Character Theory What's with people using images to describe their character's appearance?

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For the most part, this particular trope stems from old D&D armor restrictions that were implemented for the sake of game balance. Some people justify it with the thinking that elves take everything that they need from the nature immediately surrounding them; things like mining and smithing would take more industrial effort and create a greater disturbance in the landscape and their surroundings than they would want. Others say that plate / heavy armor in general restricts the flow or use of magic in some way or another, or that wearing leather and pelts brings druids closer to nature (or in the case of mages, wearing fibers imbued with the arcane might make their magic stronger) or that people that spend most of their time studying simply haven't cultivated the physical strength needed in order to wear heavier protection.

But this is not a hard-and-fast rule for all fantasy anyway.

Also, stone would be crazy heavy as far as armor goes, assuming you wanted to make a set that allowed for roughly the same amount of protection as metal.

Well, actually, I meant stone knives and such. I don't think it was mentioned specifically, but if the restriction applies to tools or weapons as well, stone seems like the next option when wood wouldn't be appropriate.

But yeah, that makes sense. That first explanation was kinda what I was thinking of, and since we were playing in a world of the GM's making, we just went with that in the absence of another explanation. Thanks!
I'm terrible at describing things. But if I can't find a face claim that looks like what I want in about ten minutes, I give up and just describe what they look like with the best of my ability (Using a format I came up with to make it easier for me). 

One of my favorite descriptions I ever wrote was from when I first started rping. It went "He looks like Anakin Skywalker from the 3rd episode, but less evil" One of the other people I was rping with took a picture of Anakin from the end of the movie, and photoshopped butterflies and flowers all over him. It was great.
I'm terrible at describing things. But if I can't find a face claim that looks like what I want in about ten minutes, I give up and just describe what they look like with the best of my ability (Using a format I came up with to make it easier for me). 

One of my favorite descriptions I ever wrote was from when I first started rping. It went "He looks like Anakin Skywalker from the 3rd episode, but less evil" One of the other people I was rping with took a picture of Anakin from the end of the movie, and photoshopped butterflies and flowers all over him. It was great.

Hey, atleast you tried. I'd give you a cookie but have a like instead.
I started using images on here a week after coming here from a roleplay site that i couldn't even post links on because of one simple reason; I'm complete shit at descriptions. Am I a roleplayer that only posts a couple sentences per post? No, pretty far from it. Yeah, I CAN do simple roleplays, but, in general, I post about two to four paragraphs, or just match the post length of the person above me. Can I describe a character for shit? No, and I never have been able to. I have to look at descriptions of characters made before mine to do a remotely good job, and I kind of hated it. Thus, that made Googling 'anime boy green eyes blue hair' and then writing a description afterward or just giving them a height very appealing. Of course, it's also had it's drawbacks, such as not being able to make a character with exactly the traits I want, due to the fact that I can't and do not like drawing. Is that a drawback I'm willing to live with? Yeah. Also, I use mobile, and 3+ paragraph long descriptions take forever and a day to type, and I can't post a WIP with half a description.

Occasionally, I really want to use a gif for my character, such as when I'm playing a child character, because it's harder to find appealing drawings for anime children. In that case, they get a faceclaim from an anime, which is generally Mashiro from... One anime or another. I can't remember. She's a little girl. Writing a description for a child just stresses me, and tends to end up worse than an adult character description, so that's right off the table. If I'm using a gif for one character, when I make their parent/older sibling, I'll use a gif, as well, because that makes me happier. Other times, I just really wanna use a gif of Gasai Yuno and I do that. 

Then there are the times that I don't know they're a faceclaim. Did I know that one drawing I used of a girl with hetrochromia was actually a drawing of an anime girl until I found the same girl when scrolling through animes? No. Do I care, though?

Speaking for myself, another reason that I use faceclaims is if I want to use multiple pictures. Say, while using BBcode, that I want to add pictures to each tab I make, or are required to. A real pain in the ass, but I have done it. Now, finding art that looks similar to some drawings is a real pain in the ass, but, if I use a faceclaim, it's easily available.

And, occasionally, I just can't think of something I like for the character and turn toward anime for inspiration. Or I'm doing a blond  guy and I'm like "well this would look twice as good with animation" so i find a gif instead.

Yeah, it's kind of lazy, but this is also my preference. You prefer coming up with things from scratch? More power to you.  
I started using images on here a week after coming here from a roleplay site that i couldn't even post links on because of one simple reason; I'm complete shit at descriptions. Am I a roleplayer that only posts a couple sentences per post? No, pretty far from it. Yeah, I CAN do simple roleplays, but, in general, I post about two to four paragraphs, or just match the post length of the person above me. Can I describe a character for shit? No, and I never have been able to. I have to look at descriptions of characters made before mine to do a remotely good job, and I kind of hated it. Thus, that made Googling 'anime boy green eyes blue hair' and then writing a description afterward or just giving them a height very appealing. Of course, it's also had it's drawbacks, such as not being able to make a character with exactly the traits I want, due to the fact that I can't and do not like drawing. Is that a drawback I'm willing to live with? Yeah. Also, I use mobile, and 3+ paragraph long descriptions take forever and a day to type, and I can't post a WIP with half a description.

Occasionally, I really want to use a gif for my character, such as when I'm playing a child character, because it's harder to find appealing drawings for anime children. In that case, they get a faceclaim from an anime, which is generally Mashiro from... One anime or another. I can't remember. She's a little girl. Writing a description for a child just stresses me, and tends to end up worse than an adult character description, so that's right off the table. If I'm using a gif for one character, when I make their parent/older sibling, I'll use a gif, as well, because that makes me happier. Other times, I just really wanna use a gif of Gasai Yuno and I do that. 

Then there are the times that I don't know they're a faceclaim. Did I know that one drawing I used of a girl with hetrochromia was actually a drawing of an anime girl until I found the same girl when scrolling through animes? No. Do I care, though?

Speaking for myself, another reason that I use faceclaims is if I want to use multiple pictures. Say, while using BBcode, that I want to add pictures to each tab I make, or are required to. A real pain in the ass, but I have done it. Now, finding art that looks similar to some drawings is a real pain in the ass, but, if I use a faceclaim, it's easily available.

And, occasionally, I just can't think of something I like for the character and turn toward anime for inspiration. Or I'm doing a blond  guy and I'm like "well this would look twice as good with animation" so i find a gif instead.

Yeah, it's kind of lazy, but this is also my preference. You prefer coming up with things from scratch? More power to you.  

Perfectly reasonable.
I don't have a problem with people using images for their characters. Be them from popular media or not. Myself, I can use images or I can use descriptions based on whatever my partner would like us to use. Is it laziness? For me, not in the slightest. Especially considering on other websites I take a considerable amount of time to edit and create a layout for my characters. Do I use characters from media? Unless it's specifically fan based, no. I will go find "original character" art work to use.

Insulting players for using images is pretty low though. Everyone has different ideas and different ways of doing things. Doesn't make them any less valid or any more lazy. If you like to use descriptions only, kudos! Make sure you find players who are in the same boat. 
For me it's simply easier. It's easier to form the correct image in your mind if you have an actual image. I can describe my character but the people reading it might imagine different appearances. If I use a picture it conveys what I want and ensures everyone's picturing the same thing during the RP.

When I create a character I generally come up with a vague idea of what I want and then search for a picture that captures the elements I want. Then once I have that picture I'll proceed to flesh out the rest of the character. I have no artist ability whatsoever and the types of people I tend to RP with (myself included) generally don't like reading seven paragraphs describing the character's appearance. Especially not when a simple picture can do the trick just fine. 

So I think the simplest answer is that it's just easy. People know what my character looks like and I get to use a nice picture, same result as typing up an elaborate description but less work overall.
They could take some time to change the image with words, though. Like, say that the character's hair in the image is brown instead of red, or that his nose is a little smaller.

I understand that's how they might roleplay, but they could easily make their characters different by changing simple things.

But why should they have to? You find it offensive yes but most people don't. Especially people who are coming at it from a years of using faceclaims. It doesn't bother them that their character might look like some famous character or some specific model. Many roleplays on other sites actively encourage this in fact. To the extent that some people won't let you join their roleplay if you don't have a character image in a specific style or using specific kinds of people.

So what I'm trying to say is that it might bother you but that's because your not used to it. Your used to describing your character yourself and letting them look like whatever you want to based on an image in your head.

Whereas in a lot of websites out there using descriptions is considered strange and bothersome. I can think of two off the top of my head where if you tried to describe your character you would be seen as a lazy person yourself. Or like you were trying to get around following the unspoken ( and sometimes specifically stated ) rules that you must use an image.

Not only that but altering images is hard. I should know I used to do it for other people on another site and it would take me hours and hours on photoshop or the like. And that's high quality photomanipulations. Even simpler stuff can take a great deal of time. Not everyone is that good at computers either and even knows how to manipulate a photo.

And once again - why should they have to. Maybe in their head their character looks exactly like Naruto or idk whatever anime character they're using ( i don't watch anime so i couldn't tell you specific names anyway ). Which again maybe they don't watch anime and they aren't even aware that's a character. I've done that before picked pictures only to have other people say - ooh i love that your using xxx person for your character. And I'm like --- who now?
Being one of those people who use images, I'd say that its part of being lazy (because lets face it we all have our moments). But mostly because some people have trouble describing exactly how they want their character to look like. Since they have trouble describing it and making it clear to other roleplay-ers. They use images to make it clear.
I don't think it necessarily means someone is lazy if they use a picture for their character, especially if it's an appropriate one. Admittedly, seeing pictures in an out-of-place setting (anime in a realistic world, techy-looking stuff in a medieval setting, etc.) annoys me a touch, but it's more of a personal thing and really not a big deal. I like pictures (especially art specifically for that character) because it lets me see them at a glance. I'm more than happy to read paragraphs of detail about a character's beliefs or background, but I'm not terribly interested in reading the same about a character's hair or clothes. I guess it's mostly a personal preference, but I almost always prefer to see a good picture whenever possible, though it is nice to have some written detail as well.

Random question... Why can't they use metal? I ran into that with my character on a campaign and guessed that they had some objection to mining, but they didn't seem to have an issue with wood or stone, which I'd guess would be similar. I thought it was an interesting trait, but I wasn't clear on the reasoning behind it.

Druids are themself nature and metal that has been forged into a weapon or a suit of armour has been touched too much by the city and civilization to the point that we can't even bare to touch it.
Well, actually, I meant stone knives and such. I don't think it was mentioned specifically, but if the restriction applies to tools or weapons as well, stone seems like the next option when wood wouldn't be appropriate.

But yeah, that makes sense. That first explanation was kinda what I was thinking of, and since we were playing in a world of the GM's making, we just went with that in the absence of another explanation. Thanks!

I just thought it was because stone armor's pretty... hard. Like a rock?
Pretty much every one I've been in hasn't required just a description.

Inb4 wave of complaining.
As others in this same thread have said, I'm really, really bad at describing things. Not even just characters - I couldn't tell you what kind of design that ornate table had because I just simply can't find the words to. My writing skill excels in character interaction and explaining things, like how magic works or what this guy did to take over that stronghold and make it into his base of operations.

So, when it comes to character creation, I always have used images. Is it lazy? Eh, well, maybe. But see, the thing is, I take roleplaying in particular in a very casual fashion anyway - Anyone who knows me knows I dislike post length requirements because I will always write how much or little I think is appropriate at the time.

That's not to say I don't put effort into finding the pictures though. It often takes a while for me to find an image I like. And, to ease your objections a little bit (Because I know they're coming just based on reading this thread alone) I will refuse to use pictures of established characters I already know of. Now, of course, this is in no way infallible - On multiple occasions I've picked up images of characters that were originally from an anime, and I've only ever discovered that after the fact, if even at all. It's just simply not possible to pick out as many pictures as I do for how many characters I have and not use one that someone, somewhere will recognize. I've even used a Vocaloid by accident, because I only knew of four of them at the time (Another Vocaloid I did use on purpose, though, because I liked the picture I found enough anyway that I didn't really care)

Of course, I, like anyone, would love to be able to draw my own characters instead of using images. But the thing is, my standards for drawing quality are of a very specific look - My sister is really good at drawing for her age, she can make pretty cool pictures using her drawing tablet or even just a number 2 pencil, but I would never use a single one of them for a character images because she's not flawless in that anime style I like yet. So myself drawing a character? Not really gonna happen XD

This was a lot more long-winded than I intended it to be, I apologize.
It's a combination of laziness, incompetence, and some kind of perverse character fetishization. It's an immediate disqualifier for me and this site should really hold its members to a higher standard.
Personal experience: I like to use stock images for real faceclaim these days. Because they look stupidly generic. It also allows me to focus more on their personality and backstory rather than appearance.

Part laziness, yes, but it's also funny when I can describe a character's appearance as "that guy you see attending the counter when you pay stuff at walmart? Ya that's my how character looks."
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I've started shifting towards drawing my own characters, and have also been on sites where just a written description was the norm.

However, I typically use faceclaims (especially anime style ones) coupled with relatively detailed descriptions to ensure that my partner sees my character the same way I do. Also, lots of anime pictures have a lot of personality which is half of what I end up looking for. 

(And I don't do it out of laziness) for some characters I will spend actual hours looking for that one picture that looks just right.
i use Animated Faceclaims, Descriptions, or Artwork and Edits made as gifts for me by friends. and i generally recycle images or use some of the lesser known anime characters like Kuroneko, Yumemi Okazaki, or Ririchiyo Shirakiin. i wouldn't use Sebastian Michealis because everybody can recognize him.  i might describe different outfits or hairstyles.
I'm very much a "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" sort of player. I don't give a flying fig about character sheets really, since more of the interesting development usually happens in the RP thread itself in a good roleplay. As such, I follow the trend without really caring one way or the other. If people use realistic pictures, I snag some picture of a Bollywood or K-drama star I've never seen before and use that. If they're using anime pictures, I find an anime pic (or draw it if I have the time). If no pictures are used, I rely on description. I generally describe them in addition to the photo anyways, even if it's just to get more specific about how they dress.

I wouldn't classify face claims as lazy since for me character sheets are just a quick reference anyways. I've always seen the purpose of it being something for the GM to look over and see if the character suits the world of the rp, and then later on a reference for the other players if they forget what the other character looks like and want to describe them in their post. It's faster if one can just look at a picture and get the gist.

(Alternatively, the use of face claims may just be a habit people fall into if they start out on sites like Tumblr which use pictures/icons as reactions to create a visual aspect.)

I absolutely understand how it can be disconcerting to see a character you recognize being used as a face claim. It always seems weird to me to see that. Sometimes it's just a coincidence and the player doesn't know that they're using a popular character. Other times, the player wants to play as that character and so uses the face claim (but tries to deny it since you don't see much use of canon characters outside fandom, so they're likely trying to avoid people criticising them for it by saying it's original).

We all know that not everyone can draw, and by extension, not everyone can draw in a particular style either, so it won't really work for people who like face claims to draw what they want their character to look like. Plus it's time consuming. Thus, if people want to have a visual aspect to their rp, they have to find pictures, be it recognizable or otherwise.

Some people like relying on familiar face claims, others like face claims that they don't recognize, others want face claims to be entirely original, and still others don't like face claims at all. To each their own really. Honestly, for me the "lazy" option is describing them instead of using a picture, because it takes me longer to find/draw a suitable picture than it does for me to just write it out XD
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It's a combination of laziness, incompetence, and some kind of perverse character fetishization. It's an immediate disqualifier for me and this site should really hold its members to a higher standard.

I agree, everyone should have to pass a test to be able to use this site, proving that they take roleplaying as seriously as we do. If they don't do everything to a high standard, and treat roleplaying as a job and be committed to it, they should be banned!
I don't know why everyone (or just some people) are saying I'm insulting people for using faceclaims. Calling someone lazy isn't really an insult.

I get all of your points though. It makes sense. I guess I just don't like to roleplay with a guy who uses a pciture of Kirito (or another character from an anime, movie or TV show) for his character, so whenever he posts I think of Kirito (or whatever, you get it) and not an original character.

Just my two cents.
A picture speaks a thousand words, plus it's easier for me to imagine a picture than a damn essay of a description
I don't know why everyone (or just some people) are saying I'm insulting people for using faceclaims. Calling someone lazy isn't really an insult.

I get all of your points though. It makes sense. I guess I just don't like to roleplay with a guy who uses a pciture of Kirito (or another character from an anime, movie or TV show) for his character, so whenever he posts I think of Kirito (or whatever, you get it) and not an original character.

Just my two cents.

So basically it's just a matter of learning context and how to convey tone. A problem with writing things over the internet it's often hard to convey tone properly because different people read  phrases in different ways. Not only that people have different ideas of what constitutes an insult.

As someone who has spent the better part of five hours finding or editing pictures for characters being told I'm lazy ( even if I'm using what turns out to be some anime character from a show I've never heard of ) is super offensive. 

So what I recommend to people who tend to be blunt ( based on personal experience of offending A LOT of people over the years ) is basically two things

1. never use a you statement. It makes it seem like your attacking people or putting them down. Instead stick with I statements - ex. I don't like it when people use anime images. Anyone else feel the same?

2. avoid derogatory words as much as possible - don't call things lazy, stupid, weird, bad, less than / better than , etc. Instead again stick to specifically the thing that bothers you. Ex. Instead of saying - are they lazy or something?  Just ask - Can anyone explain why people use images ( or if you want to use a "you" statement - For everyone who uses anime images why do you do it? What do you like about them? )

This makes it seem much friendlier and your not gonna get as many people calling you out for being rude. 
for me I post pictures because I'm used to doing that and describing characters which is why I like rinmaru, it's not the best but it is better then using a popular anime, not only that but I'm used to minecraft roleplay as such, generally I see a picture/skin of the characters all the time.
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