Anime & Manga What's your fav anime of all time?

i agree with revolutionary girl utena which is strange because i absolutely hated the first few episodes and by the 9th, i was hooked.

my other favorites are skip beat! (amazing characters, progression, osts, everything) and yu yu hakusho (this is the only anime series i own and i got it on blu-ray LOL).
Definitely close between Code Geass, Death Note, and Noragami. I would say SnK but I don't really like the show as a whole much as I like the characters. Maid-sama is also quite close to my heart~
I know it's just a Rom-com at the start, but The World God Only Knows really hits you with the Catharsis when you're not expecting it.

I can't just choose ONE.

Wolf's Rain: Perfect soundtrack by Yoko Kanno, with BONES animation team makes my heart happy. Yoko Kanno in anything makes my heart happy. The story for my was heartbreaking, and one of the few animes. I loved the story, even if it was confusing at times, it was pretty good :)

Puella Magi Madoka Magica: OH THE AGONY. THis was a great show! I judged it a bit originally because of the art style, but I'm glad I got around to watching it. I'm a sucker for beautiful music, backgrounds, and short animes. I fell in love by the second episode. A huge plot in a sense, that, once it started to evolve, it couldn't be stopped, and sure Rebellion wasn't great, but at the same time, I'm glad it happened!

Yu Yu Hakusho: My childhood. Can I say anything more?? Well, in terms of 90's animes, it's a tie between this one and Gundam Wing. :')

Samurai X: The movies were so heartbreaking. I cried too much.

LoveLive!! School Idol Project: I'm absolute trash for this series. I'm not sure everyone finds it great, but it's given me a little feeling in my heart, and I love it. I like that the issues in the series surround the music and the group, and all the stuff they go through. Not everyone is going to win the first time around! They definitely highlight on it, but it still made me really happy.
Definitely Yu Yu Hakusho. Oldie but a goodie~

D.Gray-Man comes in second.
I've thought pretty hard about this question, and my top pick would have to be Cowboy Bebop. The music, the characters, the gut-wrenching emotion. I also love Saiyuki for best character dynamics, followed by Outlaw Star. There are series that I get hopelessly addicted to and then sort of fall into a general "like" stance, and then those that bring back vivid and awesome memories no matter how much time goes by.
It's technically just a manga as of now but I expect an anime version to be released.

Tokyo Ghoul:re
Saint Tail was one of my first and was absolutely adorable.

Though I have to say my all time favorite has to be Your Lie in April. I have only one gripe with it, and aside from that I think it was an absolute masterpiece. c:
Hngg picking just one is too hard!

I'll do some top picks:

Death Note

Fullmetal Alchemist

Wolf's Rain

Attack on Titan
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters. Utterly flawed as it is (and terrible as the dub is), that was my childhood and I still love the characters to this day. My next choice would be Parasyte -the maxim-, followed by Blue Exorcist, Kill la Kill, and Panty and Stocking (there's just something about parodies that does it for me). Death Note, of course, is a classic.

(Not a) serious answer.
Detective Conan was the first unforgettable anime I've watched. I adore it up to this day!
Hunter x Hunter and Magi! :D

They were terrific animes! <3

Pandora Hearts would be a runner up though!
Too many ties....

Code geass, Hikaru no go, Deathnote, Hunter x Hunter and Tokyo Ghoul(mostly due to the manga which I enjoyed more honestly...Tokyo Ghoul:re)

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