he could describe the events of the night, but his task to keep Johnny out of trouble had failed with Johnny waving a gun and threatening Burns. The information wouldn't be hard to relay--but how was he going to spin the last part? Johnny had nearly been hospitalized because he had failed.
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A man entered the bakery as well. He had bright red hair, was a slightly darker white skin tone, and a bit of a scruffy face. He looked around and took in the smell of baked goods. He enjoyed them quite a bit, though a bit too much. He took a nice look at the breads. He was clearly hungry as well, his mouth watering from them. "I didn't even know bakeries were open this late at night! I better stop by here more often." He looked for the employee though and couldn't find them, but he saw other people so he clearly knew they were there.
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"Come in." Julia's voice echoed through the night and she waited for him to enter. As he took a seat, he had no other choice but to do so, she looked at him, concealed by the dark of night. She could make out her long raven black hair and piercing red eyes in the darkness. "I expect you to tell me truthfully what happened..." she laid her elbows on the table, leaning in only slightly, but not enough to allow the moonlight to reveal her face. She knew he was deceptive, and it served her well when he was working for her, but it was a bane when she expected to get the information she expected from him. "Johnny didn't come back, so I'm assuming something has happened to him after I asked you to protect him." He drove a metaphorical dagger into his chest and twisted it. She wanted to watch him bleed, and the expressiveness in her voice showed that she would enjoy it.

The girl broke into a run, she was late in their meeting, it was one of the first times she would meet the person or anyone like them. She was unsure what they would look like, she only had a codename. Her track shoes skidded across the hard pavement, she wore a white jacket and a winter hat, to her this was cool, and she had to keep her composure if that ment looking like a giant ice woman. She finally made it to the building, checking to see if she was followed, she looked left and right and turned into an ally. There where a bunch of boxes everywhere, it did not phase her, she simply avoided the objects, until arriving at the rail.

She felt unbelievably nervous, gulping, her hands trembled. i could turn back now, and i could easily forget anything happened. That i didn't get that letter, and rest comfortably at home. she was feeling swayed by these thoughts, but then shook her head, stepping forward and putting her hand on the black backdoor handle that seemed like ice, and immobile. That was simply due to her sweaty hands. She turned it slowly, and opened the door, closing it once she was securely inside. Resolutely, and with strive she found herself in a storage room of sorts. "Is this the right place?" she wondered aloud, she bumped into a box. Murmured a bit of a curse, she then saw another room connected to that cold storage room, and felt the handle.

This way was best, it avoided people and prying eyes. For the girl, she prefered it that way, she did not enjoy running into people, especially when she wore this last minute put together. Her face was sweaty and she was in no mood to greet a bunch of people in her exhausted state.

She opened it and in due course found herself in a casual backroom. She took a seat, eyeing everywhere, she knew the person she was meeting was somewhere in here. i don't even know there name, why am i so stupid? This is stupid, i should leave. her thoughts continued to spiral in this direction. Yet she did not move.

After a second, she noticed a orange head pop out through a door, the girl raised an eyebrow and a smile came over her face. "Are you her?" she asked in hopeful expection, standing up from her chair.

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"Oh. There you are." The long haired baker greeted the girl. "Right on time~" Her high pitched voice was as sweet as a cake, and she wore a clearly fake smile that concealed her real nature. She stood in the freezer room, her breath billowing out of her mouth and her eyes still glowing a strange green. "I was just talking to the wrong person outside, no idea who that was." She sighed and then looked the girl up and down, a bit impressed by her figure and her ability to actually make it out this late at night. "You're a good runner..." She noticed her shoes. "Listen, there was an outbreak of activity at the Casino recently, and I had to call someone on short notice to deal with it. I trusted the Guardians of the Veil to provide me with only the best, and if you complete this mission...I might consider teaching you a few things. Please go there and erase any evidence of what happened there, fix anything that looks broken, and erase the security footage. Can you do all that~?" She spoke very quickly, figuring her new agent was smart enough to take it all in.
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'talking to the wrong person'

"Oh i see," she said, nodding at the long haired girl, "Nice to finally meet you," she said, it was a genuine feeling, she had anticipated their meeting for a day, the feeling of not doing anything in a boring house was horrible, but she felt that what was to be offered, a master and something to do, would be worthwhile.

take me on as an apprentice? these words gave her a haughty feeling, and she stood up in response. "I can do all that and more," she said, not certain she could accomplish such a complicated task in reality but she was all for trying, her face revealed nothing of what she felt. There were factors she would need to take in. How many people where in the building, and where was the security room? these questions filtered her brain, she then walked towards the door, "might i ask, what exactly did happen?" she asked, not turning her head back. Her sharp eyes turned to the side. "For. . . finding things easier," she said, hoping those words communicated her thoughts well enough. She felt untried, and the task at hand was something that amused her interests.
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@Aquafan @SilverSolis

"Someone apparently threw some kind of fireball according to our informant. It left a huge skid mark and he fled the scene after reporting to me. There was also confirmation of someone using an optical ability of some kind, like this~" She pointed towards her own glowing eyes that were empowered with the ability to see clearly in the darkness of the freezer. "I had to wait for it to get dark enough, because the police are still there closing the place off, but it's empty otherwise." She informed her new apprentice. "Chrys" She said, "That's my shadow name, by the way." It sounded like 'Chris', but also like Chrysalis or Chrysanthemum. The place was called Chrysanthemum Confections, after all. "I would go with you, but there are people standing out in the front that are acting very suspicious and I'd like to keep an eye on them." She hugged her own body in the sweater, already knowing she was going to meet someone in the freezer, she had planned ahead, and so had the woman in front of her. She liked the girl already, giving her a genuine smile this time, "Though, if you need help, don't hesitate to call me." She handed her a slip of paper with her number. "I'll be able to watch you too, so no funny business~" She referenced the fact that she could use Space Magic to remotely view her location from the bakery, as this apprentice would be aware. It was a complex mission for sure, but she had chosen someone she heard to be very talented, and so far she did not disappoint. Chrys took her leave, opening the freezer from one side and returning to Meila.

She was surprised to also see a red haired figure there and examined him quickly
"And you are...?" She tilted her head toward him, trying to hide how nervous she suddenly became around the man. She was shivering, her body still cold after leaving the freezer.
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Meila was beginning to grow a little impatient. She had no idea why she was told to wait but continued to do so anyway. Unconsciously, she started to rock back and forth in her chair and giggled softly as she got caught up in random thoughts that entered her mind, amusing to her and seemingly happy thoughts...Though really, she was only thinking about the bakery girl's orange hair and how it sort of resembled fire in her eyes. Someone else then entered the bakery and Meila glanced at them as she continued her rocking. She took in the man's appearance, but only his bright red hair stood out to her which caused her to giggled even more. She was about to ask the man if he too could use magic, but then the bakery girl re-emerged from the room and started to address him.
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"A man searching for some food. I never new that bakeries were open this late." He stared at all the fresh baked goods. They all had a fresh aroma to them, even if they were not baked recently. Still, he wanted them. If anything all of them. All the different types of food. SO many to chose. A small end of his rifle stood out from the back of him. Though it was mostly covered by clothing. Other than that he seemed like a pretty normal human. But little did everyone know that he was more than a human. A hunter, with sharpened abilities.

"I guess if you both need food, I don't mind giving you some leftovers." She was kind enough to want to help those who looked like homeless people. Though, in reality, her actual motive was to keep them here as long as possible and try to determine their identities. She tried to keep the fact that she was conducting a private operation here a guarded secret. She wondered now if there was some espionage afoot. She brought some more bread and asked the red haired man, "Would you like anything?" Her voice sounded almost sickly sweet at this point, too charming to be real. She noticed something bulging from his clothes and remained wary of him for the moment, though she didn't show her worry directly on her face. She did take a step away from him as she moved behind the counter to grab some leftover bread.
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He was slightly suspicious, but other than that he didn't realize much. He seemed pretty, well, Uninteligent. Though he had slight bit in him. "If Its bread, I will eat it." He looked at the bread with much eager. It smelled fresh, but it didn't look that warm. It had a nice softness look to it though. But he wondered, if she did sound slightly suspicious, what is up then? The food could be a trap. "Uh, yes I have a Question, why are you acting a bit abnormal?"
@SilverSolis @Karalexia

"What about you, do you want any more?" She turned to Meila almost jokingly with a sweet tone that somehow also sounded a bit bitter as she handed the man a loaf of dried bread. "It's hard for me not to be uneasy when two people show up to my bakery in the middle of the night." She spoke truly and looked the red haired man in the eye, taking note that he was armed before turning her head towards the gothic looking girl. She had spoken of magic, so she must be aware of it somehow, possibly she was a Mage the Council wasn't yet aware of. Worse, she could be an enemy of the Council who was rejected from the formal tutoring of their society. The thought continued to drive her into worry, and she continued to shake. Partly because she was still cold, and partly out of nervousness.
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"You really are uneasy! I mean you're shaking! Sorry if I have done anything, just well, bakeries, can't resist" He took the dried bread, staring at it and observing. "Uh, this is a giant crouton." Though he loved croutons, so he ate it still. Crunchy, how he liked it. He savored bit by bit, careful not to miss any flavor. He loved eating food this way, he could always get more out of it. He then looked at the girl more closely. She had a uneasy look, not as much nervous. He was a bit confused. Though he did have a giant Sniper rifle on his back, that could be a valid reason.
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Meila sighed, a little from frustration and a little from disappointment. The girl seemed more friendly earlier but now it was evident that she wasn't really wanted around. "Well...the door was open..." Meila squeaked softly, her giggles gone and instead almost looking ready to cry. "I just want to get out of this stupid place, but I can't find my way home. It's all too big and confusing, full of weird people and weird things!" Meila stood up from the chair she was sitting on and gazed out the window into the cold street, catching her vague reflection thanks to the illumination of the room and the smooth, shiny surface of the glass. "At least you're with me...You're always with me, but just as clueless..." She spoke to her reflection.

Shaking her head softly to rid herself of the sorrowful thoughts that began to plague her, she turned towards the girl, ignoring the man entirely. "Th-thank-thank you for the food..." She spoke softly before walking towards the door and exiting the bakery. It was a lot colder outside than she remembered after coming from the warm inside and she stood for a moment glancing up and down the street, attempting to figure out her next move. Sighing once again, she chose the direction opposite of the way she came and started walking.
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"W-wait!" Chrys ran after the innocent looking girl, who the Veil Master also assumed to be a Mage. She tried to stop her from leaving and yelled into the cold night, "Please, let me take you in! I won't let you out unto the streets like this." She thought about how easy it would be to get this girl a hearing in front of the Council in the morning, she would only need to make a simple phone call. It would be a simple task that also would make the woman feel very satisfied and generous. Like Meila, she shifted her attention away from the man and tried to do what she could to keep the girl close to her,. Even if she wasn't a Mage, she would hope even a normal human would be worth saving in such a manner. She would have to figure out where the girl would stay, as her hidden magical safehouse was not exactly the best place...though it would have to service for now.
He turned back to the girl. He knew that this city wasn't a really good place to wander alone. He also knew that the shop keeper slightly was the cause of the problem. So he exited the shop, calling out to the girl as well. "You know, It isn't a good Idea to wander the streets." It's a pretty messed up world out there and he didn't want it getting to someone else. "Come on, I mean do you really want to be out here in the cold? It isn't that good for you, especially if you get sick."
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Meila paused and turned to look at the girl. "But...You said you were uneasy with peoples around..." She replied softly, turning her gaze towards the ground. "The whole day has been long...I'm wet and cold, yes, but I'm not hungry anymore at least." She continued as the man stepped out of the bakery and started calling to her as well. Listening for a moment, she sighed and replied, "I am already sick...Father said that I was a long time ago...That I could not be better..."

Meila went silent again and looked between the two people, the man and the woman. It was beginning to seem to her that people with fire coloured hair were friendly and only wanted to help. She hesitantly took a few tiny steps back towards the bakery. "Are you sure you want me around?" She asked timidly, "Most peoples don't after a while...Even my family prefers it when I'm alone with myself in my special place... But...I don't know where else to go...so..." She took a few more timid steps towards the two, "I-I guess...If it's really okay that I can stay...I will stay..."
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Taking his seat, he nodded towards Julia. From her opening statement, he knew he couldn't get away with any falsehood--and she wanted to start with Johnny. "When I first got to Wonderland," He started, he knew Julia was direct--to the point, but he had nis needs, he had to tell the story as it happened, now. "He was sitting at a bar with a cop named Caeda. He claimed she had agreed to an interview--because I had business with the owner, I let it go. After talking with Burns privately, with a bit of fancy wordplay I'm sure you could care less about, he claimed that he stopped your deals because he claimed he had a better offer. You were probably aware of his motivation to expand Wonderland into more than a single casino/bar stop. Apparently the new group was giving him motive to do this. He nearly got violent, but I talked him down. Once our meeting had concluded, we agreed to meet again to discuss more specific terms. I told him I'd try to negotiate on his behalf, not sure if I'm lying yet. You probably want him out of the way, his temper flares up too easily. Anyway, Johnny wasn't at the casino anymore by the time our business had concluded, so I called him. He and Caeda were apparently back at his apartment ordering takeout--Chinese, I think."

He paused for a moment. This is where things got a bit odd. There was no way he could spin this that would keep him out of trouble, but at least Johnny would have a story. "I sat at the bar for a drink--something fruity. Some strange girl, whose aura I couldn't read suggesting she was supernatural, started yelling about false runes and how there was no real magic in Wonderland. If I'd had the time, I might have try to explain to her how this world works, but soon after, the barkeeper got tense, apparently because Johnny, Caeda, and their delivery boy had gotten back. Seems that the barkeep...well, tried to drug them. Caeda ordered him to make another Jack Rose as he had for her before, and as he was pouring a bluish liquid into the glass, the delivery boy hopped over the counter kicking it out of his hand--After Johnny had tried, and failed to do the same thing. As you can imagine, the guards began to take notice, and as Burns didn't know any of what was going on, I got in the guards way and demanded they stop--which worked, for a few seconds, until Burns got there and overrode my order. As you are aware, I'm not quite as physically apt as some of your other associates, or even yourself--I wasn't fast enough to stop them from tackling Johnny. Granted, he was the easiest target as he had threatened Burns and was waving a gun in his face. Burns kicked him when he was down before Caeda explained that Johnny was actually helping her in arresting Terrance for trying to drug them. Johnny got medical help, so he'll be fine. Burns slinked away from the scene when he realized he was dealing with a police arrest, I slunk away soon after it seemed Johnny would be alright. Last I heard from him, he said he had a lead he could follow on a story--that's presumably where he is. There was some other commotion on the other side of Wonderland, but I was too enveloped in trying to protect the idiot who threatened the owner and had armed guards attack him to notice much of that."

He was nothing less than truthful, though he was sure there were a few details he had missed, he knew that Julia would not care for the lengthy story, but would also understand that by asking for the truth, he could not tell it any other way and still be accurate. "So to answer your question, yes, I failed to protect him from harm. In retrospect, after giving the guards pause if I had talked to Burns and explained the situation, I may have been able to prevent it--but you aren't always thinking at your best in combat situations. Or at least, I'm not."

"I would like to point out, though, that you did not say to protect him. You said to keep him out of trouble--which he went looking for." He wanted to stand up and leave. Julia's report would be finished, though he knew he could not leave until she instructed it. He knew he couldn't 'eat' tonight because he hadn't succeeded on all of his missions. Seeing how Julia eyed him, he knew he couldn't have gotten out of the room without coming out with the truth, as much as the truth tasted like poison as he spoke it.

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