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Fantasy Why Am I Stuck With A Girl That Continuously Calls Herself An Evil Overlord, A Harmonia Spin-off



Adventures of Roland and Cecelia following their (sort of) agreement to travel together.

Situation #1: Cecelia attempts to fish.

"Now stand back and watch me in action, Minion, as I will provide us a great feast tonight," Cecelia called out from the middle of the lake. The water reached up till her waist, it was slightly cold but comfortable, enough for her to flash her usual winning smile.

"Witness my true power as I bestow my forbidden arts upon these unsuspecting sea dwellers!" Cecelia struck a dramatic pose and continued to hold it for about 5 minutes, and then 10 minutes, and eventually 20. The splashes and croaks that enveloped their surroundings moments ago slowly died down. Literally nothing happened.
Roland, of course, was not about to stand back and let Cecelia ruin his chances of getting dinner through her pathetic attempts to fish. Instead, he sighed and, as usual, began to tune her out as she began to wade into the lake.

Barely registering what she was doing or saying, Roland pulled out a few portable handmade fish traps, baited them, and set them up as he busied himself preparing a fire before they ran out of light. Around twenty minutes later he returned to the traps, having constructed a fire pit and lit a goood-sized fire in the meantime. It was only then, when he was retrieving his catches, that he finally looked over to see Cecelia still holding the same dumbass pose from before.

Grumbling to himself, Roland turned towards her and held up the fish, easily enough for the both of them, and called out to her, vague irritation at her useless antics written plainly across her face.

"I got us dinner, get out if you want some."

With that, he sat down to begin cleaning the fish for cooking while wondering for perhaps the millionth time why he was travelling with her.
Cecelia's concentration broke as she was called for dinner.

She noticed the fish, the fire pit, and the irritated expression; her face immediately reddened. He prepared a meal for us already?!.... A truly powerful ally. I cannot admit defeat now! I must redeem myself.

"I-I was just about to catch something! Do not disrupt my ritual, Minion," she fibbed and swiftly turned back to the lake. She could immediately feel the pressure to perform now, beads of sweat started forming on her forehead. Cecelia pulled down her mask and posed once more. This time, however, her masked glowed and her body raised to the water's surface. If an individual wasn't familiar with her powers, they would think she was walking on water in that given moment, when in reality she was utilizing air particles to form cushions under her feet. She walked a short distance and halted as soon as something caught her eye. "Hm, yes. You shall do," she spoke to the sea creature as she crouched down to it and encapsulated it in an air bubble she formed with her own hands.

It was a jellyfish. Unsure of how this was going to be cooked, Cecelia watched the jellyfish bounce around in perplexity. Oh, well, Minion would probably know, she assumed and excitedly waved towards Roland with a floating jellyfish above her head. "Look Minion! I caught us supper, too!"

She started making her way back to Roland, but was met with a loud screeching cry from behind her. Cecelia reluctantly turned around to watch a massive jellyfish emerge from the body of water - one that looked similar to the one she captured, but bigger and a lot more monstrous-looking. This was the kidnapped jellyfish's mother, and she was not happy. She started charging at Cecelia with yet another vengeful cry.

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