Anime & Manga What's your fav anime of all time?

For a long time it was Cowboy Bebop without competition, but after I watched Psycho-Pass, Cowboy Bebop got dethroned lol.
Well as for my all time favorite at this point it pretty much a tie between Clannad and Magical Girl Madoka Magica for the top spot on my Anime list.
I was going for Aikatsu but now the show's ended (and it went downhill a bit in places). I'm a bit divided now.
I don't watch an awful lot of it, but I think it would be something like The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Ahaha I'm going to be that typical one that says FMA! I lean more towards 03 than brotherhood although they're pretty equal.
Dragon Ball here. Most of these I've never heard of...

But of the actual anime I've watched, probably Kampfer?
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Aside from the obvious choices of One Piece, Naruto etc. I am also really into Shokugeki No souma and Haikyuu as well as Kuroko No basket. THere are many more that I enjoy, but its these three in particular that for me stand out the most.

Imo Nothing tops One Piece though.
Ouran Highschool Hostclub, Witchblade (don't judge me), and Puella Magi Madoka Magica would have to be my top three.
I don't actually watch many anime. To give an example, here's my AnimeList (it's missing a few series, and not all of them are rated).

I'd have to say my favorite overall is Black Rock Shooter (both TV and OVA), mostly due to both having good art, great music, nice action scenes, and cute girls suffering. On MyAnimeList, I rated it quite high, but really, I have low standards. Also, I like it because there it's an anime original, rather than being an adaption of a source material that usually has better story, pacing, and such.

My second favorite, which would be my favorite if not for a certain thing, is Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (Sunday Without God), which is quite amazing, but is an adaption of a light novel. It's rather soothing and emotional, and almost everyone is adorable.

I also really like Un-Go, and it's probably one of the better anime that I've watched, but even after watching Inga-ron, I felt I was missing part of the plot, and I don't know if it was intentional or not, or if I just wasn't paying enough attention.
Epax said:
Iede wa kōrī
(Cory in the house)
Okay for real. I watch alot of slice of life Lucky star, Toradora, Nichijo, Ect. I do watch one piece from time to time and I have made binge watching pokemon origins a life form

Except that I actually prefer the manga over the anime. Forever petitioning for an anime remake done by Trigger

Going based on the anime alone, K Project.

As a bonus, my favorite spring 2016 anime is Bungou Stray Dogs! :o
Arta said:
I know a lot of people are gonna say Full Metal Alchemist or Naruto or DeathNote, but mine is actually Daily Lives of High School Boys xD
what about yours~?
Hands down... in this order: Princess Mononoke, Cowboy Beebop, and Ruroni Kenshin
probs Tokyo ghoul. the only anime to actually make me cry at the ending

someone ded
Sakamichi no Apollon and Shingeki no Kyojin ♡♡

I fell in love with the first one and I'm lost without it.
I'm surprised no one has said Hellsing... but yes, I'm torn between that and Fullmetal Alchemist. Shinsekai Yori (From the New World) is also another good unique one. In all honesty though, TFS's abridged version of Hellsing is just phenomenal. It kinda made the original OVA's a bit stale without the constant humor.
Now my favourite anime is Death Parade. I don't know I guess I get a hard on when I watch bloddy death games. (When they aren't Mirai Nikki. I thought that was over rated)

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