When the doctor strange was coming out, me & my friend were chatting of how fucking perfect marvel got it, by casting Benedict Cumberbatch, except we didn't get to, cause I said, Benedict Cums-In-Hats
Idea has been known to hide inside motel walls to jumpscare people Archdemon is just a really bored soul in hell Kabboom can't sit in any other position than a Slavic squat
David Attenborough must be a fucking Highlander, cause he's Ninty one and the only thing of note on his Wikipedia page when referring to his health is that he has a pacemaker
I think i've found the one comic whose content actually makes me queasy, And that's saying something?! I can watch a lot of messed up shit without getting too squeamish (I'm a conosurr of Zombie Movies, and the gore in Devilman: Crybaby didn't affect me) But Crossed is a whole different can of worms honestly. It's what happens whan Garth Ennis goes to his bad place
My fucking head man, the things it comes up with at times is fucking weird
I'm just right now, just thinking about Orks acting like the seagulls from finding nemo
"Waagh?" Waagh?"
Do you guys wanna play a game. Guess who I'm quoting?
When you rule, you gain knowledge of power. This can lead into impetuous irresponsibility, into painful excesses and that can lead to the terrible destroyer - Wild Hedonism
I swear to fucking god if I see another fucking weeb-inspired RP in the fantasy section. I'm going to flip my shit up shit-creek. Seriously I'm just in a pissed off mood at the moment. Everything hurts, I'm having writer's block, everything just sucks right now